Which Republican is giving up Medicare & SS on retirement?

Liberals are dumbasses????

A.) Republicans & Democrats are actual Liberals, and the sad part is most don't even know it.

B.) As a Fascist I'm an actual non-Liberal, unlike most Americans I'm actually the Far-Right.

C.) No, I'm not being a dumbass for noticing that for a group who certainly complains a lot about benefits that Republicans seem to not mind it, they see it as coming to them because of taxes.

Seems more like a greedy hypocrisy, than anything else.
As a fascist, you're the epitome of the far left.

Fascists are right about everything.

Republicans are wrong about everything.

The Fascist understands Capitalism needs to be micro-managed for a more Socially Conservative environment.

The Republican understands well NOTHING, they don't understand their party is Socially Liberal, and some of them call for Nationalism & Socially Conservative values with putting Capitalism on a pedastal not realizing that Capitalism sells out to Social Liberalism & sells out against Nationalism.

Republicans don't understand a heck of a lot.

They certainly don't understand they are Classical Liberals by classical definitions.

They don't know that the first Leftists were Capitalists for rights & freedom & the firsts Right-Wing were Monarchists for Authoritarianism & Traditional Rights.

They don't know that loosening up regulations on guns & on the economy is actually Liberalism of guns, or Liberalism of the market?????

Republicans don't know a heck of a lot, in general.
Fascists are right wing. no matter what the b******* GOP propaganda of the last 15 years says.

Republicans & Democrats are both Liberals.

Throughout most American history we were way, way more socially Conservative & less Democratic & also way more Authoritarian Socialist.

It started to change a bit after the Civil War & then a lot after World War 2.
/-----/ ????]

Very simple... The collection of taxes for Social Security and Medicare is THEFT, pure and simple. Both programs are unconstitutional and immoral. Then, some number of years later the thief (the Government) steals money from other people to pay you back fr whst they stole from you via those two programs (SS & Medicare).

I don’t and won’t take stolen money or the proceeds of stolen money. I’d rather die with a clear conscience.[/QUOTE
Then quit your job, section 8,food stamps, Medicaid ,awaits you ,yours for the taking,

I don't really care what you do with that, but don't expect to not look hypocritical complaining about what you take.
/----/ Ever think we're complaining about the piss poor way the money is being managed?

Yeah like in Sweden where healthcare is all paid for & yet not only does it cost their government slightly less per person. When you look at out of pocket too. Then it becomes obvious our system is broken.

For every 1 dollar Americans spend Sweden pays about 60 cents on healthcare & yet Sweden lives longer.

Pay more & live less time is the US motto on healthcare.

Because Republicans are very, very stupid.

Medicare for all actually makes more sense.

Then move to Sweden ,or shut your pie hole Einstein.:290968001256257790-final::290968001256257790-final::290968001256257790-final::290968001256257790-final:
So you want us to give up on things we paid for our entire life's?

I don't really care what you do with that, but don't expect to not look hypocritical complaining about what you take.
/----/ Ever think we're complaining about the piss poor way the money is being managed?

Yeah like in Sweden where healthcare is all paid for & yet not only does it cost their government slightly less per person. When you look at out of pocket too. Then it becomes obvious our system is broken.

For every 1 dollar Americans spend Sweden pays about 60 cents on healthcare & yet Sweden lives longer.

Pay more & live less time is the US motto on healthcare.

Because Republicans are very, very stupid.

Medicare for all actually makes more sense.

Medicare for all makes the most sense.

So, the average Swede pays 60 cents on healthcare to our 100 cents & somehow they live longer in Sweden than the USA by several years.

Now do explain what makes sense about that??

Oh it doesn't make sense to follow Intelligent plans WITH BETTER RESULTS for CHEAPER & adopt them for our OWN PEOPLE.

Oh I forgot, America's Hicks don't grasp such an alien concept as "OWN PEOPLE" as Individualist savages you just understand "Me, Mine & Now"

Admit it you, and your ilk don't care about anything societal, it's just about yours at all costs.

This is NOT EVEN a civilization Human mode of thought, it's something far more primitive & Chimp like.

So, the average Swede pays 60 cents on healthcare to our 100 cents & somehow they live longer in Sweden than the USA by several years.

Now do explain what makes sense about that??

More like 70 cents to our dollar.
If we were a small, mostly white nation with healthcare rationing and no new drugs or innovation, we'd have similar numbers.
Typical Individualist logic.

I support greater society & civilzation which is called Collectivist you are an Individualist which means you think the society is just YOU.

I'm convinced that Individualists are hardly Human & therefor can't think, or feel what true Humans do.

Then you shouldn't try to have conversations with adults.

So, being a f*ck the society it's about me, mine & now mentality is being an adult?????????? HAHAHA, OMG good laugh, I laughed at the grand joke, bravo, bravo.

Yes, we saw, and were embarrassed for you.

Individualists suck, they're the cause of most of the crap, because of their myopic, desperate, and selfish outlook on things.

People looking out for themselves is neither selfish or desperate. It's actually instinctive.

Individualists do believe in charities and a time or place for everything. Not believing in It Takes A Village doesn't mean nobody cares for the less fortunate.

I see no value in Individualism.

Its very, very weak, selfish & anti- civilzation.


B.) Theres an invading army thr Individualist says JUDGE THEM AS INDIVIDUALS I DON'T UNDERSTAND GROUP COLLECTIVES.


D.) Theres invading millions of Illegal Immigrants threatening your culture the INDIVIDUALIST SAYS JUDGE THEM AS INDIVIDUALS I DONT UNDERSTAND GROUP COLLECTIVES.
/——/ Asked and answered 1,000 times since the 2000 elections. Grow a brain and come up with something new.
So what was the answer again, you incredibly full of s*** idiot? Yeah I answered it, the scumbag greedy idiot rich GOP and silly dupes and ignoramuses like you...
/—-/ Nope. Tired of reposting and reposting and reposting only to have you libtards ask the same question a week later.
Mine is the only answer the damn Republicans and their propaganda machine. Reagan ism has ruined the middle class and the country.

You're such a dopey dupe you pretend democrats haven't been in power.
They have not had 60 votes which is what you need to raise taxes and produce programs to help the non rich. All Republicans want is to cut taxes on the rich and corporations and services for the rest.... Reconciliation allows that once a year.

They have not had 60 votes which is what you need to raise taxes

You're full of shit.

Clinton raised taxes on the middle class in 1993 with only a 51-50 vote.
Not my income.
So where did you fuck up?

Typical Individualist logic.

I support greater society & civilzation which is called Collectivist you are an Individualist which means you think the society is just YOU.

I'm convinced that Individualists are hardly Human & therefor can't think, or feel what true Humans do.

Yea you are a pussy liberal who needs stregnth in numbers, you need a collective to do the stealing of money for you.

Instead of just working for it, investing for it , you can't trust yourself .

Not my income.
So where did you fuck up?

Typical Individualist logic.

I support greater society & civilzation which is called Collectivist you are an Individualist which means you think the society is just YOU.

I'm convinced that Individualists are hardly Human & therefor can't think, or feel what true Humans do.

Yea you are a pussy liberal who needs strength in numbers, you need a collective to do the stealing of money for you.

Instead of just working for it, investing for it , you can't trust yourself .

Taxes are a good thing it pays for civilization like police like schools like fireman like troops like parks like roads etc.

If you hate civilization so much move to Libertarian Somalia.

Taxes are fine when they are spent benefitting most if not all the people. However when you take taxes from one entity to benefit the other entity, that's basically theft.

Conservatism is individual existence where Liberalism is commune existence.

Years ago when communes were around, people would all live under one roof. Some would go out and bring home money or food. Others would stay in the commune, smoke pot, have sex with the males, and pop out kids, some maybe were in college and studied.

After a while, the people who were financially supporting the commune left, and the others didn't know what to do with themselves. Even though we have some communes today, they are nothing like the failed communes of the past. They collapsed.

Collectivists are generally a lot more Conservative than Individualists, because someone who thinks in Collective terms thinks of "Races" or "Gays" and other "Groups" like "Abortionists" in group disdain, and tend to be Nationalists who value culture much more.

On the contrary, Individualists tend to think of just me & you, and don't understand groups, they don't understand the Race collective, or the Gay collective, or the Abortionist collective, they see them as Indiviudals & therefor not in disdain as a group but rather as individuals, furthermore Individualists tend to not think much of society, so they tend not to value culture much, so they're usually less Naitonalistic too.

I hate to break it to you, but Stalin was a lot more Conservative & Right Wing than Republicans.

Stalin criminalized Gays, Stalin abolished Abortion, Stalin was for deporting Ethnic-Minorities out of Russian, Ukrainian & Polish living space.

These are some THINGS SOME Republicans would love to do, but don't have the balls to do.

Cutting taxes, has absolutely NOTHING to do with Conservativism, or the Right-Wing, quite contrary it's more of Classical Liberalism.

Taxes is loosening of a market restraint, it's actually Liberalism.

Only really, really stupid American hicks could get politics this wrong.
Are you on crack?
/-----/ ????]

Very simple... The collection of taxes for Social Security and Medicare is THEFT, pure and simple. Both programs are unconstitutional and immoral. Then, some number of years later the thief (the Government) steals money from other people to pay you back fr whst they stole from you via those two programs (SS & Medicare).

I don’t and won’t take stolen money or the proceeds of stolen money. I’d rather die with a clear conscience.[/QUOTE
/----/ Ever think we're complaining about the piss poor way the money is being managed?

Yeah like in Sweden where healthcare is all paid for & yet not only does it cost their government slightly less per person. When you look at out of pocket too. Then it becomes obvious our system is broken.

For every 1 dollar Americans spend Sweden pays about 60 cents on healthcare & yet Sweden lives longer.

Pay more & live less time is the US motto on healthcare.

Because Republicans are very, very stupid.

Medicare for all actually makes more sense.

Then move to Sweden ,or shut your pie hole Einstein.:290968001256257790-final::290968001256257790-final::290968001256257790-final::290968001256257790-final:
I don't really care what you do with that, but don't expect to not look hypocritical complaining about what you take.
/----/ Ever think we're complaining about the piss poor way the money is being managed?

Yeah like in Sweden where healthcare is all paid for & yet not only does it cost their government slightly less per person. When you look at out of pocket too. Then it becomes obvious our system is broken.

For every 1 dollar Americans spend Sweden pays about 60 cents on healthcare & yet Sweden lives longer.

Pay more & live less time is the US motto on healthcare.

Because Republicans are very, very stupid.

Medicare for all actually makes more sense.

Medicare for all makes the most sense.

So, the average Swede pays 60 cents on healthcare to our 100 cents & somehow they live longer in Sweden than the USA by several years.

Now do explain what makes sense about that??

Oh it doesn't make sense to follow Intelligent plans WITH BETTER RESULTS for CHEAPER & adopt them for our OWN PEOPLE.

Oh I forgot, America's Hicks don't grasp such an alien concept as "OWN PEOPLE" as Individualist savages you just understand "Me, Mine & Now"

Admit it you, and your ilk don't care about anything societal, it's just about yours at all costs.

This is NOT EVEN a civilization Human mode of thought, it's something far more primitive & Chimp like.

So, the average Swede pays 60 cents on healthcare to our 100 cents & somehow they live longer in Sweden than the USA by several years.

Now do explain what makes sense about that??

More like 70 cents to our dollar.
If we were a small, mostly white nation with healthcare rationing and no new drugs or innovation, we'd have similar numbers.

Having people die younger from other things outside of healthcare is more of the issue.

For instance, we lead the world in traffic deaths. We have a huge drug problem in this country. Last year we lost over 60,000 to overdoses. Along with drugs comes gangs, and many of your inner-city shooting deaths are related to that.

Americans are obese and our diets are less to be admired. Many families eat out several times a week because most American women work, and simply don't have time to make nutritious meals. Because of professional women, many try to have children at an older age. That leads to a higher infant mortality rate.

So while other people around the globe are getting out, walking, kids playing, we are mesmerized by our cell phones and eat Doritos while texting our friends and family.

When you think of it, most people naturally die on government healthcare.
/-----/ ????]

Very simple... The collection of taxes for Social Security and Medicare is THEFT, pure and simple. Both programs are unconstitutional and immoral. Then, some number of years later the thief (the Government) steals money from other people to pay you back fr whst they stole from you via those two programs (SS & Medicare).

I don’t and won’t take stolen money or the proceeds of stolen money. I’d rather die with a clear conscience.[/QUOTE
/----/ Ever think we're complaining about the piss poor way the money is being managed?

Yeah like in Sweden where healthcare is all paid for & yet not only does it cost their government slightly less per person. When you look at out of pocket too. Then it becomes obvious our system is broken.

For every 1 dollar Americans spend Sweden pays about 60 cents on healthcare & yet Sweden lives longer.

Pay more & live less time is the US motto on healthcare.

Because Republicans are very, very stupid.

Medicare for all actually makes more sense.

Then move to Sweden ,or shut your pie hole Einstein.:290968001256257790-final::290968001256257790-final::290968001256257790-final::290968001256257790-final:
I don't really care what you do with that, but don't expect to not look hypocritical complaining about what you take.
/----/ Ever think we're complaining about the piss poor way the money is being managed?

Yeah like in Sweden where healthcare is all paid for & yet not only does it cost their government slightly less per person. When you look at out of pocket too. Then it becomes obvious our system is broken.

For every 1 dollar Americans spend Sweden pays about 60 cents on healthcare & yet Sweden lives longer.

Pay more & live less time is the US motto on healthcare.

Because Republicans are very, very stupid.

Medicare for all actually makes more sense.

Medicare for all makes the most sense.

So, the average Swede pays 60 cents on healthcare to our 100 cents & somehow they live longer in Sweden than the USA by several years.

Now do explain what makes sense about that??

Oh it doesn't make sense to follow Intelligent plans WITH BETTER RESULTS for CHEAPER & adopt them for our OWN PEOPLE.

Oh I forgot, America's Hicks don't grasp such an alien concept as "OWN PEOPLE" as Individualist savages you just understand "Me, Mine & Now"

Admit it you, and your ilk don't care about anything societal, it's just about yours at all costs.

This is NOT EVEN a civilization Human mode of thought, it's something far more primitive & Chimp like.

So, the average Swede pays 60 cents on healthcare to our 100 cents & somehow they live longer in Sweden than the USA by several years.

Now do explain what makes sense about that??

More like 70 cents to our dollar.
If we were a small, mostly white nation with healthcare rationing and no new drugs or innovation, we'd have similar numbers.

According to this chart on healthcare spending huge China pays less than 8 cents per our 100 cents & Russia less than 16 cents per our 100 cents & Sweden less than 60 cents per our 100 cents.

I've yet to meet a Republican who didn't take Social Security & Medicare after retirenent?

I have seen a lot complain about such programs none the less.

Seems a bit hypocritical, no?

Well we haven't actually met, but I declined medicare part B, there is no option to decline mdeicare part A and of course you don't have to pay anything for it.

Last edited:
/-----/ ????]

Very simple... The collection of taxes for Social Security and Medicare is THEFT, pure and simple. Both programs are unconstitutional and immoral. Then, some number of years later the thief (the Government) steals money from other people to pay you back fr whst they stole from you via those two programs (SS & Medicare).

I don’t and won’t take stolen money or the proceeds of stolen money. I’d rather die with a clear conscience.[/QUOTE
Yeah like in Sweden where healthcare is all paid for & yet not only does it cost their government slightly less per person. When you look at out of pocket too. Then it becomes obvious our system is broken.

For every 1 dollar Americans spend Sweden pays about 60 cents on healthcare & yet Sweden lives longer.

Pay more & live less time is the US motto on healthcare.

Because Republicans are very, very stupid.

Medicare for all actually makes more sense.

Then move to Sweden ,or shut your pie hole Einstein.:290968001256257790-final::290968001256257790-final::290968001256257790-final::290968001256257790-final:
/----/ Ever think we're complaining about the piss poor way the money is being managed?

Yeah like in Sweden where healthcare is all paid for & yet not only does it cost their government slightly less per person. When you look at out of pocket too. Then it becomes obvious our system is broken.

For every 1 dollar Americans spend Sweden pays about 60 cents on healthcare & yet Sweden lives longer.

Pay more & live less time is the US motto on healthcare.

Because Republicans are very, very stupid.

Medicare for all actually makes more sense.

Medicare for all makes the most sense.

So, the average Swede pays 60 cents on healthcare to our 100 cents & somehow they live longer in Sweden than the USA by several years.

Now do explain what makes sense about that??

Oh it doesn't make sense to follow Intelligent plans WITH BETTER RESULTS for CHEAPER & adopt them for our OWN PEOPLE.

Oh I forgot, America's Hicks don't grasp such an alien concept as "OWN PEOPLE" as Individualist savages you just understand "Me, Mine & Now"

Admit it you, and your ilk don't care about anything societal, it's just about yours at all costs.

This is NOT EVEN a civilization Human mode of thought, it's something far more primitive & Chimp like.

So, the average Swede pays 60 cents on healthcare to our 100 cents & somehow they live longer in Sweden than the USA by several years.

Now do explain what makes sense about that??

More like 70 cents to our dollar.
If we were a small, mostly white nation with healthcare rationing and no new drugs or innovation, we'd have similar numbers.

According to this chart on healthcare spending huge China pays less than 8 cents per our 100 cents & Russia less than 16 cents per our 100 cents & Sweden less than 60 cents per our 100 cents.


Sweden spent 11.9% of GDP in 2014.

The World Factbook — Central Intelligence Agency

The US, 17.1% of GDP.

The World Factbook — Central Intelligence Agency
/-----/ ????]

Very simple... The collection of taxes for Social Security and Medicare is THEFT, pure and simple. Both programs are unconstitutional and immoral. Then, some number of years later the thief (the Government) steals money from other people to pay you back fr whst they stole from you via those two programs (SS & Medicare).

I don’t and won’t take stolen money or the proceeds of stolen money. I’d rather die with a clear conscience.[/QUOTE
Yeah like in Sweden where healthcare is all paid for & yet not only does it cost their government slightly less per person. When you look at out of pocket too. Then it becomes obvious our system is broken.

For every 1 dollar Americans spend Sweden pays about 60 cents on healthcare & yet Sweden lives longer.

Pay more & live less time is the US motto on healthcare.

Because Republicans are very, very stupid.

Medicare for all actually makes more sense.

Then move to Sweden ,or shut your pie hole Einstein.:290968001256257790-final::290968001256257790-final::290968001256257790-final::290968001256257790-final:
/----/ Ever think we're complaining about the piss poor way the money is being managed?

Yeah like in Sweden where healthcare is all paid for & yet not only does it cost their government slightly less per person. When you look at out of pocket too. Then it becomes obvious our system is broken.

For every 1 dollar Americans spend Sweden pays about 60 cents on healthcare & yet Sweden lives longer.

Pay more & live less time is the US motto on healthcare.

Because Republicans are very, very stupid.

Medicare for all actually makes more sense.

Medicare for all makes the most sense.

So, the average Swede pays 60 cents on healthcare to our 100 cents & somehow they live longer in Sweden than the USA by several years.

Now do explain what makes sense about that??

Oh it doesn't make sense to follow Intelligent plans WITH BETTER RESULTS for CHEAPER & adopt them for our OWN PEOPLE.

Oh I forgot, America's Hicks don't grasp such an alien concept as "OWN PEOPLE" as Individualist savages you just understand "Me, Mine & Now"

Admit it you, and your ilk don't care about anything societal, it's just about yours at all costs.

This is NOT EVEN a civilization Human mode of thought, it's something far more primitive & Chimp like.

So, the average Swede pays 60 cents on healthcare to our 100 cents & somehow they live longer in Sweden than the USA by several years.

Now do explain what makes sense about that??

More like 70 cents to our dollar.
If we were a small, mostly white nation with healthcare rationing and no new drugs or innovation, we'd have similar numbers.

Having people die younger from other things outside of healthcare is more of the issue.

For instance, we lead the world in traffic deaths. We have a huge drug problem in this country. Last year we lost over 60,000 to overdoses. Along with drugs comes gangs, and many of your inner-city shooting deaths are related to that.

Americans are obese and our diets are less to be admired. Many families eat out several times a week because most American women work, and simply don't have time to make nutritious meals. Because of professional women, many try to have children at an older age. That leads to a higher infant mortality rate.

So while other people around the globe are getting out, walking, kids playing, we are mesmerized by our cell phones and eat Doritos while texting our friends and family.

When you think of it, most people naturally die on government healthcare.

I got news for you without doctors pressuring & scaring people into losing weight & onto blood pressure or cholestrol meds wed die even earlier & fatter as a nation.

Now why is being uninsured so superior?
I've yet to meet a Republican who didn't take Social Security & Medicare after retirenent?

I have seen a lot complain about such programs none the less.

Seems a bit hypocritical, no?


A better question is which progressive is going to give up Social Security & Medicare until retirement age?


/——/ Asked and answered 1,000 times since the 2000 elections. Grow a brain and come up with something new.
So what was the answer again, you incredibly full of s*** idiot? Yeah I answered it, the scumbag greedy idiot rich GOP and silly dupes and ignoramuses like you...
/—-/ Nope. Tired of reposting and reposting and reposting only to have you libtards ask the same question a week later.
Mine is the only answer the damn Republicans and their propaganda machine. Reagan ism has ruined the middle class and the country.

You're such a dopey dupe you pretend democrats haven't been in power.
They have not had 60 votes which is what you need to raise taxes and produce programs to help the non rich. All Republicans want is to cut taxes on the rich and corporations and services for the rest.... Reconciliation allows that once a year.
They rammed obamadontcare through, didn't they?

Republicans haven't had that many votes either, so they couldn't do anything. You're such a dopey dupe you think democrats haven't been in charge.
So what was the answer again, you incredibly full of s*** idiot? Yeah I answered it, the scumbag greedy idiot rich GOP and silly dupes and ignoramuses like you...
/—-/ Nope. Tired of reposting and reposting and reposting only to have you libtards ask the same question a week later.
Mine is the only answer the damn Republicans and their propaganda machine. Reagan ism has ruined the middle class and the country.

You're such a dopey dupe you pretend democrats haven't been in power.
They have not had 60 votes which is what you need to raise taxes and produce programs to help the non rich. All Republicans want is to cut taxes on the rich and corporations and services for the rest.... Reconciliation allows that once a year.

They have not had 60 votes which is what you need to raise taxes

You're full of shit.

Clinton raised taxes on the middle class in 1993 with only a 51-50 vote.

He's so desperate to shield democrats from criticism he's making stuff up.
/—-/ Nope. Tired of reposting and reposting and reposting only to have you libtards ask the same question a week later.
Mine is the only answer the damn Republicans and their propaganda machine. Reagan ism has ruined the middle class and the country.

You're such a dopey dupe you pretend democrats haven't been in power.
They have not had 60 votes which is what you need to raise taxes and produce programs to help the non rich. All Republicans want is to cut taxes on the rich and corporations and services for the rest.... Reconciliation allows that once a year.

They have not had 60 votes which is what you need to raise taxes

You're full of shit.

Clinton raised taxes on the middle class in 1993 with only a 51-50 vote.

He's so desperate to shield democrats from criticism he's making stuff up.

He's either an idiot, or too young to know any history.
Very simple... The collection of taxes for Social Security and Medicare is THEFT, pure and simple. Both programs are unconstitutional and immoral. Then, some number of years later the thief (the Government) steals money from other people to pay you back fr whst they stole from you via those two programs (SS & Medicare).

I don’t and won’t take stolen money or the proceeds of stolen money. I’d rather die with a clear conscience.[/QUOTE

Then move to Sweden ,or shut your pie hole Einstein.:290968001256257790-final::290968001256257790-final::290968001256257790-final::290968001256257790-final:
Yeah like in Sweden where healthcare is all paid for & yet not only does it cost their government slightly less per person. When you look at out of pocket too. Then it becomes obvious our system is broken.

For every 1 dollar Americans spend Sweden pays about 60 cents on healthcare & yet Sweden lives longer.

Pay more & live less time is the US motto on healthcare.

Because Republicans are very, very stupid.

Medicare for all actually makes more sense.

Medicare for all makes the most sense.

So, the average Swede pays 60 cents on healthcare to our 100 cents & somehow they live longer in Sweden than the USA by several years.

Now do explain what makes sense about that??

Oh it doesn't make sense to follow Intelligent plans WITH BETTER RESULTS for CHEAPER & adopt them for our OWN PEOPLE.

Oh I forgot, America's Hicks don't grasp such an alien concept as "OWN PEOPLE" as Individualist savages you just understand "Me, Mine & Now"

Admit it you, and your ilk don't care about anything societal, it's just about yours at all costs.

This is NOT EVEN a civilization Human mode of thought, it's something far more primitive & Chimp like.

So, the average Swede pays 60 cents on healthcare to our 100 cents & somehow they live longer in Sweden than the USA by several years.

Now do explain what makes sense about that??

More like 70 cents to our dollar.
If we were a small, mostly white nation with healthcare rationing and no new drugs or innovation, we'd have similar numbers.

Having people die younger from other things outside of healthcare is more of the issue.

For instance, we lead the world in traffic deaths. We have a huge drug problem in this country. Last year we lost over 60,000 to overdoses. Along with drugs comes gangs, and many of your inner-city shooting deaths are related to that.

Americans are obese and our diets are less to be admired. Many families eat out several times a week because most American women work, and simply don't have time to make nutritious meals. Because of professional women, many try to have children at an older age. That leads to a higher infant mortality rate.

So while other people around the globe are getting out, walking, kids playing, we are mesmerized by our cell phones and eat Doritos while texting our friends and family.

When you think of it, most people naturally die on government healthcare.

I got news for you without doctors pressuring & scaring people into losing weight & onto blood pressure or cholestrol meds wed die even earlier & fatter as a nation.

Now why is being uninsured so superior?

I never said it was. But to say that the type of healthcare is directly exclusively related to lifespan is ignoring many other factors.
/-----/ ????]

Very simple... The collection of taxes for Social Security and Medicare is THEFT, pure and simple. Both programs are unconstitutional and immoral. Then, some number of years later the thief (the Government) steals money from other people to pay you back fr whst they stole from you via those two programs (SS & Medicare).

I don’t and won’t take stolen money or the proceeds of stolen money. I’d rather die with a clear conscience.[/QUOTE
Yeah like in Sweden where healthcare is all paid for & yet not only does it cost their government slightly less per person. When you look at out of pocket too. Then it becomes obvious our system is broken.

For every 1 dollar Americans spend Sweden pays about 60 cents on healthcare & yet Sweden lives longer.

Pay more & live less time is the US motto on healthcare.

Because Republicans are very, very stupid.

Medicare for all actually makes more sense.

Then move to Sweden ,or shut your pie hole Einstein.:290968001256257790-final::290968001256257790-final::290968001256257790-final::290968001256257790-final:
/----/ Ever think we're complaining about the piss poor way the money is being managed?

Yeah like in Sweden where healthcare is all paid for & yet not only does it cost their government slightly less per person. When you look at out of pocket too. Then it becomes obvious our system is broken.

For every 1 dollar Americans spend Sweden pays about 60 cents on healthcare & yet Sweden lives longer.

Pay more & live less time is the US motto on healthcare.

Because Republicans are very, very stupid.

Medicare for all actually makes more sense.

Medicare for all makes the most sense.

So, the average Swede pays 60 cents on healthcare to our 100 cents & somehow they live longer in Sweden than the USA by several years.

Now do explain what makes sense about that??

Oh it doesn't make sense to follow Intelligent plans WITH BETTER RESULTS for CHEAPER & adopt them for our OWN PEOPLE.

Oh I forgot, America's Hicks don't grasp such an alien concept as "OWN PEOPLE" as Individualist savages you just understand "Me, Mine & Now"

Admit it you, and your ilk don't care about anything societal, it's just about yours at all costs.

This is NOT EVEN a civilization Human mode of thought, it's something far more primitive & Chimp like.

So, the average Swede pays 60 cents on healthcare to our 100 cents & somehow they live longer in Sweden than the USA by several years.

Now do explain what makes sense about that??

More like 70 cents to our dollar.
If we were a small, mostly white nation with healthcare rationing and no new drugs or innovation, we'd have similar numbers.

According to this chart on healthcare spending huge China pays less than 8 cents per our 100 cents & Russia less than 16 cents per our 100 cents & Sweden less than 60 cents per our 100 cents.


I don't know about Sweden, but if you had a life threatening surgery, would you want to have it done in Russia or China?
/-----/ ????]

Very simple... The collection of taxes for Social Security and Medicare is THEFT, pure and simple. Both programs are unconstitutional and immoral. Then, some number of years later the thief (the Government) steals money from other people to pay you back fr whst they stole from you via those two programs (SS & Medicare).

I don’t and won’t take stolen money or the proceeds of stolen money. I’d rather die with a clear conscience.[/QUOTE
/----/ Ever think we're complaining about the piss poor way the money is being managed?

Yeah like in Sweden where healthcare is all paid for & yet not only does it cost their government slightly less per person. When you look at out of pocket too. Then it becomes obvious our system is broken.

For every 1 dollar Americans spend Sweden pays about 60 cents on healthcare & yet Sweden lives longer.

Pay more & live less time is the US motto on healthcare.

Because Republicans are very, very stupid.

Medicare for all actually makes more sense.

Then move to Sweden ,or shut your pie hole Einstein.:290968001256257790-final::290968001256257790-final::290968001256257790-final::290968001256257790-final:
I don't really care what you do with that, but don't expect to not look hypocritical complaining about what you take.
/----/ Ever think we're complaining about the piss poor way the money is being managed?

Yeah like in Sweden where healthcare is all paid for & yet not only does it cost their government slightly less per person. When you look at out of pocket too. Then it becomes obvious our system is broken.

For every 1 dollar Americans spend Sweden pays about 60 cents on healthcare & yet Sweden lives longer.

Pay more & live less time is the US motto on healthcare.

Because Republicans are very, very stupid.

Medicare for all actually makes more sense.

Medicare for all makes the most sense.

So, the average Swede pays 60 cents on healthcare to our 100 cents & somehow they live longer in Sweden than the USA by several years.

Now do explain what makes sense about that??

Oh it doesn't make sense to follow Intelligent plans WITH BETTER RESULTS for CHEAPER & adopt them for our OWN PEOPLE.

Oh I forgot, America's Hicks don't grasp such an alien concept as "OWN PEOPLE" as Individualist savages you just understand "Me, Mine & Now"

Admit it you, and your ilk don't care about anything societal, it's just about yours at all costs.

This is NOT EVEN a civilization Human mode of thought, it's something far more primitive & Chimp like.

So, the average Swede pays 60 cents on healthcare to our 100 cents & somehow they live longer in Sweden than the USA by several years.

Now do explain what makes sense about that??

More like 70 cents to our dollar.
If we were a small, mostly white nation with healthcare rationing and no new drugs or innovation, we'd have similar numbers.
If we taxed ourRich their fair share and invested in America and regulated Healthcare we could do that well. Our non system is a giveaway to big health and big Pharma. Thanks GOP and silly dupes...
Very simple... The collection of taxes for Social Security and Medicare is THEFT, pure and simple. Both programs are unconstitutional and immoral. Then, some number of years later the thief (the Government) steals money from other people to pay you back fr whst they stole from you via those two programs (SS & Medicare).

I don’t and won’t take stolen money or the proceeds of stolen money. I’d rather die with a clear conscience.[/QUOTE

Then move to Sweden ,or shut your pie hole Einstein.:290968001256257790-final::290968001256257790-final::290968001256257790-final::290968001256257790-final:
Yeah like in Sweden where healthcare is all paid for & yet not only does it cost their government slightly less per person. When you look at out of pocket too. Then it becomes obvious our system is broken.

For every 1 dollar Americans spend Sweden pays about 60 cents on healthcare & yet Sweden lives longer.

Pay more & live less time is the US motto on healthcare.

Because Republicans are very, very stupid.

Medicare for all actually makes more sense.

Medicare for all makes the most sense.

So, the average Swede pays 60 cents on healthcare to our 100 cents & somehow they live longer in Sweden than the USA by several years.

Now do explain what makes sense about that??

Oh it doesn't make sense to follow Intelligent plans WITH BETTER RESULTS for CHEAPER & adopt them for our OWN PEOPLE.

Oh I forgot, America's Hicks don't grasp such an alien concept as "OWN PEOPLE" as Individualist savages you just understand "Me, Mine & Now"

Admit it you, and your ilk don't care about anything societal, it's just about yours at all costs.

This is NOT EVEN a civilization Human mode of thought, it's something far more primitive & Chimp like.

So, the average Swede pays 60 cents on healthcare to our 100 cents & somehow they live longer in Sweden than the USA by several years.

Now do explain what makes sense about that??

More like 70 cents to our dollar.
If we were a small, mostly white nation with healthcare rationing and no new drugs or innovation, we'd have similar numbers.

According to this chart on healthcare spending huge China pays less than 8 cents per our 100 cents & Russia less than 16 cents per our 100 cents & Sweden less than 60 cents per our 100 cents.


I don't know about Sweden, but if you had a life threatening surgery, would you want to have it done in Russia or China?
Let's keep this as a comparison between rich countries, although I'm sure they both have some very good hospitals.
/-----/ ????]

Very simple... The collection of taxes for Social Security and Medicare is THEFT, pure and simple. Both programs are unconstitutional and immoral. Then, some number of years later the thief (the Government) steals money from other people to pay you back fr whst they stole from you via those two programs (SS & Medicare).

I don’t and won’t take stolen money or the proceeds of stolen money. I’d rather die with a clear conscience.[/QUOTE
Yeah like in Sweden where healthcare is all paid for & yet not only does it cost their government slightly less per person. When you look at out of pocket too. Then it becomes obvious our system is broken.

For every 1 dollar Americans spend Sweden pays about 60 cents on healthcare & yet Sweden lives longer.

Pay more & live less time is the US motto on healthcare.

Because Republicans are very, very stupid.

Medicare for all actually makes more sense.

Then move to Sweden ,or shut your pie hole Einstein.:290968001256257790-final::290968001256257790-final::290968001256257790-final::290968001256257790-final:
/----/ Ever think we're complaining about the piss poor way the money is being managed?

Yeah like in Sweden where healthcare is all paid for & yet not only does it cost their government slightly less per person. When you look at out of pocket too. Then it becomes obvious our system is broken.

For every 1 dollar Americans spend Sweden pays about 60 cents on healthcare & yet Sweden lives longer.

Pay more & live less time is the US motto on healthcare.

Because Republicans are very, very stupid.

Medicare for all actually makes more sense.

Medicare for all makes the most sense.

So, the average Swede pays 60 cents on healthcare to our 100 cents & somehow they live longer in Sweden than the USA by several years.

Now do explain what makes sense about that??

Oh it doesn't make sense to follow Intelligent plans WITH BETTER RESULTS for CHEAPER & adopt them for our OWN PEOPLE.

Oh I forgot, America's Hicks don't grasp such an alien concept as "OWN PEOPLE" as Individualist savages you just understand "Me, Mine & Now"

Admit it you, and your ilk don't care about anything societal, it's just about yours at all costs.

This is NOT EVEN a civilization Human mode of thought, it's something far more primitive & Chimp like.

So, the average Swede pays 60 cents on healthcare to our 100 cents & somehow they live longer in Sweden than the USA by several years.

Now do explain what makes sense about that??

More like 70 cents to our dollar.
If we were a small, mostly white nation with healthcare rationing and no new drugs or innovation, we'd have similar numbers.
If we taxed ourRich their fair share and invested in America and regulated Healthcare we could do that well. Our non system is a giveaway to big health and big Pharma. Thanks GOP and silly dupes...

The top 1% paid about 40% of all income taxes paid.
How much would satisfy you bloodsucking libs?

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