Zone1 Which came first, Christianity or Judaism?

You're projecting your victimhood, paranoia, and delusions on me. I'm well aware that there is no such thing, according to Halacha as a "half-Jew", you're either a Jew or you're not. You're being pedantic. My father is Jewish, my mother is Catholic.
How am I being pedantic when I'm calling you out for using a phrase which you know has no meaning? You are being deceitful, claiming a partial membership to lend credence to your ridiculous statements. You are not Jewish and yet you claimed you were.
When I lived in Israel for a bit over two years, I was constantly being asked if I was Jewish, and when I would tell them that my father is Jewish, they would tell me that I can still become a citizen of Israel, even though I'm not Halachicaly Jewish. I don't even need to convert to Judaism.
Why does the Israeli legal system's acceptance of patrilineal descent become relevant to your knowledge base and your claims under Jewish law?

I stayed in a hostel for a few months, in Tel Aviv, a couple of blocks from the beach, before I rented an apartment, and I met several people from Ukraine who were staying in the hostel, who were making aliya, and one of them was like me. His father was Jewish and his mother was eastern orthodox Christian, and he was becoming a citizen of Israel. He wasn't even religious. Israel is desperate for canon fodder.
Wow -- you stayed in a hostel? You are practically a native! This is more of your pretending that you have an informed opinion based on nothingness. If you understood anything about Israel, you'd know that canon fodder is the last thing Israel wants. But you see things through a very twisted lens, built on ignorance and deceit so this is what you end up with. Sad.
Jesus isn’t dead according to YOUR beliefs. According to Jews, he was just a man who doesn’t even enter into any discussion, classes, services, etc. held in synagogues or under Jewish auspices.
I'm in acceptance. You are in denial. The difference is I know what Judaism says and you deny it and make up other stuff.

See, that's a rhetorical fallacy called a "strawman" -- I never said that xenophobia is good or bad but you are imputing to me that I said it is good and then drawing conclusions from that. Since Judaism does not include xenophobia, your initial premise fails. Therefore your conclusion fails.

What did I call a conspiracy? Let's start with: "you people control everything and steer government policy and culture into the pit"

Then you wave your paranoia flag, proud and free when you say, "I know how Jews think, especially the religious ones. You can't fool me. I know what Jews say behind closed doors about the goyim"

Maybe you aren't clear on what a conspiracy theory is. Here, let MW help:

a theory that explains an event or set of circumstances as the result of a secret plot by usually powerful conspirators

also : a theory asserting that a secret of great importance is being kept from the public

Let's have a formal debate on this issue. Do Jews, only 3.7% of the US population, have too much power and influence over our government and culture? Do you want to debate that? You're now lying, pretending that my sources amount to some tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist books and White supremacist propaganda. If you come into this debate with those arguments, you're going to be clobbered. I'm giving you a heads-up to prepare and stop using such disingenuous arguments. I have facts, that are unambiguous and 100% clear that Jews have way too much power over the US government and Western culture. Are you ready to debate this issue with me? I will gather the evidence.
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How am I being pedantic when I'm calling you out for using a phrase which you know has no meaning? You are being deceitful, claiming a partial membership to lend credence to your ridiculous statements. You are not Jewish and yet you claimed you were.

Why does the Israeli legal system's acceptance of patrilineal descent become relevant to your knowledge base and your claims under Jewish law?

Wow -- you stayed in a hostel? You are practically a native! This is more of your pretending that you have an informed opinion based on nothingness. If you understood anything about Israel, you'd know that canon fodder is the last thing Israel wants. But you see things through a very twisted lens, built on ignorance and deceit so this is what you end up with. Sad.

I never claimed I was Jewish. You're the one who is being dishonest, creating strawmen arguments. Yes, when I first arrived in Israel, I stayed in a hostel in Tel Aviv, before I rented a place. I never claimed to be Israeli, but I do know, that the Jewish state, doesn't require people to be Jewish, to make aliya. Just have a father that is Jewish and you're in. I could've applied and become a citizen, but after seeing how atrociously xenophobic and rude Israelis are, I made a reverse Exodus to Cairo lol.
I never claimed I was Jewish. You're the one who is being dishonest, creating strawmen arguments. Yes, when I first arrived in Israel, I stayed in a hostel in Tel Aviv, before I rented a place. I never claimed to be Israeli, but I do know, that the Jewish state, doesn't require people to be Jewish, to make aliya. Just have a father that is Jewish and you're in. I could've applied and become a citizen, but after seeing how atrociously xenophobic and rude Israelis are, I made a reverse Exodus to Cairo lol.
Does your father know how much contempt you have for Jews?
Let's have a formal debate on this issue. Do Jews, only 3.7% of the population, have too much power and influence over our government and culture? Do you want to debate that? You're now lying, pretending that my sources amount to some tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist books and White supremacists. If you come into this debate with those arguments, you're to be clobbered. I'm giving you a heads-up to prepare and stop using such disingenuous arguments. I have facts, that are unambiguous and 100% clear that Jews have way too much power over the US government and Western culture. Are you ready to debate this issue with me? And I will prepare the evidence.
The very well established conspiracy theory about Jews' having too much power need not be debated. Its insanity is clear (and I provided a couple of links to hep you out...I guess you ignored them). You are now digging in, claiming that it is "clear" that Jews have way too much power. You have so many rhetorical errors in the structure of your statement and you are blind to them. Debating with you is impossible because you haven't even come to terms with the meaning of the words you use. What is "too much" in terms of power? How is it measured? Why is it a problem if the power is earned? Who decides what is too much and what isn't? And that's just a few of the problems you would have on just one phrase.

You are a tin-foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist who plays the victim (probably struggling to find external causes for his own failures).
I never claimed I was Jewish.
I didn't say you did -- I pointed out that your claim was of being "half-Jewish" which, you admit to knowing, is a fake construct.
You're the one who is being dishonest, creating strawmen arguments. Yes, when I first arrived in Israel, I stayed in a hostel in Tel Aviv, before I rented a place.
You also said you were near a beach. Who cares? All I did was confirm that you said you were in a hostel. And then you rented a place? Wow, just like a real adult would!
I never claimed to be Israeli, but I do know, that the Jewish state, doesn't require people to be Jewish, to make aliya. Just have a father that is Jewish and you're in. I could've applied and become a citizen, but after seeing how atrociously xenophobic and rude Israelis are, I made a reverse Exodus to Cairo lol.
Then you have no idea what you are talking about. The Jewish state, for the sake of the law of return accepts having one Jewish grandparent as entitling one to gain automatic citizenship (as written, it isn't about being Jewish so the issue of a Jewish father or mother is actually immaterial). That should, if anything, bolster the point that Israel is NOT xenophobic.

You really need to pay better attention.
Does your father know how much contempt you have for Jews?
I have contempt for patterns of thought and behavior, not necessarily for Jews in general. If most Jews express those patterns of thought and behavior, then I do hold such people in contempt. I also find fanatical Muslims repulsive. American Evangelicals are also repulsive to me, in the way they behave and their politics. I'm an equal-opportunity hater.

Psa_139:22 I hate them with perfect hatred: I count them mine enemies.

How about the contempt many Jews have shown me for having a shiksa as a mother? How about the contempt that my father's family has shown me for being the goy son of their Jewish son? How about all of the contempt that I have witnessed coming from the Jews that I used to live with, towards non-Jews? You can't fool me. Try it with someone else.
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The very well established conspiracy theory about Jews' having too much power need not be debated. Its insanity is clear (and I provided a couple of links to hep you out...I guess you ignored them). You are now digging in, claiming that it is "clear" that Jews have way too much power. You have so many rhetorical errors in the structure of your statement and you are blind to them. Debating with you is impossible because you haven't even come to terms with the meaning of the words you use. What is "too much" in terms of power? How is it measured? Why is it a problem if the power is earned? Who decides what is too much and what isn't? And that's just a few of the problems you would have on just one phrase.

You are a tin-foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist who plays the victim (probably struggling to find external causes for his own failures).

As I said, you're a pedantic sophist. Sophistry and pedantry are all you have. Perhaps you and your Jewish friends are satisfied with such arguments, but I assure you, most people will see right through your disingenuous quibbling. Your fallacious drivel about having to define every word is an evasive maneuver by a desperate, cornered rascal trying to obfuscate the obvious. It's not going to work. Even if you decide not to engage in a formal debate with me on this issue, I will present a case, exposing American Zionists, who are destroying America, if not the whole world. Turn to Yehoshua, the true Jew, and Redeemer:

I didn't say you did -- I pointed out that your claim was of being "half-Jewish" which, you admit to knowing, is a fake construct.

You also said you were near a beach. Who cares? All I did was confirm that you said you were in a hostel. And then you rented a place? Wow, just like a real adult would!

Then you have no idea what you are talking about. The Jewish state, for the sake of the law of return accepts having one Jewish grandparent as entitling one to gain automatic citizenship (as written, it isn't about being Jewish so the issue of a Jewish father or mother is actually immaterial). That should, if anything, bolster the point that Israel is NOT xenophobic.

You really need to pay better attention.

The secular state is desperate for canon fodder. I was never treated well in Orthodox circles, due to having a Catholic mother or being the son of a "shiksa" of a Jewish man. They were married, but my mother will always be a "shiksa". Don't lie to me, I know exactly how it is. You people are xenophobic, holding the goyim in contempt and that leads to a self-perpetuating cycle of persecution and victimhood.
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Jesus isn’t dead according to YOUR beliefs. According to Jews, he was just a man who doesn’t even enter into any discussion, classes, services, etc. held in synagogues or under Jewish auspices.

what was their reason for murdering jesus -

if he did not have a better way the religion of antiquity and they felt threatened what was their motivation and then deliberately exclude them from their deliberations proving his innocence ...

- the blood soaked hands of the jews till brought to justice and restitution exacted.
Even someone with the most basic knowledge of religion could answer this question. Judaism came first, seeing as Jesus himself was a Jew. Christian itself started as a sect of Judaism,and became a separate religion later.

The simplest way to explain it is this. Christianity is based on the concept that Jesus was the Messiah, a figure in Judaism who was supposed to arise and lead the Jews. The prophesies of the Messiah were created in a time when the Hebrews were being dominated by varous different nations...the Persians, the Romans, ect. The Messiah was viewed as a savior figure who would lead the Jews in rebellion against their oppressors and lead the Jews back to their place as the Chosen People. However, over the centuries following the crucifixion, Christianity became dominated by non-Jews who, many of whom mistrusted and hated Jews, and so Christian leaders wished to separate themselves from the Jews, going as far, some cases, as denying that Jesus was himself a Jew.
Even someone with the most basic knowledge of religion could answer this question. Judaism came first, seeing as Jesus himself was a Jew. Christian itself started as a sect of Judaism,and became a separate religion later.

The simplest way to explain it is this. Christianity is based on the concept that Jesus was the Messiah, a figure in Judaism who was supposed to arise and lead the Jews. The prophesies of the Messiah were created in a time when the Hebrews were being dominated by varous different nations...the Persians, the Romans, ect. The Messiah was viewed as a savior figure who would lead the Jews in rebellion against their oppressors and lead the Jews back to their place as the Chosen People. However, over the centuries following the crucifixion, Christianity became dominated by non-Jews who, many of whom mistrusted and hated Jews, and so Christian leaders wished to separate themselves from the Jews, going as far, some cases, as denying that Jesus was himself a Jew.

The Judaism of the Hebrew Bible and the Judaism we have today, are worlds apart. Two completely different religions.
The Judaism of the Hebrew Bible and the Judaism we have today, are worlds apart. Two completely different religions.
You should reread the books----a review of the HEBREW BIBLE based on a quotation from
some unknown "john" in a Roman book -----is kinda silly
the desert religions - three peas in a pod.

jesus taught liberation theology, self determination the religion of antiquity - heavenly judgement with admission to the everlasting for those sucessful in their journey as a&e and their choice for humanity.
breezie---you raise an interesting NON-POINT. I know of no religion that does not address
the issue of some sort of "divine" assessment of the MORTAL JOURNEY
You should reread the books----a review of the HEBREW BIBLE based on a quotation from
some unknown "john" in a Roman book -----is kinda silly

You said nothing. I read TaNaK in Hebrew, English, and Spanish. However, even if I couldn't read the Hebrew Bible in Hebrew, I could accurately confirm what I said about rabbinic Judaism, not being the ancient religion of the biblical Israelites.
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I missed it----what were the " erroneous claims about GENOCIDAL christianity " ??

There is no "genocide" in Torah? How many people did YHWH order the Israelites to slaughter? The Amalekites were slaughtered by King Saul, for something that their ancestors did centuries earlier, when the Hebrews were in the desert with Moses.
You said nothing. I read TaNaK in Hebrew, English, and Spanish. However, even if I couldn't read the Hebrew Bible in Hebrew, one could accurately confirm what I said about rabbinic Judaism, not being the ancient religion of the biblical Israelites.
I doubt that you have read the books even in English-----as to the idiot "ONE COUD ACCURATELY CONFIRM ABOUT RABBINIC JUDAISM NOT BEING THE ANCIENT RELIGION
OF THE "BIBLICAL ISRAELITES" " <<<<BULLSHIT In fact, that which is easily confirmed
is that RABBINIC JUDAISM was that of the person you call "jesus" ----and about which the unknown 'john' ass licker of rome ...
GARBBLED. ps-----the person you call "jesus" was a PHARISEE JEW---adherent
of the school of HILLEL and he washed his hands before he ate-----not being a roman pig
There is no "genocide" in Torah? How many people did YHWH order the Israelites to slaughter? The Amalekites were slaughtered by King Saul, for something that their ancestors did centuries earlier, when the Hebrews were in the desert with Moses.
wrong again----there were tribal wars in the land called Canaan that started LONG
BEFORE Abraham founded the people that came to be known as "THE CHILDREN
OF ISRAEL" (aka Jacob) Those tribal wars ----simply, continued. The issue that the
"children of Israel" had with your Fellow Amalekites was their propensity for
child sacrifice. -----thus they were despised----BUT THE ACTUAL DEPOPULATION of
the land "Canaan" was the result of incessant warfare between Egypt and Mesopotamia.
Along with not reading the books you call "bibles" ---you have not learned the history
As I said, you're a pedantic sophist. Sophistry and pedantry are all you have. Perhaps you and your Jewish friends are satisfied with such arguments, but I assure you, most people will see right through your disingenuous quibbling. Your fallacious drivel about having to define every word is an evasive maneuver by a desperate, cornered rascal trying to obfuscate the obvious. It's not going to work. Even if you decide not to engage in a formal debate with me on this issue, I will present a case, exposing American Zionists, who are destroying America, if not the whole world. Turn to Yehoshua, the true Jew, and Redeemer:

As I said, you are a suffering, paranoid wannabe. Perhaps your circle of one enjoys the victim role you play as you displace your disappointement with yourself and your life, but everyone sees your bitterness and ignorance of display. Your inability to confront the need for clarity in communication and your willingness to hide behind dead level abstractions. You are a prime example of hatred and now are doing a great job of mixing anti-semitism with anti-Zionism thus making obvious to the world that the two are inextricably linked in mindless anger and vitriol.

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