Which GOP Candidates D You Think Will Become the Nominee?

Who will get the GOP nomination for President?

  • Trump

    Votes: 7 33.3%
  • Jebba the Bush

    Votes: 5 23.8%
  • Walker

    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • Huckabee

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Carson

    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • Cruz

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Rubio

    Votes: 2 9.5%
  • Paul

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Christie

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kasich

    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • Perry

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Santorum

    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • Fiorinia

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jindal

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Grahmnesty

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gilmore

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pataki

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • A different candidate

    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • Dunno and dunnu kare

    Votes: 2 9.5%

  • Total voters
We are now in silly season

Once the primaries start, Bush will win easily

You are such a fool.

When it comes to the eventual Republican candidate for President, I have not been wrong since Goldwater

Bush will be your candidate

Wow, two unsupported assertions in two sentences.

That would be a record for most libtards, but you probably just take that in stride, dont you?

Why are libtards like you such lying PoS?

No lie, just fact....Will Sonnett

Bush will be the Republican candidate. Republicans are not hard to figure out. They always go with the obvious candidate. Bush is the obvious candidate

We know that's what you want. :D Every person in the GOP knows Dems want Bush on the ticket. That's why it will never happen.

Kasich, Walker, or Rubio. All three would kill the Hildabeast as swing state polling already shows.

Sorry...no Jebster. :(

Here are your options.....Bush
and if he implodes...Walker

None of the other candidates are capable of winning the nomination

In fact, the Dems would celebrate any candidate other than Bush who wins the nomination
I completely agree with this. The top tier should be Kasich, Rubio, or Walker. That combination will be your Pres/VP.

Rubio is a pussy.

The GOP top tier are Carson, Paul, Trump, Kasich, Huckabee, Jindal, Cruz, Fiorinia, with Walker and Perry in a distant tie for 9th.

I like Carson, Kasich, Walker, and Fiorina. Cruz, Jindal, and Huckabee are smart but too divisive.

I still think it will be down to Walker, Rubio, or Kasich. I would be happy with any of them. :)
You are such a fool.

When it comes to the eventual Republican candidate for President, I have not been wrong since Goldwater

Bush will be your candidate

Wow, two unsupported assertions in two sentences.

That would be a record for most libtards, but you probably just take that in stride, dont you?

Why are libtards like you such lying PoS?

No lie, just fact....Will Sonnett

Bush will be the Republican candidate. Republicans are not hard to figure out. They always go with the obvious candidate. Bush is the obvious candidate

We know that's what you want. :D Every person in the GOP knows Dems want Bush on the ticket. That's why it will never happen.

Kasich, Walker, or Rubio. All three would kill the Hildabeast as swing state polling already shows.

Sorry...no Jebster. :(

Here are your options.....Bush
and if he implodes...Walker

None of the other candidates are capable of winning the nomination

In fact, the Dems would celebrate any candidate other than Bush who wins the nomination

The Hildabeast campaign says they most fear Kasich and Rubio. As I have already said many times to you....I find it amusing you refuse to ever mention either of them.

Wonder why? :D
Bush will get nomination Trump will run 3rd party and Sanders will get dem nomination. Results will be Sanders 56%,Trump 30% and Bush 14% it will go down in the history books as the last hurrah of the republican party and the birth of a new tea party led republican party run by Donald Trump!

Americans self-identify more as conservative than moderate or liberal, basically a 45% conservative, 35% moderate and 20% liberal breakdown. The exit polls show about a 30-40-30 breakdown respectively, demonstrating that far more conservatives are not showing up at the polls than any other group.

IF Trump goes Third Party, I think he wins with all those conservatives that have not been going to the polls for years because the candidates were a bunch of gutless, soulless morons that spoke in 'word salad' complexities and mealy mouthed nuanced blather.

I think the vote would wind up 30% Sanders, 48% Trump, 22% Bush, with Trump winning the plurality of the general vote and a land slide of electoral college votes.

But I hope you are right about the death of the Republican Party. It is nothing more than the legitimizing counterparty to the Democrats ongoing swindle.

When criminal syndicates control cities like the drug dealers today control so many of our city politics, they have to have police, like it or not as that gives legitimacy to their government in the eyes of the great unwashed masses.

The GOP performs that role for the Dimocrats by playing like they are opposition when the reality is that they are teamed up with the Democrats in a duopoly to control this nations political system.
Interesting for sure. You think that not only kills the republican party as we know it but also kills the democratic party as we know it? Will the republican party become the party of Cruz,Paul,Jindal etc? Will Democrats become party of Sanders? Much more to the extremes would make it more interesting for sure. Or does it destroy both parties? To the point where there are no more parties.
You are such a fool.

When it comes to the eventual Republican candidate for President, I have not been wrong since Goldwater

Bush will be your candidate

Wow, two unsupported assertions in two sentences.

That would be a record for most libtards, but you probably just take that in stride, dont you?

Why are libtards like you such lying PoS?

No lie, just fact....Will Sonnett

Bush will be the Republican candidate. Republicans are not hard to figure out. They always go with the obvious candidate. Bush is the obvious candidate
It didn't work in 2008 or 2012. Doing same thing over and over with same result is called insanity...are republicans literally insane? Republicans DON'T want RINO'S like Bush,Romney,McCain and they were shown that....It would not surprise me if they pick Bush or if in reality he has already been picked via some fraud but its not going to end like the republicans want it to. Not only is he a RINO he is a Bush. The last 2 Bush's got us involved in 3 wars no way in hell I want another one. They screwed legit conservative candidates in 2008 and 2012 and they lost thanks to real conservatives not voting or voting 3rd party. This time its even bigger because they got a candidate they can't control in Trump. If the Bush camp/Republican establishment is promising cabinet positions and a VP slot or ambassador slots to these other candidates to get them out and he does end up losing then its just going to split the republican party faster....which to me is fine but I am just saying bad game plan by republican party.

We are talking about Republicans...they are conservatives
They do not take chances
They will nominate the "comfortable" candidate and the comfortable candidate is Bush

There are no legitimate conservative candidates....NONE are credible candidatesNone are capable of winning a primary, let alone the Presidency
Bush will get nomination Trump will run 3rd party and Sanders will get dem nomination. Results will be Sanders 56%,Trump 30% and Bush 14% it will go down in the history books as the last hurrah of the republican party and the birth of a new tea party led republican party run by Donald Trump!

Americans self-identify more as conservative than moderate or liberal, basically a 45% conservative, 35% moderate and 20% liberal breakdown. The exit polls show about a 30-40-30 breakdown respectively, demonstrating that far more conservatives are not showing up at the polls than any other group.

IF Trump goes Third Party, I think he wins with all those conservatives that have not been going to the polls for years because the candidates were a bunch of gutless, soulless morons that spoke in 'word salad' complexities and mealy mouthed nuanced blather.

I think the vote would wind up 30% Sanders, 48% Trump, 22% Bush, with Trump winning the plurality of the general vote and a land slide of electoral college votes.

But I hope you are right about the death of the Republican Party. It is nothing more than the legitimizing counterparty to the Democrats ongoing swindle.

When criminal syndicates control cities like the drug dealers today control so many of our city politics, they have to have police, like it or not as that gives legitimacy to their government in the eyes of the great unwashed masses.

The GOP performs that role for the Dimocrats by playing like they are opposition when the reality is that they are teamed up with the Democrats in a duopoly to control this nations political system.
Interesting for sure. You think that not only kills the republican party as we know it but also kills the democratic party as we know it? Will the republican party become the party of Cruz,Paul,Jindal etc? Will Democrats become party of Sanders? Much more to the extremes would make it more interesting for sure. Or does it destroy both parties? To the point where there are no more parties.
You are such a fool.

When it comes to the eventual Republican candidate for President, I have not been wrong since Goldwater

Bush will be your candidate

Wow, two unsupported assertions in two sentences.

That would be a record for most libtards, but you probably just take that in stride, dont you?

Why are libtards like you such lying PoS?

No lie, just fact....Will Sonnett

Bush will be the Republican candidate. Republicans are not hard to figure out. They always go with the obvious candidate. Bush is the obvious candidate
It didn't work in 2008 or 2012. Doing same thing over and over with same result is called insanity...are republicans literally insane? Republicans DON'T want RINO'S like Bush,Romney,McCain and they were shown that....It would not surprise me if they pick Bush or if in reality he has already been picked via some fraud but its not going to end like the republicans want it to. Not only is he a RINO he is a Bush. The last 2 Bush's got us involved in 3 wars no way in hell I want another one. They screwed legit conservative candidates in 2008 and 2012 and they lost thanks to real conservatives not voting or voting 3rd party. This time its even bigger because they got a candidate they can't control in Trump. If the Bush camp/Republican establishment is promising cabinet positions and a VP slot or ambassador slots to these other candidates to get them out and he does end up losing then its just going to split the republican party faster....which to me is fine but I am just saying bad game plan by republican party.

We are talking about Republicans...they are conservatives
They do not take chances
They will nominate the "comfortable" candidate and the comfortable candidate is Bush

There are no legitimate conservative candidates....NONE are credible candidatesNone are capable of winning a primary, let alone the Presidency
There are different kinds of republicans and conservatives. Bush is a RINO. The legit conservatives won't get behind a presidential candidate they don't think can win and they aren't happy about. They can win a primary and a general election IF the right candidate is picked. Not one that people of your own party don't like.
When it comes to the eventual Republican candidate for President, I have not been wrong since Goldwater

Bush will be your candidate

Wow, two unsupported assertions in two sentences.

That would be a record for most libtards, but you probably just take that in stride, dont you?

Why are libtards like you such lying PoS?

No lie, just fact....Will Sonnett

Bush will be the Republican candidate. Republicans are not hard to figure out. They always go with the obvious candidate. Bush is the obvious candidate

We know that's what you want. :D Every person in the GOP knows Dems want Bush on the ticket. That's why it will never happen.

Kasich, Walker, or Rubio. All three would kill the Hildabeast as swing state polling already shows.

Sorry...no Jebster. :(

Here are your options.....Bush
and if he implodes...Walker

None of the other candidates are capable of winning the nomination

In fact, the Dems would celebrate any candidate other than Bush who wins the nomination

The Hildabeast campaign says they most fear Kasich and Rubio. As I have already said many times to you....I find it amusing you refuse to ever mention either of them.

Wonder why? :D

I like Kasich but don't think Rubio is ready for prime time

Neither has the organization that can challenge Hillary....only Bush does
Bush will get nomination Trump will run 3rd party and Sanders will get dem nomination. Results will be Sanders 56%,Trump 30% and Bush 14% it will go down in the history books as the last hurrah of the republican party and the birth of a new tea party led republican party run by Donald Trump!

Americans self-identify more as conservative than moderate or liberal, basically a 45% conservative, 35% moderate and 20% liberal breakdown. The exit polls show about a 30-40-30 breakdown respectively, demonstrating that far more conservatives are not showing up at the polls than any other group.

IF Trump goes Third Party, I think he wins with all those conservatives that have not been going to the polls for years because the candidates were a bunch of gutless, soulless morons that spoke in 'word salad' complexities and mealy mouthed nuanced blather.

I think the vote would wind up 30% Sanders, 48% Trump, 22% Bush, with Trump winning the plurality of the general vote and a land slide of electoral college votes.

But I hope you are right about the death of the Republican Party. It is nothing more than the legitimizing counterparty to the Democrats ongoing swindle.

When criminal syndicates control cities like the drug dealers today control so many of our city politics, they have to have police, like it or not as that gives legitimacy to their government in the eyes of the great unwashed masses.

The GOP performs that role for the Dimocrats by playing like they are opposition when the reality is that they are teamed up with the Democrats in a duopoly to control this nations political system.
Interesting for sure. You think that not only kills the republican party as we know it but also kills the democratic party as we know it? Will the republican party become the party of Cruz,Paul,Jindal etc? Will Democrats become party of Sanders? Much more to the extremes would make it more interesting for sure. Or does it destroy both parties? To the point where there are no more parties.
When it comes to the eventual Republican candidate for President, I have not been wrong since Goldwater

Bush will be your candidate

Wow, two unsupported assertions in two sentences.

That would be a record for most libtards, but you probably just take that in stride, dont you?

Why are libtards like you such lying PoS?

No lie, just fact....Will Sonnett

Bush will be the Republican candidate. Republicans are not hard to figure out. They always go with the obvious candidate. Bush is the obvious candidate
It didn't work in 2008 or 2012. Doing same thing over and over with same result is called insanity...are republicans literally insane? Republicans DON'T want RINO'S like Bush,Romney,McCain and they were shown that....It would not surprise me if they pick Bush or if in reality he has already been picked via some fraud but its not going to end like the republicans want it to. Not only is he a RINO he is a Bush. The last 2 Bush's got us involved in 3 wars no way in hell I want another one. They screwed legit conservative candidates in 2008 and 2012 and they lost thanks to real conservatives not voting or voting 3rd party. This time its even bigger because they got a candidate they can't control in Trump. If the Bush camp/Republican establishment is promising cabinet positions and a VP slot or ambassador slots to these other candidates to get them out and he does end up losing then its just going to split the republican party faster....which to me is fine but I am just saying bad game plan by republican party.

We are talking about Republicans...they are conservatives
They do not take chances
They will nominate the "comfortable" candidate and the comfortable candidate is Bush

There are no legitimate conservative candidates....NONE are credible candidatesNone are capable of winning a primary, let alone the Presidency
Bush will get nomination Trump will run 3rd party and Sanders will get dem nomination. Results will be Sanders 56%,Trump 30% and Bush 14% it will go down in the history books as the last hurrah of the republican party and the birth of a new tea party led republican party run by Donald Trump!

Americans self-identify more as conservative than moderate or liberal, basically a 45% conservative, 35% moderate and 20% liberal breakdown. The exit polls show about a 30-40-30 breakdown respectively, demonstrating that far more conservatives are not showing up at the polls than any other group.

IF Trump goes Third Party, I think he wins with all those conservatives that have not been going to the polls for years because the candidates were a bunch of gutless, soulless morons that spoke in 'word salad' complexities and mealy mouthed nuanced blather.

I think the vote would wind up 30% Sanders, 48% Trump, 22% Bush, with Trump winning the plurality of the general vote and a land slide of electoral college votes.

But I hope you are right about the death of the Republican Party. It is nothing more than the legitimizing counterparty to the Democrats ongoing swindle.

When criminal syndicates control cities like the drug dealers today control so many of our city politics, they have to have police, like it or not as that gives legitimacy to their government in the eyes of the great unwashed masses.

The GOP performs that role for the Dimocrats by playing like they are opposition when the reality is that they are teamed up with the Democrats in a duopoly to control this nations political system.
Interesting for sure. You think that not only kills the republican party as we know it but also kills the democratic party as we know it? Will the republican party become the party of Cruz,Paul,Jindal etc? Will Democrats become party of Sanders? Much more to the extremes would make it more interesting for sure. Or does it destroy both parties? To the point where there are no more parties.
When it comes to the eventual Republican candidate for President, I have not been wrong since Goldwater

Bush will be your candidate

Wow, two unsupported assertions in two sentences.

That would be a record for most libtards, but you probably just take that in stride, dont you?

Why are libtards like you such lying PoS?

No lie, just fact....Will Sonnett

Bush will be the Republican candidate. Republicans are not hard to figure out. They always go with the obvious candidate. Bush is the obvious candidate
It didn't work in 2008 or 2012. Doing same thing over and over with same result is called insanity...are republicans literally insane? Republicans DON'T want RINO'S like Bush,Romney,McCain and they were shown that....It would not surprise me if they pick Bush or if in reality he has already been picked via some fraud but its not going to end like the republicans want it to. Not only is he a RINO he is a Bush. The last 2 Bush's got us involved in 3 wars no way in hell I want another one. They screwed legit conservative candidates in 2008 and 2012 and they lost thanks to real conservatives not voting or voting 3rd party. This time its even bigger because they got a candidate they can't control in Trump. If the Bush camp/Republican establishment is promising cabinet positions and a VP slot or ambassador slots to these other candidates to get them out and he does end up losing then its just going to split the republican party faster....which to me is fine but I am just saying bad game plan by republican party.

We are talking about Republicans...they are conservatives
They do not take chances
They will nominate the "comfortable" candidate and the comfortable candidate is Bush

There are no legitimate conservative candidates....NONE are credible candidatesNone are capable of winning a primary, let alone the Presidency
There are different kinds of republicans and conservatives. Bush is a RINO. The legit conservatives won't get behind a presidential candidate they don't think can win and they aren't happy about. They can win a primary and a general election IF the right candidate is picked. Not one that people of your own party don't like.

Hate to tell ya this.......

But it is the extreme right conservatives that are the RINOs
It is proven year after year in the primaries
Bush will get nomination Trump will run 3rd party and Sanders will get dem nomination. Results will be Sanders 56%,Trump 30% and Bush 14% it will go down in the history books as the last hurrah of the republican party and the birth of a new tea party led republican party run by Donald Trump!

Americans self-identify more as conservative than moderate or liberal, basically a 45% conservative, 35% moderate and 20% liberal breakdown. The exit polls show about a 30-40-30 breakdown respectively, demonstrating that far more conservatives are not showing up at the polls than any other group.

IF Trump goes Third Party, I think he wins with all those conservatives that have not been going to the polls for years because the candidates were a bunch of gutless, soulless morons that spoke in 'word salad' complexities and mealy mouthed nuanced blather.

I think the vote would wind up 30% Sanders, 48% Trump, 22% Bush, with Trump winning the plurality of the general vote and a land slide of electoral college votes.

But I hope you are right about the death of the Republican Party. It is nothing more than the legitimizing counterparty to the Democrats ongoing swindle.

When criminal syndicates control cities like the drug dealers today control so many of our city politics, they have to have police, like it or not as that gives legitimacy to their government in the eyes of the great unwashed masses.

The GOP performs that role for the Dimocrats by playing like they are opposition when the reality is that they are teamed up with the Democrats in a duopoly to control this nations political system.
Interesting for sure. You think that not only kills the republican party as we know it but also kills the democratic party as we know it? Will the republican party become the party of Cruz,Paul,Jindal etc? Will Democrats become party of Sanders? Much more to the extremes would make it more interesting for sure. Or does it destroy both parties? To the point where there are no more parties.
Wow, two unsupported assertions in two sentences.

That would be a record for most libtards, but you probably just take that in stride, dont you?

Why are libtards like you such lying PoS?

No lie, just fact....Will Sonnett

Bush will be the Republican candidate. Republicans are not hard to figure out. They always go with the obvious candidate. Bush is the obvious candidate
It didn't work in 2008 or 2012. Doing same thing over and over with same result is called insanity...are republicans literally insane? Republicans DON'T want RINO'S like Bush,Romney,McCain and they were shown that....It would not surprise me if they pick Bush or if in reality he has already been picked via some fraud but its not going to end like the republicans want it to. Not only is he a RINO he is a Bush. The last 2 Bush's got us involved in 3 wars no way in hell I want another one. They screwed legit conservative candidates in 2008 and 2012 and they lost thanks to real conservatives not voting or voting 3rd party. This time its even bigger because they got a candidate they can't control in Trump. If the Bush camp/Republican establishment is promising cabinet positions and a VP slot or ambassador slots to these other candidates to get them out and he does end up losing then its just going to split the republican party faster....which to me is fine but I am just saying bad game plan by republican party.

We are talking about Republicans...they are conservatives
They do not take chances
They will nominate the "comfortable" candidate and the comfortable candidate is Bush

There are no legitimate conservative candidates....NONE are credible candidatesNone are capable of winning a primary, let alone the Presidency
Bush will get nomination Trump will run 3rd party and Sanders will get dem nomination. Results will be Sanders 56%,Trump 30% and Bush 14% it will go down in the history books as the last hurrah of the republican party and the birth of a new tea party led republican party run by Donald Trump!

Americans self-identify more as conservative than moderate or liberal, basically a 45% conservative, 35% moderate and 20% liberal breakdown. The exit polls show about a 30-40-30 breakdown respectively, demonstrating that far more conservatives are not showing up at the polls than any other group.

IF Trump goes Third Party, I think he wins with all those conservatives that have not been going to the polls for years because the candidates were a bunch of gutless, soulless morons that spoke in 'word salad' complexities and mealy mouthed nuanced blather.

I think the vote would wind up 30% Sanders, 48% Trump, 22% Bush, with Trump winning the plurality of the general vote and a land slide of electoral college votes.

But I hope you are right about the death of the Republican Party. It is nothing more than the legitimizing counterparty to the Democrats ongoing swindle.

When criminal syndicates control cities like the drug dealers today control so many of our city politics, they have to have police, like it or not as that gives legitimacy to their government in the eyes of the great unwashed masses.

The GOP performs that role for the Dimocrats by playing like they are opposition when the reality is that they are teamed up with the Democrats in a duopoly to control this nations political system.
Interesting for sure. You think that not only kills the republican party as we know it but also kills the democratic party as we know it? Will the republican party become the party of Cruz,Paul,Jindal etc? Will Democrats become party of Sanders? Much more to the extremes would make it more interesting for sure. Or does it destroy both parties? To the point where there are no more parties.
Wow, two unsupported assertions in two sentences.

That would be a record for most libtards, but you probably just take that in stride, dont you?

Why are libtards like you such lying PoS?

No lie, just fact....Will Sonnett

Bush will be the Republican candidate. Republicans are not hard to figure out. They always go with the obvious candidate. Bush is the obvious candidate
It didn't work in 2008 or 2012. Doing same thing over and over with same result is called insanity...are republicans literally insane? Republicans DON'T want RINO'S like Bush,Romney,McCain and they were shown that....It would not surprise me if they pick Bush or if in reality he has already been picked via some fraud but its not going to end like the republicans want it to. Not only is he a RINO he is a Bush. The last 2 Bush's got us involved in 3 wars no way in hell I want another one. They screwed legit conservative candidates in 2008 and 2012 and they lost thanks to real conservatives not voting or voting 3rd party. This time its even bigger because they got a candidate they can't control in Trump. If the Bush camp/Republican establishment is promising cabinet positions and a VP slot or ambassador slots to these other candidates to get them out and he does end up losing then its just going to split the republican party faster....which to me is fine but I am just saying bad game plan by republican party.

We are talking about Republicans...they are conservatives
They do not take chances
They will nominate the "comfortable" candidate and the comfortable candidate is Bush

There are no legitimate conservative candidates....NONE are credible candidatesNone are capable of winning a primary, let alone the Presidency
There are different kinds of republicans and conservatives. Bush is a RINO. The legit conservatives won't get behind a presidential candidate they don't think can win and they aren't happy about. They can win a primary and a general election IF the right candidate is picked. Not one that people of your own party don't like.

Hate to tell ya this.......

But it is the extreme right conservatives that are the RINOs
It is proven year after year in the primaries

McCain,Romney,Bush are NOT extreme right hell they are barely right.
Wow, two unsupported assertions in two sentences.

That would be a record for most libtards, but you probably just take that in stride, dont you?

Why are libtards like you such lying PoS?

No lie, just fact....Will Sonnett

Bush will be the Republican candidate. Republicans are not hard to figure out. They always go with the obvious candidate. Bush is the obvious candidate

We know that's what you want. :D Every person in the GOP knows Dems want Bush on the ticket. That's why it will never happen.

Kasich, Walker, or Rubio. All three would kill the Hildabeast as swing state polling already shows.

Sorry...no Jebster. :(

Here are your options.....Bush
and if he implodes...Walker

None of the other candidates are capable of winning the nomination

In fact, the Dems would celebrate any candidate other than Bush who wins the nomination

The Hildabeast campaign says they most fear Kasich and Rubio. As I have already said many times to you....I find it amusing you refuse to ever mention either of them.

Wonder why? :D

I like Kasich but don't think Rubio is ready for prime time

Neither has the organization that can challenge Hillary....only Bush does

Organization doesn't mean shit if the voters don't like you. Reagan, Clinton, Dubya, and Obama were and are likable. :) The voters need to feel you are authentic, genuine, and real. Hillary is about as likable as wet fart in a crowded elevator. It's sad really. :(

The Hildabeast will not get the nomination. Biden will get in sometime in September or October. Then....as if by coincidence....a DOJ investigation will be announced that will effectively end her bid.

Come on dude....think it through. The New York Times....the Washington Post.....They are the ones breaking all these big stories about the Hildabeast. The info is coming from "high level administration sources." :lol:

Right now Obama and his team are killing Hillary daily with a thousand tiny cuts. The request of the Inspectors General is all the cover Obama needs to kill Hillary for good.

Dims really are Dim. :lol:
Americans self-identify more as conservative than moderate or liberal, basically a 45% conservative, 35% moderate and 20% liberal breakdown. The exit polls show about a 30-40-30 breakdown respectively, demonstrating that far more conservatives are not showing up at the polls than any other group.

IF Trump goes Third Party, I think he wins with all those conservatives that have not been going to the polls for years because the candidates were a bunch of gutless, soulless morons that spoke in 'word salad' complexities and mealy mouthed nuanced blather.

I think the vote would wind up 30% Sanders, 48% Trump, 22% Bush, with Trump winning the plurality of the general vote and a land slide of electoral college votes.

But I hope you are right about the death of the Republican Party. It is nothing more than the legitimizing counterparty to the Democrats ongoing swindle.

When criminal syndicates control cities like the drug dealers today control so many of our city politics, they have to have police, like it or not as that gives legitimacy to their government in the eyes of the great unwashed masses.

The GOP performs that role for the Dimocrats by playing like they are opposition when the reality is that they are teamed up with the Democrats in a duopoly to control this nations political system.
Interesting for sure. You think that not only kills the republican party as we know it but also kills the democratic party as we know it? Will the republican party become the party of Cruz,Paul,Jindal etc? Will Democrats become party of Sanders? Much more to the extremes would make it more interesting for sure. Or does it destroy both parties? To the point where there are no more parties.
No lie, just fact....Will Sonnett

Bush will be the Republican candidate. Republicans are not hard to figure out. They always go with the obvious candidate. Bush is the obvious candidate
It didn't work in 2008 or 2012. Doing same thing over and over with same result is called insanity...are republicans literally insane? Republicans DON'T want RINO'S like Bush,Romney,McCain and they were shown that....It would not surprise me if they pick Bush or if in reality he has already been picked via some fraud but its not going to end like the republicans want it to. Not only is he a RINO he is a Bush. The last 2 Bush's got us involved in 3 wars no way in hell I want another one. They screwed legit conservative candidates in 2008 and 2012 and they lost thanks to real conservatives not voting or voting 3rd party. This time its even bigger because they got a candidate they can't control in Trump. If the Bush camp/Republican establishment is promising cabinet positions and a VP slot or ambassador slots to these other candidates to get them out and he does end up losing then its just going to split the republican party faster....which to me is fine but I am just saying bad game plan by republican party.

We are talking about Republicans...they are conservatives
They do not take chances
They will nominate the "comfortable" candidate and the comfortable candidate is Bush

There are no legitimate conservative candidates....NONE are credible candidatesNone are capable of winning a primary, let alone the Presidency
Americans self-identify more as conservative than moderate or liberal, basically a 45% conservative, 35% moderate and 20% liberal breakdown. The exit polls show about a 30-40-30 breakdown respectively, demonstrating that far more conservatives are not showing up at the polls than any other group.

IF Trump goes Third Party, I think he wins with all those conservatives that have not been going to the polls for years because the candidates were a bunch of gutless, soulless morons that spoke in 'word salad' complexities and mealy mouthed nuanced blather.

I think the vote would wind up 30% Sanders, 48% Trump, 22% Bush, with Trump winning the plurality of the general vote and a land slide of electoral college votes.

But I hope you are right about the death of the Republican Party. It is nothing more than the legitimizing counterparty to the Democrats ongoing swindle.

When criminal syndicates control cities like the drug dealers today control so many of our city politics, they have to have police, like it or not as that gives legitimacy to their government in the eyes of the great unwashed masses.

The GOP performs that role for the Dimocrats by playing like they are opposition when the reality is that they are teamed up with the Democrats in a duopoly to control this nations political system.
Interesting for sure. You think that not only kills the republican party as we know it but also kills the democratic party as we know it? Will the republican party become the party of Cruz,Paul,Jindal etc? Will Democrats become party of Sanders? Much more to the extremes would make it more interesting for sure. Or does it destroy both parties? To the point where there are no more parties.
No lie, just fact....Will Sonnett

Bush will be the Republican candidate. Republicans are not hard to figure out. They always go with the obvious candidate. Bush is the obvious candidate
It didn't work in 2008 or 2012. Doing same thing over and over with same result is called insanity...are republicans literally insane? Republicans DON'T want RINO'S like Bush,Romney,McCain and they were shown that....It would not surprise me if they pick Bush or if in reality he has already been picked via some fraud but its not going to end like the republicans want it to. Not only is he a RINO he is a Bush. The last 2 Bush's got us involved in 3 wars no way in hell I want another one. They screwed legit conservative candidates in 2008 and 2012 and they lost thanks to real conservatives not voting or voting 3rd party. This time its even bigger because they got a candidate they can't control in Trump. If the Bush camp/Republican establishment is promising cabinet positions and a VP slot or ambassador slots to these other candidates to get them out and he does end up losing then its just going to split the republican party faster....which to me is fine but I am just saying bad game plan by republican party.

We are talking about Republicans...they are conservatives
They do not take chances
They will nominate the "comfortable" candidate and the comfortable candidate is Bush

There are no legitimate conservative candidates....NONE are credible candidatesNone are capable of winning a primary, let alone the Presidency
There are different kinds of republicans and conservatives. Bush is a RINO. The legit conservatives won't get behind a presidential candidate they don't think can win and they aren't happy about. They can win a primary and a general election IF the right candidate is picked. Not one that people of your own party don't like.

Hate to tell ya this.......

But it is the extreme right conservatives that are the RINOs
It is proven year after year in the primaries

McCain,Romney,Bush are NOT extreme right hell they are barely right.

No they are not..that is why they won the nomination
Extreme right can't win
No lie, just fact....Will Sonnett

Bush will be the Republican candidate. Republicans are not hard to figure out. They always go with the obvious candidate. Bush is the obvious candidate

We know that's what you want. :D Every person in the GOP knows Dems want Bush on the ticket. That's why it will never happen.

Kasich, Walker, or Rubio. All three would kill the Hildabeast as swing state polling already shows.

Sorry...no Jebster. :(

Here are your options.....Bush
and if he implodes...Walker

None of the other candidates are capable of winning the nomination

In fact, the Dems would celebrate any candidate other than Bush who wins the nomination

The Hildabeast campaign says they most fear Kasich and Rubio. As I have already said many times to you....I find it amusing you refuse to ever mention either of them.

Wonder why? :D

I like Kasich but don't think Rubio is ready for prime time

Neither has the organization that can challenge Hillary....only Bush does

Organization doesn't mean shit if the voters don't like you. Reagan, Clinton, Dubya, and Obama were and are likable. :) The voters need to feel you are authentic, genuine, and real. Hillary is about as likable as wet fart in a crowded elevator. It's sad really. :(

The Hildabeast will not get the nomination. Biden will get in sometime in September or October. Then....as if by coincidence....a DOJ investigation will be announced that will effectively end her bid.

Come on dude....think it through. The New York Times....the Washington Post.....They are the ones breaking all these big stories about the Hildabeast. The info is coming from "high level administration sources." :lol:

Right now Obama and his team are killing Hillary daily with a thousand tiny cuts. The request of the Inspectors General is all the cover Obama needs to kill Hillary for good.

Dims really are Dim. :lol:

You might be right

Likeability is key to winning the Presidency. But be honest....who among the 17 Republicans are likeable?
Only one can pass as "Presidential" (another key factor) and that is Bush
Interesting for sure. You think that not only kills the republican party as we know it but also kills the democratic party as we know it? Will the republican party become the party of Cruz,Paul,Jindal etc? Will Democrats become party of Sanders? Much more to the extremes would make it more interesting for sure. Or does it destroy both parties? To the point where there are no more parties.
It didn't work in 2008 or 2012. Doing same thing over and over with same result is called insanity...are republicans literally insane? Republicans DON'T want RINO'S like Bush,Romney,McCain and they were shown that....It would not surprise me if they pick Bush or if in reality he has already been picked via some fraud but its not going to end like the republicans want it to. Not only is he a RINO he is a Bush. The last 2 Bush's got us involved in 3 wars no way in hell I want another one. They screwed legit conservative candidates in 2008 and 2012 and they lost thanks to real conservatives not voting or voting 3rd party. This time its even bigger because they got a candidate they can't control in Trump. If the Bush camp/Republican establishment is promising cabinet positions and a VP slot or ambassador slots to these other candidates to get them out and he does end up losing then its just going to split the republican party faster....which to me is fine but I am just saying bad game plan by republican party.

We are talking about Republicans...they are conservatives
They do not take chances
They will nominate the "comfortable" candidate and the comfortable candidate is Bush

There are no legitimate conservative candidates....NONE are credible candidatesNone are capable of winning a primary, let alone the Presidency
Interesting for sure. You think that not only kills the republican party as we know it but also kills the democratic party as we know it? Will the republican party become the party of Cruz,Paul,Jindal etc? Will Democrats become party of Sanders? Much more to the extremes would make it more interesting for sure. Or does it destroy both parties? To the point where there are no more parties.
It didn't work in 2008 or 2012. Doing same thing over and over with same result is called insanity...are republicans literally insane? Republicans DON'T want RINO'S like Bush,Romney,McCain and they were shown that....It would not surprise me if they pick Bush or if in reality he has already been picked via some fraud but its not going to end like the republicans want it to. Not only is he a RINO he is a Bush. The last 2 Bush's got us involved in 3 wars no way in hell I want another one. They screwed legit conservative candidates in 2008 and 2012 and they lost thanks to real conservatives not voting or voting 3rd party. This time its even bigger because they got a candidate they can't control in Trump. If the Bush camp/Republican establishment is promising cabinet positions and a VP slot or ambassador slots to these other candidates to get them out and he does end up losing then its just going to split the republican party faster....which to me is fine but I am just saying bad game plan by republican party.

We are talking about Republicans...they are conservatives
They do not take chances
They will nominate the "comfortable" candidate and the comfortable candidate is Bush

There are no legitimate conservative candidates....NONE are credible candidatesNone are capable of winning a primary, let alone the Presidency
There are different kinds of republicans and conservatives. Bush is a RINO. The legit conservatives won't get behind a presidential candidate they don't think can win and they aren't happy about. They can win a primary and a general election IF the right candidate is picked. Not one that people of your own party don't like.

Hate to tell ya this.......

But it is the extreme right conservatives that are the RINOs
It is proven year after year in the primaries

McCain,Romney,Bush are NOT extreme right hell they are barely right.

No they are not..that is why they won the nomination
Extreme right can't win
And its why they lost the general election. Their own party members refused to vote for them.
We are talking about Republicans...they are conservatives
They do not take chances
They will nominate the "comfortable" candidate and the comfortable candidate is Bush

There are no legitimate conservative candidates....NONE are credible candidatesNone are capable of winning a primary, let alone the Presidency
We are talking about Republicans...they are conservatives
They do not take chances
They will nominate the "comfortable" candidate and the comfortable candidate is Bush

There are no legitimate conservative candidates....NONE are credible candidatesNone are capable of winning a primary, let alone the Presidency
There are different kinds of republicans and conservatives. Bush is a RINO. The legit conservatives won't get behind a presidential candidate they don't think can win and they aren't happy about. They can win a primary and a general election IF the right candidate is picked. Not one that people of your own party don't like.

Hate to tell ya this.......

But it is the extreme right conservatives that are the RINOs
It is proven year after year in the primaries

McCain,Romney,Bush are NOT extreme right hell they are barely right.

No they are not..that is why they won the nomination
Extreme right can't win
And its why they lost the general election. Their own party members refused to vote for them.

Therein lies the problem for Conservatives

Not only can't they win a General election, they can't win their own primaries

It is the Conservatives who are RINOs, not welcome in their own party
We know that's what you want. :D Every person in the GOP knows Dems want Bush on the ticket. That's why it will never happen.

Kasich, Walker, or Rubio. All three would kill the Hildabeast as swing state polling already shows.

Sorry...no Jebster. :(

Here are your options.....Bush
and if he implodes...Walker

None of the other candidates are capable of winning the nomination

In fact, the Dems would celebrate any candidate other than Bush who wins the nomination

The Hildabeast campaign says they most fear Kasich and Rubio. As I have already said many times to you....I find it amusing you refuse to ever mention either of them.

Wonder why? :D

I like Kasich but don't think Rubio is ready for prime time

Neither has the organization that can challenge Hillary....only Bush does

Organization doesn't mean shit if the voters don't like you. Reagan, Clinton, Dubya, and Obama were and are likable. :) The voters need to feel you are authentic, genuine, and real. Hillary is about as likable as wet fart in a crowded elevator. It's sad really. :(

The Hildabeast will not get the nomination. Biden will get in sometime in September or October. Then....as if by coincidence....a DOJ investigation will be announced that will effectively end her bid.

Come on dude....think it through. The New York Times....the Washington Post.....They are the ones breaking all these big stories about the Hildabeast. The info is coming from "high level administration sources." :lol:

Right now Obama and his team are killing Hillary daily with a thousand tiny cuts. The request of the Inspectors General is all the cover Obama needs to kill Hillary for good.

Dims really are Dim. :lol:

You might be right

Likeability is key to winning the Presidency. But be honest....who among the 17 Republicans are likeable?
Only one can pass as "Presidential" (another key factor) and that is Bush

Kasich is about as authentic, genuine and real as it gets. He is very likable. Ditto Rubio who has both charisma and charm. Walker is trying to channel Reagan and is not bad, but he needs to smooth things out a bit.

Jeb is okay.....but he seems like a major re-tread to the base....just like Hillary.

RW...you have made clear you want Jeb bad....I get that. But truly....I do not see it happening.

I believe it will be some combination of Kasich, Walker, or Rubio. Any two of those guys on the ticket will be formidable.
Here are your options.....Bush
and if he implodes...Walker

None of the other candidates are capable of winning the nomination

In fact, the Dems would celebrate any candidate other than Bush who wins the nomination

The Hildabeast campaign says they most fear Kasich and Rubio. As I have already said many times to you....I find it amusing you refuse to ever mention either of them.

Wonder why? :D

I like Kasich but don't think Rubio is ready for prime time

Neither has the organization that can challenge Hillary....only Bush does

Organization doesn't mean shit if the voters don't like you. Reagan, Clinton, Dubya, and Obama were and are likable. :) The voters need to feel you are authentic, genuine, and real. Hillary is about as likable as wet fart in a crowded elevator. It's sad really. :(

The Hildabeast will not get the nomination. Biden will get in sometime in September or October. Then....as if by coincidence....a DOJ investigation will be announced that will effectively end her bid.

Come on dude....think it through. The New York Times....the Washington Post.....They are the ones breaking all these big stories about the Hildabeast. The info is coming from "high level administration sources." :lol:

Right now Obama and his team are killing Hillary daily with a thousand tiny cuts. The request of the Inspectors General is all the cover Obama needs to kill Hillary for good.

Dims really are Dim. :lol:

You might be right

Likeability is key to winning the Presidency. But be honest....who among the 17 Republicans are likeable?
Only one can pass as "Presidential" (another key factor) and that is Bush

Kasich is about as authentic, genuine and real as it gets. He is very likable. Ditto Rubio who has both charisma and charm. Walker is trying to channel Reagan and is not bad, but he needs to smooth things out a bit.

Jeb is okay.....but he seems like a major re-tread to the base....just like Hillary.

RW...you have made clear you want Jeb bad....I get that. But truly....I do not see it happening.

I believe it will be some combination of Kasich, Walker, or Rubio. Any two of those guys on the ticket will be formidable.

I'm afraid Kasich lacks the charisma to catch fire. He is no Obama, Bill Clinton or Reagan in his ability to walk into a room and make it his
Rubio comes off as a little kid....not Presidential

Bush will be the only adult on stage tonight....by the time the first Primaries come around, he will be in control
The Hildabeast campaign says they most fear Kasich and Rubio. As I have already said many times to you....I find it amusing you refuse to ever mention either of them.

Wonder why? :D

I like Kasich but don't think Rubio is ready for prime time

Neither has the organization that can challenge Hillary....only Bush does

Organization doesn't mean shit if the voters don't like you. Reagan, Clinton, Dubya, and Obama were and are likable. :) The voters need to feel you are authentic, genuine, and real. Hillary is about as likable as wet fart in a crowded elevator. It's sad really. :(

The Hildabeast will not get the nomination. Biden will get in sometime in September or October. Then....as if by coincidence....a DOJ investigation will be announced that will effectively end her bid.

Come on dude....think it through. The New York Times....the Washington Post.....They are the ones breaking all these big stories about the Hildabeast. The info is coming from "high level administration sources." :lol:

Right now Obama and his team are killing Hillary daily with a thousand tiny cuts. The request of the Inspectors General is all the cover Obama needs to kill Hillary for good.

Dims really are Dim. :lol:

You might be right

Likeability is key to winning the Presidency. But be honest....who among the 17 Republicans are likeable?
Only one can pass as "Presidential" (another key factor) and that is Bush

Kasich is about as authentic, genuine and real as it gets. He is very likable. Ditto Rubio who has both charisma and charm. Walker is trying to channel Reagan and is not bad, but he needs to smooth things out a bit.

Jeb is okay.....but he seems like a major re-tread to the base....just like Hillary.

RW...you have made clear you want Jeb bad....I get that. But truly....I do not see it happening.

I believe it will be some combination of Kasich, Walker, or Rubio. Any two of those guys on the ticket will be formidable.

I'm afraid Kasich lacks the charisma to catch fire. He is no Obama, Bill Clinton or Reagan in his ability to walk into a room and make it his
Rubio comes off as a little kid....not Presidential

Bush will be the only adult on stage tonight....by the time the first Primaries come around, he will be in control

Rubio certainly has better credentials than Obama did in 2008. Are you saying Obama was unqualified?

And Kasich is highly electable.

Again....I know every one on the left wants Bush. Everyone in the GOP knows that, which is exactly why it will not happen. But hey RW...keep pounding that drum. At least the leftie moon-bats might believe you. :)
I like Kasich but don't think Rubio is ready for prime time

Neither has the organization that can challenge Hillary....only Bush does

Organization doesn't mean shit if the voters don't like you. Reagan, Clinton, Dubya, and Obama were and are likable. :) The voters need to feel you are authentic, genuine, and real. Hillary is about as likable as wet fart in a crowded elevator. It's sad really. :(

The Hildabeast will not get the nomination. Biden will get in sometime in September or October. Then....as if by coincidence....a DOJ investigation will be announced that will effectively end her bid.

Come on dude....think it through. The New York Times....the Washington Post.....They are the ones breaking all these big stories about the Hildabeast. The info is coming from "high level administration sources." :lol:

Right now Obama and his team are killing Hillary daily with a thousand tiny cuts. The request of the Inspectors General is all the cover Obama needs to kill Hillary for good.

Dims really are Dim. :lol:

You might be right

Likeability is key to winning the Presidency. But be honest....who among the 17 Republicans are likeable?
Only one can pass as "Presidential" (another key factor) and that is Bush

Kasich is about as authentic, genuine and real as it gets. He is very likable. Ditto Rubio who has both charisma and charm. Walker is trying to channel Reagan and is not bad, but he needs to smooth things out a bit.

Jeb is okay.....but he seems like a major re-tread to the base....just like Hillary.

RW...you have made clear you want Jeb bad....I get that. But truly....I do not see it happening.

I believe it will be some combination of Kasich, Walker, or Rubio. Any two of those guys on the ticket will be formidable.

I'm afraid Kasich lacks the charisma to catch fire. He is no Obama, Bill Clinton or Reagan in his ability to walk into a room and make it his
Rubio comes off as a little kid....not Presidential

Bush will be the only adult on stage tonight....by the time the first Primaries come around, he will be in control

Rubio certainly has better credentials than Obama did in 2008. Are you saying Obama was unqualified?

And Kasich is highly electable.

Again....I know every one on the left wants Bush. Everyone in the GOP knows that, which is exactly why it will not happen. But hey RW...keep pounding that drum. At least the leftie moon-bats might believe you. :)

Rubio has about the same experience Obama had in 2008. Not sure of any time in the State Legislature
Rubio lacks the charisma that Obama had and is far from the rising star that Obama was in 2008. So far, he has floundered in the national spotlight

Nobody knows who the hell Kasich is.....fear he will be lost in a crowded field
Here are your options.....Bush
and if he implodes...Walker

None of the other candidates are capable of winning the nomination

In fact, the Dems would celebrate any candidate other than Bush who wins the nomination

Yeah, tell that to President Phil Graham, dumbass.

NOTHING in American politics is a sure thing.
Here are your options.....Bush
and if he implodes...Walker

None of the other candidates are capable of winning the nomination

In fact, the Dems would celebrate any candidate other than Bush who wins the nomination

Yeah, tell that to President Phil Graham, dumbass.

NOTHING in American politics is a sure thing.


What is he running for?

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