Which person as a third party candidate could beat Biden and Trump in 3 way race?

Voting third party is partially a middle finger to the candidates of the two major parties for their lies and failures.

They lose and they want to blame the third party candidate as opposed to blaming themselves for their lies and failures.

But, you can't make them each lose, so there is no point.
For house districts: Multi-seat preference voting... Max of 5 seat district... Will create more variety, every vote is contestable... Gerrymandering back fires a lot so rarely tried...

Senate: State votes for both senator in the one election as a 2 seater preference voting... This again could allow for upsets and allow more voice to the people.

President: Simple popular vote with preference voting...

Results would be more parties and independents, primaries would have far less importance, stronger whip in congress.

No, too complicated for the local stuff, and the Presidency isn't a popular vote thing, it's a population weighted poll of the States.
For house districts: Multi-seat preference voting... Max of 5 seat district... Will create more variety, every vote is contestable... Gerrymandering back fires a lot so rarely tried...

Senate: State votes for both senator in the one election as a 2 seater preference voting... This again could allow for upsets and allow more voice to the people.

President: Simple popular vote with preference voting...

Results would be more parties and independents, primaries would have far less importance, stronger whip in congress.
President: Simple popular vote with preference voting...
Giving priory to high population states, screwing over less populated states in presidential preference.
Like the man said, with friends like swamp rat repubs in washington who needs enemies?

Trump was as close to 3rd party as you can get
But he was NOT third party independent, as far as the electoral system goes.... And he was on the ballot in all States because he ran as a republican candidate.
Top down 3rd parties are doomed to be nothing but spoilers in presidential elections.

We've never had "Presidential math" like this one. NEVER. Hillary vs Trump ended up being that, but only at the end when Hillary started fainting and falling down, and got busted using a "STUNT DOUBLE."

Trump and Biden are both over 55% negatives. Both have a base, but Biden's "base" really wants another candidate in the Dem primary. Trump's base is solid because the other GOP candidates are largely Zionist 911 W "Biden Republican" disasters - Pentz, Christie, Hutchinson, Haley. But beyond his base, Trump really struggles to move up. Vivek hasn't yet learned that SUBS do not vote for anyone who doesn't claim to be a Christian. His polling in Iowa is lesson #1 on that. Vivek and RFKjr as a third party ticket, that would be interesting. Vivek is trying to bring back the pre 1998 GOP, and Faux hates him for that. Of the candidates running, Vivek is the most refreshing, intelligent, well spoken, clear thinking libertarian out there. He should've run as a Libertarian, since they have the means to get on every ballot.
Literally no crimes.

And who is ABOVE the LAW and ABUSING the LAW and making America a BANANA REPUBLIC???

The alliance of Zionist Fascism and Left Wing Hate Hoaxing HOMOS...

Michelle Obama gives George W. Bush a great big hug and the internet ...

President Obama opens Smithsonian's African American museum | Daily ...

There certainly is a plurality of American voters who would flip off both Biden and Trump should a credible candidate run 3rd. The math is there. Trump is winning the GOP because everyone sees these prosecutions as bogus politicized corruption and Banana Republic stuff. CNN just fumed that Trump rises in the polls after every pathetically rigged indictment. Sorry, CNN, America doesn't bow to your wishes...
Both the GOP and DNC have attacked DeSantis more than any other candidate

And just think, more than Biden and Trump.

DeSantis targeted by more negative expenditures than Biden and Trump combined

By in large, the media steers and controls elections.

But he was NOT third party independent, as far as the electoral system goes.... And he was on the ballot in all States because he ran as a republican candidate.
At least not officially

After trump won the nomination repub swamp rats pretended to support him while assuming hillary would be the next president

But in fact trump was on his own from start to finish and still is
Repubs in congress were as opposed to ending the illegal alien flood as the dems were

And Trump wasn't interested in addressing the cause because he wasn't about to do that kind of harm to business.
Voting third party is partially a middle finger to the candidates of the two major parties for their lies and failures.

They lose and they want to blame the third party candidate as opposed to blaming themselves for their lies and failures.
We do not know if there are people who run who are staged. When Ross Perot ran in 1992, I went in with it. He was actually competitive in a three-way race. Then for some reason he dropped out. Then came back in and got half of what he had which ended up as 19% of the vote or so. At one point all three candidates had around 33%. So, then we were suckers who voted for Perot? To get a Democrat to win? He did the same in 1996. It wasn't like George Senior was a conservative. He was a war monger though. And of course, the elites could say that we elected a Democrat instead of a Republican for another 4 years. After all, it was technically 12 years including Reagan.

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