Which religion do you follow? Why did you pick that one?

I too am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I received personal testimony of the truthfulness of my religion from the Holy Ghost. I have also found a flood of spiritual knowledge that I have not found elsewhere that simply makes more sense to me than any other.
No religion. Used to be Catholic but discovered religion is typically just immoral obedience codes for social clubs.
I too am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I received personal testimony of the truthfulness of my religion from the Holy Ghost. I have also found a flood of spiritual knowledge that I have not found elsewhere that simply makes more sense to me than any other.
I'm happy for you, glad you have found a place that fulfills you spiritually.
I was baptized in a Lutheran church, Missouri Synod...then through confirmation I reaffirmed my faith and still practice it. I don't care what anyone else believes, and have never been inspired to witness, although someone close to me said that I unintentionally did just that by sharing my beliefs...that made me feel weird because for some reason I don't want to have that influence over anyone. I think that faith is incredibly personal and I don't think that anyone can force themselves to believe or unbelieve.

What? No Athiests?

Atheism is a religion. I was sure we had one or two of them. Maybe I was mistaken.

You are mistaken. Atheism is to religion what sobriety is to being drunk. It's just going without.

Yet there is the belief. An Atheist believes there is no such a being as God.

Maybe you are conflating Atheism with Agnosticism..

I hate getting into the definition of atheism argument, but atheism means without theism and agnosticism is a type of atheism. Agnostics don't believe in a god or gods and neither do atheists. Some atheists believe there is no god, most just aren't convinced there is one.

What? No Athiests?

Atheism is a religion. I was sure we had one or two of them. Maybe I was mistaken.

You are mistaken. Atheism is to religion what sobriety is to being drunk. It's just going without.

atheism is another irrational philosophy of mam

Atheism isn't a philosophy. It simply means without god(s).

Denial isn't just a river in Egypt.

What? No Athiests?

Atheism is a religion. I was sure we had one or two of them. Maybe I was mistaken.

You are mistaken. Atheism is to religion what sobriety is to being drunk. It's just going without.

atheism is another irrational philosophy of mam

Atheism isn't a philosophy. It simply means without god(s).

Denial isn't just a river in Egypt.

I'm sure you, a Mormon, know more about atheism than I, an atheist, do.

So please, enlighten me about what atheism is.
Still waiting for you to share what you know about the Southern Baptist religion that makes you reference it so sneeringly, and talk about foolish practices and whatnot.

Which practices are particular to Southern Baptists that you find *foolish*?

  • Equality - In a resolution released in 1998, Southern Baptists view all people as equal in God's eyes, but believe the husband or man has authority in the household and responsibility to protect his family. The wife or woman ought to respect and love her husband and submit graciously to his demands.
  • Heaven and Hell - Southern Baptists believe in a heaven and hell. People who fail to recognize God as the one and only are sentenced to eternity in hell.
  • Ordination of Women - Baptists believe Scripture teaches that men and women are equal in value, but have different roles in the family and in the church. Pastoral leadership positions are reserved for men.
Some churches of the SBC won't allow divorcees to become pastors. Some don't allow musical instruments in church, or dancing at all. They are all against same-sex marriage.

Your views fit with the structure of beliefs of the SBC.

And while the SBC is more conservative than some groups, you have some pretty bizarre and erroneous assumptions about who and what they are. (And I am not and have never been Southern Baptist)

I have been a Southern Baptist, and his description is accurate. The reality is much harsher than you might expect though.
Still waiting for you to share what you know about the Southern Baptist religion that makes you reference it so sneeringly, and talk about foolish practices and whatnot.

Which practices are particular to Southern Baptists that you find *foolish*?

  • Equality - In a resolution released in 1998, Southern Baptists view all people as equal in God's eyes, but believe the husband or man has authority in the household and responsibility to protect his family. The wife or woman ought to respect and love her husband and submit graciously to his demands.
  • Heaven and Hell - Southern Baptists believe in a heaven and hell. People who fail to recognize God as the one and only are sentenced to eternity in hell.
  • Ordination of Women - Baptists believe Scripture teaches that men and women are equal in value, but have different roles in the family and in the church. Pastoral leadership positions are reserved for men.
Some churches of the SBC won't allow divorcees to become pastors. Some don't allow musical instruments in church, or dancing at all. They are all against same-sex marriage.

Your views fit with the structure of beliefs of the SBC.

And while the SBC is more conservative than some groups, you have some pretty bizarre and erroneous assumptions about who and what they are. (And I am not and have never been Southern Baptist)

I have been a Southern Baptist, and his description is accurate. The reality is much harsher than you might expect though.

But it was your congregation who decided what their policy would be. It was not the SBC.
Just out of curiosity.

I picked the one that started with the only One who claimed to be divine. The only One who suffered and died for His creation. The only One who healed the sick and cast out demons. The only one who said if you will not believe in me believe in the works that I do. And since mankind is so eager to act as though they have no God to be accountable to for their choices, then the “works” Jesus performed have been repeated thousands of times since. In divine healings in miraculous signs and wonders which no other creed, religion or ideology can even begin to demonstrate. I chose the one who sacrifices for others and loves their enemy and cares for all those impoverished and abandoned. I chose the one made up of sinners yet their teachings show forgiveness even for those sinners like me within the faith. The religion who had tens of thousands of martyrs go peacefully to their death (not like a suicide bomber taking out as many heathens as they can fine) as a witness to the truth.

Deny it all, but they cannot deny the miracles.
Still waiting for you to share what you know about the Southern Baptist religion that makes you reference it so sneeringly, and talk about foolish practices and whatnot.

Which practices are particular to Southern Baptists that you find *foolish*?

  • Equality - In a resolution released in 1998, Southern Baptists view all people as equal in God's eyes, but believe the husband or man has authority in the household and responsibility to protect his family. The wife or woman ought to respect and love her husband and submit graciously to his demands.
  • Heaven and Hell - Southern Baptists believe in a heaven and hell. People who fail to recognize God as the one and only are sentenced to eternity in hell.
  • Ordination of Women - Baptists believe Scripture teaches that men and women are equal in value, but have different roles in the family and in the church. Pastoral leadership positions are reserved for men.
Some churches of the SBC won't allow divorcees to become pastors. Some don't allow musical instruments in church, or dancing at all. They are all against same-sex marriage.

Your views fit with the structure of beliefs of the SBC.

And while the SBC is more conservative than some groups, you have some pretty bizarre and erroneous assumptions about who and what they are. (And I am not and have never been Southern Baptist)

I have been a Southern Baptist, and his description is accurate. The reality is much harsher than you might expect though.

But it was your congregation who decided what their policy would be. It was not the SBC.

Possibly. I was younger, and not much aware of the way those decisions were made. However, I did attend in several different locations, and they were all the same.
Hey cool! Chick Tracts!

Weibergeschwätz? ... No ... Chick is Jack T. Chick - one of his products are the "Chick Tratcts". Never heard about this, Nice to learn something.

I used to read those all the time back in the day. At first I thought they were preachy and kinda dumb, but then I realized the problem wasn't them but how I was reading them. Once I started reading them as dark fantasy comics set in a parallel universe where the Catholic Church is run by the Illuminati and demons really can be summoned by casting spells in Dungeons & Dragons and dropped the suspension of disbelief I was hooked. :)

The most people don't understand our mythology. Perhaps you understand it more easy if I tell you a little story. Nearly everyone worldwide heard meanwhile something about the knight on the white horse, who fought against a dragon for his princess. It's not really a complete myth - there's some truth inside.

The daughter of a noble "Fürst" (=sounds nearly like "first" and means nearly the same), a princess, asked a famous wise monk to help her, because she did not like to marry the dragon. Dragon means "knight, whose shield shows a dragon". She liked to marry another man. The monk - who was a knight too - took his weapons (white horse or unicorn in the shield) and fought against the evil dragon (evil because he did not like to hear to the word of god) for the right of the princess to chose her own huspand. He wan. To win meant in those days: this was the will of god. So we can say: The knight on the white horse fought for the human right of [noble] women to chose their own [noble] huspand. He was right to do so.

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