which lives matter most?

Far and away, white and Asian lives matter most as they are the most productive, most law abiding groups. Ain’t that right Mac1958 ?
I assume this is a serious question, so "no".

And I assume your ugly, Trumpian question is a declaration that you no longer claim to be a "Christian".
MAJOR fk up by you--I've never claimed to be a christian
look at ALL my posts in the Religion Forum!!!!
..I'm ''''atheist'' [actually atheist is a silly term, as there is no god ]

this makes your post not only wrong, but your credibility is crap
...you do that will all of your posts--you just babble crap without thinking
Was I addressing you?

My goodness, my opinion certainly does trigger you guys.
hahahahhahyou LIAR!!!!
you fked up --AGAIN by trying to double talk babble crap out of it!!!

YOUR post:
And I assume your ugly, Trumpian question is a declaration that you no longer claim to be a "Christian".
To whom was I posting?

Go ahead. You can answer. It's right there on your screen.

Wow. I can turn you guys into full drama queens without even trying.
LOVIN it today
....you are like these idiots that are caught doing wrong--then they make it WORSE by lying

Mac & Cheese has only 3 posts at this point. All of them both stupid and boring.

1. Orange man bad, racist, evil, ignorant, etc.

2. Wingers bad, racist, evil, ignorant, etc.

3. I am so superior because I fake play both sides of the street and my brilliance "triggers wingers.". : lol:

Mac & Cheese is the new Fakey Jakey of USMB. Remember how Fakey Jakey claimed to be a Republican for years? :lol:

Mac "calls out" Left Wingers. " : D. Sure Mac.....whatever you say. :lol:
Interesting. What do I claim to be?

You claim to be a Wizard, a Jedi MindTrick Mastermind.
BUT what you are is a fence sitting, scared, confused, self manipulator.
..he supports the criminals by claiming racism when it's not there
Far and away, white and Asian lives matter most as they are the most productive, most law abiding groups. Ain’t that right Mac1958 ?
I assume this is a serious question, so "no".

And I assume your ugly, Trumpian question is a declaration that you no longer claim to be a "Christian".
MAJOR fk up by you--I've never claimed to be a christian
look at ALL my posts in the Religion Forum!!!!
..I'm ''''atheist'' [actually atheist is a silly term, as there is no god ]

this makes your post not only wrong, but your credibility is crap
...you do that will all of your posts--you just babble crap without thinking
Was I addressing you?

My goodness, my opinion certainly does trigger you guys.
hahahahhahyou LIAR!!!!
you fked up --AGAIN by trying to double talk babble crap out of it!!!

YOUR post:
And I assume your ugly, Trumpian question is a declaration that you no longer claim to be a "Christian".
To whom was I posting?

Go ahead. You can answer. It's right there on your screen.

Wow. I can turn you guys into full drama queens without even trying.
LOVIN it today
....you are like these idiots that are caught doing wrong--then they make it WORSE by lying

Mac & Cheese has only 3 posts at this point. All of them both stupid and boring.

1. Orange man bad, racist, evil, ignorant, etc.

2. Wingers bad, racist, evil, ignorant, etc.

3. I am so superior because I fake play both sides of the street and my brilliance "triggers wingers.". : lol:

Mac & Cheese is the new Fakey Jakey of USMB. Remember how Fakey Jakey claimed to be a Republican for years? :lol:

Mac "calls out" Left Wingers. " : D. Sure Mac.....whatever you say. :lol:
Interesting. What do I claim to be?

You claim to be a Wizard, a Jedi MindTrick Mastermind.
BUT what you are is a fence sitting, scared, confused, self manipulator.
I claim that? Really?

Funny, no quote.

I'm just not like you. Thankfully.
Moron. If they surrender peacefully, they will get their day in court.
Save the hyperbole for your deluded friends.
Hey Sherlock. George Floyd was restrained. cuffs were on, yet that piece of human garbage proceeded to execute him.
Hey dumbass. Everyone pretty much thought the cop was wrong during that arrest despite Floyd being a criminal high on Fentanyl.
Now 35 have died as a result of the riots, thousands of businesses damaged or destroyed, millions wasted on law enforcement for the riots.
Shows that most lives really don't matter unless used for political gain.

You folks are helping Trump again.
You cannot explain to the snowflakes that the cop in the George Floyd case was taken into custody.

The feeble-minded cannot comprehend justice.
...undeniable BLM is saying a criminal's life that resist is more important that an innocent 8 year old girl's/etc
...UNLESS==BLM is bullshit............?
Damn, I'm good. And I'm not even trying.

It is really quite sad to see how TDS has reduced you to a one dimensional poster capable of little more than acting out seeking attention and then congratulating himself for it. Are you not getting any attention or positive feedback at home, or something?

This thread has to do with the way the racist woke movement prioritizes some lives over others. Especially in the way the leftist woke supporters disregard the rights of anybody BLM attacks, it is patently obvious that they do not believe the lives of any of the people they are attacking matter at all.
The feeble-minded cannot comprehend justice
Only that they want it NOW for whatever suits their narrative.
Just ignore all the other killings, burning and looting. Nothing to see here folks...
..well, would you put a criminal's life above that of an innocent person? of course not
..at the bottom of the list of lives that matter, a criminal should be last---and a criminal that fights with the INNOCENT police should be lower than that
..the community is better off without criminals--yes?
..what do you think?
Problem is that a "criminal" can be whomever you want to hate, dislike or vilify. To Adolf, all the Jews were criminals just for breathing.
By looking at recent events regarding Kenosha, there are more than a few people in this forum who think the lives that matter most are those of registered sex offenders, career criminals, arsonists and looters.

The lives of the people they target are worth nothing to these posters, that's for sure.
You mean Liberals.
Yes, even on my Facebook community page, the self-hating, Liberal Jews think murderers are more valuable to society than non-criminals.

I would never call them liberals because they are the least liberal posters on this board. They are nothing more than hive-mind leftists who would not recognize actual liberal ideology if it were a 2 by 4 smacking them along side their stupid little heads.
..well, would you put a criminal's life above that of an innocent person? of course not
..at the bottom of the list of lives that matter, a criminal should be last---and a criminal that fights with the INNOCENT police should be lower than that
..the community is better off without criminals--yes?
..what do you think?
Problem is that a "criminal" can be whomever you want to hate, dislike or vilify. To Adolf, all the Jews were criminals just for breathing.
..correct.....akin to BLM/blacks/etc thinking all cops/police are bad....it's a myth......they are exactly like the nazis in many ways----just like promoting the myth of police brutality = creating a scapegoat--as the jews were made out to be
I do think that I exist WAY too far up in the heads of a LOT of nutters here.

Here Mac, I hope this helps provide you the feedback you seek.


DAMN, Dog, you just made me unignore Mac to read him for the first time in many months, and I was deeply disappointed.

Guy still hasn't a single thing to say worth reading.
Damn, I'm good. And I'm not even trying.

It is really quite sad to see how TDS has reduced you to a one dimensional poster capable of little more than acting out seeking attention and then congratulating himself for it. Are you not getting any attention or positive feedback at home, or something?

This thread has to do with the way the racist woke movement prioritizes some lives over others. Especially in the way the leftist woke supporters disregard the rights of anybody BLM attacks, it is patently obvious that they do not believe the lives of any of the people they are attacking matter at all.
I just don't care. Sorry.
As others have said, the only lives that matter are those that can be used as political tools.

Those murdered in the riots are faceless and nameless because the media and the left cannot use their deaths as political tools.

And most certainly the thousands of blacks murdered in cities like Chicago every year lives do not matter. Zero political advantage for the Left to highlight their deaths. They are also unnamed and forgotten. Their lives do not matter.
Damn, I'm good. And I'm not even trying.

It is really quite sad to see how TDS has reduced you to a one dimensional poster capable of little more than acting out seeking attention and then congratulating himself for it. Are you not getting any attention or positive feedback at home, or something?

This thread has to do with the way the racist woke movement prioritizes some lives over others. Especially in the way the leftist woke supporters disregard the rights of anybody BLM attacks, it is patently obvious that they do not believe the lives of any of the people they are attacking matter at all.
I just don't care. Sorry.
Of course you care. If you didn't care, you would not make so many damn posts congratulating yourself in order to make up for the fact other people are not giving your ego enough of a boost.

A person does not have to be an actual clinical psychologist to see it.
Damn, I'm good. And I'm not even trying.

It is really quite sad to see how TDS has reduced you to a one dimensional poster capable of little more than acting out seeking attention and then congratulating himself for it. Are you not getting any attention or positive feedback at home, or something?

This thread has to do with the way the racist woke movement prioritizes some lives over others. Especially in the way the leftist woke supporters disregard the rights of anybody BLM attacks, it is patently obvious that they do not believe the lives of any of the people they are attacking matter at all.
I just don't care. Sorry.
Of course you care. If you didn't care, you would not make so many damn posts congratulating yourself in order to make up for the fact other people are not giving your ego enough of a boost.

A person does not have to be an actual clinical psychologist to see it.

Maybe Mommie didn't love little Mac & Cheese enough? It's sad really. I guess attention whoring and posting endless self-congratulation posts are meant to try and fill the void.

Buck up little Mac & Cheese. Buck up. :thup:
Just like Black Lives Matter is just another left wing lie.
Thanks for admitting all Lives matter is another right wing bullshit lie.
The only lives that matter to right wing scum are those who are white, male heterosexual.

which lives matter to left-wing scum?
This left-wing scum believes all lives matter, I also believe that not all lives are subject to the same level of risk.
Shout that at a BLM riot. I dare you.
Ahhhh..there you go....an admission that the left and especially BLM is a terrorist group. Why do we allow them to exist?
..well, would you put a criminal's life above that of an innocent person? of course not
..at the bottom of the list of lives that matter, a criminal should be last---and a criminal that fights with the INNOCENT police should be lower than that
..the community is better off without criminals--yes?
..what do you think?
What would Jesus say?
I don't believe that the Lord would like it too much if a person decided to only enable a demon possessed person.

God bless you always!!!

..well, would you put a criminal's life above that of an innocent person? of course not
..at the bottom of the list of lives that matter, a criminal should be last---and a criminal that fights with the INNOCENT police should be lower than that
..the community is better off without criminals--yes?
..what do you think?
What would Jesus say?
I don't believe that the Lord would like it too much if a person decided to only enable a demon possessed person.

God bless you always!!!

Thanks, I think. I think the Jesus of the Bible would cast out those demons because he would value the person.

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