Zone1 Which came first, Christianity or Judaism?

Them nasty pills you're taking are going to do in. ;)
Nasty? you don't know what you are talking about. I have access to the best medicine in the world

But even the best medicine on the planet won't help you to stop saying and doing stupid things.

There is no such thing as a magic pill. You do have my condolences.
I'm fulfilling the 'divine law' every day.

no, not when you worship a false messiah through the c-bible of forgeries and fallacies ...

self determination is the heavenly prescription - you've admitted publicly the truth try and remain honest longer than your last sentence.
Cowardice Is the Crime That Enables All Others

Freud's unmanly, confused, and weakening Oedipus Complex influenced the Jews not to have a violent resistance against the Nazis, whose movement could have been nipped in the bud. Even with a Bar Kokhba-like failure, they wouldn't have lost 6 millions lives with practically no Nazis killed.

The real healthy and honorable complex would be named after Telemachus, a youth whose ideal was to fight side-by-side with his father Ulysses to defend his mother.
In none of Freud's writings is there any evidence that he harbored an Oedipus Complex----
as to your delusions regarding the history of happenings in Lutheran/Catholic Germany---
YOU IS VERY CONFUSED. However----I strongly support the "cut the head of the snake"
approach to attacking snakes-----Brutus was right----another snake---to wit, CONSTANTINE
should have been cut and in the 20th century-----Adolf, Pol Pot, Sadaam, Khadaffy-duck,
Mao, Arafat, Khomeini ETC ETC----needed a deep haircut
how early was that - 91 ... because in the old days they were either clergy or dead, not a lot of room in the middle.
watta you babbling about? ------the heyday of psychiatry was the late 1800s-----the giant
minds----FREUD, LOMBROSO, CHARCOT (gentile) etc etc
Oh well, nobody's perfect. Even after 4615 years many still don't realize that kosher law is not about what goes into and out of the stomach but what goes into and out of the mind. WTF.

I suppose Christians are not the only ones who have confused faith with obstinate stupidity.
the kosher laws are about SOCIETY, ECONOMICS, and AGRICULTURE-----
In none of Freud's writings is there any evidence that he harbored an Oedipus Complex----
as to your delusions regarding the history of happenings in Lutheran/Catholic Germany---
YOU IS VERY CONFUSED. However----I strongly support the "cut the head of the snake"
approach to attacking snakes-----Brutus was right----another snake---to wit, CONSTANTINE
should have been cut and in the 20th century-----Adolf, Pol Pot, Sadaam, Khadaffy-duck,
Mao, Arafat, Khomeini ETC ETC----needed a deep haircut
---Adolf, Pol Pot, Sadaam, Khadaffy-duck,
Mao, Arafat, Khomeini ETC ETC----needed a deep haircut

religious fanatics - trump - netanyahu - bolsenaro - desantis - moses ... the persecution and victimization of the innocent the three desert religions - forgeries and fallacies congregational self interest ... the causes for retaliations they are themselves responsible for.
Nasty? you don't know what you are talking about. I have access to the best medicine in the world

But even the best medicine on the planet won't help you to stop saying and doing stupid things.

There is no such thing as a magic pill. You do have my condolences.
I mean whatever it is you're taking that makes you so nasty.
In none of Freud's writings is there any evidence that he harbored an Oedipus Complex----
as to your delusions regarding the history of happenings in Lutheran/Catholic Germany---
YOU IS VERY CONFUSED. However----I strongly support the "cut the head of the snake"
approach to attacking snakes-----Brutus was right----another snake---to wit, CONSTANTINE
should have been cut and in the 20th century-----Adolf, Pol Pot, Sadaam, Khadaffy-duck,
Mao, Arafat, Khomeini ETC ETC----needed a deep haircut
oh gee----Sage DISAGREES----which of your heroes did a DOOM----Sage, dear?
Freud's unmanly, confused, and weakening Oedipus Complex influenced the Jews not to have a violent resistance against the Nazis,

oh ...

To the end of his life, he maintained his stance as an uncompromising atheist, the stance he is best known for down to the present.
Thus according to Marx, the purpose of religion is to create illusion or fantasy for the masses. On the other hand, Freud held religion as an expression of underlying neuroses and distress at the psychological level.

sage, is that from right field - freud and the jews, or all religions - didn't freud reside in england ...
In the thread titled, "Knowledge, the forbidden fruit", ABikerSailor requested I start this new thread to discuss this topic. ABikerSailor contends that Judaism came before Christianity. I contend the opposite. Below are my opening remarks:

I understand that this discussion will come to no agreement if you do not believe in Christianity. So that is my first question to you, are you a believer in Christ and the things he taught? If not, then I will simply state why I believe that a belief in Christ came before Judaism and leave it at that. However, if you do believe in Christ, then a more detailed discussion about Christ would be in order and the discussion can continue.

You are right. 'Judaism' was invented some 100-200 years after Christianity, and the 'Talmud' rubbish was still being made up some 500 years after that and more. The Hebrewism of Abram and Moses has no relation to the racist Babylonian cults and Pharisees that came after Ezra. They are entirely different theologies.
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This^ was one of several times he so badly angered the Jews that they tried to kill Him.

By Jesus's day the 'racial purity' cult had taken hold and the 'establishment' Jews considered themselves the Master Race and all others were subhumans or tainted and not real people. They codified this later, after the surviving Pharisees created the 'rabbinical Judaism' at Jamnia and began their 'Oral Torah' and Talmud scam that dominates the Orthodox cult to this day. The Hasidim, another even crazier racist cult, is a 19th century invention; they just stole the name from another cult that popped up after Ezra and proclaimed themselves' the Real Jews', like the Pharisees did.

Christianity was in no way founded on Judaism; that is propaganda put out by ignorant evangelicals. Christianity is found on the written Torah, which modern Orthodox Judaism has zero to do with except stealing names and some texts. They are not related; Christianity is the legitimate heir of the Pentateuch.
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oh ...

sage, is that from right field - freud and the jews, or all religions - didn't freud reside in england ...

You are right. 'Judaism' was invented some 100-200 years after Christianity, and the 'Talmud' rubbish was still being made up some 500 years after that and more. The Hebrewism of Abram and Moses has no relation to the racist Babylonian cults and Pharisees that came after Ezra. They are entirely different theologies.
Somehow, Jesus quoted the talmud extensively---PROVING that he was magical
The Hebrewism of Abram and Moses has no relation to the racist Babylonian cults and Pharisees that came after Ezra. They are entirely different theologies.
Somehow, Jesus quoted the talmud extensively---PROVING that he was magical

"quoted the talmud" via the c-bible - would not have led to their crucifixion, nor date worthy.

the entirely different religion - liberation theology, self determination - is the reason jesus was crucified and certainly not found in the c-bible or hebrewism or the other desert cults.

- the others being the same theology including christianity are date worthy only for their distinct personalities.

reference to paradise, garden of eden dates them all as the same date from their origin.
the kosher laws are about SOCIETY, ECONOMICS, and AGRICULTURE-----

Sure Rosie, if thats all you can see. But you are describing base concerns that even the most perverse and evil people out there obsess over. If God is God his concerns are more substantive than that..duh. Thats what I know. God who is spirit is concerned with the things of the spirit.

Swine are identified by an otherworldly superior intelligence, God, as vile and loathsome creatures specifically because they do not ruminate, chew the cud, think things over rationally, their flesh, teaching, beliefs, politics, etc., defile and contaminate the mind, the seat of human consciousness and only lens through which everything is perceived which directly influences the quality of life.

The subject of flesh in kosher law is teaching, not food, ecnimocs, agriculture, pft., the described animals, clean or unclean, all represent human archetypes who to God resemble lower beasts. dogs, wolves, swine, teeming vermin who go down on all fours, bottom feeders, jackasses, etc.

This is not evidence of human bigotry. This is how the human species appears to aliens. Absurd..
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I mean whatever it is you're taking that makes you so nasty.
You have been caught red handed perpetuating the same evil perverse views of the Law that Jesus died opposing while at the same time professing to believe that divine law was made obsolete. :uhh: You willingly and knowingly perpetuate perverse views about God and right and wrong and openly desecrate the teaching of Jesus, speaking lies that people who 'just believe' without thinking rationally about the garbage they swallowed has directly caused to this day unspeakable evil and suffering for the vast majority of intelligent people who have ever lived on earth. You openly incite oppression against the most vulnerable people in society, immigrants, orphans, women, lbgtq, drug users, unbelievers, etc, when its your poisonous beliefs that are the problem.

I should be nice about it? Do you want a cookie? An award? pft. I am just paying all of you pervertred and sanctimonious hypocrites back in your own coin. Don't like it? Too bad. Deal with it.

While you were sleeping and dreaming about goin to hebbin when you die, things have changed.

I hope that clears things up for you. Now you have another choice. Either live up to your professed dedication, purify your mind and be refined, or go back to hell, the realm of the dead, permanently.
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Sure Rosie, if thats all you can see. But you are describing base concerns that even the most perverse and evil people out there obsess over. If God is God his concerns are more substantive than that..duh. Thats what I know. God who is spirit is concerned with the things of the spirit.

Swine are identified by an otherworldly superior intelligence, God, as vile and loathsome creatures specifically because they do not ruminate, chew the cud, think things over rationally, their flesh, teaching, beliefs, politics, etc., defile and contaminate the mind, the seat of human consciousness and only lens through which everything is perceived which directly influences the quality of life.

The subject of flesh in kosher law is teaching, not food, ecnimocs, agriculture, pft., the described animals, clean or unclean, all represent human archetypes who to God resemble lower beasts. dogs, wolves, swine, teeming vermin who go down on all fours, bottom feeders, jackasses, etc.
hobie dear-----"clean vs. unclean" food is a mistranslation of the word "kosher" ----the word
kosher refers to that which is allowed
hobie dear-----"clean vs. unclean" food is a mistranslation of the word "kosher" ----the word
kosher refers to that which is allowed
The text generally uses the words tamei and Tahor which often refer to a specific state of ritual purity or impurity but in the discussion of animals simply means "acceptable" or unacceptable.
This is "Divine Law".

Matthew 22:

36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?

37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love* the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

38 This is the first and great commandment.

39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

* Note: Agapeo, not Phileo.
Loving your neighbor is the activity through which express love for God. In other words, we enter into an agreement with agreement to love our neighbors.
these statements which roman shill matthew "quotes"
are taken from the famous Talmudist, HILLEL. ----
Hillel died at about the time Jesus is said to have
been born and was and REMAINS one of the MOST
quoted by Pharisees----then and now

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