Zone1 Which came first, Christianity or Judaism?

Obviously the miracles are fake news,

No. When Jesus healed a blind man he first wrote something on the ground, made a paste of mud and spit and put that over the mans eyes then he put his hand over that and asked the man what he saw. First the man saw trees then when Jesus told him to take a harder look he fitnally saw men. How could the man see anything with mud and spit and a hand over his eyes? Obviously this was a healing of perception not sight as in scripture trees are often metaphors for men like in the garden of Eden where there were many trees with fruit that is pleasing to the eye and good to eat.

A miracle that happens every time a teacher teaches children how to understand metaphors.
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No. When Jesus healed a blind man he first wrote something on the ground, made a paste of mud and spit and put that over the mans eyes then he put his hand over that and asked the man what he saw. First the man saw trees then when Jesus told him to take a harder look he fitnally saw men. How could the man see anything with mud and spit and a hand over his eyes? Obviously this was a healing of perception not sight as in scripture trees are often metaphors for men like in the garden of Eden where there were many trees with fruit that is pleasing to the eye and good to eat.

A miracle that happens every time a teacher teaches children how to understand metaphors.
You are conflating two different accounts and misrepresenting both.

Mark 8:
22 And he cometh to Bethsaida; and they bring a blind man unto him and besought him to touch him.

23 And he took the blind man by the hand, and led him out of the town; and when he had spit on his eyes, and put his hands upon him, he asked him if he saw ought.

24 And he looked up, and said, I see men as trees, walking.

25 After that he put his hands again upon his eyes, and made him look up: and he was restored, and saw every man clearly.
No. When Jesus healed a blind man he first wrote something on the ground, made a paste of mud and spit and put that over the mans eyes then he put his hand over that and asked the man what he saw. First the man saw trees then when Jesus told him to take a harder look he fitnally saw men. How could the man see anything with mud and spit and a hand over his eyes? Obviously this was a healing of perception not sight as in scripture trees are often metaphors for men like in the garden of Eden where there were many trees with fruit that is pleasing to the eye and good to eat.

A miracle that happens every time a teacher teaches children how to understand metaphors.
LOL @ "obviously" -----now for reality----diseases of eyes were and ARE endemic in
the Middle east. There have been all kinds of folk remedies that accomplished a bit of
this or that------
LOL @ "obviously" -----now for reality----diseases of eyes were and ARE endemic in
the Middle east. There have been all kinds of folk remedies that accomplished a bit of
this or that------

- and more so a free spirit, triumphant over evil to see clearly the ailment beset the underling.
Jesus did not claim to make the law obsolete. Paul claimed that he did. Paul was a guilt ridden self loathing masochistic homophobic misogynist who contradicted Jesus on many key issues related to salvation while perpetuating the same perverse views of the law that Jesus died opposing.

Paul was an agent of the enemy who infiltrated the early christian movement to curse the Gentiles and insure that the Jewish people would dismiss the teachings of Jesus out of hand. He pretended to be struck blind fumbling around for a while and then pretended to regain his sight and then in an amazing vision was commissioned by Jesus himself to be a replacement for Judas.


The disciples, who knew that Jesus healed a blindness of perception not sight, must have had a hard time not bursting out laughing at Paul's pathetic acting skills. When the church of Jerusalem was destroyed all that remained were the writings of Paul. This is what your perverse ascetic guilt ridden self loathing masochistic homophobic misogynistic mithraic Roman church is based on.
Well feel free to back up these claims.
Oh IM (not so humble) O ALL scriptural writings are VALUABLE "historically"
for persons who can manage DISCERNMENT
Most of the history of Israel written in the OT is pretty straightforward, no 'discernment' needed. You either believe it or you don't.
Most of the history of Israel written in the OT is pretty straightforward, no 'discernment' needed. You either believe it or you don't.
IMLO ( in my lauded opinion) your statement is ---at the very least---SILLY. You read
hebrew and aramaic? I got news-----even in the "straightforward" form-----it AIN'T THE
SAME ----the translation is something much inferior to the "CLASSIC COMIC" form
IMLO ( in my lauded opinion) your statement is ---at the very least---SILLY. You read
hebrew and aramaic? I got news-----even in the "straightforward" form-----it AIN'T THE
SAME ----the translation is something much inferior to the "CLASSIC COMIC" form
Point out the discrepancies and we'll discuss them.
Oh IM (not so humble) O ALL scriptural writings are VALUABLE "historically"
for persons who can manage DISCERNMENT
Discernment is the result of careful study. Most people, Jews included, don't study the Bible very much if at all.
Point out the discrepancies and we'll discuss them.
there are no discrepancies in the OT. There is a writing typical of
description of history in scriptural writings.-----that includes the hindu
writings, the ancient greek writings etc-----maybe even BEOWULF

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