Zone1 Which Religion do you follow?

Are you agnostic about unicorns and wood fairies too?
Not really. But then again I don't agree with the whole "I'm atheist or agnostic about this or that" shtick. I think it is rather silly.
Catholicism, not very religious though. I’m trying to get to church more at this point. I’m going 1 to 2 times a month. My local church has a Wednesday mass at 7 PM and only goes for about 30 minutes. So I have been trying to get to that one when I can.

I am deeply influenced though by Jesus and the Catholic knights of history, who stood up for the poor and provided medical relief even to their enemies in battle. Jesus play a role in my life. But also the the stories of Catholic history associated with people like King Arthur and the round table along with people like Robinhood. It’s very inspiring.
None what so ever
I took you off ignore and now I have seen you have changed your avatar. Well done my friend. Now that is a proper representation of the great Bart Simpson.

I have mainly attended Presbyterian churches. I consider myself to be a Protestant but not a member of any organized religious group. I read and study the Bible and commentary on it but hardly consider myself to be an expert on Christianity.

One time I attended a Catholic service in the St. Louis Cathedral on Jackson Square in New Orleans. I was definitely impressed. The Priest devoted his sermon to condemning the French Quarter and its bars and entertainment in New Orleans. In the Protestant sermons I have attended I have rarely seen topics discussed that would directly target the audience as much as this Priest did as Jackson Square is in the French Quarter.

Most Protestant churches I have attended have sermons on the Bible and the lessons it teaches but avoid addressing the sins the congregation is committing to any great extent. For example in a small town in Ohio with few blacks you might hear a sermon on racism but not one on infidelity. It seems to me to object is not to irritate the congregation as they might leave and no longer contribute to the church.

I personally feel the main object of Christianity is to believe in Jesus Christ and his teachings and the fact he died to pay for our sins to prevent us from suffering an external death.

I believe the main rules of Christianity are covered in Mark 12:30-31.

30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’[a] 31 The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b] There is no commandment greater than these.”

I believe faith is more important than works but if you are a true Christian you will produce some good works.

I believe there is only one unpardonable sin.

Mark 3:28-29

Truly I tell you, people can be forgiven all their sins and every slander they utter, 29 but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; they are guilty of an eternal sin.”

Many varieties of Christianity contain a lot of rules. While I could be wrong, I serious believe Christianity is a KISS religion (Keep It Simple, Stupid.) If for example your religion forbids dancing and watching movies that’s fine for you but others will not go to hell if they dance and watch movies as long as they believe in Christ.

Traditional Roman Catholicism + Eastern Orthodoxy + Protestant type Israeli Christianity

Im member here Beit Hallel Congregation, Israel | Ashdod

But also here

Knights of the Republic
My faith is in Restorative Justice (Christian, Universalist) and Equal Justice / Protections for all People with Equal Rights (Constitutionalism) as well as seeking consensus and peace with all people in order to eliminate the causes of suffering (Buddhism). My beliefs in cultural inclusion of all religious and political groups treated equally is like Bahai and Constitutionalism.

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