WHEW! See what made Megyn Kelly YELL in defense of the Duggars

It’s clear the Duggars cannot return to TV

Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar's appearance on the Fox News Channel will go down as one of the worst attempts at damage control since that term was coined.

The goal of the kind of appearance the Duggers made with Megyn Kelly is to air your dirty laundry and put the controversy to rest. What the Duggars did was make the laundry dirtier, make themselves even more controversial and stir up an even greater backlash against them and their so-called reality show "19 Kids and Counting."

Scott D. Pierce It s clear the Duggars cannot return to TV The Salt Lake Tribune

In the parents' appearance, we learned that Josh Duggar confessed his molestations to them at least three times, and yet was allowed to remain in the home with his sisters after two confessions; then allowed to return.

There's no defending that. The Duggars let a child molester live with his victims. That makes them unfit parents.

And they're not being discriminated against because of their faith. The Duggars set themselves up as moral authorities, fighting gay and transgender rights. They've even asserted that gay and transgender people are unfit parents and potential child molesters.
Why haven't some you folks set up a Go Fund Me Page for Josh? Perhaps some of you can sell WWJD (We're With Josh Duggars) bracelets as well. After all, he is the real victim and his life is ruined. :(

He's not a victim. The sisters are, and unfortunately since the left always look for a way to trash Christians, their names and faces are being dragged through the mud.

they don't care. they got to run some people down. that's all that matters
the next time they claim they care MORE for the children. just laugh and point to this thread

If this family were anything other than Christians, they would read about it in the news, shrug their shoulders, and move on. Since they are a big traditional white conservative family, and since they hate Christianity and anything traditional American, they will attack attack attack.
American liberals of today hate their country and everything it has traditionally stood for.
You know this for a fact..............?

I know liberals of today.
Why haven't some you folks set up a Go Fund Me Page for Josh? Perhaps some of you can sell WWJD (We're With Josh Duggars) bracelets as well. After all, he is the real victim and his life is ruined. :(

He's not a victim. The sisters are, and unfortunately since the left always look for a way to trash Christians, their names and faces are being dragged through the mud.

they don't care. they got to run some people down. that's all that matters
the next time they claim they care MORE for the children. just laugh and point to this thread

If this family were anything other than Christians, they would read about it in the news, shrug their shoulders, and move on. Since they are a big traditional white conservative family, and since they hate Christianity and anything traditional American, they will attack attack attack.
American liberals of today hate their country and everything it has traditionally stood for.
You know this for a fact..............?

I know liberals of today.

Then consider yourself lucky.
You know...................I think the Duggars have paid enough. They used to tout themselves as a strong family show, but with a skeleton like this in their closet, they should no longer be held up as an example of such, and therefore, losing their show was a good call.

The one that did the fondling has stepped down from his family advocacy program, and I think that also was a good call.

Now? I say let them be, and lets start concentrating on what is actually going on in this country. TPP, the war, elections getting started and jobs.
You know...................I think the Duggars have paid enough. They used to tout themselves as a strong family show, but with a skeleton like this in their closet, they should no longer be held up as an example of such, and therefore, losing their show was a good call.

The one that did the fondling has stepped down from his family advocacy program, and I think that also was a good call.

Now? I say let them be, and lets start concentrating on what is actually going on in this country. TPP, the war, elections getting started and jobs.

It's oftentimes difficult to concentrate on political elections when the political underbelly climate is murky because of self-righteous, lying hypocrites. The infestation needs to be exterminated.
You know...................I think the Duggars have paid enough. They used to tout themselves as a strong family show, but with a skeleton like this in their closet, they should no longer be held up as an example of such, and therefore, losing their show was a good call.

The one that did the fondling has stepped down from his family advocacy program, and I think that also was a good call.

Now? I say let them be, and lets start concentrating on what is actually going on in this country. TPP, the war, elections getting started and jobs.

This is 'Murica. We can walk and chew gum at the same time.
Why haven't some you folks set up a Go Fund Me Page for Josh? Perhaps some of you can sell WWJD (We're With Josh Duggars) bracelets as well. After all, he is the real victim and his life is ruined. :(

He's not a victim. The sisters are, and unfortunately since the left always look for a way to trash Christians, their names and faces are being dragged through the mud.

they don't care. they got to run some people down. that's all that matters
the next time they claim they care MORE for the children. just laugh and point to this thread

If this family were anything other than Christians, they would read about it in the news, shrug their shoulders, and move on. Since they are a big traditional white conservative family, and since they hate Christianity and anything traditional American, they will attack attack attack.
American liberals of today hate their country and everything it has traditionally stood for.
BiG conservative white families excuse Pedos. Noted.

I'm not excusing anything, if the adults have broken laws here, fuck 'em, they can take the hit along with the son that fondled the girls.

I just bet though that most parents would try to protect all of their children as best they could, and would try to keep the authorities out of the equation if possible, and at the same time would seek help for the victims as well as the perpetrator.

That's not the story here. The real story is how the left has and will continue to try to bury these people because of who they are and not because of any crimes committed.
He's not a victim. The sisters are, and unfortunately since the left always look for a way to trash Christians, their names and faces are being dragged through the mud.

they don't care. they got to run some people down. that's all that matters
the next time they claim they care MORE for the children. just laugh and point to this thread

If this family were anything other than Christians, they would read about it in the news, shrug their shoulders, and move on. Since they are a big traditional white conservative family, and since they hate Christianity and anything traditional American, they will attack attack attack.
American liberals of today hate their country and everything it has traditionally stood for.

People don't like hypocrites. Hypocrites who have to put locks on their daughters bedroom doors in hopes of keeping their first born son out of their rooms at night. Hypocrites who knew perfectly well what their son was doing (hurting their daughters) but kept their mouths shut in order to keep their powerful, money-making juggernaut on the air. Hypocrites who lash out at others in an attempt to make them feel inferior.
American liberals love their country and believe all people should be treated equally.
American liberals are intelligent and choose to live their lives according to their beliefs, not the beliefs of a small-minded, smug, bigoted, self-righteous, lying cult of hypocrites.
There are good people who care about the disenfranchised and they show their care and concern by their actions of love, not by their actions of hate and intimidation.
If the Duggars are representing Christ, then I think I just slipped on his tears.

Every single family on this Earth has skeletons in their closet.

What does that have to do with protecting children from molesters? What does that have to do with hypocrites who continually spew hateful vitriol against the disenfranchised? What does that have to do with the Duggars?

Romans 3:23
For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.
Why haven't some you folks set up a Go Fund Me Page for Josh? Perhaps some of you can sell WWJD (We're With Josh Duggars) bracelets as well. After all, he is the real victim and his life is ruined. :(

He's not a victim. The sisters are, and unfortunately since the left always look for a way to trash Christians, their names and faces are being dragged through the mud.

they don't care. they got to run some people down. that's all that matters
the next time they claim they care MORE for the children. just laugh and point to this thread

If this family were anything other than Christians, they would read about it in the news, shrug their shoulders, and move on. Since they are a big traditional white conservative family, and since they hate Christianity and anything traditional American, they will attack attack attack.
American liberals of today hate their country and everything it has traditionally stood for.
BiG conservative white families excuse Pedos. Noted.

I'm not excusing anything, if the adults have broken laws here, fuck 'em, they can take the hit along with the son that fondled the girls.

I just bet though that most parents would try to protect all of their children as best they could, and would try to keep the authorities out of the equation if possible, and at the same time would seek help for the victims as well as the perpetrator.

That's not the story here. The real story is how the left has and will continue to try to bury these people because of who they are and not because of any crimes committed.

Perhaps you are just incorrigible and refuse to understand that the majority of people do not like hypocrites. In other words, do not hide a child molester in your home while at the same time pointing your finger at others and telling them they are sinners. It's a pretty simple rule.
they don't care. they got to run some people down. that's all that matters
the next time they claim they care MORE for the children. just laugh and point to this thread

If this family were anything other than Christians, they would read about it in the news, shrug their shoulders, and move on. Since they are a big traditional white conservative family, and since they hate Christianity and anything traditional American, they will attack attack attack.
American liberals of today hate their country and everything it has traditionally stood for.

People don't like hypocrites. Hypocrites who have to put locks on their daughters bedroom doors in hopes of keeping their first born son out of their rooms at night. Hypocrites who knew perfectly well what their son was doing (hurting their daughters) but kept their mouths shut in order to keep their powerful, money-making juggernaut on the air. Hypocrites who lash out at others in an attempt to make them feel inferior.
American liberals love their country and believe all people should be treated equally.
American liberals are intelligent and choose to live their lives according to their beliefs, not the beliefs of a small-minded, smug, bigoted, self-righteous, lying cult of hypocrites.
There are good people who care about the disenfranchised and they show their care and concern by their actions of love, not by their actions of hate and intimidation.
If the Duggars are representing Christ, then I think I just slipped on his tears.

Every single family on this Earth has skeletons in their closet.

What does that have to do with protecting children from molesters? What does that have to do with hypocrites who continually spew hateful vitriol against the disenfranchised? What does that have to do with the Duggars?

Romans 3:23
For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.

And there are consequences to those who sin and harm others.
Yes, Lone Laughter, this IS 'Murica and we CAN walk and chew gum at the same time.

But...............the news on the Duggars has no bearing on my life in the least. Politics, the war, TPP and all the other stuff does.

The news people need to lay off of the sensational bullshit and start concentrating on the things that REALLY matter or affect Americans.
He's not a victim. The sisters are, and unfortunately since the left always look for a way to trash Christians, their names and faces are being dragged through the mud.

they don't care. they got to run some people down. that's all that matters
the next time they claim they care MORE for the children. just laugh and point to this thread

If this family were anything other than Christians, they would read about it in the news, shrug their shoulders, and move on. Since they are a big traditional white conservative family, and since they hate Christianity and anything traditional American, they will attack attack attack.
American liberals of today hate their country and everything it has traditionally stood for.
You know this for a fact..............?

I know liberals of today.

Then consider yourself lucky.

That's the last thing I am or feel when it comes to the American left.
they don't care. they got to run some people down. that's all that matters
the next time they claim they care MORE for the children. just laugh and point to this thread

If this family were anything other than Christians, they would read about it in the news, shrug their shoulders, and move on. Since they are a big traditional white conservative family, and since they hate Christianity and anything traditional American, they will attack attack attack.
American liberals of today hate their country and everything it has traditionally stood for.
You know this for a fact..............?

I know liberals of today.

Then consider yourself lucky.

That's the last thing I am or feel when it comes to the American left.

Well let's hope when you need a hand up, a Rightie is around.
they don't care. they got to run some people down. that's all that matters
the next time they claim they care MORE for the children. just laugh and point to this thread

If this family were anything other than Christians, they would read about it in the news, shrug their shoulders, and move on. Since they are a big traditional white conservative family, and since they hate Christianity and anything traditional American, they will attack attack attack.
American liberals of today hate their country and everything it has traditionally stood for.

People don't like hypocrites. Hypocrites who have to put locks on their daughters bedroom doors in hopes of keeping their first born son out of their rooms at night. Hypocrites who knew perfectly well what their son was doing (hurting their daughters) but kept their mouths shut in order to keep their powerful, money-making juggernaut on the air. Hypocrites who lash out at others in an attempt to make them feel inferior.
American liberals love their country and believe all people should be treated equally.
American liberals are intelligent and choose to live their lives according to their beliefs, not the beliefs of a small-minded, smug, bigoted, self-righteous, lying cult of hypocrites.
There are good people who care about the disenfranchised and they show their care and concern by their actions of love, not by their actions of hate and intimidation.
If the Duggars are representing Christ, then I think I just slipped on his tears.

Every single family on this Earth has skeletons in their closet.

What does that have to do with protecting children from molesters? What does that have to do with hypocrites who continually spew hateful vitriol against the disenfranchised? What does that have to do with the Duggars?

Romans 3:23
For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.

I love when the christers post stuff from their goyim bible to justify this kind of stuff, crimes on credit crowd
Why haven't some you folks set up a Go Fund Me Page for Josh? Perhaps some of you can sell WWJD (We're With Josh Duggars) bracelets as well. After all, he is the real victim and his life is ruined. :(

He's not a victim. The sisters are, and unfortunately since the left always look for a way to trash Christians, their names and faces are being dragged through the mud.

they don't care. they got to run some people down. that's all that matters
the next time they claim they care MORE for the children. just laugh and point to this thread

If this family were anything other than Christians, they would read about it in the news, shrug their shoulders, and move on. Since they are a big traditional white conservative family, and since they hate Christianity and anything traditional American, they will attack attack attack.
American liberals of today hate their country and everything it has traditionally stood for.
BiG conservative white families excuse Pedos. Noted.

Sex play between siblings is extremely common. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised it it happened to your kids and you're just being a hypocrite by attacking others for it. This isn't adult predatory behavior, this is kids with brand new hormones misappropriating their curiosities. And I have news for you with your idiotic "excusing pedos" comment, most kids who engaged in sex play with other kids do not grow up to be pedophiles. That alone makes your comments more than just stupid, but depraved as well.
A14 year old with a 5 year old is not sex play.
You know...................I think the Duggars have paid enough. They used to tout themselves as a strong family show, but with a skeleton like this in their closet, they should no longer be held up as an example of such, and therefore, losing their show was a good call.

The one that did the fondling has stepped down from his family advocacy program, and I think that also was a good call.

Now? I say let them be, and lets start concentrating on what is actually going on in this country. TPP, the war, elections getting started and jobs.

The best thing for them would be to quietly slip away from the limelight permanently. The longer they're seen and heard the longer the left will attack.

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