which lives matter most?

..well, would you put a criminal's life above that of an innocent person? of course not
..at the bottom of the list of lives that matter, a criminal should be last---and a criminal that fights with the INNOCENT police should be lower than that
..the community is better off without criminals--yes?
..what do you think?
Just like Black Lives Matter is just another left wing lie.
Thanks for admitting all Lives matter is another right wing bullshit lie.
The only lives that matter to right wing scum are those who are white, male heterosexual.

which lives matter to left-wing scum?
This left-wing scum believes all lives matter, I also believe that not all lives are subject to the same level of risk.
They should learn to be big boys and not fight the police like children when caught. It's called living with the consequences of your decisions.
If you want to execute people without benefit of a fair trial, whats say we get rid of the criminal court system?
Clearly it is not needed.
You give up your rights to a fair trial if you attack cops and refuse to be arrested or prove to be still on-going threat. I suggest the criminals behave so they can be given their rights.
Just like Black Lives Matter is just another left wing lie.
Thanks for admitting all Lives matter is another right wing bullshit lie.
The only lives that matter to right wing scum are those who are white, male heterosexual.

which lives matter to left-wing scum?
This left-wing scum believes all lives matter, I also believe that not all lives are subject to the same level of risk.
Shout that at a BLM riot. I dare you.
They should learn to be big boys and not fight the police like children when caught. It's called living with the consequences of your decisions.
If you want to execute people without benefit of a fair trial, whats say we get rid of the criminal court system?
Clearly it is not needed.
You give up your rights to a fair trial if you attack cops and refuse to be arrested or prove to be still on-going threat. I suggest the criminals behave so they can be given their rights.
..exactly--fight in the court room--not on the street = stupid/etc--
..''smart''' people fight in the court room
Just like Black Lives Matter is just another left wing lie.
Thanks for admitting all Lives matter is another right wing bullshit lie.
The only lives that matter to right wing scum are those who are white, male heterosexual.

which lives matter to left-wing scum?
This left-wing scum believes all lives matter, I also believe that not all lives are subject to the same level of risk.
Shout that at a BLM riot. I dare you.
of course you can't--because the left wing are exactly like nazis
Just like Black Lives Matter is just another left wing lie.
Thanks for admitting all Lives matter is another right wing bullshit lie.
The only lives that matter to right wing scum are those who are white, male heterosexual.

which lives matter to left-wing scum?
This left-wing scum believes all lives matter, I also believe that not all lives are subject to the same level of risk.
Shout that at a BLM riot. I dare you.
god forbid if you give your opinion to the left wing
Doesn't it depend on the criminal action- running a stop sign and not harming anyone or anything is a criminal action- I bet there are a lot more criminals made criminal by stupid laws than real criminals- there are so many federal laws on the books they can't be counted and it's estimated that every person in the US breaks at least three of them a day- so, I guess we should just all commit suicide- more laws means more criminals. It's simple arithmetic.
Just like Black Lives Matter is just another left wing lie.
Thanks for admitting all Lives matter is another right wing bullshit lie.
The only lives that matter to right wing scum are those who are white, male heterosexual.

which lives matter to left-wing scum?
This left-wing scum believes all lives matter, I also believe that not all lives are subject to the same level of risk.
There are things that matter and things that don't. Thugs' are very low on my list of things that do. If you don't like it, bite me.
By looking at recent events regarding Kenosha, there are more than a few people in this forum who think the lives that matter most are those of registered sex offenders, career criminals, arsonists and looters.

The lives of the people they target are worth nothing to these posters, that's for sure.
You mean Liberals.
Yes, even on my Facebook community page, the self-hating, Liberal Jews think murderers are more valuable to society than non-criminals.
.....most people do not want want police JUST KILLING for NO reason.......
...but when they do, 99% of the time there is a justified reason/etc
Far and away, white and Asian lives matter most as they are the most productive, most law abiding groups. Ain’t that right Mac1958 ?
I assume this is a serious question, so "no".

And I assume your ugly, Trumpian question is a declaration that you no longer claim to be a "Christian".
MAJOR fk up by you--I've never claimed to be a christian
look at ALL my posts in the Religion Forum!!!!
..I'm ''''atheist'' [actually atheist is a silly term, as there is no god ]

this makes your post not only wrong, but your credibility is crap
...you do that will all of your posts--you just babble crap without thinking
Was I addressing you?

My goodness, my opinion certainly does trigger you guys.
hahahahhahyou LIAR!!!!
you fked up --AGAIN by trying to double talk babble crap out of it!!!

YOUR post:
And I assume your ugly, Trumpian question is a declaration that you no longer claim to be a "Christian".
To whom was I posting?

Go ahead. You can answer. It's right there on your screen.

Wow. I can turn you guys into full drama queens without even trying.
LOVIN it today
....you are like these idiots that are caught doing wrong--then they make it WORSE by lying

Mac & Cheese has only 3 posts at this point. All of them both stupid and boring.

1. Orange man bad, racist, evil, ignorant, etc.

2. Wingers bad, racist, evil, ignorant, etc.

3. I am so superior because I fake play both sides of the street and my brilliance "triggers wingers.". :lol:

Mac & Cheese is the new Fakey Jakey of USMB. Remember how Fakey Jakey claimed to be a Republican for years? :lol:

Mac "calls out" Left Wingers. " Sure Mac.....whatever you say. :D
By looking at recent events regarding Kenosha, there are more than a few people in this forum who think the lives that matter most are those of registered sex offenders, career criminals, arsonists and looters.

The lives of the people they target are worth nothing to these posters, that's for sure.
You mean Liberals.
Yes, even on my Facebook community page, the self-hating, Liberal Jews think murderers are more valuable to society than non-criminals.
.....what do they say?
Far and away, white and Asian lives matter most as they are the most productive, most law abiding groups. Ain’t that right Mac1958 ?
I assume this is a serious question, so "no".

And I assume your ugly, Trumpian question is a declaration that you no longer claim to be a "Christian".
MAJOR fk up by you--I've never claimed to be a christian
look at ALL my posts in the Religion Forum!!!!
..I'm ''''atheist'' [actually atheist is a silly term, as there is no god ]

this makes your post not only wrong, but your credibility is crap
...you do that will all of your posts--you just babble crap without thinking
Was I addressing you?

My goodness, my opinion certainly does trigger you guys.
hahahahhahyou LIAR!!!!
you fked up --AGAIN by trying to double talk babble crap out of it!!!

YOUR post:
And I assume your ugly, Trumpian question is a declaration that you no longer claim to be a "Christian".
To whom was I posting?

Go ahead. You can answer. It's right there on your screen.

Wow. I can turn you guys into full drama queens without even trying.
LOVIN it today
....you are like these idiots that are caught doing wrong--then they make it WORSE by lying

Mac & Cheese has only 3 posts at this point. All of them both stupid and boring.

1. Orange man bad, racist, evil, ignorant, etc.

2. Wingers bad, racist, evil, ignorant, etc.

3. I am so superior because I fake play both sides of the street and my brilliance "triggers wingers.". : lol:

Mac & Cheese is the new Fakey Jakey of USMB. Remember how Fakey Jakey claimed to be a Republican for years? :lol:

Mac "calls out" Left Wingers. " : D. Sure Mac.....whatever you say. :lol:
..that's because he fkd up big time on his first post
Far and away, white and Asian lives matter most as they are the most productive, most law abiding groups. Ain’t that right Mac1958 ?
I assume this is a serious question, so "no".

And I assume your ugly, Trumpian question is a declaration that you no longer claim to be a "Christian".
MAJOR fk up by you--I've never claimed to be a christian
look at ALL my posts in the Religion Forum!!!!
..I'm ''''atheist'' [actually atheist is a silly term, as there is no god ]

this makes your post not only wrong, but your credibility is crap
...you do that will all of your posts--you just babble crap without thinking
Was I addressing you?

My goodness, my opinion certainly does trigger you guys.
hahahahhahyou LIAR!!!!
you fked up --AGAIN by trying to double talk babble crap out of it!!!

YOUR post:
And I assume your ugly, Trumpian question is a declaration that you no longer claim to be a "Christian".
To whom was I posting?

Go ahead. You can answer. It's right there on your screen.

Wow. I can turn you guys into full drama queens without even trying.
LOVIN it today
....you are like these idiots that are caught doing wrong--then they make it WORSE by lying

Mac & Cheese has only 3 posts at this point. All of them both stupid and boring.

1. Orange man bad, racist, evil, ignorant, etc.

2. Wingers bad, racist, evil, ignorant, etc.

3. I am so superior because I fake play both sides of the street and my brilliance "triggers wingers.". : lol:

Mac & Cheese is the new Fakey Jakey of USMB. Remember how Fakey Jakey claimed to be a Republican for years? :lol:

Mac "calls out" Left Wingers. " : D. Sure Mac.....whatever you say. :lol:
Interesting. What do I claim to be?
By looking at recent events regarding Kenosha, there are more than a few people in this forum who think the lives that matter most are those of registered sex offenders, career criminals, arsonists and looters.

The lives of the people they target are worth nothing to these posters, that's for sure.
You mean Liberals.
Yes, even on my Facebook community page, the self-hating, Liberal Jews think murderers are more valuable to society than non-criminals.
.....what do they say?
They say the Jewish gangsters were worse than the nazis.
They say the criminals are being accused of crimes they didn't really commit or that the videos have been edited by RWers to omit the part where the victim attacked first.
And then there's the societal oppression that caused them emotional or intellectual stress.
Moron. If they surrender peacefully, they will get their day in court.
Save the hyperbole for your deluded friends.
Hey Sherlock. George Floyd was restrained. cuffs were on, yet that piece of human garbage proceeded to execute him.
Hey dumbass. Everyone pretty much thought the cop was wrong during that arrest despite Floyd being a criminal high on Fentanyl.
Now 35 have died as a result of the riots, thousands of businesses damaged or destroyed, millions wasted on law enforcement for the riots.
Shows that most lives really don't matter unless used for political gain.

You folks are helping Trump again.
Far and away, white and Asian lives matter most as they are the most productive, most law abiding groups. Ain’t that right Mac1958 ?
I assume this is a serious question, so "no".

And I assume your ugly, Trumpian question is a declaration that you no longer claim to be a "Christian".
MAJOR fk up by you--I've never claimed to be a christian
look at ALL my posts in the Religion Forum!!!!
..I'm ''''atheist'' [actually atheist is a silly term, as there is no god ]

this makes your post not only wrong, but your credibility is crap
...you do that will all of your posts--you just babble crap without thinking
Was I addressing you?

My goodness, my opinion certainly does trigger you guys.
hahahahhahyou LIAR!!!!
you fked up --AGAIN by trying to double talk babble crap out of it!!!

YOUR post:
And I assume your ugly, Trumpian question is a declaration that you no longer claim to be a "Christian".
To whom was I posting?

Go ahead. You can answer. It's right there on your screen.

Wow. I can turn you guys into full drama queens without even trying.
LOVIN it today
....you are like these idiots that are caught doing wrong--then they make it WORSE by lying

Mac & Cheese has only 3 posts at this point. All of them both stupid and boring.

1. Orange man bad, racist, evil, ignorant, etc.

2. Wingers bad, racist, evil, ignorant, etc.

3. I am so superior because I fake play both sides of the street and my brilliance "triggers wingers.". : lol:

Mac & Cheese is the new Fakey Jakey of USMB. Remember how Fakey Jakey claimed to be a Republican for years? :lol:

Mac "calls out" Left Wingers. " : D. Sure Mac.....whatever you say. :lol:
Interesting. What do I claim to be?

You claim to be a Wizard, a Jedi MindTrick Mastermind.
BUT what you are is a fence sitting, scared, confused, self manipulator.
The conservative view of criminality seems to be highly dependent on income, party affiliation and race.
Oh look an attempt to play the dems income card, party card, and the ever popular race card to distract when losing an argument. A swing and miss...people are so over this nonsense.
It's right in everyone's face right now and the more your kind talk the more clear it becomes. Your brand of law and order is a political weapon pointed at at a very specific demographic.

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