WHEW! See what made Megyn Kelly YELL in defense of the Duggars

Told ya! Its not about molesting..its about who did the molesting.

Its the Duggars, protect the molester

NO one is protecting any molester.
What he did was wrong. I think everyone agrees to that.
He was raised right, enough to know that what he did was wrong and he confessed to his parents and they took measures to get that wrong behavior corrected and it was.
Now it would be another thing altogether if he had continued doing it.

He did continue doing it...and while you say you arent defending him you're defending him.

If you had a son & daughters, how would you have handled your own 15 year old son, if he had done the same thing with your daughters?
Call the cops...

Yes and they did the same.

Right after it happened the first time? The second time? The third time? After the statute of limitations? After Josh the pervert turned 18?
You can tell who the child molester supporters are, all from the white christianist party

NO Christians are for child molesters.
We are supporting that the family did the correct thing.

I wouldn't even lower myself to answer that stupid shit. that spew is coming the biggest hater of his fellow countrymen and women on here.
With that logic. releasing Jerry Sandusky's police report was illegal.
Haven't seen any Jerry Sandusky sexual-commemorative postage stamps yet. Yet he did "youth outreach" just like Harvey Milk did.

Those postage stamps are why the faux-outrage coming from the LGBT stumpers here at USMB (everyone knows who you are) is so utterly obnoxious.

Apparently they're mad that Duggar allegedly molested girls. I wonder, should there be a release of what Milk did to boys through an Oprah Winfrey surrogate? You just don't hear quite the fuss from these same posters when a man gets caught molesting boys...

Josh Duggar will wear the scarlet letter among his peers from now on. Harvey Milk instead gets from his peers a postage stamp in his honor and an official holiday in CA where kids in school there are required to celebrate his socio-sexual "accomplishments" (sex with minor boys on drugs)
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Why haven't some you folks set up a Go Fund Me Page for Josh? Perhaps some of you can sell WWJD (We're With Josh Duggars) bracelets as well. After all, he is the real victim and his life is ruined. :(
Why haven't some you folks set up a Go Fund Me Page for Josh? Perhaps some of you can sell WWJD (We're With Josh Duggars) bracelets as well. After all, he is the real victim and his life is ruined. :(

He's not a victim. The sisters are, and unfortunately since the left always look for a way to trash Christians, their names and faces are being dragged through the mud.
Why haven't some you folks set up a Go Fund Me Page for Josh? Perhaps some of you can sell WWJD (We're With Josh Duggars) bracelets as well. After all, he is the real victim and his life is ruined. :(

He's not a victim. The sisters are, and unfortunately since the left always look for a way to trash Christians, their names and faces are being dragged through the mud.
I don't know their names or faces...nor do I want to dig them up. Maybe YOU do.
Why haven't some you folks set up a Go Fund Me Page for Josh? Perhaps some of you can sell WWJD (We're With Josh Duggars) bracelets as well. After all, he is the real victim and his life is ruined. :(

He's not a victim. The sisters are, and unfortunately since the left always look for a way to trash Christians, their names and faces are being dragged through the mud.
I don't know their names or faces...nor do I want to dig them up. Maybe YOU do.
It's you guys on the left that keep starting threads on this. If these girls were not Christian, you really would have no use for keeping the story alive. Since they are, your leftist buds will trash this family repeatedly.
With that logic. releasing Jerry Sandusky's police report was illegal.
Haven't seen any Jerry Sandusky sexual-commemorative postage stamps yet. Yet he did "youth outreach" just like Harvey Milk did.

Those postage stamps are why the faux-outrage coming from the LGBT stumpers here at USMB (everyone knows who you are) is so utterly obnoxious.

Apparently they're mad that Duggar allegedly molested girls. I wonder, should there be a release of what Milk did to boys through an Oprah Winfrey surrogate? You just don't hear quite the fuss from these same posters when a man gets caught molesting boys...

Josh Duggar will wear the scarlet letter among his peers from now on. Harvey Milk instead gets from his peers a postage stamp in his honor and an official holiday in CA where kids in school there are required to celebrate his socio-sexual "accomplishments" (sex with minor boys on drugs)
I already know you excuse males abusing females. No need to repeat yourself.
You can tell who the child molester supporters are, all from the white christianist party

As usual you are an idiot.
Child molester apologist

Nope, he can go to jail for all I care. What you're doing now though is harming the innocent girls by loading up the internet with constant threads. They'll never have any peace now that you pieces of shit are going after the family.
You ought to be ashamed, but you're not because you hate Christians.
Why haven't some you folks set up a Go Fund Me Page for Josh? Perhaps some of you can sell WWJD (We're With Josh Duggars) bracelets as well. After all, he is the real victim and his life is ruined. :(

He's not a victim. The sisters are, and unfortunately since the left always look for a way to trash Christians, their names and faces are being dragged through the mud.

they don't care. they got to run some people down. that's all that matters
the next time they claim they care MORE for the children. just laugh and point to this thread
Why haven't some you folks set up a Go Fund Me Page for Josh? Perhaps some of you can sell WWJD (We're With Josh Duggars) bracelets as well. After all, he is the real victim and his life is ruined. :(

He's not a victim. The sisters are, and unfortunately since the left always look for a way to trash Christians, their names and faces are being dragged through the mud.
I don't know their names or faces...nor do I want to dig them up. Maybe YOU do.
It's you guys on the left that keep starting threads on this. If these girls were not Christian, you really would have no use for keeping the story alive. Since they are, your leftist buds will trash this family repeatedly.
You stupid ass.
Why haven't some you folks set up a Go Fund Me Page for Josh? Perhaps some of you can sell WWJD (We're With Josh Duggars) bracelets as well. After all, he is the real victim and his life is ruined. :(

He's not a victim. The sisters are, and unfortunately since the left always look for a way to trash Christians, their names and faces are being dragged through the mud.

they don't care. they got to run some people down. that's all that matters
I think people like you that excuse pedos should be run down.
I wish people got as upset at child molesters as they do about the OP.

The act is disturbing but as you can see, its ok depending on who the molester is to some people.

Yeah yeah, you're not saying its ok....you're just more upset at a leak than a little girl being traumatized..Sure sure, right right
Megan Kelly was apparently foaming at the mouth in Duggar's defense. Not sure why FOX even keeps her around.

NO she wasn't.
According to stephanie she was.

She was passionate as always. Nobody claimed she was foaming at the mouth.

Stop lying, Leftists!
With that logic. releasing Jerry Sandusky's police report was illegal.
Haven't seen any Jerry Sandusky sexual-commemorative postage stamps yet. Yet he did "youth outreach" just like Harvey Milk did.

Those postage stamps are why the faux-outrage coming from the LGBT stumpers here at USMB (everyone knows who you are) is so utterly obnoxious.

Apparently they're mad that Duggar allegedly molested girls. I wonder, should there be a release of what Milk did to boys through an Oprah Winfrey surrogate? You just don't hear quite the fuss from these same posters when a man gets caught molesting boys...

Josh Duggar will wear the scarlet letter among his peers from now on. Harvey Milk instead gets from his peers a postage stamp in his honor and an official holiday in CA where kids in school there are required to celebrate his socio-sexual "accomplishments" (sex with minor boys on drugs)
I already know you excuse males abusing females. No need to repeat yourself.

Well I guess the part in bold that you obscured with the disappearing quote function here at USMB sort of erases your baseless ad hominem. Why not include that in the visible quote next time? Or, god forbid, read what I wrote before you comment on it?
With that logic. releasing Jerry Sandusky's police report was illegal.
Haven't seen any Jerry Sandusky sexual-commemorative postage stamps yet. Yet he did "youth outreach" just like Harvey Milk did.

Those postage stamps are why the faux-outrage coming from the LGBT stumpers here at USMB (everyone knows who you are) is so utterly obnoxious.

Apparently they're mad that Duggar allegedly molested girls. I wonder, should there be a release of what Milk did to boys through an Oprah Winfrey surrogate? You just don't hear quite the fuss from these same posters when a man gets caught molesting boys...

Josh Duggar will wear the scarlet letter among his peers from now on. Harvey Milk instead gets from his peers a postage stamp in his honor and an official holiday in CA where kids in school there are required to celebrate his socio-sexual "accomplishments" (sex with minor boys on drugs)
I already know you excuse males abusing females. No need to repeat yourself.

Well I guess the part in bold that you obscured with the disappearing quote function here at USMB sort of erases your baseless ad hominem. Why not include that in the visible quote next time? Or, god forbid, read what I wrote before you comment on it?
I quoted your entire post and noted that you excuse males abusing female children.

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