Which Cold War President's Foreign Policy was the Worst? The Best?

Reagan is not the only reason the Soviets failed..

Defense costs, furthermore, were eating up an inordinate portion of Soviet expenditures. Because of the difficulty in measuring the Soviet GNP it was not always clear what percentage was being spent to this end. Experts now claim the West routinely underestimated the numbers. It is now believed that in years just prior to 1991 as much as 30 percent of the economy went toward the defense sector putting an enormous burden on the average citizen in terms of delayed consumer satisfaction. Then there were the costs incurred by shoring up overseas adventures such as those in Africa, not to mention the drain of the war in Afghanistan and the expense involved in maintaining Castro's lifeline.

But all of this is preliminary to asking and attempting to answer what clearly has become the hottest and most ideologically-fraught issue pertaining to the close of the Cold War, namely the extent to which America's acceleration of the arms race impacted the Soviet Union so as to hasten her fall from power.

The Fall Of The Soviet Union: Whys And Wherefores
Your quote says it all, Bud. Why do you think their defense costs were so high? Duh, they were in an arms race with the U.S. And why do you think their costs in Afghanistan and Cuba were so high? Maybe because Reagan was giving the resistance in Afghanistan MONEY AND ARMS to fight the Soviets? Then there's Central America. Reagan was costing them millions because of our funding the Contras. I know you guys don't like to give Reagan any credit for bringing down the U.S.S.R. but he did it, despite the efforts of a Democratic Congress to stop him. Don't be disingenuous, especially for partisan reasons, give credit where credit is due.

uh you've listend to way too much from what out corrupt school textbooks tell us in our corrupt school system.AGAIN it would have happend no matter WHO was president.Gorbachev was mostly responsible for it reforming the soviet union.thats a fact you may not want to hear but its true.you obviously did not read that link that moonglow posted.
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JFk was the best.

He was Democrat.

He came from a family richer than the Koch bros.


The Soviet Union collapsed because their system didn't work. Just didn't. Now, If a peanut farmer like Jimmy Carter can hold off the ruskies before that imminent collapse, what is the point of this question? What Kennedy or Regan did is moot.
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JFk was the best.

He was Democrat.

He came from a family richer than the Koch bros.

Jfk had the best foergin policy,he was a man of peace who sought peaceful solutions with other countrys and governments
JFK was anti-communist, but he did not always display competence.

Kennedy’s Failure at the Bay of Pigs

Kennedy failed to impress Khruschev: [ame="http://www.amazon.com/The-Crisis-Years-Khrushchev-1960-1963/dp/0060164549"]The Crisis Years: Kennedy and Khrushchev, 1960-1963 [/ame]

you cant believe anything out textbooks tells you in our corrupt government funded schools.
Government-funded schools tend to be left of center, don't you think?

Johnson has the worst foreign policy alright though.He reversed JFK's policy on vietnam for complete withdrawel from vietnam by 1965
Evidence JFK would have winthdrawn all U.S. forces?

and he paid the price for that seeking peaceful solutions to the worlds problems on nov 22nd 1963.
You seem to be one of those conspiracy nuts.
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uh you've listend to way too much from what out corrupt school textbooks tell us in our corrupt school system.AGAIN it would have happend no matter WHO was president.Gorbachev was mostly responsible for it reforming the soviet union.thats a fact you may not want to hear but its true.you obviously did not read that link that moonglow posted.
That's daft. Gorbachev's goal was reforming the Soviet Union, Reagan's was it's demise.

Gorbachev failed miserably, while Reagan triumphed remarkably. No amount of historical revisionism is going to change that.
Ike was the best. He laid the groundwork for the Cold War and kept things calm

LBJ was the worst. He turned a civil war into a Cold War confrontation
JFk was the best.

He was Democrat.

He came from a family richer than the Koch bros.

Jfk had the best foergin policy,he was a man of peace who sought peaceful solutions with other countrys and governments
JFK was anti-communist, but he did not always display competence.

Kennedy’s Failure at the Bay of Pigs

Kennedy failed to impress Khruschev: [ame="http://www.amazon.com/The-Crisis-Years-Khrushchev-1960-1963/dp/0060164549"]The Crisis Years: Kennedy and Khrushchev, 1960-1963 [/ame]

Government-funded schools tend to be left of center, don't you think?

Johnson has the worst foreign policy alright though.He reversed JFK's policy on vietnam for complete withdrawel from vietnam by 1965
Evidence JFK would have winthdrawn all U.S. forces?

and he paid the price for that seeking peaceful solutions to the worlds problems on nov 22nd 1963.
You seem to be one of those conspiracy nuts.

No Im a conspiracy REALIST,you have been brainwashed by the CIA controlled media and dont get it how evil the CIA really is. and you have failed msierably to debunk these two links here.you are dense in the fact that the president is just a puppet for his masters that if he doesnt do what he is told to do,they get rid of him.:cuckoo: JFK was lied to by the CIA and the military,they deliberatly lied to him saying they did not need air cover when they knew for the invasion to succeed,they WOULD need it.:cuckoo:
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The Soviet Union collapsed because their system didn't work. Just didn't. Now, If a peanut farmer like Jimmy Carter can hold off the ruskies before that imminent collapse, what is the point of this question? What Kennedy or Regan did is moot.

it indeed did collapse because their system did not work,not because of a president.

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