WHEW! See what made Megyn Kelly YELL in defense of the Duggars

You people defending the Duggars are sick in the head.

This is the same crowd who didn't think it was a big deal for Ted Cruz to make fun of Joe Biden, four days after he lost his son and the day before Beau was to be buried.
Cruz knew what he was doing and did it anyways, then suddenly apologized when he realized that a majority of people were seriously turned of by his comments, from all sides of the aisle.
These people's family values are in the toilet and this group protesting continue to make asses out of themselves..

HE APOLIGIZED. so did the duggers. SO GET OVER IT ALREADY is what you petty Bunch of people club everyone else over the head with
You can tell who the child molester supporters are, all from the white christianist party

NO Christians are for child molesters.
We are supporting that the family did the correct thing.

I wouldn't even lower myself to answer that stupid shit. that spew is coming the biggest hater of his fellow countrymen and women on here.

And they are lying their ass off... Like they always do to get a reaction. And keep post count going. Waste of time talking to these pieces of shit.
Just an example of more Libtard values........ Wonder what effect it will have on sex abuse victims reporting the crime now that they know their info can be splashed across the front page, even if they're minors?????

Libs don't give a shit about the victims.

Exactly. They wouldn't be bothering to discuss this story if the family were not Christian.

BINGO AND they could give a shit the damage they are doing to the victims in this case. That's some low low crap from these nasty bunch who has FORGIVEN grown MEN in their party for worse.... yet they claim to be the most TOLERANT of all people in the country. just low
Why haven't some you folks set up a Go Fund Me Page for Josh? Perhaps some of you can sell WWJD (We're With Josh Duggars) bracelets as well. After all, he is the real victim and his life is ruined. :(

He's not a victim. The sisters are, and unfortunately since the left always look for a way to trash Christians, their names and faces are being dragged through the mud.

they don't care. they got to run some people down. that's all that matters
the next time they claim they care MORE for the children. just laugh and point to this thread

Didn't you hear the crazy lefty loon on the video? Their right to know TRUMPS the victims rights. Period. They don't care who they hurt.
Why haven't some you folks set up a Go Fund Me Page for Josh? Perhaps some of you can sell WWJD (We're With Josh Duggars) bracelets as well. After all, he is the real victim and his life is ruined. :(

He's not a victim. The sisters are, and unfortunately since the left always look for a way to trash Christians, their names and faces are being dragged through the mud.

they don't care. they got to run some people down. that's all that matters
the next time they claim they care MORE for the children. just laugh and point to this thread

Didn't you hear the crazy lefty loon on the video? Their right to know TRUMPS the victims rights. Period. They don't care who they hurt.

they: ALL these people getting their JOLLIES off over this are some scary sick people in this country. and I hope whoever it was that released this juveniles record that was supposed to BE SEALED. Gets prosecuted and their ass needs to be run out office on a rail and into JAIL
Why haven't some you folks set up a Go Fund Me Page for Josh? Perhaps some of you can sell WWJD (We're With Josh Duggars) bracelets as well. After all, he is the real victim and his life is ruined. :(

He's not a victim. The sisters are, and unfortunately since the left always look for a way to trash Christians, their names and faces are being dragged through the mud.

they don't care. they got to run some people down. that's all that matters
the next time they claim they care MORE for the children. just laugh and point to this thread

Didn't you hear the crazy lefty loon on the video? Their right to know TRUMPS the victims rights. Period. They don't care who they hurt.

they: ALL these people getting their JOLLIES off over this are some scary sick people in this country. and I hope whoever it was that released this juveniles record that was supposed to BE SEALED. Gets prosecuted and their ass needs to be run out office on a rail and into JAIL

How come josh who is 27 now didn't go on the interview ,
Why haven't some you folks set up a Go Fund Me Page for Josh? Perhaps some of you can sell WWJD (We're With Josh Duggars) bracelets as well. After all, he is the real victim and his life is ruined. :(

He's not a victim. The sisters are, and unfortunately since the left always look for a way to trash Christians, their names and faces are being dragged through the mud.

they don't care. they got to run some people down. that's all that matters
the next time they claim they care MORE for the children. just laugh and point to this thread

Didn't you hear the crazy lefty loon on the video? Their right to know TRUMPS the victims rights. Period. They don't care who they hurt.

they: ALL these people getting their JOLLIES off over this are some scary sick people in this country. and I hope whoever it was that released this juveniles record that was supposed to BE SEALED. Gets prosecuted and their ass needs to be run out office on a rail and into JAIL

That police chief needs to be held accountable for her actions... I agree.
You people defending the Duggars are sick in the head.

This is the same crowd who didn't think it was a big deal for Ted Cruz to make fun of Joe Biden, four days after he lost his son and the day before Beau was to be buried.
Cruz knew what he was doing and did it anyways, then suddenly apologized when he realized that a majority of people were seriously turned of by his comments, from all sides of the aisle.
These people's family values are in the toilet and this group protesting continue to make asses out of themselves..

Cruz was an ass.
Keep trying though, something's bound to stick.
well well. did they care about the VICTIMS? freaking no because they had a field day dumping all over this family. I hope they sue Intouch right off the Internet along with you people who FIRST passed this around


Tonight, Megyn Kelly revealed that a judge has ruled that the release of Josh Duggar’s police report was illegal and ordered the police department to destroy any remaining copies of it. Kelly then went to her defense attorney combo to discuss the issue and it didn’t go well for one of them.

The core issue is the protection of the victims, something the law is very specific in protecting, and that protection was violated by the release of this police report. Megyn Kelly doesn’t take too kind to defending that violation.


ALL of it here:
Read more: http://therightscoop.com/whew-see-what-made-megyn-kelly-yell-in-defense-of-the-duggars/#ixzz3cCsTJ4rt
Josh Duggar is NOT a victim........get that thru your head.
You forget about the sister,both were minors there are laws,because of people like you.
You people defending the Duggars are sick in the head.

This is the same crowd who didn't think it was a big deal for Ted Cruz to make fun of Joe Biden, four days after he lost his son and the day before Beau was to be buried.
Cruz knew what he was doing and did it anyways, then suddenly apologized when he realized that a majority of people were seriously turned of by his comments, from all sides of the aisle.
These people's family values are in the toilet and this group protesting continue to make asses out of themselves..

Cruz was an ass.
Keep trying though, something's bound to stick.

Oh, I'm done ranting, Cruz isn't worth the effort put into ranting. (now that I have finished :eusa_angel:.)
You people defending the Duggars are sick in the head.

This is the same crowd who didn't think it was a big deal for Ted Cruz to make fun of Joe Biden, four days after he lost his son and the day before Beau was to be buried.
Cruz knew what he was doing and did it anyways, then suddenly apologized when he realized that a majority of people were seriously turned of by his comments, from all sides of the aisle.
These people's family values are in the toilet and this group protesting continue to make asses out of themselves..

Cruz was an ass.
Keep trying though, something's bound to stick.

well they've went to using a mans dead son for their politics. to dragging the victims of this case through the mud for their own hateful agenda.
NO honor in any of them
What is a Duggars? An entrenching tool or a brand of caramel toffee?
You people defending the Duggars are sick in the head.

This is the same crowd who didn't think it was a big deal for Ted Cruz to make fun of Joe Biden, four days after he lost his son and the day before Beau was to be buried.
Cruz knew what he was doing and did it anyways, then suddenly apologized when he realized that a majority of people were seriously turned of by his comments, from all sides of the aisle.
These people's family values are in the toilet and this group protesting continue to make asses out of themselves..

Cruz was an ass.
Keep trying though, something's bound to stick.

well they've went to using a mans dead son for their politics. to dragging the victims of this case through the mud for their own hateful agenda.
NO honor in any of them

Uh... Consider the source. Just sayin.
What is a Duggars? An entrenching tool or a brand of caramel toffee?

They are some people appearing in a television show WHO has no bearing on anyone LIVES. but to spew hate against them is all .
You people defending the Duggars are sick in the head.

This is the same crowd who didn't think it was a big deal for Ted Cruz to make fun of Joe Biden, four days after he lost his son and the day before Beau was to be buried.
Cruz knew what he was doing and did it anyways, then suddenly apologized when he realized that a majority of people were seriously turned of by his comments, from all sides of the aisle.
These people's family values are in the toilet and this group protesting continue to make asses out of themselves..

Cruz was an ass.
Keep trying though, something's bound to stick.

well they've went to using a mans dead son for their politics. to dragging the victims of this case through the mud for their own hateful agenda.
NO honor in any of them

That's pretty lame Steph. People with morals are supposed to sit on their hands why people like you defend immoral behavior and you've done it twice in two consecutive days.
Oh the shame. :boohoo:
I've always said that those who draw the most attention about another families issues are simply trying to turn the attention away from their own.

No different than the mother bird who draws attention to herself in another location to draw the eyes of a predator away from her fledglings.
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You people defending the Duggars are sick in the head.

This is the same crowd who didn't think it was a big deal for Ted Cruz to make fun of Joe Biden, four days after he lost his son and the day before Beau was to be buried.
Cruz knew what he was doing and did it anyways, then suddenly apologized when he realized that a majority of people were seriously turned of by his comments, from all sides of the aisle.
These people's family values are in the toilet and this group protesting continue to make asses out of themselves..

Cruz was an ass.
Keep trying though, something's bound to stick.

well they've went to using a mans dead son for their politics. to dragging the victims of this case through the mud for their own hateful agenda.
NO honor in any of them

That's pretty lame Steph. People with morals are supposed to sit on their hands why people like you defend immoral behavior and you've done it twice in two consecutive days.
Oh the shame. :boohoo:

You people are the lame ones. and you backed a President who the MORALS of an adulterer. THERE isn't a damn thing any of us can do about this. ALSO, this happened when the kid was A JUVINILE...a KID and his records were SUPPOSE TO be kept sealed. WE all have a RIGHT TO PRIVICY...

I hope some of you have to go through something like this. SEE how it gawddam feels to have a your life spread all around so people can point their fingers at you....... your alls hate spewed about them is what is sick. and that HIGH horse you all have been riding needs to be SHOT you people have broken their backs
You people defending the Duggars are sick in the head.

This is the same crowd who didn't think it was a big deal for Ted Cruz to make fun of Joe Biden, four days after he lost his son and the day before Beau was to be buried.
Cruz knew what he was doing and did it anyways, then suddenly apologized when he realized that a majority of people were seriously turned of by his comments, from all sides of the aisle.
These people's family values are in the toilet and this group protesting continue to make asses out of themselves..

Cruz was an ass.
Keep trying though, something's bound to stick.

well they've went to using a mans dead son for their politics. to dragging the victims of this case through the mud for their own hateful agenda.
NO honor in any of them

That's pretty lame Steph. People with morals are supposed to sit on their hands why people like you defend immoral behavior and you've done it twice in two consecutive days.
Oh the shame. :boohoo:

They've got 19 kids, and out of that entire brood, it looks like one has a problem. The rest apparently are pretty good humans, and probably have a pretty bright future.
It's doubtful that any of them will be out torching businesses, or robbing any liquor stores.
More than likely there won't be a continual stream of police showing up at any of their homes using up tax payer resources.
More than likely most if not all of them will turn out to be pretty self-sufficient, as well as educated.

But lets focus on this one son who fucked up, and lets tear the entire family apart.

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