Zone1 Which came first, Christianity or Judaism?

Thats OK. I am not wasting time trying to convince you about anything. You are just a corpse strapped to a gurney being dissected in an open arena to determine the cause of death for the benefit of dedicated medical students who are quietly standing all around in masks, watching.
All you've tried to convince me of is that I'm evil through and through. Not a good teaching method. ;)
All you've tried to convince me of is that I'm evil through and through. Not a good teaching method. ;)

Like I said. I am not wasting time trying to convince you about anything. You think you're saved. lol

Pop quiz!

Who would set aside divine law and teach others to do the same, brazenly contradicting Jesus?

A; An honest to God living goodie two shoes God fearing believer, an angel or saint?

B. whatever strange and mysterious underground legless nocturnal creature that you are?

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Like I said. I am not wasting time trying to convince you about anything. You think you're saved. lol

Pop quiz!

Who would set aside divine law and teach others to do the same, brazenly contradicting Jesus?

A; An honest to God living goodie two shoes God fearing angel or saint?

B. whatever strange and mysterious underground legless nocturnal creature that you are?

You need help.
You need help.
Aww. Thats so nice! What should I do? Go to a preacher to have my eyes gouged out like yours?

How sweet of you! What a guy! Whats up? Aren't you still having fun and giggles trolling me?
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I was in a deer camp with an older fellow back in the day. I and my friend were the youngest, so we were charged with making breakfast for everyone on opening morning. When asked what he wanted the old fellow responded humorously, "That's easy...oatmeal. I never worry about what I'm going to have for breakfast because it's always...oatmeal."
Great story! Some things (and people) never change! Not surprising, however boring.

You have forfeited your birthright as an individual human being who reflects the image and likeness of a Holy (separate) God for a bowl of fairy tale porridge, probably ever since then.
Thats OK. I am not wasting time trying to convince you about anything. You are just a corpse strapped to a gurney being dissected in an open arena to determine the cause of death for the benefit of dedicated medical students who are quietly standing all around in masks, watching.
why would medical students attending an autopsy
wear masks?
why would medical students attending an autopsy
wear masks?
Why? Damn. Have you never smelled putrified flesh or the breath of a corpse or the pus oozing out of a dead mans brain? And would you ever risk being exposed to any virulent (100% of the time terminal) metal disease? The Pope is still pope-ing, beguiling the 'faithful' to defy God, even in this day and age. And many are convinced that he is performing a religious duty. Astonishing! I am not making this up. Pay attention! What do you get for pretending the danger's not real?
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you got something on Jesus that suggests that he was
Jesus compared the Pharisees to whitewashed tombs. They look great from the outside but inside are full of corruption and dead mens bones. What kind of Pharisee would say something like that?

According to scripture, Jesus was nowhere to be found inside the tomb. He rose from the dead, but thats just what I heard. It must be true because Jesus is nowhere to be found in Judaism.

You guys say that all the time as if it was a badge of honor. Unbelievable! Its a very very sad story.

According to scripture Jesus was very naughty, he pissed people off wherever he went because he didn't think that Kosher law was about food either, but it is about something. What a riddle!
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I honestly suggest a psychiatrist, before you harm someone.

My parting words.

Too late. There isn't a psychiatrist in the world who would disagree with my revelation about the figurative nature of the words used and hidden subjects of kosher law or that this is exactly what Jesus was teaching and the only one's who would be harmed by those words are the ones who are perpetrating a fraud. Not even a completely objective artificial intelligence would disagree.

Not one would agree with you that Jesus rose from the dead literally or cured blindness with spit.

So, should I feel sorry for people who have been exposed aborting the development of the human mind with perverted interpretations of scripture and complete ignorance of literary devices which destabilizes society, promotes mental illness, rewards duplicity, cowardice, and conformity, discourages intelligence, and perpetuates evil inclinations instilled in even their own children?

I don't think so.

Jesus compared the Pharisees to whitewashed tombs. They look great from the outside but inside are full of corruption and dead mens bones. What kind of Pharisee would say something like that?

According to scripture, Jesus was nowhere to be found inside the tomb. He rose from the dead, but thats just what I heard. It must be true because Jesus is nowhere to be found in Judaism.

You guys say that all the time as if it was a badge of honor. Unbelievable! Its a very very sad story.

According to scripture Jesus was very naughty, he pissed people off wherever he went because he didn't think that Kosher law was about food either, but it is about something. What a riddle!
who wrote that Jesus compared Pharisees to white-washed tombs ROFLMAO @ "according to scripture" ROFLMAO
@ "jesus could not be found in the tomb" ----you came up
with one true statement "Jesus is not found in Judaism---
your "scholars' use shoehorns to shove him into
"prophesies"----he is CERTAINLY easily found in Roman
and Greek mythology-----a "god" for a father and an earth
lady for a mother-----uhm....ALCMENE----the virgin consort
of Zeus-----and then you got the VESTAL 'virgins'. For a
person who "pissed da joooos off"------somehow nobody
seemed to notice him during his lifetime.
somehow nobody
seemed to notice him during his lifetime.

You're right. So he never made the cover of the Jewish gazette. whoop di doo. And what historian would have written about someone who was viewed as a froward low level criminal drunk on skid row surrounded by really bad characters spewing what seemed to be the hubris of a lunatic mind?

I saw a guy in the bowery like that. No one else seemed to notice him. I'm sure he wanted it that way. Crazy is a great cover, like a superpower. Invisibility. He wouldn't have lasted a day without it.

No one would have ever heard about Jesus, ever, if it were not for his friends. But everyone has.
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Jesus was crucified for attacking the shills of Rome that
infected the temple courtyard---that very PHARISEE
action sealed his fate
"quoted the talmud" via the c-bible - would not have led to their crucifixion

in which book does the denier-91 use for their information - about jesus, they are in the whatever "talmud" ... your claim is from the c-bible - courtyard (money changers) - - birds of a feather flock together.

* jesus taught liberation theology, self determination the heavenly religion of antiquity - that is why he, and those others were persecuted by the - jews and romans (christians) - who to this day worship the false commandments of the liar and criminal moses. as their reward.

- bringing them to justice to right their wrong is all anyone can do to bring jesus back to life.
You're right. So he never made the cover of the Jewish gazette. whoop di doo. And what historian would have written about someone who was viewed as a froward low level criminal drunk on skid row surrounded by really bad characters spewing what seemed to be the hubris of a lunatic mind?

I saw a guy in the bowery like that. No one else seemed to notice him. I'm sure he wanted it that way. Crazy is a great cover, like a superpower. Invisibility. He wouldn't have lasted a day without it.

No one would have ever heard about Jesus, ever, if it were not for his friends. But everyone has.
Oh ---so you admit the FACT that Jesus was not a HATED man that big shots wanted to
KILL------he was just a tolerated local nut. That's interesting. Historically it WAS noted
that Caiaphas was a Roman shill and despised
in which book does the denier-91 use for their information - about jesus, they are in the whatever "talmud" ... your claim is from the c-bible - courtyard (money changers) - - birds of a feather flock together.

* jesus taught liberation theology, self determination the heavenly religion of antiquity - that is why he, and those others were persecuted by the - jews and romans (christians) - who to this day worship the false commandments of the liar and criminal moses. as their reward.

- bringing them to justice to right their wrong is all anyone can do to bring jesus back to life.
The books to use are the NT which describes the illegal foray of Jesus upon
the Roman shill money changers AND the talmud which ignores the event and
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in which book does the denier-91 use for their information ....
The books to use are the NT which describes the illegal foray of Jesus upon
the Roman shill money changers
AND the talmud which ignores the even and

sorry, those are books of forgeries and fallacies - and as you correctly claim unjustly ignore the actual event details and the criminal charges against jesus they were crucified for.

and 91's claim to fame ... the talmud ignored completely the jewish trial and crucifixion of jesus - as well undoubtedly those others that gave their lives during that time, they too are ignored who were fed to the lions ... their cause, liberation theology, self determination - to die with them ... the talmud's true intent.

all hail moses.
sorry, those are books of forgeries and fallacies - and as you correctly claim unjustly ignore the actual event details and the criminal charges against jesus they were crucified for.

and 91's claim to fame ... the talmud ignored completely the jewish trial and crucifixion of jesus - as well undoubtedly those others that gave their lives during that time, they too are ignored who were fed to the lions ... their cause, liberation theology, self determination - to die with them ... the talmud's true intent.

all hail moses.
breezie---your post is an act of desperation----the talmud and other writings by jews of
that time DO NOT ignore notable executions and assassinations. As to the lion luncheons--
that did not take place in Judea. What you have managed to assert is that IN YOUR
LAUDABLE opinion----the scriptural writings---OT and NT are both ENTIRELY
"forgeries" Have you ever been in a mosque?

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