Which is more important to you, human life or your guns?

so why can't you speak into the gun deaths of 800 blacks? what is it you're scared of.
I already addressed this, dumbass.

Are you slapping your hands over your eyes when you come across posts which blow your head full of lies out of the water? :lol:
so you won't answer. I get it, you don't have one.
No, I've answered it. You just ignore facts and reality and are a further waste of my time, retard.

You clearly have some bullshit deeply programmed into your credulous mind, and no amount of facts will dislodge them.
you never answered it. never. never ever never ever.

You should never expect an answer from this far left drone or any far left drone for that matter!

It is about running religious narratives, not answers!
I know. I enjoy giving them the platform to show off their stupid.
An armed citizen did not save the church people. The shooter was fleeing the scene when shotgunned.

I certainly don't want your ilk being a libertarian police force.

Tell you what since you and others like you prefer to let government law enforcement be responsible for protecting you I'll strike a bargain with you.

If I see you getting mugged at gunpoint, or getting beaten with a baseball bat I will not draw a weapon to help you. I will respect your wishes to trust in government agencies for your personal safety and will call the cops and an ambulance for you then walk away and hope that help arrives before you get dead.

FYI that happens to also be my personal philosophy for concealed carry. I do not carry to protect YOU.
Wait a minute here Skull. these gun grabbers are the same people that hate the police. i think they should wait for a rapper to come rescue them!
That way WE benefit by thinning the herd.
A simple question.

Yesterday 26 people were shot and killed, some of them kids.

Life is going down the drain for lots of people in the US due to guns.

Which would you prefer, to keep your guns or to keep your life?

They've made it very clear which is more important.

If you ain't a fetus, you ain't worth shit.

Other than what the families and town went through, that was one of the hardest things about Sandy Hook.
and yet here we are years later and you have no solution on how to stop something like it from happening. Why not? did you give up?
A couple dozen people slaughtered in a church is a small price to pay for our second amendment freedoms

And a few dozen people in Vegas, and a few dozen somewhere else next week or the week after.

But why is it that when it comes to terrorists, nothing is a small price to pay for freedoms? Why is religious freedom not a price to pay?

Some innocent people may be killed

But at least we have our guns

Collateral damage
Please tell me how having me give up or forcing me to give up my firearms will prevent anyone from being killed
Those advanced nations which have banned guns have a much lower homicide rate than we do.

As a general rule, those states with laxer gun laws have higher homicide rates.

We have to be honest and admit that banning guns would result in a lower homicide rate. But that would require the repeal of the Second Amendment.

So it really is a choice between a higher homicide rate and liberty. It is completely dishonest to deny this.

Banning guns did not lower the homicide rate in Chicago, nor in Baltimore (which is heading toward a record homicide rate).
An armed citizen did not save the church people. The shooter was fleeing the scene when shotgunned.

I certainly don't want your ilk being a libertarian police force.

Tell you what since you and others like you prefer to let government law enforcement be responsible for protecting you I'll strike a bargain with you.

If I see you getting mugged at gunpoint, or getting beaten with a baseball bat I will not draw a weapon to help you. I will respect your wishes to trust in government agencies for your personal safety and will call the cops and an ambulance for you then walk away and hope that help arrives before you get dead.

FYI that happens to also be my personal philosophy for concealed carry. I do not carry to protect YOU.
Wait a minute here Skull. these gun grabbers are the same people that hate the police. i think they should wait for a rapper to come rescue them!
That way WE benefit by thinning the herd.

Yep just look at Chicago!
A couple dozen people slaughtered in a church is a small price to pay for our second amendment freedoms

And a few dozen people in Vegas, and a few dozen somewhere else next week or the week after.

But why is it that when it comes to terrorists, nothing is a small price to pay for freedoms? Why is religious freedom not a price to pay?
So, your saying that RADICAL MUSLIMS should have religious freedom?
If I started a religion that wanted to do away with all liberals, would you forgive me for bombing DNC?
Get real.
A simple question.

Yesterday 26 people were shot and killed, some of them kids.

Life is going down the drain for lots of people in the US due to guns.

Which would you prefer, to keep your guns or to keep your life?
And they say there are no stupid questions.
A simple question.

Yesterday 26 people were shot and killed, some of them kids.

Life is going down the drain for lots of people in the US due to guns.

Which would you prefer, to keep your guns or to keep your life?

They've made it very clear which is more important.

If you ain't a fetus, you ain't worth shit.

Other than what the families and town went through, that was one of the hardest things about Sandy Hook.
Oh, don't you know? Sandy Hook was an entirely fake event.
A simple question.

Yesterday 26 people were shot and killed, some of them kids.

Life is going down the drain for lots of people in the US due to guns.

Which would you prefer, to keep your guns or to keep your life?

Sadly, I think that probably all of the people, except the children, who were killed in this massacre, were pro-gun people. Simply because it is a small, conservative, religious town in Texas. It makes the situation somehow more pathetic. I believe that anyone whose loved one(s) are killed in a massacre like this will change pro-gun feelings and attitudes. But it's too late for these people.

I think that the pro-gun people are not capable of empathy, of extending humane and caring feelings toward people they don't know. Until it happens to them, they will remain adamantly pro-gun and just consider those murdered as collateral damage. Their second amendment right is more important, most important.

I've been thinking about that too.

After one of these shootings, the gun nuts are here, posting the same non-starters they always fall back on. If you don't remind them that, once again, lives were shattered by a nut with a gun, all they will talk about is how we should ban fill in the blank because people die there too.

Right now, they're celebrating that a "good guy with a gun" gave chase. BFD

All of those broken hearted survivors are doing the same thing.

But if you dare mention taking steps to stop these shootings, they start screeching GUN GRABBERS. The NRA owns this country.

BTW, lost in the rest of the news was that, at a Detroit day care, a toddler shot two other toddlers - one of them, in the face. If there was a law in place that required a trigger guard, those babies would still be alive. But hey, its not as though they are fetuses.
So as I was saying, and just proved, an honest person will admit that confiscating all guns will cause the homicide rate to plummet.

It just requires us to repeal the Second Amendment and become an even bigger police state than we already are.

The decision is between lower homicide rates or liberty.

Everything else is bullshit.

As if a criminal obeys gun laws and stricter government gun regulations, Chicago alone is proof that it does not work. I would much rather have the ability and choice to defend myself and others from an armed gunman than be a target due to someone’s “perceived best interest” through the federal government. If you are SO concerned with saving human life, you can prove that by standing up and promote a ban abortion.
A simple question.

Yesterday 26 people were shot and killed, some of them kids.

Life is going down the drain for lots of people in the US due to guns.

Which would you prefer, to keep your guns or to keep your life?

They've made it very clear which is more important.

If you ain't a fetus, you ain't worth shit.

Other than what the families and town went through, that was one of the hardest things about Sandy Hook.
Oh, don't you know? Sandy Hook was an entirely fake event.

I wonder if any of them ever wonder what they have done to the parents and families of those children. I doubt it. They care more about spreading the lie than they do about those poor people.

I can hardly stand to think about what it would be like to have your beautiful baby murdered. How do they go on?
Oh gee another far left religious narrative being run!

See the far left wants to repeal the 2nd amendment and take away your guns..

If the far left had their way the man that came out to defend the church would not been able to do so and the massacre would have been much worse!

So a man wielding his second amendment rights saves the community and the far left still wants to take away all guns with open borders!
Nobody "saved" the community. The killer was shot fleeing the scene of the crime, where everyone already had been shot.
What news are you reading?
EVERYONE WAS SHOT? There were zero survivors?
He wasn't out of ammo, since he shot himself, so please tell me why he fled.
who said that? I said everyone was shot. The news reported about fifty in the church, and he shot that and more.

Do you think or just react?
So as I was saying, and just proved, an honest person will admit that confiscating all guns will cause the homicide rate to plummet.

It just requires us to repeal the Second Amendment and become an even bigger police state than we already are.

The decision is between lower homicide rates or liberty.

Everything else is bullshit.

As if a criminal obeys gun laws and stricter government gun regulations, Chicago alone is proof that it does not work. I would much rather have the ability and choice to defend myself and others from an armed gunman than be a target due to someone’s “perceived best interest” through the federal government. If you are SO concerned with saving human life, you can prove that by standing up to ban abortion.

Chicago is not the proof of any such thing.

Why do people say Chicago has "stricter gun regs"?

The gun nuts never get it -- Just because its illegal on this side of the street doesn't mean its illegal on the other side of the street.

And of course, ShaklesOfBigGov has proven what I've said here - if it ain't a fetus, it ain't worth shit. What a vile and indefensible defense that it.
An armed citizen did not save the church people. The shooter was fleeing the scene when shotgunned.

I certainly don't want your ilk being a libertarian police force.

Tell you what since you and others like you prefer to let government law enforcement be responsible for protecting you I'll strike a bargain with you.

If I see you getting mugged at gunpoint, or getting beaten with a baseball bat I will not draw a weapon to help you. I will respect your wishes to trust in government agencies for your personal safety and will call the cops and an ambulance for you then walk away and hope that help arrives before you get dead.

FYI that happens to also be my personal philosophy for concealed carry. I do not carry to protect YOU.
Wait a minute here Skull. these gun grabbers are the same people that hate the police. i think they should wait for a rapper to come rescue them!
That way WE benefit by thinning the herd.

Yep just look at Chicago!
I've been using it. the left ignore it. I laugh at that.
So as I was saying, and just proved, an honest person will admit that confiscating all guns will cause the homicide rate to plummet.

It just requires us to repeal the Second Amendment and become an even bigger police state than we already are.

The decision is between lower homicide rates or liberty.

Everything else is bullshit.

As if a criminal obeys gun laws and stricter government gun regulations, Chicago alone is proof that it does not work. I would much rather have the ability and choice to defend myself and others from an armed gunman than be a target due to someone’s “perceived best interest” through the federal government. If you are SO concerned with saving human life, you can prove that by standing up to ban abortion.

Chicago is not the proof of any such thing.

Why do people say Chicago has "stricter gun regs"?

The gun nuts never get it -- Just because its illegal on this side of the street doesn't mean its illegal on the other side of the street.

And of course, ShaklesOfBigGov has proven what I've said here - if it ain't a fetus, it ain't worth shit. What a vile and indefensible defense that it.
because they once did. Do you really want me to go back and pull all of that again? I will but geez, I mean every two or three months you gonna do this?
Oh gee another far left religious narrative being run!

See the far left wants to repeal the 2nd amendment and take away your guns..

If the far left had their way the man that came out to defend the church would not been able to do so and the massacre would have been much worse!

So a man wielding his second amendment rights saves the community and the far left still wants to take away all guns with open borders!
Nobody "saved" the community. The killer was shot fleeing the scene of the crime, where everyone already had been shot.
What news are you reading?
EVERYONE WAS SHOT? There were zero survivors?
He wasn't out of ammo, since he shot himself, so please tell me why he fled.
who said that? I said everyone was shot. The news reported about fifty in the church, and he shot that and more.

Do you think or just react?

Were there people who were not shot? I don't remember reading that, one way or the other.

The guy had finished and was leaving when one guy joined another and gave chase. I haven't seen anything to indicate they saved anyone from being shot -- Unless, of course, he was on his way to find his mother in law and we have no way of knowing that. And they didn't shoot the shooter, right?
Any LDS poster here does not know the theology of the Mormon Church that contradicts its general stand on abortion.
A simple question.

Yesterday 26 people were shot and killed, some of them kids.

Life is going down the drain for lots of people in the US due to guns.

Which would you prefer, to keep your guns or to keep your life?

Sadly, I think that probably all of the people, except the children, who were killed in this massacre, were pro-gun people. Simply because it is a small, conservative, religious town in Texas. It makes the situation somehow more pathetic. I believe that anyone whose loved one(s) are killed in a massacre like this will change pro-gun feelings and attitudes. But it's too late for these people.

I think that the pro-gun people are not capable of empathy, of extending humane and caring feelings toward people they don't know. Until it happens to them, they will remain adamantly pro-gun and just consider those murdered as collateral damage. Their second amendment right is more important, most important.

I've been thinking about that too.

After one of these shootings, the gun nuts are here, posting the same non-starters they always fall back on. If you don't remind them that, once again, lives were shattered by a nut with a gun, all they will talk about is how we should ban fill in the blank because people die there too.

Right now, they're celebrating that a "good guy with a gun" gave chase. BFD

All of those broken hearted survivors are doing the same thing.

But if you dare mention taking steps to stop these shootings, they start screeching GUN GRABBERS. The NRA owns this country.

BTW, lost in the rest of the news was that, at a Detroit day care, a toddler shot two other toddlers - one of them, in the face. If there was a law in place that required a trigger guard, those babies would still be alive. But hey, its not as though they are fetuses.
Right now, they're celebrating that a "good guy with a gun" gave chase. BFD

We know cause you have no value to life.
Oh gee another far left religious narrative being run!

See the far left wants to repeal the 2nd amendment and take away your guns..

If the far left had their way the man that came out to defend the church would not been able to do so and the massacre would have been much worse!

So a man wielding his second amendment rights saves the community and the far left still wants to take away all guns with open borders!
Nobody "saved" the community. The killer was shot fleeing the scene of the crime, where everyone already had been shot.
What news are you reading?
EVERYONE WAS SHOT? There were zero survivors?
He wasn't out of ammo, since he shot himself, so please tell me why he fled.
who said that? I said everyone was shot. The news reported about fifty in the church, and he shot that and more.

Do you think or just react?

Were there people who were not shot? I don't remember reading that, one way or the other.

The guy had finished and was leaving when one guy joined another and gave chase. I haven't seen anything to indicate they saved anyone from being shot -- Unless, of course, he was on his way to find his mother in law and we have no way of knowing that. And they didn't shoot the shooter, right?
why not look it up and let us all know? or do you like others to do your work for you?

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