Which is more important to you, human life or your guns?

Guns are an acceptable risk to be American. Bill of Rights ensures we shall not be disarmed


But Muslims aren't? How convenient.

Why do you get your knickers in a twist because 8 people get killed, and don't care when 26 people get killed?

Why do you assume gun owners do not care when 26 people get killed? Should we post "Our thoughts and prayers..." nonsense?

Okay, should I make it simple.

When 8 people got killed in NY, these people were outraged. They were trying to find ways to stop this from happening again.

When 26 people get killed in Texas, they're not concerned about whether it happens again or not, they're only concerned that people will consider taking their guns away.

That, to me, is people who don't care.
No law will stop it from happening again.

People who think about it for any length of time realize this.
Guns are an acceptable risk to be American. Bill of Rights ensures we shall not be disarmed


But Muslims aren't? How convenient.

Why do you get your knickers in a twist because 8 people get killed, and don't care when 26 people get killed?

Why do you assume gun owners do not care when 26 people get killed? Should we post "Our thoughts and prayers..." nonsense?

Okay, should I make it simple.

When 8 people got killed in NY, these people were outraged. They were trying to find ways to stop this from happening again.

When 26 people get killed in Texas, they're not concerned about whether it happens again or not, they're only concerned that people will consider taking their guns away.

That, to me, is people who don't care.
No law will stop it from happening again.

People who think about it for any length of time realize this.
oh come on. all laws stop crminals. that's why we're shutting down the jail system across the country.

we just need more laws.
A simple question.

Yesterday 26 people were shot and killed, some of them kids.

Life is going down the drain for lots of people in the US due to guns.

Which would you prefer, to keep your guns or to keep your life?

My guns have never even threatened a human life.

In fact, of the roughly 50 guns I have owned in my adult life, only 1 was ever even pointed at a human being (while I owned them). And that was unintentional.

No, but the problem is you're looking only at you. You're not looking at the consequences of you being able to get guns easily. You're not looking at all the stuff that's going on.

A person driving their car at 150mph can do so without causing any problems. So, should the law on speed be relaxed because ONE PERSON can do it okay, but others can't???

YOu are comparing HAVING a gun with the ACTIONS of a person in a car. I think we are all against using a gun against innocent people. Just like we are all against the speed limit being 150 mph.

I think you're missing the point completely.

To make it simpler. The point here is that you own a gun and that gun does not get used in a crime, however the manner in which you are able to get your guns leads to other people getting guns easily that should not be getting guns.

Therefore, going back to the initial post, which is more important for you? To have guns, and to see people dying all around your country, or to not have guns and to not see people dying all around your country?

Yes, it's very simplistic, but it's making a point in a simplistic way in order that people grasp the simple point here.

Do you understand that my comparison was to try and help you make the point and NOT for you to go off on a massive tangent talking about cars?
A couple dozen people slaughtered in a church is a small price to pay for our second amendment freedoms

And a few dozen people in Vegas, and a few dozen somewhere else next week or the week after.

But why is it that when it comes to terrorists, nothing is a small price to pay for freedoms? Why is religious freedom not a price to pay?
A simple question.

Yesterday 26 people were shot and killed, some of them kids.

Life is going down the drain for lots of people in the US due to guns.

Which would you prefer, to keep your guns or to keep your life?

My guns have never even threatened a human life.

In fact, of the roughly 50 guns I have owned in my adult life, only 1 was ever even pointed at a human being (while I owned them). And that was unintentional.

No, but the problem is you're looking only at you. You're not looking at the consequences of you being able to get guns easily. You're not looking at all the stuff that's going on.

A person driving their car at 150mph can do so without causing any problems. So, should the law on speed be relaxed because ONE PERSON can do it okay, but others can't???

YOu are comparing HAVING a gun with the ACTIONS of a person in a car. I think we are all against using a gun against innocent people. Just like we are all against the speed limit being 150 mph.

I think you're missing the point completely.

To make it simpler. The point here is that you own a gun and that gun does not get used in a crime, however the manner in which you are able to get your guns leads to other people getting guns easily that should not be getting guns.

Therefore, going back to the initial post, which is more important for you? To have guns, and to see people dying all around your country, or to not have guns and to not see people dying all around your country?

Yes, it's very simplistic, but it's making a point in a simplistic way in order that people grasp the simple point here.

Do you understand that my comparison was to try and help you make the point and NOT for you to go off on a massive tangent talking about cars?
so how are you going to solve the problem? taking away the right of 99% of us because of the 1%?

you still don't provide solutions, just whining.
A simple question.

Yesterday 26 people were shot and killed, some of them kids.

Life is going down the drain for lots of people in the US due to guns.

Which would you prefer, to keep your guns or to keep your life?

My guns have never even threatened a human life.

In fact, of the roughly 50 guns I have owned in my adult life, only 1 was ever even pointed at a human being (while I owned them). And that was unintentional.

No, but the problem is you're looking only at you. You're not looking at the consequences of you being able to get guns easily. You're not looking at all the stuff that's going on.

A person driving their car at 150mph can do so without causing any problems. So, should the law on speed be relaxed because ONE PERSON can do it okay, but others can't???

YOu are comparing HAVING a gun with the ACTIONS of a person in a car. I think we are all against using a gun against innocent people. Just like we are all against the speed limit being 150 mph.

I think you're missing the point completely.

To make it simpler. The point here is that you own a gun and that gun does not get used in a crime, however the manner in which you are able to get your guns leads to other people getting guns easily that should not be getting guns.

Therefore, going back to the initial post, which is more important for you? To have guns, and to see people dying all around your country, or to not have guns and to not see people dying all around your country?

Yes, it's very simplistic, but it's making a point in a simplistic way in order that people grasp the simple point here.

Do you understand that my comparison was to try and help you make the point and NOT for you to go off on a massive tangent talking about cars?
so how are you going to solve the problem? taking away the right of 99% of us because of the 1%?

you still don't provide solutions, just whining.

It's far less than 1%.
Guns are an acceptable risk to be American. Bill of Rights ensures we shall not be disarmed


But Muslims aren't? How convenient.

Why do you get your knickers in a twist because 8 people get killed, and don't care when 26 people get killed?

Exactly correct.
20 min after the news in NY, Trump was tweeting. It was close the gates, raise the drawbridge and man the walls. After Vegas and this one it's a mental health problem.
A simple question.

Yesterday 26 people were shot and killed, some of them kids.

Life is going down the drain for lots of people in the US due to guns.

Which would you prefer, to keep your guns or to keep your life?

Interesting question. You do realize, don't you, that it is not the law abiding citizens' guns that are in question?

This, the question is nonsense, because the law abiding giving up their guns would not positively effect the gun murder rate.
A simple question.

Yesterday 26 people were shot and killed, some of them kids.

Life is going down the drain for lots of people in the US due to guns.

Which would you prefer, to keep your guns or to keep your life?
First, let me begin by saying....
kudos for being a pro life advocate and against abortion!

Now then....
A simple question.
a simple answer
Yesterday 26 people were shot and killed, some of them kids.
6 days ago, on a busy bike path in New York
8 people were mowed down and killed by a pick up truck

Cell phones and vehicles are responsible for...
causing 6 collisions every 10 minutes

Cell phones and vehicles are responsible for...
killing 7 people every day

Cell phones and vehicles are responsible for...
an estimated, 23% of car accidents
and 18% of all fatal accidents
Life is going down the drain for lots of people in the US due to guns.
Cell phones and vehicles
are the #1 killers of teenagers
Which would you prefer, to keep your guns or to keep your life?
I prefer to keep blaming objects,
which are indirectly involved in fatalities,
instead of holding people accountable for their choices,
and responsible for the consequences of those choices!

Simple question

Which would you prefer,...
to keep your cell phone and vehicle,
or, to keep your life?

Seriously...How some of you
found your way out of the birth canal
is a mystery to me!
A couple dozen people slaughtered in a church is a small price to pay for our second amendment freedoms

And a few dozen people in Vegas, and a few dozen somewhere else next week or the week after.

But why is it that when it comes to terrorists, nothing is a small price to pay for freedoms? Why is religious freedom not a price to pay?

This doesn't appear to be a simple question like you promised. Over 50 posts so far. You want to disarm people in a country founded on gun ownership like no other country before us. 'Give me liberty or give me death' the man said. A part of liberty is that every citizen be armed.
Since he was an atheist, I bet a dollar to your doughnut he was a leftist nutjob

A simple question.

Yesterday 26 people were shot and killed, some of them kids.

Life is going down the drain for lots of people in the US due to guns.

Which would you prefer, to keep your guns or to keep your life?

Unfortunately its not about the guns, as we found out in NYC. Do these progressives honestly think government regulations can change violent human behavior? What about Chicago, any change in violent behavior there? Baltimore is about to set a murder rate record it hasn’t seen in decades. Do these stronger gun regulations have an effect in Maryland? Let’s see what excuses these progressives can make for these facts.
A simple question.

Yesterday 26 people were shot and killed, some of them kids.

Life is going down the drain for lots of people in the US due to guns.

Which would you prefer, to keep your guns or to keep your life?

It's not due to guns it's due to other people.

And I'll keep both my guns and my life because what I choose do is none of your fucking business as long as it is in compliance with the law.

Other people with guns

Big guns
A simple question.

Yesterday 26 people were shot and killed, some of them kids.

Life is going down the drain for lots of people in the US due to guns.

Which would you prefer, to keep your guns or to keep your life?
It's posts like this which convince me the Left's claim that they only want sensible gun laws is bullshit.

They want nothing less than the repeal of the Second Amendment, and a total seizure of all guns.
Since he was an atheist, I bet a dollar to your doughnut he was a leftist nutjob

Because Trump is a man of God, right?

I mean, an atheist wouldn't fuck everything that casts a shadow, make his fortune off casinos, marry three times, and abuse his celebrity to grab pussies and bust into underaged girls dressing rooms.

Only a godly man would do that.
OP, If you were being shot at by a criminal, jihadist or madman, you would be wishing that you had a gun
How long before Alex Jones says the Texas shooting didn't happen and that it was all staged by Hillary?
Since he was an atheist, I bet a dollar to your doughnut he was a leftist nutjob

Because Trump is a man of God, right?

I mean, an atheist wouldn't fuck everything that casts a shadow, make his fortune off casinos, marry three times, and abuse his celebrity to grab pussies and bust into underaged girls dressing rooms.

Only a godly man would do that.

But obviously you know what's in his heart right?

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