Which Party is more associated with libertarians?

Where do you stand?

  • I am a libertarian, I am or came from the Republican party

    Votes: 10 32.3%
  • I am a libertarian, I am or came from the Democratic party

    Votes: 5 16.1%
  • I am a libertarian, I never supported either party

    Votes: 4 12.9%
  • I am not libertarian, libertarians are generally Republican

    Votes: 9 29.0%
  • I am not libertarian, libertarians are generally Democrat

    Votes: 1 3.2%
  • I am not libertarian, libertarians aren't associated with either party

    Votes: 2 6.5%

  • Total voters
Is one of those threads that quickly turns into who is, and who is not libertarian?

I am a liberal libertarian--as are all true libertarians. In the modern sense, there is no such thing as a conservative libertarian.

Damn!! We made 7 posts.

Do you believe in economic freedom, freemason?

Total economic "freedom" would enslave a good many people. Feudalism was economic "freedom," and so was slavery in the Old South.

When I think of libertarianism, I think first of freedom from government intrusion in private/personal lives.

So you dont believe in economic freedom. Let me ask a similar question. Do you believe in private property and self ownership?
libertarians are rightly for gay rights & the end to the failed & fantastically expensive war on drugs. Can't see repubs agreeing to those small gov't issues.
libertarians are rightly for gay rights & the end to the failed & fantastically expensive war on drugs. Can't see repubs agreeing to those small gov't issues.

They are also rightly agains twealth redistribution. Can't see any LOLberals agreeing on that small govt. issue.
Damn!! We made 7 posts.

Do you believe in economic freedom, freemason?

Total economic "freedom" would enslave a good many people. Feudalism was economic "freedom," and so was slavery in the Old South.

When I think of libertarianism, I think first of freedom from government intrusion in private/personal lives.

So you dont believe in economic freedom. Let me ask a similar question. Do you believe in private property and self ownership?

Even capitalism doesn't acknowledge in a "god-given" right of private property, buddy. Property ownership is land rent, acknowledging that possession is always an iffy proposition at best.

I personally don't think much about it.
libertarians are rightly for gay rights & the end to the failed & fantastically expensive war on drugs. Can't see repubs agreeing to those small gov't issues.

The problem with the current crop of political "libertarians," as I see it, is that they are busily trying to justify the politics and economics of supply side theory--no matter the consequences. Of course, this means being Republican and neocon, too.
Reps are more open to libertarians.

I've noted that most liber nods for Pres were reps that didn't make it.

economically, cons and libers share the same ideas
Constitutionally we share most ideals
Freedoms, taxation and a few other things

and libs hate you just as much as they hate cons, so the enemy of my enemy and all that.
Total economic "freedom" would enslave a good many people. Feudalism was economic "freedom," and so was slavery in the Old South.

When I think of libertarianism, I think first of freedom from government intrusion in private/personal lives.

So you dont believe in economic freedom. Let me ask a similar question. Do you believe in private property and self ownership?

Even capitalism doesn't acknowledge in a "god-given" right of private property, buddy. Property ownership is land rent, acknowledging that possession is always an iffy proposition at best.

I personally don't think much about it.

No one said anything about a god given right. OK, so you're not in favor of economic freedom, you dont believe in private property (capitalism, as it turns out, absolutely requires private property rights).

How about self ownership?
The Republican Party claims to be all about limited government. Even as the GOP President and GOP Congress were passing the Patriot Act faster than greased lightning, opening up Gitmo and throwing people in without habeas corpus, holding US citizens without habeas corpus, creating a MASSIVE new cabinet level department with breathtaking powers of domestic spying without warrants, abusing the living shit out of NSLs, ramrodding a very expensive government entitlement program through Congress (Medicare Part D), poring over citizens' library reading lists, establishing "free speech zones", starting TWO wars, ramping up Defense spending to levels not seen since World War II (and the last I checked we are not in a World War), and ruining the lives of journalists, and DOUBLING the national debt, they were thumping their chests over how they were all about small government!

I honestly do not know how these psychopaths compartmentalize their brains that way without their heads exploding. I really don't.

But back in the days of my youth when it was uncool to be a conservative, one found large roving bands of libertarians at any gathering of Republicans/Conservatives.

Aren't entitlement programs a form of government intervention? You people want to jump into women's bodies on abortion, tell people that one form of marriage is superior to another, and you guys think YOU advocate small government. Well well, that's just about the dumbest actual thing I have ever heard.

I don't know who "you people" are, but you seem to be making an assumption I am in that group.

Also, the only people I know of who believe one form of marriage is superior to others are the modern day faux conservatives who believe a gay marriage is less than a heterosexual marriage.
BAAAAM! I started out as a Democrat, not a hardcore Democrat but I certainly didn't vote for Reagan when I was old enough to vote. Though I admire him now, I didn't vote for George H.W. Bush, I voted for Clinton. I don't agree with both parties for the most part, I don't agree with their stances on Civil Liberties, Foreign policy, and some Domestic policy issues as well.
I didn't grow up thinking that 'Liberal" was a dirty word, in fact it was quite the opposite. When one looks up the textbook meaning of Liberalism, one can see that the current ideology that comes closest to Liberalism is the Libertarian type. I find myself agreeing with their stances more than the Democrat or Republican stances.
I'll stick with referring to myself as a Liberal who will support the candidate of my choice regardless of what 'party' they belong to.
Reps are more open to libertarians.

I've noted that most liber nods for Pres were reps that didn't make it.

economically, cons and libers share the same ideas
Constitutionally we share most ideals
Freedoms, taxation and a few other things

and libs hate you just as much as they hate cons, so the enemy of my enemy and all that.

How are 'Reps' more open to Libertarians? How did the current crop of 'Reps' treat Ron Paul when he was running for the Nomination in the republican party?

How have the 'cons' and 'reps' enact those economic policies?
How do you guys share the same 'ideals' Constitutionaly; the PA, NDAA, etc. ?
Freedoms; like gay marriage, anti-drug war, Civil Liberties? Please show those 'Reps'! LOL
libertarians are rightly for gay rights & the end to the failed & fantastically expensive war on drugs. Can't see repubs agreeing to those small gov't issues.

The problem with the current crop of political "libertarians," as I see it, is that they are busily trying to justify the politics and economics of supply side theory--no matter the consequences. Of course, this means being Republican and neocon, too.

yet another liberal who doesn't have a clue what a neocon is. What you just said is completely contradictory. Supply side is the OPPOSITE of neocon. And libertarians OPPOSE use of military other then for direct defense. Google is your friend, you don't even need to buy a dictionary today.
Reps are more open to libertarians

I agree with you except for socons, who call me a liberal.

As for Democrats, they think we're either Republicans or anarchists. They either hit me with their Republican talking points or they argue my idea that we don't need any government doesn't make any sense. Liberals ... are morons ...
How are 'Reps' more open to Libertarians?

1) Well, if you look at the operative word "more" then clearly it's true. There is no doubt I get way further with way more Republicans than Democrats

2) What you say about Rand is true, but still, he was elected wasn't he?

3) You have to remember the party establishment isn't the same as the people. Libertarian and tea party are a lot more widely supported by the former than the latter as they are threats to the establishment.

Frankly the Republican party establishment is barely different from Democrats.

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