WHEW! See what made Megyn Kelly YELL in defense of the Duggars

Why haven't some you folks set up a Go Fund Me Page for Josh? Perhaps some of you can sell WWJD (We're With Josh Duggars) bracelets as well. After all, he is the real victim and his life is ruined. :(

He's not a victim. The sisters are, and unfortunately since the left always look for a way to trash Christians, their names and faces are being dragged through the mud.

they don't care. they got to run some people down. that's all that matters
the next time they claim they care MORE for the children. just laugh and point to this thread

If this family were anything other than Christians, they would read about it in the news, shrug their shoulders, and move on. Since they are a big traditional white conservative family, and since they hate Christianity and anything traditional American, they will attack attack attack.
American liberals of today hate their country and everything it has traditionally stood for.
Why haven't some you folks set up a Go Fund Me Page for Josh? Perhaps some of you can sell WWJD (We're With Josh Duggars) bracelets as well. After all, he is the real victim and his life is ruined. :(

He's not a victim. The sisters are, and unfortunately since the left always look for a way to trash Christians, their names and faces are being dragged through the mud.
I don't know their names or faces...nor do I want to dig them up. Maybe YOU do.
It's you guys on the left that keep starting threads on this. If these girls were not Christian, you really would have no use for keeping the story alive. Since they are, your leftist buds will trash this family repeatedly.
You stupid ass.

Why haven't some you folks set up a Go Fund Me Page for Josh? Perhaps some of you can sell WWJD (We're With Josh Duggars) bracelets as well. After all, he is the real victim and his life is ruined. :(

He's not a victim. The sisters are, and unfortunately since the left always look for a way to trash Christians, their names and faces are being dragged through the mud.

they don't care. they got to run some people down. that's all that matters
the next time they claim they care MORE for the children. just laugh and point to this thread

If this family were anything other than Christians, they would read about it in the news, shrug their shoulders, and move on. Since they are a big traditional white conservative family, and since they hate Christianity and anything traditional American, they will attack attack attack.
American liberals of today hate their country and everything it has traditionally stood for.
You know this for a fact..............?
Why haven't some you folks set up a Go Fund Me Page for Josh? Perhaps some of you can sell WWJD (We're With Josh Duggars) bracelets as well. After all, he is the real victim and his life is ruined. :(

He's not a victim. The sisters are, and unfortunately since the left always look for a way to trash Christians, their names and faces are being dragged through the mud.

they don't care. they got to run some people down. that's all that matters
the next time they claim they care MORE for the children. just laugh and point to this thread

If this family were anything other than Christians, they would read about it in the news, shrug their shoulders, and move on. Since they are a big traditional white conservative family, and since they hate Christianity and anything traditional American, they will attack attack attack.
American liberals of today hate their country and everything it has traditionally stood for.
BiG conservative white families excuse Pedos. Noted.
Depends on what you think is molesting.
14 year old males copping a feel of boob while girls are still clothed is not my idea of actual molesting.
Where did I say that?
Just wow.

What wow?

I never said that the girls had juvenile records.
I was referring to your other comment that what Duggar did wasn't molestation.

Told ya! Its not about molesting..its about who did the molesting.

Its the Duggars, protect the molester

How many parents would turn a son or daughter in ? As long as they tried to get the little bastard help, I don't have a problem with a family trying to keep the authorities away.

I don't know if I agree with that. I have 4 kids, 3 boys ages 11, 7, and 1, and a 3 year old girl. And unlike most parents (it seems) who wait until something happens, we've talked and continue to reinforce what is and isn't appropriate touching. I would hope with all this due diligence, nothing will ever happen. But if it did, I would involve the police because soft handling this kind of thing can protect a growing monster and way too many parents do this and unleash that monster on society. We see this time and time again how serial killers or child molesters had warning flags in their past that nobody took seriously and then as an adult, with their sickness protected and cultivated to maturity, they begin to hurt others.

Not only do I think that police should be involved EVERY TIME there is sexual battery of a minor, but I think that anyone who conceals it should be prosecuted. We've seen too many examples of what disasters loom when families and organizations try to handle this "in house". Child molesting rings in the Jehovah Witnesses, generational child abuse in the Catholic Church, and sexual abuse of boys at Penn State are just a few examples of people taking matters into their own hands in a way that doesn't stop the abuse but protects and perpetuates it. This has got to stop.
I wish people got as upset at child molesters as they do about the OP.

The act is disturbing but as you can see, its ok depending on who the molester is to some people.

Yeah yeah, you're not saying its ok....you're just more upset at a leak than a little girl being traumatized..Sure sure, right right
Megan Kelly was apparently foaming at the mouth in Duggar's defense. Not sure why FOX even keeps her around.

Shes pretty and has no problem with showing leg
Good point. Maybe she thinks males molesting little girls is part of nature's way and therefore acceptable.

Depends on what you think is molesting.
14 year old males copping a feel of boob while girls are still clothed is not my idea of actual molesting.
The police report was dated 2006 when he was 18.

But you seem confused. The OP was saying that the police report shouldn't have been released because the victims were minors making the release illegal.

I said, with that logic, Jerry Sandusky's police report should have been illegal to release.

They were all juveniles at the time of the incidents.

The police report release from 2006 was not illegal.
Correct. It was not illegal to release the 2006 police report. But the OP and the bimbo quoted in it are making that claim.

NO Megan is saying that juvenile records should be kept sealed.
Oh, and by the way, the little girls don't have juvenile records.

Where did I say that?

Depends on what we think is molesting?

That's rich.
Why haven't some you folks set up a Go Fund Me Page for Josh? Perhaps some of you can sell WWJD (We're With Josh Duggars) bracelets as well. After all, he is the real victim and his life is ruined. :(

He's not a victim. The sisters are, and unfortunately since the left always look for a way to trash Christians, their names and faces are being dragged through the mud.

they don't care. they got to run some people down. that's all that matters
the next time they claim they care MORE for the children. just laugh and point to this thread

If this family were anything other than Christians, they would read about it in the news, shrug their shoulders, and move on. Since they are a big traditional white conservative family, and since they hate Christianity and anything traditional American, they will attack attack attack.
American liberals of today hate their country and everything it has traditionally stood for.
BiG conservative white families excuse Pedos. Noted.

Sex play between siblings is extremely common. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised it it happened to your kids and you're just being a hypocrite by attacking others for it. This isn't adult predatory behavior, this is kids with brand new hormones misappropriating their curiosities. And I have news for you with your idiotic "excusing pedos" comment, most kids who engaged in sex play with other kids do not grow up to be pedophiles. That alone makes your comments more than just stupid, but depraved as well.
What wow?

I never said that the girls had juvenile records.
I was referring to your other comment that what Duggar did wasn't molestation.

Told ya! Its not about molesting..its about who did the molesting.

Its the Duggars, protect the molester

How many parents would turn a son or daughter in ? As long as they tried to get the little bastard help, I don't have a problem with a family trying to keep the authorities away.
Get him help, that is so ironic. What about his victims?

When I did shit when I was living with my parents I was told to take responsibility for it. These parents did just the opposite for very grave actions by their son.

They got him therapy and they turned him into the police.
In fact all of the kids that were involved got therapy.

Holy shit. Would you like to play poker?
Depends on what you think is molesting.
14 year old males copping a feel of boob while girls are still clothed is not my idea of actual molesting.
If feeling up young girls, five of them, four of them sisters and one of them only 5-years-old, while they sleep, among other places, isn't molesting then what is?

I did not hear that one was 5.
Where was that information from?
Only an underage child can make the request to a judge to have the records destroyed, and that was done meaning 12 years ago, when the abuse happened, she was five or under. Like this, although it could have been a girl not in the family however the age is correct since only a juvenile can make such a request.

Monday Morning Coffee Talk The Duggars - No Bohn s About it

All of them at the time it happened was juveniles in 2002 and 03.

With that logic. releasing Jerry Sandusky's police report was illegal.
Haven't seen any Jerry Sandusky sexual-commemorative postage stamps yet. Yet he did "youth outreach" just like Harvey Milk did.

Those postage stamps are why the faux-outrage coming from the LGBT stumpers here at USMB (everyone knows who you are) is so utterly obnoxious.

Apparently they're mad that Duggar allegedly molested girls. I wonder, should there be a release of what Milk did to boys through an Oprah Winfrey surrogate? You just don't hear quite the fuss from these same posters when a man gets caught molesting boys...

Josh Duggar will wear the scarlet letter among his peers from now on. Harvey Milk instead gets from his peers a postage stamp in his honor and an official holiday in CA where kids in school there are required to celebrate his socio-sexual "accomplishments" (sex with minor boys on drugs)
I already know you excuse males abusing females. No need to repeat yourself.

Well I guess the part in bold that you obscured with the disappearing quote function here at USMB sort of erases your baseless ad hominem. Why not include that in the visible quote next time? Or, god forbid, read what I wrote before you comment on it?

that is the reason I have no tolerance for these people who go around putting everyone else down as if they are some SAINT. they are such TWO faced hypocrites. they should worry over their own short comings in life. but it's easier to DUMP on others instead
Why haven't some you folks set up a Go Fund Me Page for Josh? Perhaps some of you can sell WWJD (We're With Josh Duggars) bracelets as well. After all, he is the real victim and his life is ruined. :(

He's not a victim. The sisters are, and unfortunately since the left always look for a way to trash Christians, their names and faces are being dragged through the mud.

they don't care. they got to run some people down. that's all that matters
the next time they claim they care MORE for the children. just laugh and point to this thread

If this family were anything other than Christians, they would read about it in the news, shrug their shoulders, and move on. Since they are a big traditional white conservative family, and since they hate Christianity and anything traditional American, they will attack attack attack.
American liberals of today hate their country and everything it has traditionally stood for.
BiG conservative white families excuse Pedos. Noted.

Sex play between siblings is extremely common. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised it it happened to your kids and you're just being a hypocrite by attacking others for it. This isn't adult predatory behavior, this is kids with brand new hormones misappropriating their curiosities. And I have news for you with your idiotic "excusing pedos" comment, most kids who engaged in sex play with other kids do not grow up to be pedophiles. That alone makes your comments more than just stupid, but depraved as well.

Extremely common? I don't think so.
With that logic. releasing Jerry Sandusky's police report was illegal.
Haven't seen any Jerry Sandusky sexual-commemorative postage stamps yet. Yet he did "youth outreach" just like Harvey Milk did.

Those postage stamps are why the faux-outrage coming from the LGBT stumpers here at USMB (everyone knows who you are) is so utterly obnoxious.

Apparently they're mad that Duggar allegedly molested girls. I wonder, should there be a release of what Milk did to boys through an Oprah Winfrey surrogate? You just don't hear quite the fuss from these same posters when a man gets caught molesting boys...

Josh Duggar will wear the scarlet letter among his peers from now on. Harvey Milk instead gets from his peers a postage stamp in his honor and an official holiday in CA where kids in school there are required to celebrate his socio-sexual "accomplishments" (sex with minor boys on drugs)
I already know you excuse males abusing females. No need to repeat yourself.

Well I guess the part in bold that you obscured with the disappearing quote function here at USMB sort of erases your baseless ad hominem. Why not include that in the visible quote next time? Or, god forbid, read what I wrote before you comment on it?

that is the reason I have no tolerance for these people who go around putting everyone else down as if they are some SAINT. they are such TWO faced hypocrites.

No kidding. It would surprise me not if at least half the Leftwats criticizing the Duggars have themselves engaged in sex play as kids. It's that common. Hypocrisy is so prevalent on the Left, they don't even feel a hint of shame at attacking others for something they aren't themselves completely innocent of.
With that logic. releasing Jerry Sandusky's police report was illegal.
Haven't seen any Jerry Sandusky sexual-commemorative postage stamps yet. Yet he did "youth outreach" just like Harvey Milk did.

Those postage stamps are why the faux-outrage coming from the LGBT stumpers here at USMB (everyone knows who you are) is so utterly obnoxious.

Apparently they're mad that Duggar allegedly molested girls. I wonder, should there be a release of what Milk did to boys through an Oprah Winfrey surrogate? You just don't hear quite the fuss from these same posters when a man gets caught molesting boys...

Josh Duggar will wear the scarlet letter among his peers from now on. Harvey Milk instead gets from his peers a postage stamp in his honor and an official holiday in CA where kids in school there are required to celebrate his socio-sexual "accomplishments" (sex with minor boys on drugs)
I already know you excuse males abusing females. No need to repeat yourself.

Well I guess the part in bold that you obscured with the disappearing quote function here at USMB sort of erases your baseless ad hominem. Why not include that in the visible quote next time? Or, god forbid, read what I wrote before you comment on it?

that is the reason I have no tolerance for these people who go around putting everyone else down as if they are some SAINT. they are such TWO faced hypocrites.

No kidding. It would surprise me not if at least half the Leftwats criticizing the Duggars have themselves engaged in sex play as kids. It's that common. Hypocrisy is so prevalent on the Left, they don't even feel a hint of shame at attacking others for something they aren't themselves completely innocent of.

Are you trying to tell us something?
Why haven't some you folks set up a Go Fund Me Page for Josh? Perhaps some of you can sell WWJD (We're With Josh Duggars) bracelets as well. After all, he is the real victim and his life is ruined. :(

He's not a victim. The sisters are, and unfortunately since the left always look for a way to trash Christians, their names and faces are being dragged through the mud.

they don't care. they got to run some people down. that's all that matters
the next time they claim they care MORE for the children. just laugh and point to this thread

If this family were anything other than Christians, they would read about it in the news, shrug their shoulders, and move on. Since they are a big traditional white conservative family, and since they hate Christianity and anything traditional American, they will attack attack attack.
American liberals of today hate their country and everything it has traditionally stood for.

People don't like hypocrites. Hypocrites who have to put locks on their daughters bedroom doors in hopes of keeping their first born son out of their rooms at night. Hypocrites who knew perfectly well what their son was doing (hurting their daughters) but kept their mouths shut in order to keep their powerful, money-making juggernaut on the air. Hypocrites who lash out at others in an attempt to make them feel inferior.
American liberals love their country and believe all people should be treated equally.
American liberals are intelligent and choose to live their lives according to their beliefs, not the beliefs of a small-minded, smug, bigoted, self-righteous, lying cult of hypocrites.
There are good people who care about the disenfranchised and they show their care and concern by their actions of love, not by their actions of hate and intimidation.
If the Duggars are representing Christ, then I think I just slipped on his tears.
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Why haven't some you folks set up a Go Fund Me Page for Josh? Perhaps some of you can sell WWJD (We're With Josh Duggars) bracelets as well. After all, he is the real victim and his life is ruined. :(

He's not a victim. The sisters are, and unfortunately since the left always look for a way to trash Christians, their names and faces are being dragged through the mud.

they don't care. they got to run some people down. that's all that matters
the next time they claim they care MORE for the children. just laugh and point to this thread

If this family were anything other than Christians, they would read about it in the news, shrug their shoulders, and move on. Since they are a big traditional white conservative family, and since they hate Christianity and anything traditional American, they will attack attack attack.
American liberals of today hate their country and everything it has traditionally stood for.

People don't like hypocrites. Hypocrites who have to put locks on their daughters bedroom doors in hopes of keeping their first born son out of their rooms at night. Hypocrites who knew perfectly well what their son was doing (hurting their daughters) but kept their mouths shut in order to keep their powerful, money-making juggernaut on the air. Hypocrites who lash out at others in an attempt to make them feel inferior.
American liberals love their country and believe all people should be treated equally.
American liberals are intelligent and choose to live their lives according to their beliefs, not the beliefs of a small-minded, smug, bigoted, self-righteous, lying cult of hypocrites.
There are good people who care about the disenfranchised and they show their care and concern by their actions of love, not by their actions of hate and intimidation.
If the Duggars are representing Christ, then I think I just slipped on his tears.

Every single family on this Earth has skeletons in their closet.
Why haven't some you folks set up a Go Fund Me Page for Josh? Perhaps some of you can sell WWJD (We're With Josh Duggars) bracelets as well. After all, he is the real victim and his life is ruined. :(

He's not a victim. The sisters are, and unfortunately since the left always look for a way to trash Christians, their names and faces are being dragged through the mud.

they don't care. they got to run some people down. that's all that matters
the next time they claim they care MORE for the children. just laugh and point to this thread

If this family were anything other than Christians, they would read about it in the news, shrug their shoulders, and move on. Since they are a big traditional white conservative family, and since they hate Christianity and anything traditional American, they will attack attack attack.
American liberals of today hate their country and everything it has traditionally stood for.

People don't like hypocrites. Hypocrites who have to put locks on their daughters bedroom doors in hopes of keeping their first born son out of their rooms at night. Hypocrites who knew perfectly well what their son was doing (hurting their daughters) but kept their mouths shut in order to keep their powerful, money-making juggernaut on the air. Hypocrites who lash out at others in an attempt to make them feel inferior.
American liberals love their country and believe all people should be treated equally.
American liberals are intelligent and choose to live their lives according to their beliefs, not the beliefs of a small-minded, smug, bigoted, self-righteous, lying cult of hypocrites.
There are good people who care about the disenfranchised and they show their care and concern by their actions of love, not by their actions of hate and intimidation.
If the Duggars are representing Christ, then I think I just slipped on his tears.

Every single family on this Earth has skeletons in their closet.

What does that have to do with protecting children from molesters? What does that have to do with hypocrites who continually spew hateful vitriol against the disenfranchised? What does that have to do with the Duggars?
Why haven't some you folks set up a Go Fund Me Page for Josh? Perhaps some of you can sell WWJD (We're With Josh Duggars) bracelets as well. After all, he is the real victim and his life is ruined. :(

He's not a victim. The sisters are, and unfortunately since the left always look for a way to trash Christians, their names and faces are being dragged through the mud.

they don't care. they got to run some people down. that's all that matters
the next time they claim they care MORE for the children. just laugh and point to this thread

If this family were anything other than Christians, they would read about it in the news, shrug their shoulders, and move on. Since they are a big traditional white conservative family, and since they hate Christianity and anything traditional American, they will attack attack attack.
American liberals of today hate their country and everything it has traditionally stood for.

People don't like hypocrites. Hypocrites who have to put locks on their daughters bedroom doors in hopes of keeping their first born son out of their rooms at night. Hypocrites who knew perfectly well what their son was doing (hurting their daughters) but kept their mouths shut in order to keep their powerful, money-making juggernaut on the air. Hypocrites who lash out at others in an attempt to make them feel inferior.
American liberals love their country and believe all people should be treated equally.
American liberals are intelligent and choose to live their lives according to their beliefs, not the beliefs of a small-minded, smug, bigoted, self-righteous, lying cult of hypocrites.
There are good people who care about the disenfranchised and they show their care and concern by their actions of love, not by their actions of hate and intimidation.
If the Duggars are representing Christ, then I think I just slipped on his tears.

lol, are you trying to write a play? or a dramatic book or something. good grief.
worry over your alls familes short comings and your shallow lives. the duggers will worry about there
Why haven't some you folks set up a Go Fund Me Page for Josh? Perhaps some of you can sell WWJD (We're With Josh Duggars) bracelets as well. After all, he is the real victim and his life is ruined. :(

He's not a victim. The sisters are, and unfortunately since the left always look for a way to trash Christians, their names and faces are being dragged through the mud.

they don't care. they got to run some people down. that's all that matters
the next time they claim they care MORE for the children. just laugh and point to this thread

If this family were anything other than Christians, they would read about it in the news, shrug their shoulders, and move on. Since they are a big traditional white conservative family, and since they hate Christianity and anything traditional American, they will attack attack attack.
American liberals of today hate their country and everything it has traditionally stood for.

People don't like hypocrites. Hypocrites who have to put locks on their daughters bedroom doors in hopes of keeping their first born son out of their rooms at night. Hypocrites who knew perfectly well what their son was doing (hurting their daughters) but kept their mouths shut in order to keep their powerful, money-making juggernaut on the air. Hypocrites who lash out at others in an attempt to make them feel inferior.
American liberals love their country and believe all people should be treated equally.
American liberals are intelligent and choose to live their lives according to their beliefs, not the beliefs of a small-minded, smug, bigoted, self-righteous, lying cult of hypocrites.
There are good people who care about the disenfranchised and they show their care and concern by their actions of love, not by their actions of hate and intimidation.
If the Duggars are representing Christ, then I think I just slipped on his tears.

lol, are you trying to wright a play? or a dramatic book or something. good grief.

Are you representing your fellow inhabitants in the loony bin?

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