Zone1 Which came first, Christianity or Judaism?

An antisemitic Christian who thinks his way is the only way. Color me surprised.

I don't believe people have to become disciples of Yehoshua to be saved. Everyone is resurrected, regardless of their ethnicity or religion, and will be judged according to their works.

1 Peter 1:17 " If you address as Father the One who impartially judges according to each one’s work, conduct yourselves in fear during the time of your stay on earth"

Revelation 20:12 "And I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne, and books were opened; and another book was opened, which is the book of life; and the dead were judged from the things which were written in the books, according to their deeds."

Words, deeds, that's what will determine one's final abode, not what religion you affiliate with, or whether you're of a certain ethnic group, culture, or country. etc.
It's not about Jews or Jewishness, it's about one Jew named Yehoshua. We are all in Him, through emunah and living his commandments.
ah yes, the dead man who is the eternal victim. Invented theology piggy backing on Judaism is not my thing. I'll stick with Judaism and actually understand it instead of making uninformed claims about a religion the way you have.
ah yes, the dead man who is the eternal victim. Invented theology piggy backing on Judaism is not my thing. I'll stick with Judaism and actually understand it instead of making uninformed claims about a religion the way you have.

The Bible isn't Judaism and Yehoshua isn't dead, he's alive. It's Judaism that is dead weight, without Yehoshua. You have nothing but your narcissistic delusions.
The Bible isn't Judaism and Yehoshua isn't dead, he's alive. It's Judaism that is dead weight, without Yehoshua. You have nothing but your narcissistic delusions.
No one said the bible is Judaism so your first statement is irrelevant.
Jesus is dead and Judaism is still very much alive. You may not like it but it is the truth. All you have is your invented religion which is a shadow of Judaism, twisted to be what you think you need, but steeped in ignorance and fiction.
An antisemitic Christian who thinks his way is the only way. Color me surprised.

the desert religions - three peas in a pod.

jesus taught liberation theology, self determination the religion of antiquity - heavenly judgement with admission to the everlasting for those sucessful in their journey as a&e and their choice for humanity.
No one said the bible is Judaism so your first statement is irrelevant.
Jesus is dead and Judaism is still very much alive. You may not like it but it is the truth. All you have is your invented religion which is a shadow of Judaism, twisted to be what you think you need, but steeped in ignorance and fiction.
No one said the bible is Judaism...

Rabbinic Judaism, Taldmudism, Kabbalah, none of that has anything to do with the Word of YHWH. You've conjured all of that up, like reincarnation and other ridiculous, unbiblical beliefs.

.... so your first statement is irrelevant.

It's 100% relevant because you have nothing to stand on religiously or otherwise, as a Jew, without YHWH's word.

Jesus is dead and Judaism is still very much alive. You may not like it but it is the truth. All you have is your invented religion which is a shadow of Judaism, twisted to be what you think you need, but steeped in ignorance and fiction.

Yehoshua is alive because he's the Sar Gadol and archangel. What is dead is your worthless, xenophobic trash religion, and poor excuse of a country, that needs my country, the USA, to send it a yearly welfare check to the tune of billions of dollars. Due to your religio-ethnocentric, narcissistic tripe-culture, that poops/demeans and hates everything that is Christian, European, or White, America has to bear with your destructive agenda and aspirations. You're going to force us into WW3. You're 3.7% of the American population, but you people control everything and steer government policy and culture into the pit. It's due to your xenophobic culture.
I don't believe people have to become disciples of Yehoshua to be saved. Everyone is resurrected, regardless of their ethnicity or religion, and will be judged according to their works.

1 Peter 1:17 " If you address as Father the One who impartially judges according to each one’s work, conduct yourselves in fear during the time of your stay on earth"

Revelation 20:12 "And I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne, and books were opened; and another book was opened, which is the book of life; and the dead were judged from the things which were written in the books, according to their deeds."

Words, deeds, that's what will determine one's final abode, not what religion you affiliate with, or whether you're of a certain ethnic group, culture, or country. etc.
Why in the world do you keep quoting the New Testament to a Jew?
No one said the bible is Judaism...

Rabbinic Judaism, Taldmudism, Kabbalah, none of that has anything to do with the Word of YHWH. You've conjured all of that up, like reincarnation and other ridiculous, unbiblical beliefs.
So this, in no way, deals with what I said. Next?
.... so your first statement is irrelevant.

It's 100% relevant because you have nothing to stand on religiously or otherwise, as a Jew, without YHWH's word.
The statement related to something that I never claims so it was irrelevant. Separate from that is your opinion about God's word etc. Your opinion is also irrelevant.

Jesus is dead and Judaism is still very much alive. You may not like it but it is the truth. All you have is your invented religion which is a shadow of Judaism, twisted to be what you think you need, but steeped in ignorance and fiction.

Yehoshua is alive because he's the Sar Gadol and archangel. What is dead is your worthless, xenophobic trash religion, and poor excuse of a country, that needs my country, the USA, to send it a yearly welfare check to the tune of billions of dollars. Due to your religio-ethnocentric, narcissistic tripe-culture, that poops/demeans and hates everything that is Christian, European, or White, America has to bear with your destructive agenda and aspirations. You're going to force us into WW3. You're 3.7% of the American population, but you people control everything and steer government policy and culture into the pit. It's due to your xenophobic culture.
See, you keep lashing out and calling names. You also show some real ignorance about how loan guarantees work and how foreign aid works. So far, I haven't seen anything that you actually know anything about other than your own invented theology. You asked some reasonable questions last week but have degenerated into name calling because you can't argue with actual facts. And I do like how you invoke conspiracy theories so you can play the victim some more...
You're making erroneous claims about Christianity and I'm showing you how the New Testament contradicts your assertions.
and if I cited the talmud to show you how wrong your assertions are, would that be relevant or persuasive?
You're making erroneous claims about Christianity and I'm showing you how the New Testament contradicts your assertions.
The New Testament doesn’t prove anything. It’s merely what Christians believe.

You remind me of an annoying Christian Evangelical who kept harping on me to “accept Jesus.” She warned me, as her “proof,” that it says in the NT that the only way to the Father is through Son. What is so hard to understand that Jews do NOT believe that, and quoting a religious book of another religion does not prove anything?
So this, in no way, deals with what I said. Next?

The statement related to something that I never claims so it was irrelevant. Separate from that is your opinion about God's word etc. Your opinion is also irrelevant.

See, you keep lashing out and calling names. You also show some real ignorance about how loan guarantees work and how foreign aid works. So far, I haven't seen anything that you actually know anything about other than your own invented theology. You asked some reasonable questions last week but have degenerated into name calling because you can't argue with actual facts. And I do like how you invoke conspiracy theories so you can play the victim some more...

You keep saying that Christianity is fiction. If that is true, it is a much nobler fiction or lie than yours. You people are destroying the world, with your xenophobic, misanthropic narcissism and victimhood. Your "Jewish souls" that descend from the upper worlds, to inhabit the bodies of special Jewish people, amongst a sea of goyim, have a very selfish, cynical view of humanity, of the world, and that hurts everyone, including you. You hurt yourselves because a lot of the pain and suffering that you cause others bites you as well. It's not a conspiracy theory, it's a fact, easily established. You're a bunch of self-worshiping, xenophobic sociopaths.
and if I cited the talmud to show you how wrong your assertions are, would that be relevant or persuasive?
You can cite Talmud, and I will too. You can prove anything from the rabbis, debating each other. One takes one position, and the other will give another opinion. There are many opinions in the Talmudic literature. Judaism is influenced by the Hebrew Bible and all of the extra-biblical literature. Including books like the RAMCHAL's Derech Hashem, and others. I'm half Jewish, I know how Jews think, especially the religious ones. You can't fool me. I know what Jews say behind closed doors about the goyim. Don't even try to play that game with me. Portraying Jewish beliefs and culture in a way that is divorced from reality. Half my family is Jewish and I have many Orthodox Jews in my family.
You keep saying that Christianity is fiction. If that is true, it is a much nobler fiction or lie than yours.
Again, your opinion.
You people are destroying the world, with your xenophobic, misanthropic narcissism and victimhood.
More of your baseless claims that scream "I'm ignorant of Judaism so I'll just throw out some insults."
Your "Jewish souls" that descend from the upper worlds, to inhabit the bodies of special Jewish people, amongst a sea of goyim, have a very selfish, cynical view of humanity, of the world, and that hurts everyone, including you. You hurt yourselves because a lot of the pain and suffering that you cause others bites you as well. It's not a conspiracy theory, it's a fact, easily established. You're a bunch of self-worshiping, xenophobic sociopaths.
You subscribe to the basest of conspiracy theories mired in the deepest of ignorance. Someday, when you want to learn instead of assuming you know all sorts of stuff, feel free to ask reasonable questions.
The New Testament doesn’t prove anything. It’s merely what Christians believe.

You remind me of an annoying Christian Evangelical who kept harping on me to “accept Jesus.” She warned me, as her “proof,” that it says in the NT that the only way to the Father is through Son. What is so hard to understand that Jews do NOT believe that, and quoting a religious book of another religion does not prove anything?

I was showing you how you're wrong about what you said bout Christian beliefs. You made a claim that Christianity asserts something, that it doesn't assert. I wasn't trying to prove Christianity by citing NT, I was proving that you were wrong about what you claimed about Christianity teaching something, that it doesn't teach. If you can't understand that, you're the one lacking reading comprehension skills.
You can cite Talmud, and I will too. You can prove anything from the rabbis, debating each other. One takes one position, and the other will give another opinion. There are many opinions in the Talmudic literature. Judaism is influenced by the Hebrew Bible and all of the extra-biblical literature. Including books like the RAMCHAL's Derech Hashem, and others. I'm half Jewish, I know how Jews think, especially the religious ones. You can't fool me. I know what Jews say behind closed doors about the goyim. Don't even try to play that game with me. Portraying Jewish beliefs and culture in a way that is divorced from reality. Half my family is Jewish and I have many Orthodox Jews in my family.
And you can prove whatever you want from a collection of fictional texts designed to coopt the Jewish bible texts. I like how you think "half-Jewish" means something and that you "know how Jews think." You haven't a clue about Judaism or Jews. Your half-baked conspiracy laden fantasies about your own victimhood are simply pathetic. You are suffering from paranoia and delusions.
Again, your opinion.

More of your baseless claims that scream "I'm ignorant of Judaism so I'll just throw out some insults."

You subscribe to the basest of conspiracy theories mired in the deepest of ignorance. Someday, when you want to learn instead of assuming you know all sorts of stuff, feel free to ask reasonable questions.

You're just in denial. Yes, it's my opinion and I like opinions better than yours. You like your opinion better than mine. If your values are that xenophobia is good, then I can see why you flippantly dismiss everything your opponent says as being a mere opinion, as if to say that everything is relative to how we personally feel. If you want to pretend that it's ambiguous that Jews are obsessed with being victims and self-absorbed, go ahead, deluded yourself. What did you call a "conspiracy"? Be clear. What did I say, that is a "conspiracy"?
The Bible isn't Judaism and Yehoshua isn't dead, he's alive. It's Judaism that is dead weight, without Yehoshua. You have nothing but your narcissistic delusions.
Jesus isn’t dead according to YOUR beliefs. According to Jews, he was just a man who doesn’t even enter into any discussion, classes, services, etc. held in synagogues or under Jewish auspices.
You're just in denial.
I'm in acceptance. You are in denial. The difference is I know what Judaism says and you deny it and make up other stuff.

Yes, it's my opinion and I like opinions better than yours. You like your opinion better than mine. If your values are that xenophobia is good, then I can see why you flippantly dismiss everything your opponent says as being a mere opinion, as if to say that everything is relative to how we personally feel.
See, that's a rhetorical fallacy called a "strawman" -- I never said that xenophobia is good or bad but you are imputing to me that I said it is good and then drawing conclusions from that. Since Judaism does not include xenophobia, your initial premise fails. Therefore your conclusion fails.

If you want to pretend that it's ambiguous that Jews are obsessed with being victims and self-absorbed, go ahead, deluded yourself. What did you call a "conspiracy"? Be clear. What did I say, that is a "conspiracy"?
What did I call a conspiracy? Let's start with: "you people control everything and steer government policy and culture into the pit"

Then you wave your paranoia flag, proud and free when you say, "I know how Jews think, especially the religious ones. You can't fool me. I know what Jews say behind closed doors about the goyim"

Maybe you aren't clear on what a conspiracy theory is. Here, let MW help:

a theory that explains an event or set of circumstances as the result of a secret plot by usually powerful conspirators

also : a theory asserting that a secret of great importance is being kept from the public
And you can prove whatever you want from a collection of fictional texts designed to coopt the Jewish bible texts. I like how you think "half-Jewish" means something and that you "know how Jews think." You haven't a clue about Judaism or Jews. Your half-baked conspiracy laden fantasies about your own victimhood are simply pathetic. You are suffering from paranoia and delusions.

You're projecting your victimhood, paranoia, and delusions on me. I'm well aware that there is no such thing, according to Halacha as a "half-Jew", you're either a Jew or you're not. You're being pedantic. My father is Jewish, my mother is Catholic.

When I lived in Israel for a bit over two years, I was constantly being asked if I was Jewish, and when I would tell them that my father is Jewish, they would tell me that I can still become a citizen of Israel, even though I'm not Halachicaly Jewish. I don't even need to convert to Judaism. I stayed in a hostel for a few months, in Tel Aviv, a couple of blocks from the beach, before I rented an apartment, and I met several people from Ukraine who were staying in the hostel, who were making aliya, and one of them was like me. His father was Jewish and his mother was eastern orthodox Christian, and he was becoming a citizen of Israel. He wasn't even religious. Israel is desperate for canon fodder.

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