WHEW! See what made Megyn Kelly YELL in defense of the Duggars

If this family were anything other than Christians, they would read about it in the news, shrug their shoulders, and move on. Since they are a big traditional white conservative family, and since they hate Christianity and anything traditional American, they will attack attack attack.
American liberals of today hate their country and everything it has traditionally stood for.

People don't like hypocrites. Hypocrites who have to put locks on their daughters bedroom doors in hopes of keeping their first born son out of their rooms at night. Hypocrites who knew perfectly well what their son was doing (hurting their daughters) but kept their mouths shut in order to keep their powerful, money-making juggernaut on the air. Hypocrites who lash out at others in an attempt to make them feel inferior.
American liberals love their country and believe all people should be treated equally.
American liberals are intelligent and choose to live their lives according to their beliefs, not the beliefs of a small-minded, smug, bigoted, self-righteous, lying cult of hypocrites.
There are good people who care about the disenfranchised and they show their care and concern by their actions of love, not by their actions of hate and intimidation.
If the Duggars are representing Christ, then I think I just slipped on his tears.

Every single family on this Earth has skeletons in their closet.

What does that have to do with protecting children from molesters? What does that have to do with hypocrites who continually spew hateful vitriol against the disenfranchised? What does that have to do with the Duggars?

Romans 3:23
For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.

I love when the christers post stuff from their goyim bible to justify this kind of stuff, crimes on credit crowd

Ignorance is no longer an excuse. They try hard to separate people by spewing hate speech about American liberals. I wonder who they see when they look into their mirrors?
If this family were anything other than Christians, they would read about it in the news, shrug their shoulders, and move on. Since they are a big traditional white conservative family, and since they hate Christianity and anything traditional American, they will attack attack attack.
American liberals of today hate their country and everything it has traditionally stood for.

People don't like hypocrites. Hypocrites who have to put locks on their daughters bedroom doors in hopes of keeping their first born son out of their rooms at night. Hypocrites who knew perfectly well what their son was doing (hurting their daughters) but kept their mouths shut in order to keep their powerful, money-making juggernaut on the air. Hypocrites who lash out at others in an attempt to make them feel inferior.
American liberals love their country and believe all people should be treated equally.
American liberals are intelligent and choose to live their lives according to their beliefs, not the beliefs of a small-minded, smug, bigoted, self-righteous, lying cult of hypocrites.
There are good people who care about the disenfranchised and they show their care and concern by their actions of love, not by their actions of hate and intimidation.
If the Duggars are representing Christ, then I think I just slipped on his tears.

Every single family on this Earth has skeletons in their closet.

What does that have to do with protecting children from molesters? What does that have to do with hypocrites who continually spew hateful vitriol against the disenfranchised? What does that have to do with the Duggars?

Romans 3:23
For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.

And there are consequences to those who sin and harm others.

As if the left would know anything about that.
People don't like hypocrites. Hypocrites who have to put locks on their daughters bedroom doors in hopes of keeping their first born son out of their rooms at night. Hypocrites who knew perfectly well what their son was doing (hurting their daughters) but kept their mouths shut in order to keep their powerful, money-making juggernaut on the air. Hypocrites who lash out at others in an attempt to make them feel inferior.
American liberals love their country and believe all people should be treated equally.
American liberals are intelligent and choose to live their lives according to their beliefs, not the beliefs of a small-minded, smug, bigoted, self-righteous, lying cult of hypocrites.
There are good people who care about the disenfranchised and they show their care and concern by their actions of love, not by their actions of hate and intimidation.
If the Duggars are representing Christ, then I think I just slipped on his tears.

Every single family on this Earth has skeletons in their closet.

What does that have to do with protecting children from molesters? What does that have to do with hypocrites who continually spew hateful vitriol against the disenfranchised? What does that have to do with the Duggars?

Romans 3:23
For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.

I love when the christers post stuff from their goyim bible to justify this kind of stuff, crimes on credit crowd

Ignorance is no longer an excuse. They try hard to separate people by spewing hate speech about American liberals. I wonder who they see when they look into their mirrors?

You know...................I think the Duggars have paid enough. They used to tout themselves as a strong family show, but with a skeleton like this in their closet, they should no longer be held up as an example of such, and therefore, losing their show was a good call.

The one that did the fondling has stepped down from his family advocacy program, and I think that also was a good call.

Now? I say let them be, and lets start concentrating on what is actually going on in this country. TPP, the war, elections getting started and jobs.

The best thing for them would be to quietly slip away from the limelight permanently. The longer they're seen and heard the longer the left will attack.

You're are so filled with hate and anger that you can't see the forest for the trees.
If this family were anything other than Christians, they would read about it in the news, shrug their shoulders, and move on. Since they are a big traditional white conservative family, and since they hate Christianity and anything traditional American, they will attack attack attack.
American liberals of today hate their country and everything it has traditionally stood for.

People don't like hypocrites. Hypocrites who have to put locks on their daughters bedroom doors in hopes of keeping their first born son out of their rooms at night. Hypocrites who knew perfectly well what their son was doing (hurting their daughters) but kept their mouths shut in order to keep their powerful, money-making juggernaut on the air. Hypocrites who lash out at others in an attempt to make them feel inferior.
American liberals love their country and believe all people should be treated equally.
American liberals are intelligent and choose to live their lives according to their beliefs, not the beliefs of a small-minded, smug, bigoted, self-righteous, lying cult of hypocrites.
There are good people who care about the disenfranchised and they show their care and concern by their actions of love, not by their actions of hate and intimidation.
If the Duggars are representing Christ, then I think I just slipped on his tears.

Every single family on this Earth has skeletons in their closet.

What does that have to do with protecting children from molesters? What does that have to do with hypocrites who continually spew hateful vitriol against the disenfranchised? What does that have to do with the Duggars?

Romans 3:23
For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.

And there are consequences to those who sin and harm others.

Yes and Josh Duggar has lost his job.
What more do you want?
Every single family on this Earth has skeletons in their closet.

What does that have to do with protecting children from molesters? What does that have to do with hypocrites who continually spew hateful vitriol against the disenfranchised? What does that have to do with the Duggars?

Romans 3:23
For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.

I love when the christers post stuff from their goyim bible to justify this kind of stuff, crimes on credit crowd

Ignorance is no longer an excuse. They try hard to separate people by spewing hate speech about American liberals. I wonder who they see when they look into their mirrors?

People don't like hypocrites. Hypocrites who have to put locks on their daughters bedroom doors in hopes of keeping their first born son out of their rooms at night. Hypocrites who knew perfectly well what their son was doing (hurting their daughters) but kept their mouths shut in order to keep their powerful, money-making juggernaut on the air. Hypocrites who lash out at others in an attempt to make them feel inferior.
American liberals love their country and believe all people should be treated equally.
American liberals are intelligent and choose to live their lives according to their beliefs, not the beliefs of a small-minded, smug, bigoted, self-righteous, lying cult of hypocrites.
There are good people who care about the disenfranchised and they show their care and concern by their actions of love, not by their actions of hate and intimidation.
If the Duggars are representing Christ, then I think I just slipped on his tears.

Every single family on this Earth has skeletons in their closet.

What does that have to do with protecting children from molesters? What does that have to do with hypocrites who continually spew hateful vitriol against the disenfranchised? What does that have to do with the Duggars?

Romans 3:23
For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.

And there are consequences to those who sin and harm others.

Yes and Josh Duggar has lost his job.
What more do you want?

Are you really this stupid?
He's not a victim. The sisters are, and unfortunately since the left always look for a way to trash Christians, their names and faces are being dragged through the mud.

they don't care. they got to run some people down. that's all that matters
the next time they claim they care MORE for the children. just laugh and point to this thread

If this family were anything other than Christians, they would read about it in the news, shrug their shoulders, and move on. Since they are a big traditional white conservative family, and since they hate Christianity and anything traditional American, they will attack attack attack.
American liberals of today hate their country and everything it has traditionally stood for.
BiG conservative white families excuse Pedos. Noted.

Sex play between siblings is extremely common. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised it it happened to your kids and you're just being a hypocrite by attacking others for it. This isn't adult predatory behavior, this is kids with brand new hormones misappropriating their curiosities. And I have news for you with your idiotic "excusing pedos" comment, most kids who engaged in sex play with other kids do not grow up to be pedophiles. That alone makes your comments more than just stupid, but depraved as well.

Extremely common? I don't think so.
Yeah, right? I have 5 brothers, none of them touched me. I have 2 kids and there was never this crap between them. Anyone that claims it is common is fooling themselves.
Yes, Lone Laughter, this IS 'Murica and we CAN walk and chew gum at the same time.

But...............the news on the Duggars has no bearing on my life in the least. Politics, the war, TPP and all the other stuff does.

The news people need to lay off of the sensational bullshit and start concentrating on the things that REALLY matter or affect Americans.

I agree. Call off the World Series and ban all entertainment news until all of our problems are solved.
You know...................I think the Duggars have paid enough. They used to tout themselves as a strong family show, but with a skeleton like this in their closet, they should no longer be held up as an example of such, and therefore, losing their show was a good call.

The one that did the fondling has stepped down from his family advocacy program, and I think that also was a good call.

Now? I say let them be, and lets start concentrating on what is actually going on in this country. TPP, the war, elections getting started and jobs.

The best thing for them would be to quietly slip away from the limelight permanently. The longer they're seen and heard the longer the left will attack.

Yes. The left will attack. Why.....oh why....must the left cause so much trouble for good Christians?
People don't like hypocrites. Hypocrites who have to put locks on their daughters bedroom doors in hopes of keeping their first born son out of their rooms at night. Hypocrites who knew perfectly well what their son was doing (hurting their daughters) but kept their mouths shut in order to keep their powerful, money-making juggernaut on the air. Hypocrites who lash out at others in an attempt to make them feel inferior.
American liberals love their country and believe all people should be treated equally.
American liberals are intelligent and choose to live their lives according to their beliefs, not the beliefs of a small-minded, smug, bigoted, self-righteous, lying cult of hypocrites.
There are good people who care about the disenfranchised and they show their care and concern by their actions of love, not by their actions of hate and intimidation.
If the Duggars are representing Christ, then I think I just slipped on his tears.

Every single family on this Earth has skeletons in their closet.

What does that have to do with protecting children from molesters? What does that have to do with hypocrites who continually spew hateful vitriol against the disenfranchised? What does that have to do with the Duggars?

Romans 3:23
For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.

I love when the christers post stuff from their goyim bible to justify this kind of stuff, crimes on credit crowd

Ignorance is no longer an excuse. They try hard to separate people by spewing hate speech about American liberals. I wonder who they see when they look into their mirrors?

wow that was dumb....YOU haters on her need to stop beating your chest like an ape. Your alls shit stinks just like everyone else
Just an example of more Libtard values........ Wonder what effect it will have on sex abuse victims reporting the crime now that they know their info can be splashed across the front page, even if they're minors?????

Libs don't give a shit about the victims.
You people defending the Duggars are sick in the head.

This is the same crowd who didn't think it was a big deal for Ted Cruz to make fun of Joe Biden, four days after he lost his son and the day before Beau was to be buried.
Cruz knew what he was doing and did it anyways, then suddenly apologized when he realized that a majority of people were seriously turned of by his comments, from all sides of the aisle.
These people's family values are in the toilet and this group protesting continue to make asses out of themselves..
If this family were anything other than Christians, they would read about it in the news, shrug their shoulders, and move on. Since they are a big traditional white conservative family, and since they hate Christianity and anything traditional American, they will attack attack attack.
American liberals of today hate their country and everything it has traditionally stood for.

People don't like hypocrites. Hypocrites who have to put locks on their daughters bedroom doors in hopes of keeping their first born son out of their rooms at night. Hypocrites who knew perfectly well what their son was doing (hurting their daughters) but kept their mouths shut in order to keep their powerful, money-making juggernaut on the air. Hypocrites who lash out at others in an attempt to make them feel inferior.
American liberals love their country and believe all people should be treated equally.
American liberals are intelligent and choose to live their lives according to their beliefs, not the beliefs of a small-minded, smug, bigoted, self-righteous, lying cult of hypocrites.
There are good people who care about the disenfranchised and they show their care and concern by their actions of love, not by their actions of hate and intimidation.
If the Duggars are representing Christ, then I think I just slipped on his tears.

Every single family on this Earth has skeletons in their closet.

What does that have to do with protecting children from molesters? What does that have to do with hypocrites who continually spew hateful vitriol against the disenfranchised? What does that have to do with the Duggars?

Romans 3:23
For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.

I love when the christers post stuff from their goyim bible to justify this kind of stuff, crimes on credit crowd

It is not justify anything.
They are no more a perfect a family than any other family, following Christ is not a declaration of our perfection, but of HIS perfection. It is precisely because we are all sinners that we need His grace and His forgiveness. He died on the Cross for us, for all have sinned.

The family has paid for his past sin.
Lost their show and Josh lost his job.
What is sad is the innocent girls are having to go through this again, because non Christians do not understand Christianity what so ever.
You know...................I think the Duggars have paid enough. They used to tout themselves as a strong family show, but with a skeleton like this in their closet, they should no longer be held up as an example of such, and therefore, losing their show was a good call.

The one that did the fondling has stepped down from his family advocacy program, and I think that also was a good call.

Now? I say let them be, and lets start concentrating on what is actually going on in this country. TPP, the war, elections getting started and jobs.

The best thing for them would be to quietly slip away from the limelight permanently. The longer they're seen and heard the longer the left will attack.

You're are so filled with hate and anger that you can't see the forest for the trees.

I'm filled with hate ?!!!!
Just an example of more Libtard values........ Wonder what effect it will have on sex abuse victims reporting the crime now that they know their info can be splashed across the front page, even if they're minors?????

Libs don't give a shit about the victims.

Exactly. They wouldn't be bothering to discuss this story if the family were not Christian.
I was referring to your other comment that what Duggar did wasn't molestation.

Told ya! Its not about molesting..its about who did the molesting.

Its the Duggars, protect the molester

How many parents would turn a son or daughter in ? As long as they tried to get the little bastard help, I don't have a problem with a family trying to keep the authorities away.
Get him help, that is so ironic. What about his victims?

When I did shit when I was living with my parents I was told to take responsibility for it. These parents did just the opposite for very grave actions by their son.

They got him therapy and they turned him into the police.
In fact all of the kids that were involved got therapy.
No, that isn't what has been stated. Josh Duggar got "therapy" and the girls did not. They didn't turn him into the police. They told a pedophile friend who just happened to be a highway patrol cop about it. That is in no way, shape, or form turning him over to the police.

Totally fabricated.

They took Josh to the police department. He confessed.

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