Which countries do you wish a leading role in Europe?

Which countries do you wish a leading role in Europe?

  • the UK

    Votes: 4 22.2%
  • France

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • Italy

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • Spain

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • Sweden

    Votes: 7 38.9%
  • Germany

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • Hungary

    Votes: 7 38.9%
  • Poland

    Votes: 7 38.9%
  • Ukraine

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • Ireland

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • none

    Votes: 5 27.8%

  • Total voters

Dont you know Europe?
How can that be? The UK is not in the UE, and not in the eurozone and is separated from Europe by miles of ocean just like the US, and in modern times has not played nearly as important role in European affairs as the US, so what sense does it make for the UK to be in Europe and not the US?

After all, your question was,

Which countries do you wish a leading role in Europe?​

and the US is already playing a/the leading role in Europe.
How can that be? The UK is not in the UE, and not in the eurozone and is separated from Europe by miles of ocean just like the US, and in modern times has not played nearly as important role in European affairs as the US, so what sense does it make for the UK to be in Europe and not the US?

After all, your question was,

Which countries do you wish a leading role in Europe?​

and the US is already playing a/the leading role in Europe.


You have NO idea what Europe means.
Russia, that would finally remove the Eurotrash yoke from America's neck. Europe has had decades to figure this mess out, they failed to do anything constructive. Time for the US to abandon those failed empires and focus on matters closer to home like South and Central America.
Sadly, most of the European countries have become slaves to the Globalist pukes who's goal is to trash western civilization and turn Europe into a Marxist utopia. Where no one owns anything, and everyone shares equally in the misery and poverty.
Only the country of Russia lead by Putin refuses to bow down to the Globalist / Marxist scum.
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I'll vote for any ex-ComBloc states.
Countries which aren't communist anymore, but were...and learned alot from it and have learned to balance healthy capitalism with their old ways. They realize that neither in extreme form is good.

The Czech Republic somes to mind...especially since it's right smack in the middle of Europe and has spent time as both a communist state and as a major capitalist player as well.

I voted for Poland. Poland bounced back from being a Soviet puppet state faster than any other. But they also have proceeed cautiously with allowing corporate leaders to simply take the place of the Kremlin.

The UK is part of Europe.
What did you learn in school?
I learned what you learned, that the the UK was part of Europe, and the US was not, but that was based largely on geography and not on function, but today, geography means nothing and in terms of function, the US is more a part of Europe than Sweden or Finland or many other countries you would call European. There simply is no other natural leader in Europe than the US.

Which countries do you wish a leading role in Europe?​

The question is not for THE leading role but for A leading role.
Several countries may have leading roles.
So what? The answer is still the same.
Only some "nutty" Eastern European would want the USA to control (aka "lead") Europe - just look at the USA's own heap of economic and political chaos and intolerance.
FYI - the US is not a European country :)

Depends how to see this. The USA is not a European country but a European nation - a child of the enlightenment. And she has the leading role in Europe. The question is more and more whether to let it be in this way or to ask ourselve whether it is our duty to change this.

And the leaders in Europe should be currently Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, NOT Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Nethertlands, NOT Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden plus Great Britain, Norway and the Switzerland. I hope I forgot no one.

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I learned what you learned, that the the UK was part of Europe, and the US was not, but that was based largely on geography and not on function, but today, geography means nothing and in terms of function, the US is more a part of Europe than Sweden or Finland or many other countries you would call European. There simply is no other natural leader in Europe than the US.
The UK is geographically a part of Europe and therefore play's and has always played it's part in European politics - what you are referring to is the European Union aka EU.
The USA achieved it's dominance over Europe thanks to WW1 and WW2 - just as the former USSR did.

The USA is clearly an economic rival to the EU - the policy of the USA is that of Global Imperialism and hegemony since 1900 - something that the EU has only started to pursue recently via kissing the US backside and in recognition of being politically dominated by the USA and lacking an own Armed Forces.

Since the EU is NOT a United States of Europe - it isn't comparable at all to the USA.

If the EU aka European countries would adopt the Switzerland model of democracy (Sadly Switzerland is missing on the list) there would be no need for an imposed dominant leadership of a specific European country - but the EUROPEAN PEOPLE would actually decide onto their rights and wants and not some corrupt/manipulating political party ruling in their own interest.
So what? The answer is still the same.

And what was the real answer: "I am a provoking idiot" or "I like to rule the world"? Why do you think the political disaster USA is able to rule the world when the US-Americans are not even able to rule their own country in a satisfying way?

How could the US lead IN Europe?

They do not only lead - or what do you think will a nation in Europe do when Gewrmany say "yes" and the USA says "no". In case of the pipeline Nordstream 2 they made in the USA even a law for the energy safety of Europe and worked with many sanctions. This was supported from Europe also against European companies. No one listened to anything what Germany (or Germans) said in this context and everyone did do what the USA liked to be done. And by the way: When the USA is warhungry then no one is able to reach any US-Americans any longer. They switch collectivelly into deafness and blindness and drive all together totally crazy and mad. I remember this in context of their "preemptive strike" against the Iraq under George W. Bush. Trillions of Iraqi in front of the borders of the USA. But they had been able to win this war. A nation full of heroes.

And the USA rules in many ways. For example sends Europe all informations about every single money transfer in whatever European bank directly to the USA. People in the USA know much better than you on your own what you are doing with your money. Asides you carry with you a little instrument - in German it is called "Handy" (spoken "Händi") - which informs the USA about where you are in whatever moment of your life and what you say in this moment.
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