Which is more important to you, human life or your guns?

An armed citizen did not save the church people. The shooter was fleeing the scene when shotgunned.

I certainly don't want your ilk being a libertarian police force.
A simple question.

Yesterday 26 people were shot and killed, some of them kids.

Life is going down the drain for lots of people in the US due to guns.

Which would you prefer, to keep your guns or to keep your life?
Protecting my and my wife’s life. That’s why guns are a tool for just that


But you're MORE LIKELY to get killed with a gun.

Accceptable risk

Well of course yes. You choose to live in society that is associated with weapons. If the risk were not acceptable to you, then unarguably, you would have moved to Australia or Japan.

Acceptable Risk
-Driving a car

Just to name a few

But you haven't. Instead you stomp your feet and whine about issues you have zero chance of effecting. Firearms are here to stay and there is nothing you can do about it. But feel free to carry on with your emotional tantrums

A simple question.

Yesterday 26 people were shot and killed, some of them kids.

Life is going down the drain for lots of people in the US due to guns.

Which would you prefer, to keep your guns or to keep your life?

Not YOUR opinion.life is going down the drain because of people like you. Not objects that just sit there. Pull your head the hell out of your ass.
What mental feebleness on your part. Absolutely no logic on your part to support that statement.

Why, because I’m not like you jumping up and down clapping because a bunch of old people and little kids got shot up in a church like you and your libtard circle jerk pals do every time this happens? I mean be honest, you don’t give two shits about any of those people other then the fact that for a couple days their death gets you some attention on a message board. Hmm. I’ll take stupid over attention whore any day. Especially an attention whore who gets their attention on the backs of dead kids and old people in the news As you do Jake.
An armed citizen did not save the church people. The shooter was fleeing the scene when shotgunned.

I certainly don't want your ilk being a libertarian police force.
and i certainly don't want your ILK able to tell us all how we must live.
An armed citizen did not save the church people. The shooter was fleeing the scene when shotgunned.

I certainly don't want your ilk being a libertarian police force.

Tell you what since you and others like you prefer to let government law enforcement be responsible for protecting you I'll strike a bargain with you.

If I see you getting mugged at gunpoint, or getting beaten with a baseball bat I will not draw a weapon to help you. I will respect your wishes to trust in government agencies for your personal safety and will call the cops and an ambulance for you then walk away and hope that help arrives before you get dead.

FYI that happens to also be my personal philosophy for concealed carry. I do not carry to protect YOU.
A simple question.

Yesterday 26 people were shot and killed, some of them kids.

Life is going down the drain for lots of people in the US due to guns.

Which would you prefer, to keep your guns or to keep your life?
There's no conflict between keeping my guns and keeping my life. In fact, one is dependent on the other.
A simple question.

Yesterday 26 people were shot and killed, some of them kids.

Life is going down the drain for lots of people in the US due to guns.

Which would you prefer, to keep your guns or to keep your life?
Protecting my and my wife’s life. That’s why guns are a tool for just that


But you're MORE LIKELY to get killed with a gun.
No you aren't. Millions of people use guns to defend themselves every year.
A simple question.

Yesterday 26 people were shot and killed, some of them kids.

Life is going down the drain for lots of people in the US due to guns.

Which would you prefer, to keep your guns or to keep your life?
Protecting my and my wife’s life. That’s why guns are a tool for just that


But you're MORE LIKELY to get killed with a gun.
No you aren't. Millions of people use guns to defend themselves every year.
Yep, and I’m one of them

A simple question.

Yesterday 26 people were shot and killed, some of them kids.

Life is going down the drain for lots of people in the US due to guns.

Which would you prefer, to keep your guns or to keep your life?

My guns have never even threatened a human life.

In fact, of the roughly 50 guns I have owned in my adult life, only 1 was ever even pointed at a human being (while I owned them). And that was unintentional.

No, but the problem is you're looking only at you. You're not looking at the consequences of you being able to get guns easily. You're not looking at all the stuff that's going on.

A person driving their car at 150mph can do so without causing any problems. So, should the law on speed be relaxed because ONE PERSON can do it okay, but others can't???
Liberals want no freedom for us, except abortion, that's the only freedom they care about.

That's complete nonsense.

How much freedom does the 14 year old pastor's daughter have? She dead. How much freedom?
Guns are an acceptable risk to be American. Bill of Rights ensures we shall not be disarmed


But Muslims aren't? How convenient.

Why do you get your knickers in a twist because 8 people get killed, and don't care when 26 people get killed?

Why do you assume gun owners do not care when 26 people get killed? Should we post "Our thoughts and prayers..." nonsense?

Okay, should I make it simple.

When 8 people got killed in NY, these people were outraged. They were trying to find ways to stop this from happening again.

When 26 people get killed in Texas, they're not concerned about whether it happens again or not, they're only concerned that people will consider taking their guns away.

That, to me, is people who don't care.
A simple question.

Yesterday 26 people were shot and killed, some of them kids.

Life is going down the drain for lots of people in the US due to guns.

Which would you prefer, to keep your guns or to keep your life?

that isn't even the choice.... 75% of the money glommed by the NRA comes from gun manufacturers. the public in massive numbers wants rational gun control.

so the choice is whether GOP "lawmakers" care about their constituents or the money they get from the NRA.

THAT is the choice.

Well, many politicians care more about their careers and their money than about society and the people.
Giving up freedom for the illusion of safety means we get neither.

Once the guns are all in the government's hands, and we the people are defenseless, the left will finally have the power to implement all its nefarious plans for us.

Did you say such things whenever Muslims attack? No. Why not?
A simple question.

Yesterday 26 people were shot and killed, some of them kids.

Life is going down the drain for lots of people in the US due to guns.

Which would you prefer, to keep your guns or to keep your life?

Keeping my Constitutional Rights!

I am sure you and the left like you believe you know better but the fact is you and your kind do not care about human life and you are just using those deaths for your political partisan whore nonsense!
A simple question.

Yesterday 26 people were shot and killed, some of them kids.

Life is going down the drain for lots of people in the US due to guns.

Which would you prefer, to keep your guns or to keep your life?

My guns have never even threatened a human life.

In fact, of the roughly 50 guns I have owned in my adult life, only 1 was ever even pointed at a human being (while I owned them). And that was unintentional.

No, but the problem is you're looking only at you. You're not looking at the consequences of you being able to get guns easily. You're not looking at all the stuff that's going on.

A person driving their car at 150mph can do so without causing any problems. So, should the law on speed be relaxed because ONE PERSON can do it okay, but others can't???

YOu are comparing HAVING a gun with the ACTIONS of a person in a car. I think we are all against using a gun against innocent people. Just like we are all against the speed limit being 150 mph.
A simple question.

Yesterday 26 people were shot and killed, some of them kids.

Life is going down the drain for lots of people in the US due to guns.

Which would you prefer, to keep your guns or to keep your life?

My guns have never even threatened a human life.

In fact, of the roughly 50 guns I have owned in my adult life, only 1 was ever even pointed at a human being (while I owned them). And that was unintentional.

No, but the problem is you're looking only at you. You're not looking at the consequences of you being able to get guns easily. You're not looking at all the stuff that's going on.

A person driving their car at 150mph can do so without causing any problems. So, should the law on speed be relaxed because ONE PERSON can do it okay, but others can't???
Define easily.

In my state in order to be able to buy a handgun I had to take a safety course which included passing a firing range test, I had to get fingerprinted like a common criminal and had to shell out about 300 dollars.
A couple dozen people slaughtered in a church is a small price to pay for our second amendment freedoms
Liberals want no freedom for us, except abortion, that's the only freedom they care about.

That's complete nonsense.

How much freedom does the 14 year old pastor's daughter have? She dead. How much freedom?
so how would you go about fixing the problem?

you bitch a lot. A FUCKING LOT. but i've yet to hear you lob out how you'd fix this if you could.

3 year olds bitch. grow up and provide solutions.

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