Which religion do you follow? Why did you pick that one?


What? No Athiests?

Atheism is a religion. I was sure we had one or two of them. Maybe I was mistaken.

You are mistaken. Atheism is to religion what sobriety is to being drunk. It's just going without.

Not really, because atheism is a belief and not knowledge. A denomination of the "religion atheism" (materialism, antispiritualism) is for example nihilism. Another denomination is communism. And so on. Atheism is for sure not more harmless than other religions.

Nihilism is a philosophy to which an atheist may subscribe, but not necessarily. I don't. I am also not a materialist nor anti-spiritualist, nor communist. So you're wrong on all of those ignorant assumptions. Atheism is simply not believing in god(s). Nothing more. Atheists can be nihilists, materialists, communists, solipsists, idealists, capitalists, birthers, truthers, pro-choice, pro-life, liberal, conservative, libertarian, Buddhists, totalitarian, irrational, rational, and any and all other kinds of "-ists" or "-ism" as long as it doesn't involve believing in a deity.

But I guess I should have consulted with non-atheists before I wasn't convinced god(s) exists because I had no idea that atheism was so much more than simply not believing in god(s)! Why don't you tell me what else atheism is since you, a Christian, know so much more than I, an atheist, do.

What? No Athiests?

Atheism is a religion. I was sure we had one or two of them. Maybe I was mistaken.

You are mistaken. Atheism is to religion what sobriety is to being drunk. It's just going without.

Not really, because atheism is a belief and not knowledge. A denomination of the "religion atheism" (materialism, antispiritualism) is for example nihilism. Another denomination is communism. And so on. Atheism is for sure not more harmless than other religions.

Atheism is a conclusion. It's a simple matter to conclude that your gawds are no more "real" than any other gawds.

"real" is another word for existance. Leibniz could ask you "Why is something existing at all but not only nothing?" Or I could ask you: Why do you use "conclusion " (as far as I can see from prejudice to prejudice) as an criterion for your view on truth? A "conclusion" is only a product of your brain, isn't it?

It's appropriate to suggest you get real. I agree that we exist in a reality of some kind. You're posting comments on a public message board and others are responding. So yeah, get with the program.

It's a reasonable and rational conclusion that gawds of all stripes and caliber weapons have been invented to explain natural phenomenon that people didn't understand. A look back in history will Identify for you gawds who were thought to be responsible for fire, thunder, lightning, etc.

As humanity found the natural causes of those events, the gawds who managed those phenomenon were relegated to lesser and lesser tasks. As it is today, the overwhelming majority of gawds have been abandoned as their job descriptions have been superseded by knowledge.

What we see today is that history rolling on as the gawds of the past have been replaced by one-stop-shopping gawds of convenience. And even (especially), the currently configured gawds are subject to planned obsolescence as people seek "meaning" and purpose to their lives without the requirement for subdivided, organized religions.
Just out of curiosity.

Christianity -- it picked me.
No. It didn't. It's nothing more than happenstance. Had you been born and raised in the KSA, you would be a Koran thumping moslem as opposed to a bible thumping christian. Had you been born and raised in India, well, see above for a comparable analogy.

I was called by the Holy Spirit and led to Christ. Period ... end of story.
Just out of curiosity.

Christianity -- it picked me.
No. It didn't. It's nothing more than happenstance. Had you been born and raised in the KSA, you would be a Koran thumping moslem as opposed to a bible thumping christian. Had you been born and raised in India, well, see above for a comparable analogy.

I was called by the Holy Spirit and led to Christ. Period ... end of story.
Just as the moslem, born in the Middle East is called to the Allah gawd.

How really arbitrary and capricious.
Most of my life I've been indifferent as far as following any belief. My goal was to stay neutral. lol
Then 3 yrs or so of living "only with nature", trying to find my inner God, new age, pagan ect.... Im a Christian/ I follow Christ.
...it was more what I was clearly shown, than any decision on my part.
Oddly enough, it was a Buddhist teaching that best explains my Christian faith:

“Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.”--attributed to Siddhãrtha Gautama (Buddha):

I have always loved that quote. Unfortunately, its a fake. It's first appearance was in a book from the 1950's. This is the actual quote from the Suttas:

“Now, Kalamas, don’t go by reports, by legends, by traditions, by scripture, by logical conjecture, by inference, by analogies, by agreement through pondering views, by probability, or by the thought, ‘This contemplative is our teacher.’ When you know for yourselves that, ‘These qualities are skillful; these qualities are blameless; these qualities are praised by the wise; these qualities, when adopted & carried out, lead to welfare & to happiness’ — then you should enter & remain in them.”

It is slightly different, but I think the most important aspect is the same. You have to be true to what you think is right, not simply accept what you are told.

I know there are many who have tried to discredit the quote. And of course, if legitimate, it would have to be a translation as Buddha almost certainly didn't speak English. But there are a lot of credible organizations out there repeating it as authentic too. So who do you believe?

The religion of Buddhism

The Buddha and Critical Thinking

Buddha Quote - Do not believe in anything simply because you have hear

Do not believe Buddha Buddha Station - A Buddhism Tube Site

There are many many more citing the quotation.

None of them, for that quote is not in the Kalama Sutta. If you think I am wrong, then go read the Sutta itself, not what others have told you is in it. It's actually very short. You can get through it in a few minutes. This does, in fact, go directly to this teaching. Don't believe just because you have been told. Go look for yourself.
Just out of curiosity.

Christianity -- it picked me.
No. It didn't. It's nothing more than happenstance. Had you been born and raised in the KSA, you would be a Koran thumping moslem as opposed to a bible thumping christian. Had you been born and raised in India, well, see above for a comparable analogy.

I was called by the Holy Spirit and led to Christ. Period ... end of story.
Just as the moslem, born in the Middle East is called to the Allah gawd.

How really arbitrary and capricious.

The Bible warns that Satan is very deceptive and subtle and that he would present himself as an angel of light. Muslims (along with other anti-Christ religion) have been deceived.
Just out of curiosity.

Christianity -- it picked me.
No. It didn't. It's nothing more than happenstance. Had you been born and raised in the KSA, you would be a Koran thumping moslem as opposed to a bible thumping christian. Had you been born and raised in India, well, see above for a comparable analogy.

I was called by the Holy Spirit and led to Christ. Period ... end of story.
Just as the moslem, born in the Middle East is called to the Allah gawd.

How really arbitrary and capricious.

The Bible warns that Satan is very deceptive and subtle and that he would present himself as an angel of light. Muslims (along with other anti-Christ religion) have been deceived.
Good gawds but you people are a mess. A bunch of superstitious types afraid of your own shadow.

And that was an Olympic class backstroke you performed as a way to avoid addressing my comments.
Just out of curiosity.

I picked atheism. I realized that christianity was just as stupid as Islam and the Mormon faith.

I remember at one point I thought jewdaoism was the one true faith because its the original then I realized there were 999 religions before them.
Just out of curiosity.

Christianity -- it picked me.
No. It didn't. It's nothing more than happenstance. Had you been born and raised in the KSA, you would be a Koran thumping moslem as opposed to a bible thumping christian. Had you been born and raised in India, well, see above for a comparable analogy.

I was called by the Holy Spirit and led to Christ. Period ... end of story.
Just as the moslem, born in the Middle East is called to the Allah gawd.

How really arbitrary and capricious.

The Bible warns that Satan is very deceptive and subtle and that he would present himself as an angel of light. Muslims (along with other anti-Christ religion) have been deceived.

Of course christianity is going to tell you its the one true religion dummy.
Faith. I found faith in the brightness of a sunrise. Of the passing into night from the flame of a sunset. Of a being that gave me this joy. Castaneda captured my soul's quest so simply but so eloquently.

“For me there is only the traveling on paths that have heart, on any path that may have heart, and the only worthwhile challenge is to traverse its full length--and there I travel looking, looking breathlessly.”
Carlos Castaneda, The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge

I am a Christian.
Agnostic Atheism, simply because I see no evidence for the existence of any supernatural powers.
Christianity -- it picked me.
No. It didn't. It's nothing more than happenstance. Had you been born and raised in the KSA, you would be a Koran thumping moslem as opposed to a bible thumping christian. Had you been born and raised in India, well, see above for a comparable analogy.

I was called by the Holy Spirit and led to Christ. Period ... end of story.
Just as the moslem, born in the Middle East is called to the Allah gawd.

How really arbitrary and capricious.

The Bible warns that Satan is very deceptive and subtle and that he would present himself as an angel of light. Muslims (along with other anti-Christ religion) have been deceived.

Of course christianity is going to tell you its the one true religion dummy.

Of course Satan is going to tell you it isn't ... idiot.
Oddly enough, it was a Buddhist teaching that best explains my Christian faith:

“Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.”--attributed to Siddhãrtha Gautama (Buddha):

I have always loved that quote. Unfortunately, its a fake. It's first appearance was in a book from the 1950's. This is the actual quote from the Suttas:

“Now, Kalamas, don’t go by reports, by legends, by traditions, by scripture, by logical conjecture, by inference, by analogies, by agreement through pondering views, by probability, or by the thought, ‘This contemplative is our teacher.’ When you know for yourselves that, ‘These qualities are skillful; these qualities are blameless; these qualities are praised by the wise; these qualities, when adopted & carried out, lead to welfare & to happiness’ — then you should enter & remain in them.”

It is slightly different, but I think the most important aspect is the same. You have to be true to what you think is right, not simply accept what you are told.

I know there are many who have tried to discredit the quote. And of course, if legitimate, it would have to be a translation as Buddha almost certainly didn't speak English. But there are a lot of credible organizations out there repeating it as authentic too. So who do you believe?

The religion of Buddhism

The Buddha and Critical Thinking

Buddha Quote - Do not believe in anything simply because you have hear

Do not believe Buddha Buddha Station - A Buddhism Tube Site

There are many many more citing the quotation.

None of them, for that quote is not in the Kalama Sutta. If you think I am wrong, then go read the Sutta itself, not what others have told you is in it. It's actually very short. You can get through it in a few minutes. This does, in fact, go directly to this teaching. Don't believe just because you have been told. Go look for yourself.

If it mattered I would look it up, but since it doesn't, I won't take the time. But surely you know that the Kalama Sutta is one of many many documents expressing Buddhist teachings?
Oddly enough, it was a Buddhist teaching that best explains my Christian faith:

“Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.”--attributed to Siddhãrtha Gautama (Buddha):

I have always loved that quote. Unfortunately, its a fake. It's first appearance was in a book from the 1950's. This is the actual quote from the Suttas:

“Now, Kalamas, don’t go by reports, by legends, by traditions, by scripture, by logical conjecture, by inference, by analogies, by agreement through pondering views, by probability, or by the thought, ‘This contemplative is our teacher.’ When you know for yourselves that, ‘These qualities are skillful; these qualities are blameless; these qualities are praised by the wise; these qualities, when adopted & carried out, lead to welfare & to happiness’ — then you should enter & remain in them.”

It is slightly different, but I think the most important aspect is the same. You have to be true to what you think is right, not simply accept what you are told.

I know there are many who have tried to discredit the quote. And of course, if legitimate, it would have to be a translation as Buddha almost certainly didn't speak English. But there are a lot of credible organizations out there repeating it as authentic too. So who do you believe?

The religion of Buddhism

The Buddha and Critical Thinking

Buddha Quote - Do not believe in anything simply because you have hear

Do not believe Buddha Buddha Station - A Buddhism Tube Site

There are many many more citing the quotation.

None of them, for that quote is not in the Kalama Sutta. If you think I am wrong, then go read the Sutta itself, not what others have told you is in it. It's actually very short. You can get through it in a few minutes. This does, in fact, go directly to this teaching. Don't believe just because you have been told. Go look for yourself.

If it mattered I would look it up, but since it doesn't, I won't take the time. But surely you know that the Kalama Sutta is one of many many documents expressing Buddhist teachings?

To cite a quote as if it were real and then to ignore the actual teaching, and then to say it doesn't matter. If I were to quote Jesus incorrectly and claim it came from the new testament, despite the fact that it did not.... would that not matter as well?

Religion is institutionalized insanity based on the fear of dying.

Don't fear the reaper.

No. It didn't. It's nothing more than happenstance. Had you been born and raised in the KSA, you would be a Koran thumping moslem as opposed to a bible thumping christian. Had you been born and raised in India, well, see above for a comparable analogy.

I was called by the Holy Spirit and led to Christ. Period ... end of story.
Just as the moslem, born in the Middle East is called to the Allah gawd.

How really arbitrary and capricious.

The Bible warns that Satan is very deceptive and subtle and that he would present himself as an angel of light. Muslims (along with other anti-Christ religion) have been deceived.

Of course christianity is going to tell you its the one true religion dummy.

Of course Satan is going to tell you it isn't ... idiot.
My Muslim friend said "you're a great guy. Too bad you're going to hell."

He's just as stupid as you.
No. It didn't. It's nothing more than happenstance. Had you been born and raised in the KSA, you would be a Koran thumping moslem as opposed to a bible thumping christian. Had you been born and raised in India, well, see above for a comparable analogy.

I was called by the Holy Spirit and led to Christ. Period ... end of story.
Just as the moslem, born in the Middle East is called to the Allah gawd.

How really arbitrary and capricious.

The Bible warns that Satan is very deceptive and subtle and that he would present himself as an angel of light. Muslims (along with other anti-Christ religion) have been deceived.

Of course christianity is going to tell you its the one true religion dummy.

Of course Satan is going to tell you it isn't ... idiot.
By expressing a belief in 'satan,' you're in no position to call anyone an 'idiot.'
Oddly enough, it was a Buddhist teaching that best explains my Christian faith:

“Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.”--attributed to Siddhãrtha Gautama (Buddha):

I have always loved that quote. Unfortunately, its a fake. It's first appearance was in a book from the 1950's. This is the actual quote from the Suttas:

“Now, Kalamas, don’t go by reports, by legends, by traditions, by scripture, by logical conjecture, by inference, by analogies, by agreement through pondering views, by probability, or by the thought, ‘This contemplative is our teacher.’ When you know for yourselves that, ‘These qualities are skillful; these qualities are blameless; these qualities are praised by the wise; these qualities, when adopted & carried out, lead to welfare & to happiness’ — then you should enter & remain in them.”

It is slightly different, but I think the most important aspect is the same. You have to be true to what you think is right, not simply accept what you are told.

I know there are many who have tried to discredit the quote. And of course, if legitimate, it would have to be a translation as Buddha almost certainly didn't speak English. But there are a lot of credible organizations out there repeating it as authentic too. So who do you believe?

The religion of Buddhism

The Buddha and Critical Thinking

Buddha Quote - Do not believe in anything simply because you have hear

Do not believe Buddha Buddha Station - A Buddhism Tube Site

There are many many more citing the quotation.

None of them, for that quote is not in the Kalama Sutta. If you think I am wrong, then go read the Sutta itself, not what others have told you is in it. It's actually very short. You can get through it in a few minutes. This does, in fact, go directly to this teaching. Don't believe just because you have been told. Go look for yourself.

If it mattered I would look it up, but since it doesn't, I won't take the time. But surely you know that the Kalama Sutta is one of many many documents expressing Buddhist teachings?

To cite a quote as if it were real and then to ignore the actual teaching, and then to say it doesn't matter. If I were to quote Jesus incorrectly and claim it came from the new testament, despite the fact that it did not.... would that not matter as well?

I didn't say it didn't matter. I just said I did not claim that it came from a specific teaching, that there are many many different Buddhist teachings, and it doesn't matter enough to me where it came from to look it up. Okay? But the fact that it isn't in the Kalama Sutta does not mean it is not a Buddhist teaching. I like the quote. A number of credible sources have cited it as a valid Buddhist quotation just as there are hundreds and hundreds of sources that cite Jesus's teachings.. If you don't think it is a valid quote, fine. You might be right. But there are an awful lot of folks who disagree with you.

“Not really, because atheism is a belief and not knowledge.”


To be free from faith is just that – to be free from faith and belief.

We believe in god. This word "to believe" has a lot of different contents - for example "to trust in god" and so on. One of this contents is: We don't know wether god is existing or not. Why we believe is in most cases a very simple thing: We know other people and we trust in them. We don't think they are liars. I don't think for example Saint Francis was a liar and I don't think Sir Thomas Morus was a liar. My grandfather and others were not liars too.

And no one is free from belief. Take the standard theory of quantum mechanics as an example. Until last year the phycists believed this theory could be right - since last year they know this theory is right. The difference is that they found the Higgs particle in Cern. And physicists for example are using two components - the physis of the world (nature) and human agreements and thoughts (mathematics for example, mathematic is not natural science but spiritual art)

Agnosticism - a completly misinterpreted philosophy in the english speaking world - is for example not a belief. As I said yet: It's a philosophy. No one is really able to say "I believe in god and I don't believe in god the same time" although god could exist and not exist the same time. The problem is our own logic. If we believe in a contradiction, then everything becomes true what we think - but this produces errors or system breaks. So it's not possible to believe to be an agnostics. Agnosticism shows us only that we are forced to do a decision first. We may believe in the existance of god - xor we may believe that god is not existing. Both ways keep our thoughts stable. But both ways are belief and not knowlegde in this view on the world.

All religions are creations of man,

The first human being was buried about 95000 years ago - in an area where Jesus Christ was born some thousand years later. Could be this is a completly normal step in the evolution of every intelligent species. Why to go a hundredthousand years back? We are not able to enter the paradise again. We know what death is - we have to live with this knowledge here in this world where we have to take care for all life - and we have some hope for the following world or the other world - or whatever the english expression for this world might be.

false and untrue from the very beginning.

Let me say it this way: This hypothese helps a lot if someone prefers not to learn something. In general I doubt about wether god himselve is using our form of true-false-logic. Perhaps he prefers the red-green-blue logic of the colors.

To acknowledge this fact is not a 'belief.'

What I don't believe.

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