Which Republican is giving up Medicare & SS on retirement?

No, he is challenging the premise.

The PREMISE..is that for all the attacks these creeps make on our shared healthcare and retirement...none of them turn it down
If given the opportunity I bet most would opt to not pay I to a broken system. THAT is the point. "Your money" is gone the moment you send it in.

THEN STOP PAYING; put your money where your whiny mouth is
/—-/ Its illegal not to pay into FDRs Social Security Ponzi scheme
Medicare for all makes the most sense.

So, the average Swede pays 60 cents on healthcare to our 100 cents & somehow they live longer in Sweden than the USA by several years.

Now do explain what makes sense about that??

Oh it doesn't make sense to follow Intelligent plans WITH BETTER RESULTS for CHEAPER & adopt them for our OWN PEOPLE.

Oh I forgot, America's Hicks don't grasp such an alien concept as "OWN PEOPLE" as Individualist savages you just understand "Me, Mine & Now"

Admit it you, and your ilk don't care about anything societal, it's just about yours at all costs.

This is NOT EVEN a civilization Human mode of thought, it's something far more primitive & Chimp like.

So, the average Swede pays 60 cents on healthcare to our 100 cents & somehow they live longer in Sweden than the USA by several years.

Now do explain what makes sense about that??

More like 70 cents to our dollar.
If we were a small, mostly white nation with healthcare rationing and no new drugs or innovation, we'd have similar numbers.
If we taxed ourRich their fair share and invested in America and regulated Healthcare we could do that well. Our non system is a giveaway to big health and big Pharma. Thanks GOP and silly dupes...

The top 1% paid about 40% of all income taxes paid.
How much would satisfy you bloodsucking libs?

So, you want tax cuts for Soros, Zuckerberg, Bezos, Larry Page,Sumner Redstone, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and Brian Roberts
as "Democrat Billionaires"
to have more money in their pockets to spend for Democrat causes?

Interesting propostion.
/---/ No Republican begrudges the rich's wealth - only democRATs do that. Those aholes you list will always have money to disrupt or American system.

I begrudge three people having more wealth than the bottom 50% of us. They didn't get to that position by working harder and smarter but by the rules crafted by our politicians who are bribed to pass rules and laws favorable to the wealthy and corporations. Then of course we have our politicians, mostly all republicans, who keep lowering taxes for these guys. Reagan did it, then bush jr. and then trump. Obama could have maybe tried to change this, but of course he didn't, which is why he's getting the big bucks giving speeches to wall street now.

The 3 Richest Americans Hold More Wealth Than Bottom 50% Of The Country, Study Finds
So, the average Swede pays 60 cents on healthcare to our 100 cents & somehow they live longer in Sweden than the USA by several years.

Now do explain what makes sense about that??

More like 70 cents to our dollar.
If we were a small, mostly white nation with healthcare rationing and no new drugs or innovation, we'd have similar numbers.
If we taxed ourRich their fair share and invested in America and regulated Healthcare we could do that well. Our non system is a giveaway to big health and big Pharma. Thanks GOP and silly dupes...

The top 1% paid about 40% of all income taxes paid.
How much would satisfy you bloodsucking libs?

So, you want tax cuts for Soros, Zuckerberg, Bezos, Larry Page,Sumner Redstone, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and Brian Roberts
as "Democrat Billionaires"
to have more money in their pockets to spend for Democrat causes?

Interesting propostion.
/---/ No Republican begrudges the rich's wealth - only democRATs do that. Those aholes you list will always have money to disrupt or American system.

I begrudge three people having more wealth than the bottom 50% of us. They didn't get to that position by working harder and smarter but by the rules crafted by our politicians who are bribed to pass rules and laws favorable to the wealthy and corporations. Then of course we have our politicians, mostly all republicans, who keep lowering taxes for these guys. Reagan did it, then bush jr. and then trump. Obama could have maybe tried to change this, but of course he didn't, which is why he's getting the big bucks giving speeches to wall street now.

The 3 Richest Americans Hold More Wealth Than Bottom 50% Of The Country, Study Finds
/——/ So Bill Gates didn’t work harder and smarter, or Sam Walton or any of your professional athletes and movie stars.

Donald Trump adds $1 trillion to national debt in 14 months

Trump adds $1 trillion to national debt in 14 months

all while the economy is supposedly doing great :abgg2q.jpg:
Market value supply & demand, the North- East & California are more desirable & therefor more expensive because of more job opportunity, better foods & more culture.

The South has the system rigged take more while you cut taxes & lower government wages & pensions passing on the tab to the Northern states.
BS...............the Red State Rant............which you are trying........is BS............because it uses military bases, NASA, and Shipyards and such to taint the dang spending..................And says...........look here at all the money they are getting there............No .......we have shipbuilding and are building ships............bases........etc..............

Horse Hockey...........

Southerners cost us more per person on Medicare spending.

Geographic Variation in U.S. Medicare Per Capita Spending and Spending Growth Rates by County, 2007-2013

Southerners cost us more per person on Medicaid spending.

Medicaid Financing: The Basics - Issue Brief

We should start making the South pay more in Federal Taxes, so they can start paying the tab more evenly.
(Well, at least that's how Republicans would see it)
But, I suppose it doesn't apply because the Southerners are "Their darlings"??????
Federal Program ..........da rules apply nationwide..........which happen to be UNIFORM............dumbass........

We should RAISE the taxes on the South, because they take more, in fact what ever a state takes it should pay that much more in taxes.

At least that's the kind of logic that SHOULD APPLY according to Republican theories.
Whatever.................Mr. Fascist.........stay in New York........you are welcome there. LOL

Too bad that Giant Orange Anus didn't "stay in New York"
If we taxed ourRich their fair share and invested in America and regulated Healthcare we could do that well. Our non system is a giveaway to big health and big Pharma. Thanks GOP and silly dupes...

The top 1% paid about 40% of all income taxes paid.
How much would satisfy you bloodsucking libs?

So, you want tax cuts for Soros, Zuckerberg, Bezos, Larry Page,Sumner Redstone, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and Brian Roberts
as "Democrat Billionaires"
to have more money in their pockets to spend for Democrat causes?

Interesting propostion.
/---/ No Republican begrudges the rich's wealth - only democRATs do that. Those aholes you list will always have money to disrupt or American system.

I begrudge three people having more wealth than the bottom 50% of us. They didn't get to that position by working harder and smarter but by the rules crafted by our politicians who are bribed to pass rules and laws favorable to the wealthy and corporations. Then of course we have our politicians, mostly all republicans, who keep lowering taxes for these guys. Reagan did it, then bush jr. and then trump. Obama could have maybe tried to change this, but of course he didn't, which is why he's getting the big bucks giving speeches to wall street now.

The 3 Richest Americans Hold More Wealth Than Bottom 50% Of The Country, Study Finds
/——/ So Bill Gates didn’t work harder and smarter, or Sam Walton or any of your professional athletes and movie stars.

Well of course he did. Probably as hard as the average American works. But the rules set in place have allowed him to amass all this great wealth that the likes of FDR made illegal. Those rules have slowly disappeared. Bribing politicians for campaign donations used to be illegal, but no more.
No, he is challenging the premise.

The PREMISE..is that for all the attacks these creeps make on our shared healthcare and retirement...none of them turn it down

It just goes to demonstrate that Republicans are liars; pure & simple
/——/ I’m sure you will turn your SS down because you’re just that stupid.

I don't sit around bitching, pissing, and moaning about paying into it like you greedy jack asses do all day long, every day of your miserable, greedy lives.

That is the difference between US.
No, he is challenging the premise.

The PREMISE..is that for all the attacks these creeps make on our shared healthcare and retirement...none of them turn it down
If given the opportunity I bet most would opt to not pay I to a broken system. THAT is the point. "Your money" is gone the moment you send it in.

THEN STOP PAYING; put your money where your whiny mouth is
/—-/ Its illegal not to pay into FDRs Social Security Ponzi scheme

Yes; I know but if the big boy has big balls, then he can put his big balls where his mouth is :9:

or he could just STFU & stop bitching about it, like the majority of Americans
No, he is challenging the premise.

The PREMISE..is that for all the attacks these creeps make on our shared healthcare and retirement...none of them turn it down

It just goes to demonstrate that Republicans are liars; pure & simple
/——/ I’m sure you will turn your SS down because you’re just that stupid.

I don't sit around bitching, pissing, and moaning about paying into it like you greedy jack asses do all day long, every day of your miserable, greedy lives.

That is the difference between US.
/——/And yet you brought it up,
So, the average Swede pays 60 cents on healthcare to our 100 cents & somehow they live longer in Sweden than the USA by several years.

Now do explain what makes sense about that??

More like 70 cents to our dollar.
If we were a small, mostly white nation with healthcare rationing and no new drugs or innovation, we'd have similar numbers.
If we taxed ourRich their fair share and invested in America and regulated Healthcare we could do that well. Our non system is a giveaway to big health and big Pharma. Thanks GOP and silly dupes...

The top 1% paid about 40% of all income taxes paid.
How much would satisfy you bloodsucking libs?
They don't pay enough in taxes. All taxes. Only in federal income taxes, which you are brainwashed about.

Interesting that the same people who want "the rich" to pay more complain when wealthy states pay more than poorer states. They want "the poor" to be helped, just not the poor in red states.

Republican logic would be to cut taxes more for wealthy states & cut off aid to poorer states.

Yet; it apparently doesn't apply because of their darlings down South.

I don't recall seeing you at the last mind readers convention. Were you hiding behind the potted plants again?
No, he is challenging the premise.

The PREMISE..is that for all the attacks these creeps make on our shared healthcare and retirement...none of them turn it down

It just goes to demonstrate that Republicans are liars; pure & simple
/——/ I’m sure you will turn your SS down because you’re just that stupid.

I don't sit around bitching, pissing, and moaning about paying into it like you greedy jack asses do all day long, every day of your miserable, greedy lives.

That is the difference between US.
/——/And yet you brought it up,

I can't help it if YOU Republicans sit around all day long constantly bitching about taxes you all know are inevitable.

ALL THAT MEANS is that you Republicans just like to sit around and bitch about shit all day long.

Me? Life is too short to sit around bitching all day long like Republicans do.
The PREMISE..is that for all the attacks these creeps make on our shared healthcare and retirement...none of them turn it down

It just goes to demonstrate that Republicans are liars; pure & simple
/——/ I’m sure you will turn your SS down because you’re just that stupid.

I don't sit around bitching, pissing, and moaning about paying into it like you greedy jack asses do all day long, every day of your miserable, greedy lives.

That is the difference between US.
/——/And yet you brought it up,

I can't help it if YOU Republicans sit around all day long constantly bitching about taxes you all know are inevitable.

Funny I don't pay $12 bucks for a pack of smokes
Thats irrelevant. That money could be drawing interest and its not. I can't even pass it on to my children or....whoever.
All I can say is, elderly used to be 65% poor, and that is much lower since Social Security retirement and disability. It's only civilized, but of course you Republicans are barely that. Just full of crap and moaning and allowing yourself to be screwed over by your lying thieving Heroes LOL

No, it had its time. Now, one should be able to opt in or out. Im not calling for it to be completely thrown out. Some people need it. They don't have the means to make investments.
everybody needs it because you never know and it turns out you people are idiots. Republicans are against everything democratic I even when it's a great success and they love it.

No, everybody doesn't need it. Every one should be able opt in and out of this ponzi scheme.
No you don't have the right to be a total failure and live in a gutter because you are elderly or disabled... Sorry dingbat.

Yeah, I do. I make better decisions than our pathetic govt. It doesn't surprise me that you worship such a farce .
It just goes to demonstrate that Republicans are liars; pure & simple
/——/ I’m sure you will turn your SS down because you’re just that stupid.

I don't sit around bitching, pissing, and moaning about paying into it like you greedy jack asses do all day long, every day of your miserable, greedy lives.

That is the difference between US.
/——/And yet you brought it up,

I can't help it if YOU Republicans sit around all day long constantly bitching about taxes you all know are inevitable.

Funny I don't pay $12 bucks for a pack of smokes

smoking is a choice.

and that has to do with what?

paying into FICA, last time I checked, was not a choice.

So, what is your point?

OK, nothing, I see.
All I can say is, elderly used to be 65% poor, and that is much lower since Social Security retirement and disability. It's only civilized, but of course you Republicans are barely that. Just full of crap and moaning and allowing yourself to be screwed over by your lying thieving Heroes LOL

No, it had its time. Now, one should be able to opt in or out. Im not calling for it to be completely thrown out. Some people need it. They don't have the means to make investments.
everybody needs it because you never know and it turns out you people are idiots. Republicans are against everything democratic I even when it's a great success and they love it.

No, everybody doesn't need it. Every one should be able opt in and out of this ponzi scheme.
No you don't have the right to be a total failure and live in a gutter because you are elderly or disabled... Sorry dingbat.

Yeah, I do. I make better decisions than our pathetic govt. It doesn't surprise me that you worship such a farce .

Libertarians & Republicans have Bubble-boy syndrome

Oh I think I can do it all.

No fireman:
Burns bonfire it spreads & then you call who?

No policeman.
Sees Blackman in yard & then you call who?

No military.
You see a Mongol invasion you can't call who?

You lose your job to a Mexican who works cheaper, so you shun Welfare & food pantries?

No SS & Medicare & then when you retire you get what?
/——/ I’m sure you will turn your SS down because you’re just that stupid.

I don't sit around bitching, pissing, and moaning about paying into it like you greedy jack asses do all day long, every day of your miserable, greedy lives.

That is the difference between US.
/——/And yet you brought it up,

I can't help it if YOU Republicans sit around all day long constantly bitching about taxes you all know are inevitable.

Funny I don't pay $12 bucks for a pack of smokes

smoking is a choice.

and that has to do with what?

paying into FICA, last time I checked, was not a choice.

So, what is your point?

OK, nothing, I see.
/—-/ bear is grasping at straws
/——/ I’m sure you will turn your SS down because you’re just that stupid.

I don't sit around bitching, pissing, and moaning about paying into it like you greedy jack asses do all day long, every day of your miserable, greedy lives.

That is the difference between US.
/——/And yet you brought it up,

I can't help it if YOU Republicans sit around all day long constantly bitching about taxes you all know are inevitable.

Funny I don't pay $12 bucks for a pack of smokes

smoking is a choice.

and that has to do with what?

paying into FICA, last time I checked, was not a choice.

So, what is your point?

OK, nothing, I see.

If it's not a choice why don't you tell your idiot polack butt buddy that...
I've yet to meet a Republican who didn't take Social Security & Medicare after retirenent?

I have seen a lot complain about such programs none the less.

Seems a bit hypocritical, no?

Not a republican, but as “just a guy”, I have no intention of claiming or being able to claim SSI or Medicare due to the fact that both programs suck, and won’t exist when I’m old enough to claim it. I do however agree with you on the hypocracy of many Republicans who are all about cutting every other wasteful program except for that. The program should be strictly means tested and have an option to opt out so we don’t have to waste our money on it if we don’t want to.
I don't sit around bitching, pissing, and moaning about paying into it like you greedy jack asses do all day long, every day of your miserable, greedy lives.

That is the difference between US.
/——/And yet you brought it up,

I can't help it if YOU Republicans sit around all day long constantly bitching about taxes you all know are inevitable.

Funny I don't pay $12 bucks for a pack of smokes

smoking is a choice.

and that has to do with what?

paying into FICA, last time I checked, was not a choice.

So, what is your point?

OK, nothing, I see.

If it's not a choice why don't you tell your idiot polack butt buddy that...

You bring cigarettes into a conversation about SS & Medicare.

I can't help it that you are fvcking brain dead.
Then move to Sweden ,or shut your pie hole Einstein.:290968001256257790-final::290968001256257790-final::290968001256257790-final::290968001256257790-final:

Medicare for all makes the most sense.

So, the average Swede pays 60 cents on healthcare to our 100 cents & somehow they live longer in Sweden than the USA by several years.

Now do explain what makes sense about that??

Oh it doesn't make sense to follow Intelligent plans WITH BETTER RESULTS for CHEAPER & adopt them for our OWN PEOPLE.

Oh I forgot, America's Hicks don't grasp such an alien concept as "OWN PEOPLE" as Individualist savages you just understand "Me, Mine & Now"

Admit it you, and your ilk don't care about anything societal, it's just about yours at all costs.

This is NOT EVEN a civilization Human mode of thought, it's something far more primitive & Chimp like.

So, the average Swede pays 60 cents on healthcare to our 100 cents & somehow they live longer in Sweden than the USA by several years.

Now do explain what makes sense about that??

More like 70 cents to our dollar.
If we were a small, mostly white nation with healthcare rationing and no new drugs or innovation, we'd have similar numbers.
If we taxed ourRich their fair share and invested in America and regulated Healthcare we could do that well. Our non system is a giveaway to big health and big Pharma. Thanks GOP and silly dupes...

The top 1% paid about 40% of all income taxes paid.
How much would satisfy you bloodsucking libs?

So, you want tax cuts for Soros, Zuckerberg, Bezos, Larry Page,Sumner Redstone, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and Brian Roberts
as "Democrat Billionaires"
to have more money in their pockets to spend for Democrat causes?

Interesting propostion.

Without tax cuts, they'll stop spending on Democrat causes. DERP!

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