Zone1 Which came first, Christianity or Judaism?

No concept of righteous? :auiqs.jpg: I thought the next world is the reward of the righteous.

Are you an antisemite pretending to be Jewish to make them look bad?
Actually all Israel has a share of the world to come. Where is that predicated on being "righteous"?
No concept of righteous? :auiqs.jpg: I thought the next world is the reward of the righteous.

Are you an antisemite pretending to be Jewish to make them look bad?
Not in the same idea as Christians. We strive our best to do the Mitzvot, but we are not perfect.
Not in the same idea as Christians. We strive our best to do the Mitzvot, but we are not perfect.

I wasn't talking to a Christian. I am not Christian. You said that Jews have no concept of righteous like christians do. So what. I asked you about orthodox Judaism and if a member of that tribe can eat pork and teach others to do the same without compunction and remain a member of the community in good standing because you said nothing would happen. lol....

You guys are the lamest tag team I have ever encountered.
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Jesus wasn't denounced by the religious authorities because he was hated. He was ridiculed, slandered, despised, persecuted, rejected, and crucified because he was loved, by the people.

"If this guy isn't stopped he will win over the entire nation, if we arrest him the people will revolt."

But yes, at first Jesus was just a tolerated nut job by the Jewish authorities just like every Jew were tolerated nut jobs by the Roman authorities until they figured out the complicated metaphors that Jesus was using like John the baptist who called the religious elite a brood of vipers.

And at the time the hidden meaning of the law was kept secret by those same religious authorities from everyone including the Jewish laity so when they realized that Jesus wasn't coo coo for coco puffs and started 'opening the eyes of the blind', 'curing the paralyzed', and 'raising the dead' they understood that their smooth and easy lives were threatened. If everyone knew the secrets of the kingdom of Heaven there was no need for the religious elite or the corruption of temple worship.

To the Romans the whole opera was just funny. People who were afraid of bacon arguing with a guy who claimed to come down from the sky. Hysterically funny until the social disruptions and their own realization that no Jew crazy or respected was ever going to pay homage to Caesar.

Just like the Jewish authorities realized that the only way to stop the social movement was to kill Jesus, when the Romans realized they could never control the Jewish nation they destroyed it.

Even though once they were all just tolerated nut jobs of no account......
Unfortunately, Rod Serling is dead------he might have given you a job
Actually all Israel has a share of the world to come. Where is that predicated on being "righteous"?

It depends. There is a lot of talk about the world to come. Some think its about the messianic age where all of Israel will be included, a christian belief also, and others speak of the world to come being the afterlife in the realm of God in heaven. Either way finding a place in the world to come whatever the belief, is predicated on the righteous interpretation and application of Divine Law..

No one is righteous who does not do what is right. Those who don't do what is right will find no place, whether in a future earth or in the kingdom of Heaven, which, like God, has always existed.

The law is the firmament, basis, of the kingdom of heaven which stretches out high above most heads from horizon to horizon like a crystal clear vault. If you do comply with divine instruction, the law, you cannot have the life promised for compliance in you and can never enter the kingdom of God. The law presents a choice between life and death...God is only the God of the living.

You have been told that the subject of Kosher law is food. This is wrong, not righteous. I am telling you that the subject is teaching. Believe whatever you want....My hands have been washed clean.
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It depends. There is a lot of talk about the world to come. Some think its about the messianic age where all of Israel will be included, a christian belief also, and others speak of the world to come being the afterlife in the realm of God in heaven. Either way finding a place in the world to come whatever the belief, is predicated on the righteous interpretation and application of Divine Law..

No one is righteous who does not do what is right. Those who don't do what is right will find no place, whether on a future earth or in the kingdom of Heaven, which, like God, has always existed.

The law is the firmament, basis, of the kingdom of heaven which stretches out high above most heads from horizon to horizon like a crystal clear vault. If you do comply with divine instruction, the law, you cannot have the life promised for compliance in you and can never enter the kingdom of God. The law presents a choice between life and death...God is only the God of the living.

You have been told that the subject of Kosher law is food. This is wrong, not righteous. I am telling you that the subject is teaching. Believe whatever you want....My hands have been washed clean.
This is a fascinating set of beliefs that has little to do with Judaism.
This is a fascinating set of beliefs that has little to do with Judaism.

Right. I see that the history of the Jewish people reflects perfectly the long list of maledictions promised by Moses for turning aside from 'the way' that he taught to follow the law. I thought you guys who obsess over complying with the law literally might have realized by now that you might be doing something wrong with 'the way' you applied the law. Apparently no one among you has the balls or brains. So I decided to help you out by revealing the painfully obvious. You're welcome.

Kosher law is not about what goes into your mouth and out of your ass, but what goes into your ears and out of your mouth. There is no way that you can escape from this irrefutable logic. If you even try you will only condemn yourself and exclude yourself from eternal life in the realm of God.

"No one whose balls have been crushed can become a member of the assembly of the Lord."

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Right. I see that the history of the Jewish people reflects perfectly the long list of maledictions promised by Moses for turning aside from 'the way' that he taught to follow the law. I thought you guys who obsess over complying with the law literally might have realized by now that you might be doing something wrong with 'the way' you applied the law. Apparently no one among you has the balls or brains. So I decided to help you out by revealing the painfully obvious. You're welcome.

Kosher law is not about what goes into your mouth and out of your ass, but what goes into your ears and out of your mouth. There is no way that you can escape from this irrefutable logic. If you even try you will only condemn yourself and exclude yourself from eternal life in the realm of God.

"No one whose balls have been crushed can become a member of the assembly of the Lord."

What you are pointing out is your own agenda and nothing related to Judaism or the laws in the text. Good luck to you.
What you are pointing out is your own agenda and nothing related to Judaism or the laws in the text. Good luck to you.

What I was pointing out is where I am coming from. If you think that the issue that I raised about the deeper implications of Kosher law has nothing to do with Judaism then thank God there are more intelligent Jews out there than you. You are a parrot, a puppet, a golem. Good luck to you!
As to the lion luncheons--
that did not take place in Judea. What you have managed to assert is that IN YOUR
LAUDABLE opinion----the scriptural writings---OT and NT are both ENTIRELY

- provide the stone tablets etched by the heavens claimed by the liar moses w/ 10 commandments ...

"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

the above is a forgery ... and fallacies on nearly every page of any desert religion document.

no, judea was the epitome of corruption, liberation theology, self determination was dead on arrival, jesus knew their fate from the beginning - in rome they understood as much as the foothold for the heavens religion was fair game for so small a minority as throughout history and made hay of their adversaries hopes and dreams.

bring the crucifiers to justice, surly that's not ir-91.
"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

the above is a forgery ... and fallacies on nearly every page of any desert religion document.

It is not a forgery. It is not a fallacy. It is not the ravings of a lunatic. It is the truth, the very truth.

Would you like me to show you what Jesus meant and how that statement is a statement of fact?

It is not a forgery. It is not a fallacy. It is not the ravings of a lunatic. It is the truth, the very truth.

Would you like me to show you what Jesus meant and how that statement is a statement of fact?

I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

that part of the sentence also ... c-bible all the way.

- sure, from the archives of the material they used to write their 4th century book ... and their likeness on a clay pot for who came back to life and walked among them.

and liberation theology, really a tough one ... not quite the jews 10 commandments and their hereditary idolatry, you can work on that one too. and try not to forget who is special / chosen.

and what happened in germany - those innocent "lambs" ...

- not to mention trump they adore their new path to riches. loved by everyone.

is it to bring the crucifiers to justice, fire away.
that part of the sentence also ... c-bible all the way.

- sure, from the archives of the material they used to write their 4th century book ... and their likeness on a clay pot for who came back to life and walked among them.

and liberation theology, really a tough one ... not quite the jews 10 commandments and their hereditary idolatry, you can work on that one too. and try not to forget who is special / chosen.

and what happened in germany - those innocent "lambs" ...

- not to mention trump they adore their new path to riches. loved by everyone.

is it to bring the crucifiers to justice, fire away.
I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
the above statement---FRAUDULENTLY attributed to the innocent Pharisee JESUS----led to the brutal
persecution and murder of HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS
is it to bring the crucifiers to justice, fire away.

First things first. If you want to bring a highly protected strongman to justice you have to first break into his fortress like a thief in the night while everyone is sleeping, overpower him, gag and bind him hand and foot, ransack his fortress, and get away clean with all of his possessions before the sun comes up. Then you can drag his humiliated ass before the Judge. And Justice will follow.

"The way the truth and the life" is a reference to the truth that there is only one way to interpret and comply with Divine instruction that fulfills the promise of eternal life here and now on Earth.

"No one comes to the Father except through me" is the fact that there is no other way, except the way that Jesus taught, to comply with Divine instruction that prepares the fragile and extremely tiny human mind to perceive God, stand in his presence, whether near or far, and hear his words.

So if you want to bring 'the crucifiers' to justice one must first establish that Christian teaching about Jesus is false, the way the Jewish and the way the Muslims screw around over what to eat isn't the right way to comply with the Law which proves that all of their claims to moral authority based their professed adherence to biblical teaching is patently false. This has already been done.

Jesus didn't command anyone to worship a trinity or celebrate his bloody death on an altar. Moses didn't command Jews, Muslims, or anyone, to eat or abstain from certain foods. Its all brazen lies. They all claim to be experts on the moral law who maintain fidelity to biblical teaching, forgeries or not, without knowing the meaning of the words or subjects about which they are so dogmatic. The words in the law are figurative, the subjects hidden, and not necessarily directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used. If you look and look and keep on looking you will find it.

What then? Now that the truth, for so long unfruitful, has finally come to light all thats left for the persecuted to do is the right thing. So if you know the right course to take, just shut up and do it.

Do not cower before the accursed. Do not submit to specious lies. Stand up and walk like a man.
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First things first. If you want to bring a highly protected strongman to justice you have to first break into his fortress like a thief in the night while everyone is sleeping, overpower him, gag and bind him hand and foot, ransack his fortress, and get away clean with all of his possessions before the sun comes up. Then you can drag his humiliated ass before the Judge. And Justice will follow.

"The way the truth and the life" is a reference to the truth that there is only one way to interpret and comply with Divine instruction that fulfills the promise of eternal life here and now on Earth.

"No one comes to the Father except through me" is the fact that there is no other way, except the way that Jesus taught, to comply with Divine instruction that prepares the fragile and extremely tiny human mind to perceive God, stand in his presence, whether near or far, and hear his words.

So if you want to bring 'the crucifiers' to justice one must first establish that Christian teaching about Jesus is false, the way the Jewish and the way the Muslims screw around over what to eat isn't the right way to comply with the Law which proves that all of their claims to moral authority based their professed adherence to biblical teaching is patently false. This has already been done.

Jesus didn't command anyone to worship a trinity or celebrate his bloody death on an altar. Moses didn't command Jews, Muslims, or anyone, to eat or abstain from certain foods. Its all brazen lies. They all claim to be experts on the moral law who maintain fidelity to biblical teaching, forgeries or not, without knowing the meaning of the words or subjects about which they are so dogmatic. The words in the law are figurative, the subjects hidden, and not necessarily directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used. If you look and look and keep on looking you will find it.

What then? Now that the truth, for so long unfruitful, has finally come to light all thats left for the persecuted to do is the right thing. So if you know the right course to take, just shut up and do it.

Do not cower before the accursed. Do not submit to specious lies. Stand up and walk like a man.

well sortof made it through that post ...

the 1st century events were the renewal of the religion of antiquity - liberation theology, self determination - what those people gave their lives for and has been on the fringes ever since ... the jews and romans (christians) are who to hold accountable for their crime - neither will do so on their own.
well sortof made it through that post ...

:113: lol...

the 1st century events were the renewal of the religion of antiquity - liberation theology, self determination - what those people gave their lives for and has been on the fringes ever since ...

What you call the religion of antiquity- liberation theology- self determination, has always been the reality for all people whatever they profess to believe. The perception that what you sow you shall reap, in other words, cause and effect, has always been then unspoken law from antiquity to this day. There is no escaping the consequences of ones own actions whether for good or evil. Ever.

If you knew God and had faith in God you would have no need to bring the crucifiers to justice. You would not be against anybody. You would only be for the spoken truth of the now, the present day.
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:113: lol...

What you call the religion of antiquity- liberation theology- self determination, has always been the reality for all people whatever they profess to believe. The perception that what you sow you shall reap, in other words, cause and effect, has always been then unspoken law from antiquity to this day. There is no escaping the consequences of ones own actions whether for good or evil. Ever.

If you knew God and had faith in God you would have no need to bring the crucifiers to justice. You would not be against anybody. You would only be for the spoken truth of the now, the present day.
excuse me folks------can anyone in involved in this SUBLIME, learned discussion
define "crucifiers". As far as I know----it was the PERSIANS who popularized the
excuse me folks------can anyone in involved in this SUBLIME, learned discussion
define "crucifiers". As far as I know----it was the PERSIANS who popularized the

I suspect our dear friend breezy might be a crucifier. He seems to be trying to incite the murder of innocent Christians and Jews for atrocities done by the dead in the name of God centuries ago.

He derides Moses as a liar and the Bible as a forgery yet he cites the story of Adam and Eve.


Apparently he delved so deeply into the past that he got lost and can't find his way in the present.
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liberation theology- self determination, has always been the reality for all people whatever they profess to believe.

slavery is enshrined in the c-bible among many other disparities, the desert religions - those people have never stood up for the prescribed religion from the heavens and murdered those who did in the 1st century ...

they have been crucifying ever since, you are wrong - injustice prevails and all is lost till those people are brought to justice for the path to the everlasting to again if it ever was be made available.
slavery is enshrined in the c-bible among many other disparities, the desert religions - those people have never stood up for the prescribed religion from the heavens and murdered those who did in the 1st century ...

they have been crucifying ever since, you are wrong - injustice prevails and all is lost till those people are brought to justice for the path to the everlasting to again if it ever was be made available.
breezie, OPEN YOUR "MIND"

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