Which Party is more associated with libertarians?

Where do you stand?

  • I am a libertarian, I am or came from the Republican party

    Votes: 10 32.3%
  • I am a libertarian, I am or came from the Democratic party

    Votes: 5 16.1%
  • I am a libertarian, I never supported either party

    Votes: 4 12.9%
  • I am not libertarian, libertarians are generally Republican

    Votes: 9 29.0%
  • I am not libertarian, libertarians are generally Democrat

    Votes: 1 3.2%
  • I am not libertarian, libertarians aren't associated with either party

    Votes: 2 6.5%

  • Total voters
Well, I don't see the Democrats as being a near totalitarian ideology - that's where I place Republicans

Basically the only way you can say that is if you just don't believe money is a right for a free person. And you ignore that the Left rarely follow through on the side they claim to want freedom, social freedom. Basically the left want to allow you to swear on TV and get an abortion. Everything else is regulated.

At least the Republicans do support a lot of economic freedom. That Republicans don't support enough freedom is undeniably true. That they support less than the Democrats is silly.
Well, I don't see the Democrats as being a near totalitarian ideology - that's where I place Republicans

Basically the only way you can say that is if you just don't believe money is a right for a free person. And you ignore that the Left rarely follow through on the side they claim to want freedom, social freedom. Basically the left want to allow you to swear on TV and get an abortion. Everything else is regulated.

At least the Republicans do support a lot of economic freedom. That Republicans don't support enough freedom is undeniably true. That they support less than the Democrats is silly.

The economic "freedom" that Republicans believe in is the freedom for corporations to do whatever they want. They certainly don't support the freedom of workers to unionize. They seem to be in a race to the bottom, where workers have few if any rights, no benefits, no minimum wage, and no overtime - all so the elite get richer.

I can't argue re social freedom though. I can't say that the Democrats are for social freedom in the face of NSA spying, NDAA, Patriot Act, etc. This administration is carrying on the policies of George Bush. They aren't much better than the Republicans in this regard. At best, I can say that the Democrats aren't forcing women to undergo invasive ultrasounds in order to get an abortion. Big whoop, they're still doing these other despicable things.
Well, I don't see the Democrats as being a near totalitarian ideology - that's where I place Republicans

Basically the only way you can say that is if you just don't believe money is a right for a free person. And you ignore that the Left rarely follow through on the side they claim to want freedom, social freedom. Basically the left want to allow you to swear on TV and get an abortion. Everything else is regulated.

At least the Republicans do support a lot of economic freedom. That Republicans don't support enough freedom is undeniably true. That they support less than the Democrats is silly.

The economic "freedom" that Republicans believe in is the freedom for corporations to do whatever they want. They certainly don't support the freedom of workers to unionize. They seem to be in a race to the bottom, where workers have few if any rights, no benefits, no minimum wage, and no overtime - all so the elite get richer.

I can't argue re social freedom though. I can't say that the Democrats are for social freedom in the face of NSA spying, NDAA, Patriot Act, etc. This administration is carrying on the policies of George Bush. They aren't much better than the Republicans in this regard. At best, I can say that the Democrats aren't forcing women to undergo invasive ultrasounds in order to get an abortion. Big whoop, they're still doing these other despicable things.

Typical liberal argument. blah, blag the rich, blah blah corporations. I'm free to buy what I want and to do business with who I want. I want my taxes lower and I want politicians to stop making my decisions for me. No idea what you're talking on the rich blah blah corporations blah blah.
Basically the only way you can say that is if you just don't believe money is a right for a free person. And you ignore that the Left rarely follow through on the side they claim to want freedom, social freedom. Basically the left want to allow you to swear on TV and get an abortion. Everything else is regulated.

At least the Republicans do support a lot of economic freedom. That Republicans don't support enough freedom is undeniably true. That they support less than the Democrats is silly.

The economic "freedom" that Republicans believe in is the freedom for corporations to do whatever they want. They certainly don't support the freedom of workers to unionize. They seem to be in a race to the bottom, where workers have few if any rights, no benefits, no minimum wage, and no overtime - all so the elite get richer.

I can't argue re social freedom though. I can't say that the Democrats are for social freedom in the face of NSA spying, NDAA, Patriot Act, etc. This administration is carrying on the policies of George Bush. They aren't much better than the Republicans in this regard. At best, I can say that the Democrats aren't forcing women to undergo invasive ultrasounds in order to get an abortion. Big whoop, they're still doing these other despicable things.

Typical liberal argument. blah, blag the rich, blah blah corporations. I'm free to buy what I want and to do business with who I want. I want my taxes lower and I want politicians to stop making my decisions for me. No idea what you're talking on the rich blah blah corporations blah blah.

Yeah, so who is preventing you from buying what you want from whoever you want? When did a Democrat prevent you from buying product X from person Y? What's your fucking beef? And everybody wants their own taxes to be lower. If you want to pay more so rich people can pay less and corporations pay nothing, knock yourself out.
The Libertarian party is most closely associated with libertarians.

There are far more libertarians in the Republican party. Which isn't hard since the Libertarian Party is 1% of the population, and most libertarians I know aren't very impressed with them.

You question was which party is more closely associated with libertarians. In terms of sheer numbers, there may be more people in the Republican party who call themselves libertarian - but they tend to be conservatives first, and libertarians second. Furthermore, the majority of Republicans still neo-cons or social conservatives, or simply moderate old-school conservatives, and are actually hostile to libertarian goals.

The Libertarian party focuses exclusively on advocating libertarian government without the baggage of a traditional conservative agenda.
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I'm more constitutionalist than libertarian, they spend way too much time defining themselves, but I'm hopeful that the liberty-minded wing of the Republican Party will come to ascendance and do some good for the country.

There is a small vestige of classical liberalism left in the Democratic Party, but not enough to amount to anything since Kucinich wasn't re-elected.

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