Zone1 Which came first, Christianity or Judaism?

Oh please….none of that is true. No Jew would ever claim that he is above Gd (or be his son, for matter).

Don‘t you realize that most of the world doesn’t believe this?
Jesus never claimed he was greater than the Father.

John 14:28
28 Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: for my Father is greater than I.

John 10:29
29 My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father’s hand.
Read the Bible. See Acts 1:3. After the resurrection Jesus appeared 10 times in 40 days and gave his disciples the Great Commission.
that's "evidence" ? anything uncovered by Archaeologists? Is the writing on Sita and
Ravanna evidence of an army of flying monkeys?
Lots of criticism but little of value regarding the foundational Biblical evidence for what is called British Israelism. Most if not all who reject the theory know little or nothing about it.

Foundational biblical evidence?
Lots of criticism but little of value regarding the foundational Biblical evidence for what is called British Israelism. Most if not all who reject the theory know little or nothing about it.

Foundational biblical evidence?
that's "evidence" ? anything uncovered by Archaeologists? Is the writing on Sita and
Ravanna evidence of an army of flying monkeys?

What does that have to do with Judaism or Christianity?
Well, that's a very, VERY tenuous argument, and one that you're not even making very well.
Well, if that arrogant Christian thinks that only the minority of people who believe in HIS beliefs go to Heaven, then it’s not difficult to think that he’d think his religion predates all others.
I was speaking of a temporal destruction of the Jews when Jesus keeps them form being completely killed at his second coming. But yes, you are right about Jesus offering all eternal salvation through his infinite and eternal sacrifice in both the garden and cross.
OMG….all this nasty talk about Jews being destroyed and cursed. Eye-opening as to why those Catholic School boys blew out my Shabbat candles and cursed my religion.
Foundational biblical evidence?
"Judah's Sceptre and Joseph's Birthright" by Reverend J.H. Allen, is a good place to start. Then you'll have some understanding of why so many believe British Israelism.

Available on Amazon for about $20.
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Not for nothing, but what exactly was Jesus' sacrifice in the Garden?
The animals whose skins covered Adam and Eve's nakedness (sin) was the first substitutionary/sacrificial death, a pattern that prefigured the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross throughout the history of Israel.

Revelation 13:8
"And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world (age)."
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What they did was an ignorant hate crime. In my experience most Christians don't hate Jewish people.
what sort of "experience" would you have regarding the interface of jews and christians?
Foundational biblical evidence?

What does that have to do with Judaism or Christianity?
you are ASSUMING that it is reasonable to take scriptural writings as REAL HISTORY---
even the CONSTANTINE version of scriptural writings
Well maybe my way of “presenting” it isn’t the best. So I suggest they pick up a Bible and read it, or go to a Bible study class with an open mind.

I have never been to a bible study where the person leading the study had an open mind. In fact I have been thrown out of or asked to never return to every bible study that I ever attended. Go figure. What bible study actually is in my experience is a brainwashing session for the gullible.

What is it that I profess to believe that brings Jesus into “disrepute”?

That he made the eternal law obsolete. He claimed to be God in the flesh. He died as a perfect human sacrifice to himself so believers wouldn't have to pay the penalty for sin, death. The way to eternal life is accepting Jesus as God and savior. He performed supernatural demonstrations of divine power over reality. He was one third of a coequal trinity yet not equal to God, der, derp.

If Jesus claimed to be God he was insane. If he claimed to end the law he was not the Messiah.

Should I go on?

What does being “an asshole” have to do with anything? Speaking the truth makes someone an “asshole” I guess. But, I’d think you would come up with a bit more coherent argument than that.

If the concern of God is what people eat and what they wear and the sexual preferences of consenting adults condemning humans for being human and demanding worship and expressions of remorse for being human then that would make God an asshole. I would never worship such a perverse image and likeness of God created by human ignorance, beliefs baked on human dung. The law has deeper meaning that reflects divine wisdom and the benevolence of my God. Only the wrong way to follow the law became obsolete after the revelation of Jesus, not the Law itself. The Law given as "a light to the nations" will remain in effect and in full force for as long as heaven and earth endure, but thats only according to Jesus, see Matthew 5:17-20, yet believers don't believe.

"Therefore anyone who sets aside even one of the least of these commands, and teaches others to do the same, will be called least in the kingdom of heaven,"

To understand what Jesus meant by saying "least" see Genesis 3:14
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The Bible is clear that God is not like us, but that the Bible describes God in ways humans understand. For example, it references the right hand of God; the finger of God wrote the Commandments; footsteps; nostrils; mounting His throne. The Bible tells us our feelings are not His feelings, but mankind can only relate to God through feelings we know ourselves--i.e., anger, cursing, scorn, curses, disappointment, etc. At all times we need to remember God's ways are not our ways; His thoughts are not our thoughts. Our use of the the words anger, cursing, scorn, curses, disappointment, etc. can be compared to our use of baby talk when speaking to infants.
When God speaks curses to mankind it's not 'baby talk'. :omg:
Well, good luck with that.

Right. lol... Is really it any wonder why Jesus ended up saying, "eat this" ? Stronzo!

"Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them"


Bottoms up!
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That he made the eternal law obsolete
What eternal law did he make obsolete?

There we’re five covenants before.

Adam and Eve broke the first, by eating of the Tree of Knowledge. Jesus‘s sacrifice will repair that.

Noah’s covenant was that God would not flood the world again. Did Jesus flood the world?

Abraham’s covenant: circumcision, that his people will inherit the land.

Moses: God’s Laws. Jesus simplified the laws into two major commandments: to love God, and to love your neighbor.

God’s covenant with David: David’s descendant will have a throne and kingdom that will last forever. Jesus’s mother was from the house of David.

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