Zone1 Which came first, Christianity or Judaism?

You are right. 'Judaism' was invented some 100-200 years after Christianity, and the 'Talmud' rubbish was still being made up some 500 years after that and more. The Hebrewism of Abram and Moses has no relation to the racist Babylonian cults and Pharisees that came after Ezra. They are entirely different theologies.
one ALMOST fact----"the pharisees came after Ezra" ---
Even a DUD clock is right twice per day
hobie dear-----"clean vs. unclean" food is a mistranslation of the word "kosher" ----the word
kosher refers to that which is allowed

Right, rosie, That which is not allowed is forbidden because it defiles and contaminates (the mind).

So stop wolfing down the flesh of swine sweetness. You brain is without shape or form and void.
Right, rosie, That which is not allowed is forbidden because it defiles and contaminates (the mind).

So stop wolfing down the flesh of swine sweetness. You brain is in disarray.
"swine" is eaten at church suppers-----not in my house--
hubby was brought up KOSHER however----i have known a
a few intelligent christians
"quoted the talmud" via the c-bible - would not have led to their crucifixion, nor date worthy.

the entirely different religion - liberation theology, self determination - is the reason jesus was crucified and certainly not found in the c-bible or hebrewism or the other desert cults.

- the others being the same theology including christianity are date worthy only for their distinct personalities.

reference to paradise, garden of eden dates them all as the same date from their origin.
Jesus was crucified for attacking the shills of Rome that
infected the temple courtyard---that very PHARISEE
action sealed his fate
You're crazy.
Long ago I read the very famous book by the famous
He described a patient very much afflicted with
dysfunction of the RIGHT PARIETAL LOBE---by
presenting comments made by the patient ----
IN FRENCH----two full pages of FRENCH. I was
very frustrated. ----not for you----your education is
in the land of right temporal lobe dysfunction
You have been caught red handed perpetuating the same evil perverse views of the Law that Jesus died opposing while at the same time professing to believe that divine law was made obsolete. :uhh: You willingly and knowingly perpetuate perverse views about God and right and wrong and openly desecrate the teaching of Jesus, speaking lies that people who 'just believe' without thinking rationally about the garbage they swallowed has directly caused to this day unspeakable evil and suffering for the vast majority of intelligent people who have ever lived on earth. You openly incite oppression against the most vulnerable people in society, immigrants, orphans, women, lbgtq, drug users, unbelievers, etc, when its your poisonous beliefs that are the problem.

I should be nice about it? Do you want a cookie? An award? pft. I am just paying all of you pervertred and sanctimonious hypocrites back in your own coin. Don't like it? Too bad. Deal with it.

While you were sleeping and dreaming about goin to hebbin when you die, things have changed.

I hope that clears things up for you. Now you have another choice. Either live up to your professed dedication, purify your mind and be refined, or go back to hell, the realm of the dead, permanently.
You really need to get out more. ;)
"swine" is eaten at church suppers-----not in my house--
hubby was brought up KOSHER however----i have known a
a few intelligent christians

I hate to break the news to you rosie, but no one can comply with the literal interpretation and application of the command to refrain from the flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate without violating the deeper implications of that exact same law because the teaching itself that the subject of Kosher Law is about food, is the flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate.
Sure Rosie, if thats all you can see. But you are describing base concerns that even the most perverse and evil people out there obsess over. If God is God his concerns are more substantive than that..duh. Thats what I know. God who is spirit is concerned with the things of the spirit.

Swine are identified by an otherworldly superior intelligence, God, as vile and loathsome creatures specifically because they do not ruminate, chew the cud, think things over rationally, their flesh, teaching, beliefs, politics, etc., defile and contaminate the mind, the seat of human consciousness and only lens through which everything is perceived which directly influences the quality of life.

The subject of flesh in kosher law is teaching, not food, ecnimocs, agriculture, pft., the described animals, clean or unclean, all represent human archetypes who to God resemble lower beasts. dogs, wolves, swine, teeming vermin who go down on all fours, bottom feeders, jackasses, etc.

This is not evidence of human bigotry. This is how the human species appears to aliens. Absurd..
The 'laws of separation' ended with Peter's vision; however, I'm still not going to eat from the list of unclean animals.
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I hate to break the news to you rosie, but no one can comply with the literal interpretation and application of the command to refrain from the flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate without violating the deeper implications of that exact same law because the teaching itself that the subject of Kosher Law is about food, is the flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate.
You have to examine the nature of the clean and unclean animals to fully understand those proscriptions. One group is 'tame', the other is wild.
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The 'laws of separation' ended with Peter's vision.

Peters vision was just Divine confirmation of Jesus's teaching that kosher law is not about food.

The subject of kosher law was never food. Only the wrong way to follow the law became obsolete.
So, by keeping the law we are breaking the law? 'Splain, please.

If you 'just believe' the proposition that kosher law is about food you have violated the deeper implications of the law by eating the flesh, adopting the teaching, of people that do not ruminate.

It literally makes no sense and if you allow any thought that makes no sense take root in your mind it will screw up your entire thought processes and consequently your perception of everything from good and evil to right and wrong causing you to injure yourself and the people you love by perverting and desecrating your knowledge of God, love for Jesus, and experience of life itself.

When Jesus said,"eat my flesh", he was presenting this exact same dilemma. Which way to understand and apply the Law is the only right way to do it that fulfills the promise of eternal life.

This is my flesh, the fruit of my mind, pleasing to the eye and good to eat. Chew it over, eat it, and you will be satisfied, restored to a right mind, and you will live. Perhaps for the first time in your life.
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Somehow, Jesus quoted the talmud extensively---PROVING that he was magical

lol where? He cited the written Torah, the one Jews dumped in favor of running a temple scam and a 'racial purity' hoax. You don't know what you're talking about. The Talmud wasn't around in 30-33 A.D.
these statements which roman shill matthew "quotes"
are taken from the famous Talmudist, HILLEL. ----
Hillel died at about the time Jesus is said to have
been born and was and REMAINS one of the MOST
quoted by Pharisees----then and now
Variations appear all through the Bible.
Peters vision was just Divine confirmation of Jesus's teaching that kosher law is not about food.
In the same way that "you shall not steal" isn't about 'not stealing'. However, we still shouldn't steal. ;)

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