which lives matter most?

What a weird combination of flattering and creepy this place can be.

The media has brainwashed you into thinking that victimizing an innocent business owner is an act of social justice, when in fact, it represents the very antithesis thereof.

You have been too busy posturing and flattering yourself to notice.
lie?? yes , we know the Truth is a lie to the left wing
Do black criminals lives matter, or should they be shot on sight?
you see???? you don't see it do you?????????!!!!!!!!!!
the color of the criminal has NOTHING to do with it
WE don't care about the COLOR of them!! = there is no racism/bigotry/etc to it---it's only in your mind
You have no inherent right to burn down the business of a complete stranger or attempt to murder a person trying to prevent you from such, even if benightedly repulsive individuals such as you think you do.
You have no right to execute someone without a fair trial, yet you scum endorse it fully.
You trumpers make me sick.

Every time I think a person could not possibly be as stupid as they appear, they go and prove me wrong.

Attempted murder is not a right, even if you think it is.
They should learn to be big boys and not fight the police like children when caught. It's called living with the consequences of your decisions.
If you want to execute people without benefit of a fair trial, whats say we get rid of the criminal court system?
Clearly it is not needed.
Moron. If they surrender peacefully, they will get their day in court.
Save the hyperbole for your deluded friends.
This reminds me of a question Neil Boortz once asked. A country is decimated from a flood, all except for 200 people, and the water is still rising. 100 people stranded on one island are welfare program participants. 100 people stranded on the other island are scientists, manufacturers, and working people.

If only one boat is available with room for 100 victims and just enough time to rescue one group, which group should be rescued?
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As with many populist slogans, "Black lives matter," is one that does not hold up to more than thirty seconds of actual thought.

Whether a life (or, implicitly a death) matters is wholly a matter of individual factors. A 40-year-old brain surgeon who is killed in an auto accident matters, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, gender or physical attractiveness. On the other side of the spectrum is the death of a career criminal, who has victimized both individuals and society at large for a large part of its life. That life matters, in the sense that the loss of it is a net positive for society. It is generally conceded that the life of a child matters because of its potential to benefit others. But as the child grows up and starts to give hints of what is to come...the scale starts to tip in one direction or another.

How often have "we" read of the death of a Black Yoot to gang violence, who was constantly in trouble with the law, and his mother cries into the camera, saying that her son had just found Jesus. Gimme a break. That life, to be honest, didn't matter much. OTOH we also hear about young Black folks who were doing well in school, in the community, maybe in a sport or two, and were gunned down because they just happened to be in the wrong place and time. Surely that life matters a lot.

"All lives matter" is just as vacuous, and is not helpful. Obviously, not all lives matter; it just depends.
Billyboom, will you concede that you were wrong when a "diverse" jury concludes that Floyd died through an act of simple negligence, with the cop doing pretty much what he was taught to do?

I doubt it. Ignorance dies hard.
..well, would you put a criminal's life above that of an innocent person? of course not
..at the bottom of the list of lives that matter, a criminal should be last---and a criminal that fights with the INNOCENT police should be lower than that
..the community is better off without criminals--yes?
..what do you think?
What would Jesus say?
and, why would that matter?
this is REAL LIFE!! not bible crap fairy tales!!!!!!!
jackass criminals that are dangerous and cause SHIT
It doesn't but this is not a simple subject. Sociopaths are the lowest of the low. "Criminals" are more problematic. Are violent protesters in the US the same as violent protesters in Venezuela?
no one is executing them
The police are, scooter.
...that's another one of your people's problems--you make up fake definitions..
..it is undeniable, the cop was not trying to kill FLoyd, but to subdue him
...Blake was not executed
..well, would you put a criminal's life above that of an innocent person? of course not
..at the bottom of the list of lives that matter, a criminal should be last---and a criminal that fights with the INNOCENT police should be lower than that
..the community is better off without criminals--yes?
..what do you think?
What would Jesus say?
and, why would that matter?
this is REAL LIFE!! not bible crap fairy tales!!!!!!!
jackass criminals that are dangerous and cause SHIT
It doesn't but this is not a simple subject. Sociopaths are the lowest of the low. "Criminals" are more problematic. Are violent protesters in the US the same as violent protesters in Venezuela?
..so, you do agree jesus has nothing to do with it--good = this is REAL life--not fairytales
Billyboom, will you concede that you were wrong when a "diverse" jury concludes that Floyd died through an act of simple negligence, with the cop doing pretty much what he was taught to do?

I doubt it. Ignorance dies hard.
no they won't--just like in the Rodney King verdicts
..the only verdicts they want are the ones they agree with --like the black MURDERER who murdered WHITES that a BLACK jury said was not guilty-OJ
As with many populist slogans, "Black lives matter," is one that does not hold up to more than thirty seconds of actual thought.

Whether a life (or, implicitly a death) matters is wholly a matter of individual factors. A 40-year-old brain surgeon who is killed in an auto accident matters, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, gender or physical attractiveness. On the other side of the spectrum is the death of a career criminal, who has victimized both individuals and society at large for a large part of its life. That life matters, in the sense that the loss of it is a net positive for society. It is generally conceded that the life of a child matters because of its potential to benefit others. But as the child grows up and starts to give hints of what is to come...the scale starts to tip in one direction or another.

How often have "we" read of the death of a Black Yoot to gang violence, who was constantly in trouble with the law, and his mother cries into the camera, saying that her son had just found Jesus. Gimme a break. That life, to be honest, didn't matter much. OTOH we also hear about young Black folks who were doing well in school, in the community, maybe in a sport or two, and were gunned down because they just happened to be in the wrong place and time. Surely that life matters a lot.

"All lives matter" is just as vacuous, and is not helpful. Obviously, not all lives matter; it just depends.
..I've asked what does BLM really mean---and the leftist just say ''google it''...they are afraid to back it up
The conservative view of criminality seems to be highly dependent on income, party affiliation and race.
Oh look an attempt to play the dems income card, party card, and the ever popular race card to distract when losing an argument. A swing and miss...people are so over this nonsense.

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