WHEW! See what made Megyn Kelly YELL in defense of the Duggars

You people defending the Duggars are sick in the head.

This is the same crowd who didn't think it was a big deal for Ted Cruz to make fun of Joe Biden, four days after he lost his son and the day before Beau was to be buried.
Cruz knew what he was doing and did it anyways, then suddenly apologized when he realized that a majority of people were seriously turned of by his comments, from all sides of the aisle.
These people's family values are in the toilet and this group protesting continue to make asses out of themselves..

Cruz was an ass.
Keep trying though, something's bound to stick.

well they've went to using a mans dead son for their politics. to dragging the victims of this case through the mud for their own hateful agenda.
NO honor in any of them

That's pretty lame Steph. People with morals are supposed to sit on their hands why people like you defend immoral behavior and you've done it twice in two consecutive days.
Oh the shame. :boohoo:

You people are the lame ones. and you backed a President who the MORALS of an adulterer. THERE isn't a damn thing any of us can do about this. ALSO, this happened when the kid was A JUVINILE...a KID and his records were SUPPOSE TO be kept sealed. WE all have a RIGHT TO PRIVICY...

I hope some of you have to go through something like this. SEE how it gawddam feels to have a your life spread all around so people can point their fingers at you....... your alls hate spewed about them is what is sick. and that HIGH horse you all have been riding needs to be SHOT you people have broken their backs

Do wanna point out one of my hateful statements about the Duggars.
Thank you. :eusa_angel:
You people are as low as a snake and make me sick.

first using Bidens dead son for your POLITICS of hate. and this with THIS FAMILY who DID nothing to any of you

can't STOMACH anymore
You people defending the Duggars are sick in the head.

This is the same crowd who didn't think it was a big deal for Ted Cruz to make fun of Joe Biden, four days after he lost his son and the day before Beau was to be buried.
Cruz knew what he was doing and did it anyways, then suddenly apologized when he realized that a majority of people were seriously turned of by his comments, from all sides of the aisle.
These people's family values are in the toilet and this group protesting continue to make asses out of themselves..

Cruz was an ass.
Keep trying though, something's bound to stick.

well they've went to using a mans dead son for their politics. to dragging the victims of this case through the mud for their own hateful agenda.
NO honor in any of them

That's pretty lame Steph. People with morals are supposed to sit on their hands why people like you defend immoral behavior and you've done it twice in two consecutive days.
Oh the shame. :boohoo:

They've got 19 kids, and out of that entire brood, it looks like one has a problem. The rest apparently are pretty good humans, and probably have a pretty bright future.
It's doubtful that any of them will be out torching businesses, or robbing any liquor stores.
More than likely there won't be a continual stream of police showing up at any of their homes using up tax payer resources.
More than likely most if not all of them will turn out to be pretty self-sufficient, as well as educated.

But lets focus on this one son who fucked up, and lets tear the entire family apart.

Well, tearing apart families based on the actions of one family member is kinda the norm here. There's the Palin kids, the Obama kids, the Bush twins and of course Chelsea Clinton. I think many posters here believe in no rock left unturned or "let's get everyone in the family".
I guess this kind of stuff happens to people who step into the limelight, they are in the public eye, good and bad. It comes with the territory, particularly when we have tabloid style media.,
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Just an example of more Libtard values........ Wonder what effect it will have on sex abuse victims reporting the crime now that they know their info can be splashed across the front page, even if they're minors?????

Libs don't give a shit about the victims.

Exactly. They wouldn't be bothering to discuss this story if the family were not Christian.

They are self righteous Christians. They earned fame off of that trait. You must see that.

You are such a victim. Christians are so oppressed.
You people are as low as a snake and make me sick.

first using Bidens dead son for your POLITICS of hate. and this with THIS FAMILY who DID nothing to any of you

can't STOMACH anymore

What a hypocrite, you are one of the biggest haters on USMB and everyone knows it.
YOU defend Cruz's behavior, like he was just an innocent victim and he didn't know Biden's son died! Biden's son dying was on every TV station, newspaper, and blog. But Cruz is a victim!
You sure like to turn the predator into the victim.
The family belongs to the Quiverfull movement, an insular christian sect that places a high premium on sexual propriety, often to the point of blaming victims for their own sexual assaults.

"This is not an uncommon occurrence in Quiverfull families," Vyckie Garrison, a former adherent to the Quiverfull movement, told Mic in a previous interview.

The Duggars are also proponents of the Advanced Training Institute, a Christian homeschooling program that has instructed parents of abuse victims to question survivors about how their own behavior might have prompted the abuse.

Sick bible thumping lunatics
What wow?

I never said that the girls had juvenile records.
I was referring to your other comment that what Duggar did wasn't molestation.

Told ya! Its not about molesting..its about who did the molesting.

Its the Duggars, protect the molester

How many parents would turn a son or daughter in ? As long as they tried to get the little bastard help, I don't have a problem with a family trying to keep the authorities away.
Get him help, that is so ironic. What about his victims?

When I did shit when I was living with my parents I was told to take responsibility for it. These parents did just the opposite for very grave actions by their son.

They got him therapy and they turned him into the police.
In fact all of the kids that were involved got therapy.
Inside the 'Treatment' Josh Duggar Received After Reported Child

Sometime between Josh's confession to his father and his formal confession to police, Josh spent time at a facility called the Institute in Basic Life Principles Training Center in Little Rock, Arkansas, PEOPLE has confirmed.

The center claims to "strengthen individuals and families through sound Biblical teachings and character development opportunities and to demonstrate Christ's love through serving," as posted on their official website. Jim Bob would later tell police Josh was in the program from March 17, 2003 to July 17, 2003. Molestation

So they sent him to an outfit that teaches what the dugggars believe instead of a real mental health counselor

The Institute in Basic Life Principles Training Center has been the subject of a local Child Protective Services investigation, and its principal, Rodger Gergeni, has denied allegations of maltreatment.

Last year, at 79-years-old, founder Bill Gothard was accused of sexually harassing or assaulting 34 women, and resigned his position at the institute.

The Duggar's decision to send Josh to the program in lieu of contacting authorities could be explained by the family's deep rooted connections to Gothard and his teachings.

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar have long been proponents of the Advanced Training Institute, a homeschooling program based on Bible teachings, which was at one point run by Gothard.

Sick freaks

Inside the Treatment Josh Duggar Received After Reported Child Molestation People.com

You people are as low as a snake and make me sick.

first using Bidens dead son for your POLITICS of hate. and this with THIS FAMILY who DID nothing to any of you

can't STOMACH anymore

Stephanie why did you post as your avatar your trailer house? You did say you lived in a trailer park
He's not a victim. The sisters are, and unfortunately since the left always look for a way to trash Christians, their names and faces are being dragged through the mud.

they don't care. they got to run some people down. that's all that matters
the next time they claim they care MORE for the children. just laugh and point to this thread

If this family were anything other than Christians, they would read about it in the news, shrug their shoulders, and move on. Since they are a big traditional white conservative family, and since they hate Christianity and anything traditional American, they will attack attack attack.
American liberals of today hate their country and everything it has traditionally stood for.
BiG conservative white families excuse Pedos. Noted.

Sex play between siblings is extremely common. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised it it happened to your kids and you're just being a hypocrite by attacking others for it. This isn't adult predatory behavior, this is kids with brand new hormones misappropriating their curiosities. And I have news for you with your idiotic "excusing pedos" comment, most kids who engaged in sex play with other kids do not grow up to be pedophiles. That alone makes your comments more than just stupid, but depraved as well.
A14 year old with a 5 year old is not sex play.
I'm sorry. I didn't realize you're an MD with expertise in this field of study.
they don't care. they got to run some people down. that's all that matters
the next time they claim they care MORE for the children. just laugh and point to this thread

If this family were anything other than Christians, they would read about it in the news, shrug their shoulders, and move on. Since they are a big traditional white conservative family, and since they hate Christianity and anything traditional American, they will attack attack attack.
American liberals of today hate their country and everything it has traditionally stood for.
BiG conservative white families excuse Pedos. Noted.

Sex play between siblings is extremely common. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised it it happened to your kids and you're just being a hypocrite by attacking others for it. This isn't adult predatory behavior, this is kids with brand new hormones misappropriating their curiosities. And I have news for you with your idiotic "excusing pedos" comment, most kids who engaged in sex play with other kids do not grow up to be pedophiles. That alone makes your comments more than just stupid, but depraved as well.

Extremely common? I don't think so.
Yeah, right? I have 5 brothers, none of them touched me. I have 2 kids and there was never this crap between them. Anyone that claims it is common is fooling themselves.

Ooh! Ooh! You've laid waste to my argument with anecdotal evidence! O tragic day!
that they don't care HIS RECORDS were released and was Against the law.

shows their hate for this family means more to them and they don't care about THE RIGHTS of any OUR children that are juveniles in this country. and especially the Unborn

they've become a danger to the rest of us
The point remains that sex play among children is very common, though steps should be taken to prevent it. But most kids who engage in sex play do NOT grow up to be pedophiles. To turn this into some big scandal is just the demonic Left being insufferable assholes as usual.

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