Which Republican is giving up Medicare & SS on retirement?

So, the average Swede pays 60 cents on healthcare to our 100 cents & somehow they live longer in Sweden than the USA by several years.

Now do explain what makes sense about that??

More like 70 cents to our dollar.
If we were a small, mostly white nation with healthcare rationing and no new drugs or innovation, we'd have similar numbers.
If we taxed ourRich their fair share and invested in America and regulated Healthcare we could do that well. Our non system is a giveaway to big health and big Pharma. Thanks GOP and silly dupes...

The top 1% paid about 40% of all income taxes paid.
How much would satisfy you bloodsucking libs?
They don't pay enough in taxes. All taxes. Only in federal income taxes, which you are brainwashed about.

They don't pay enough in taxes. All taxes.

Well then stop whining about Federal Income taxes and tell your governor and local officials to tax them more.

So, it makes more sense to have people dying hungry in the streets rather than taxing the top 1% more???????????

Did you get the idea that the top 1% aren't taxed from my post that they pay about 40% of all income tax, or
from something else?

And precisely how many people are dying hungry in the streets because the top 1% aren't taxed enough?
So, the average Swede pays 60 cents on healthcare to our 100 cents & somehow they live longer in Sweden than the USA by several years.

Now do explain what makes sense about that??

More like 70 cents to our dollar.
If we were a small, mostly white nation with healthcare rationing and no new drugs or innovation, we'd have similar numbers.
If we taxed ourRich their fair share and invested in America and regulated Healthcare we could do that well. Our non system is a giveaway to big health and big Pharma. Thanks GOP and silly dupes...

The top 1% paid about 40% of all income taxes paid.
How much would satisfy you bloodsucking libs?

So, you want tax cuts for Soros, Zuckerberg, Bezos, Larry Page,Sumner Redstone, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and Brian Roberts
as "Democrat Billionaires"
to have more money in their pockets to spend for Democrat causes?

Interesting propostion.
/---/ No Republican begrudges the rich's wealth - only democRATs do that. Those aholes you list will always have money to disrupt or American system.

I begrudge three people having more wealth than the bottom 50% of us. They didn't get to that position by working harder and smarter but by the rules crafted by our politicians who are bribed to pass rules and laws favorable to the wealthy and corporations. Then of course we have our politicians, mostly all republicans, who keep lowering taxes for these guys. Reagan did it, then bush jr. and then trump. Obama could have maybe tried to change this, but of course he didn't, which is why he's getting the big bucks giving speeches to wall street now.

The 3 Richest Americans Hold More Wealth Than Bottom 50% Of The Country, Study Finds

They didn't get to that position by working harder and smarter

Bezos, Gates and Buffett may be liberal twats, but they worked pretty hard.

but by the rules crafted by our politicians who are bribed to pass rules and laws favorable to the wealthy and corporations.

Which crony capitalist laws made their fortunes possible?
The top 1% paid about 40% of all income taxes paid.
How much would satisfy you bloodsucking libs?

So, you want tax cuts for Soros, Zuckerberg, Bezos, Larry Page,Sumner Redstone, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and Brian Roberts
as "Democrat Billionaires"
to have more money in their pockets to spend for Democrat causes?

Interesting propostion.
/---/ No Republican begrudges the rich's wealth - only democRATs do that. Those aholes you list will always have money to disrupt or American system.

I begrudge three people having more wealth than the bottom 50% of us. They didn't get to that position by working harder and smarter but by the rules crafted by our politicians who are bribed to pass rules and laws favorable to the wealthy and corporations. Then of course we have our politicians, mostly all republicans, who keep lowering taxes for these guys. Reagan did it, then bush jr. and then trump. Obama could have maybe tried to change this, but of course he didn't, which is why he's getting the big bucks giving speeches to wall street now.

The 3 Richest Americans Hold More Wealth Than Bottom 50% Of The Country, Study Finds
/——/ So Bill Gates didn’t work harder and smarter, or Sam Walton or any of your professional athletes and movie stars.

Well of course he did. Probably as hard as the average American works. But the rules set in place have allowed him to amass all this great wealth that the likes of FDR made illegal. Those rules have slowly disappeared. Bribing politicians for campaign donations used to be illegal, but no more.

FDR made great wealth illegal?

I've yet to meet a Republican who didn't take Social Security & Medicare after retirenent?

I have seen a lot complain about such program s none the less.

Seems a bit hypocritical, no?


It takes no brains to realize that SS is a ponzi scheme that is certain to cause great harm to this nation.

Yet, the reality is that at the same time you are trying to save and invest for retirement, that you are being forced at the point of a gun to contribute to the shady system.

After a lifetime of being forced to "invest"in the system, taking the money back out, is not hypocritical.

It is dealing with the reality that your participation is forced.

and yet you & your ilk sit here and bitch about it; daily

I don't think I've discussed it for months, at least, and I did not bring it up today.
No, it had its time. Now, one should be able to opt in or out. Im not calling for it to be completely thrown out. Some people need it. They don't have the means to make investments.
everybody needs it because you never know and it turns out you people are idiots. Republicans are against everything democratic I even when it's a great success and they love it.

No, everybody doesn't need it. Every one should be able opt in and out of this ponzi scheme.
No you don't have the right to be a total failure and live in a gutter because you are elderly or disabled... Sorry dingbat.

Yeah, I do. I make better decisions than our pathetic govt. It doesn't surprise me that you worship such a farce .

Libertarians & Republicans have Bubble-boy syndrome

Oh I think I can do it all.

No fireman:
Burns bonfire it spreads & then you call who?

No policeman.
Sees Blackman in yard & then you call who?

No military.
You see a Mongol invasion you can't call who?

You lose your job to a Mexican who works cheaper, so you shun Welfare & food pantries?

No SS & Medicare & then when you retire you get what?

You're wrong also. I never said anything about taxes being used for appropriate measures including first responders. I do have issue with the federal govt taking my money and offering a pittance of what I could do with my own money.
Medicare for all makes the most sense.

So, the average Swede pays 60 cents on healthcare to our 100 cents & somehow they live longer in Sweden than the USA by several years.

Now do explain what makes sense about that??

Oh it doesn't make sense to follow Intelligent plans WITH BETTER RESULTS for CHEAPER & adopt them for our OWN PEOPLE.

Oh I forgot, America's Hicks don't grasp such an alien concept as "OWN PEOPLE" as Individualist savages you just understand "Me, Mine & Now"

Admit it you, and your ilk don't care about anything societal, it's just about yours at all costs.

This is NOT EVEN a civilization Human mode of thought, it's something far more primitive & Chimp like.

So, the average Swede pays 60 cents on healthcare to our 100 cents & somehow they live longer in Sweden than the USA by several years.

Now do explain what makes sense about that??

More like 70 cents to our dollar.
If we were a small, mostly white nation with healthcare rationing and no new drugs or innovation, we'd have similar numbers.
If we taxed ourRich their fair share and invested in America and regulated Healthcare we could do that well. Our non system is a giveaway to big health and big Pharma. Thanks GOP and silly dupes...

The top 1% paid about 40% of all income taxes paid.
How much would satisfy you bloodsucking libs?
They don't pay enough in taxes. All taxes. Only in federal income taxes, which you are brainwashed about.

Interesting that the same people who want "the rich" to pay more complain when wealthy states pay more than poorer states. They want "the poor" to be helped, just not the poor in red states.
Actually we don't mind, we just sick of you right-wing dupes telling us how our Rich blue States are a mess in reality. Horse patoot!
everybody needs it because you never know and it turns out you people are idiots. Republicans are against everything democratic I even when it's a great success and they love it.

No, everybody doesn't need it. Every one should be able opt in and out of this ponzi scheme.
No you don't have the right to be a total failure and live in a gutter because you are elderly or disabled... Sorry dingbat.

Yeah, I do. I make better decisions than our pathetic govt. It doesn't surprise me that you worship such a farce .

Libertarians & Republicans have Bubble-boy syndrome

Oh I think I can do it all.

No fireman:
Burns bonfire it spreads & then you call who?

No policeman.
Sees Blackman in yard & then you call who?

No military.
You see a Mongol invasion you can't call who?

You lose your job to a Mexican who works cheaper, so you shun Welfare & food pantries?

No SS & Medicare & then when you retire you get what?

You're wrong also. I never said anything about taxes being used for appropriate measures including first responders. I do have issue with the federal govt taking my money and offering a pittance of what I could do with my own money.
Democrats want to raise taxes on the bloated rich and cut your taxes, dimwit dupe.unfortunately for some reason we need 60 votes to do that while you GOP scumbags only need 51 to do the opposite.
No, everybody doesn't need it. Every one should be able opt in and out of this ponzi scheme.
No you don't have the right to be a total failure and live in a gutter because you are elderly or disabled... Sorry dingbat.

Yeah, I do. I make better decisions than our pathetic govt. It doesn't surprise me that you worship such a farce .

Libertarians & Republicans have Bubble-boy syndrome

Oh I think I can do it all.

No fireman:
Burns bonfire it spreads & then you call who?

No policeman.
Sees Blackman in yard & then you call who?

No military.
You see a Mongol invasion you can't call who?

You lose your job to a Mexican who works cheaper, so you shun Welfare & food pantries?

No SS & Medicare & then when you retire you get what?

You're wrong also. I never said anything about taxes being used for appropriate measures including first responders. I do have issue with the federal govt taking my money and offering a pittance of what I could do with my own money.
Democrats want to raise taxes on the bloated rich and cut your taxes, dimwit dupe.unfortunately for some reason we need 60 votes to do that while you GOP scumbags only need 51 to do the opposite.

Democrats want to raise taxes on the bloated rich and cut your taxes, dimwit dupe.unfortunately for some reason we need 60 votes to do that

When Clinton hiked taxes on the middle class, he only needed 51 votes in the Senate.
No you don't have the right to be a total failure and live in a gutter because you are elderly or disabled... Sorry dingbat.

Yeah, I do. I make better decisions than our pathetic govt. It doesn't surprise me that you worship such a farce .

Libertarians & Republicans have Bubble-boy syndrome

Oh I think I can do it all.

No fireman:
Burns bonfire it spreads & then you call who?

No policeman.
Sees Blackman in yard & then you call who?

No military.
You see a Mongol invasion you can't call who?

You lose your job to a Mexican who works cheaper, so you shun Welfare & food pantries?

No SS & Medicare & then when you retire you get what?

You're wrong also. I never said anything about taxes being used for appropriate measures including first responders. I do have issue with the federal govt taking my money and offering a pittance of what I could do with my own money.
Democrats want to raise taxes on the bloated rich and cut your taxes, dimwit dupe.unfortunately for some reason we need 60 votes to do that while you GOP scumbags only need 51 to do the opposite.

Democrats want to raise taxes on the bloated rich and cut your taxes, dimwit dupe.unfortunately for some reason we need 60 votes to do that

When Clinton hiked taxes on the middle class, he only needed 51 votes in the Senate.
He only raised taxes on the top 2/5 and I don't understand why Obama needed 60 votes to do anything. Unless it's that damn 1974 reconciliation law that seems to only work for republicans when they cut taxes on the rich and services for the rest. A disaster for the country and the middle class.
No you don't have the right to be a total failure and live in a gutter because you are elderly or disabled... Sorry dingbat.

Yeah, I do. I make better decisions than our pathetic govt. It doesn't surprise me that you worship such a farce .

Libertarians & Republicans have Bubble-boy syndrome

Oh I think I can do it all.

No fireman:
Burns bonfire it spreads & then you call who?

No policeman.
Sees Blackman in yard & then you call who?

No military.
You see a Mongol invasion you can't call who?

You lose your job to a Mexican who works cheaper, so you shun Welfare & food pantries?

No SS & Medicare & then when you retire you get what?

You're wrong also. I never said anything about taxes being used for appropriate measures including first responders. I do have issue with the federal govt taking my money and offering a pittance of what I could do with my own money.
Democrats want to raise taxes on the bloated rich and cut your taxes, dimwit dupe.unfortunately for some reason we need 60 votes to do that while you GOP scumbags only need 51 to do the opposite.

Democrats want to raise taxes on the bloated rich and cut your taxes, dimwit dupe.unfortunately for some reason we need 60 votes to do that

When Clinton hiked taxes on the middle class, he only needed 51 votes in the Senate.

Sometimes they don't even need that. One of the first things Ears did when he invaded the White House was institute a huge sin tax. Tobacco users are statistically poor to middle-class people. So much for "Nobody making less than 250K a year will see a new tax of ANY KIND."

Afterwards the Commie Care fines set in. Of course, they had to be considered a tax according to the Supreme Court. So who doesn't have healthcare insurance? Typically people who can't afford it like the poorer or middle-class.

Anybody that thinks DumBama didn't target the middle-class with taxes and fines are as dumb as a rock.
Yeah, I do. I make better decisions than our pathetic govt. It doesn't surprise me that you worship such a farce .

Libertarians & Republicans have Bubble-boy syndrome

Oh I think I can do it all.

No fireman:
Burns bonfire it spreads & then you call who?

No policeman.
Sees Blackman in yard & then you call who?

No military.
You see a Mongol invasion you can't call who?

You lose your job to a Mexican who works cheaper, so you shun Welfare & food pantries?

No SS & Medicare & then when you retire you get what?

You're wrong also. I never said anything about taxes being used for appropriate measures including first responders. I do have issue with the federal govt taking my money and offering a pittance of what I could do with my own money.
Democrats want to raise taxes on the bloated rich and cut your taxes, dimwit dupe.unfortunately for some reason we need 60 votes to do that while you GOP scumbags only need 51 to do the opposite.

Democrats want to raise taxes on the bloated rich and cut your taxes, dimwit dupe.unfortunately for some reason we need 60 votes to do that

When Clinton hiked taxes on the middle class, he only needed 51 votes in the Senate.

Sometimes they don't even need that. One of the first things Ears did when he invaded the White House was institute a huge sin tax. Tobacco users are statistically poor to middle-class people. So much for "Nobody making less than 250K a year will see a new tax of ANY KIND."

Afterwards the Commie Care fines set in. Of course, they had to be considered a tax according to the Supreme Court. So who doesn't have healthcare insurance? Typically people who can't afford it like the poorer or middle-class.

Anybody that thinks DumBama didn't target the middle-class with taxes and fines are as dumb as a rock.
Under ACA, poor people get Medicaid. ACA is a solution that will take time. 75% of those on the exchanges get coverage for $100 or less... And premiums actually went down this year despite GOP sabotage. Change the channel read a newspaper . And go after cost, the real problem.
Yeah, I do. I make better decisions than our pathetic govt. It doesn't surprise me that you worship such a farce .

Libertarians & Republicans have Bubble-boy syndrome

Oh I think I can do it all.

No fireman:
Burns bonfire it spreads & then you call who?

No policeman.
Sees Blackman in yard & then you call who?

No military.
You see a Mongol invasion you can't call who?

You lose your job to a Mexican who works cheaper, so you shun Welfare & food pantries?

No SS & Medicare & then when you retire you get what?

You're wrong also. I never said anything about taxes being used for appropriate measures including first responders. I do have issue with the federal govt taking my money and offering a pittance of what I could do with my own money.
Democrats want to raise taxes on the bloated rich and cut your taxes, dimwit dupe.unfortunately for some reason we need 60 votes to do that while you GOP scumbags only need 51 to do the opposite.

Democrats want to raise taxes on the bloated rich and cut your taxes, dimwit dupe.unfortunately for some reason we need 60 votes to do that

When Clinton hiked taxes on the middle class, he only needed 51 votes in the Senate.
He only raised taxes on the top 2/5 and I don't understand why Obama needed 60 votes to do anything. Unless it's that damn 1974 reconciliation law that seems to only work for republicans when they cut taxes on the rich and services for the rest. A disaster for the country and the middle class.

I don't understand why Obama needed 60 votes to do anything.

Maybe he thought half of 100 was 60? He wasn't very bright.

Unless it's that damn 1974 reconciliation law that seems to only work for republicans when they cut taxes on the rich and services for the rest.

Well, since the same law was in effect when Clinton raised taxes on the middle class in 1993, with 51 votes,
Obama must have been a moron.
Libertarians & Republicans have Bubble-boy syndrome

Oh I think I can do it all.

No fireman:
Burns bonfire it spreads & then you call who?

No policeman.
Sees Blackman in yard & then you call who?

No military.
You see a Mongol invasion you can't call who?

You lose your job to a Mexican who works cheaper, so you shun Welfare & food pantries?

No SS & Medicare & then when you retire you get what?

You're wrong also. I never said anything about taxes being used for appropriate measures including first responders. I do have issue with the federal govt taking my money and offering a pittance of what I could do with my own money.
Democrats want to raise taxes on the bloated rich and cut your taxes, dimwit dupe.unfortunately for some reason we need 60 votes to do that while you GOP scumbags only need 51 to do the opposite.

Democrats want to raise taxes on the bloated rich and cut your taxes, dimwit dupe.unfortunately for some reason we need 60 votes to do that

When Clinton hiked taxes on the middle class, he only needed 51 votes in the Senate.
He only raised taxes on the top 2/5 and I don't understand why Obama needed 60 votes to do anything. Unless it's that damn 1974 reconciliation law that seems to only work for republicans when they cut taxes on the rich and services for the rest. A disaster for the country and the middle class.

I don't understand why Obama needed 60 votes to do anything.

Maybe he thought half of 100 was 60? He wasn't very bright.

Unless it's that damn 1974 reconciliation law that seems to only work for republicans when they cut taxes on the rich and services for the rest.

Well, since the same law was in effect when Clinton raised taxes on the middle class in 1993, with 51 votes,
Obama must have been a moron.
Since he only raised taxes on the top 40%, not much of a middle-class tax hike, and I would believe Obama was not a moron and he was also a constitutional scholar duh. I think reconciliation is the GOP scam...
Libertarians & Republicans have Bubble-boy syndrome

Oh I think I can do it all.

No fireman:
Burns bonfire it spreads & then you call who?

No policeman.
Sees Blackman in yard & then you call who?

No military.
You see a Mongol invasion you can't call who?

You lose your job to a Mexican who works cheaper, so you shun Welfare & food pantries?

No SS & Medicare & then when you retire you get what?

You're wrong also. I never said anything about taxes being used for appropriate measures including first responders. I do have issue with the federal govt taking my money and offering a pittance of what I could do with my own money.
Democrats want to raise taxes on the bloated rich and cut your taxes, dimwit dupe.unfortunately for some reason we need 60 votes to do that while you GOP scumbags only need 51 to do the opposite.

Democrats want to raise taxes on the bloated rich and cut your taxes, dimwit dupe.unfortunately for some reason we need 60 votes to do that

When Clinton hiked taxes on the middle class, he only needed 51 votes in the Senate.

Sometimes they don't even need that. One of the first things Ears did when he invaded the White House was institute a huge sin tax. Tobacco users are statistically poor to middle-class people. So much for "Nobody making less than 250K a year will see a new tax of ANY KIND."

Afterwards the Commie Care fines set in. Of course, they had to be considered a tax according to the Supreme Court. So who doesn't have healthcare insurance? Typically people who can't afford it like the poorer or middle-class.

Anybody that thinks DumBama didn't target the middle-class with taxes and fines are as dumb as a rock.
Under ACA, poor people get Medicaid. ACA is a solution that will take time. 75% of those on the exchanges get coverage for $100 or less... And premiums actually went down this year despite GOP sabotage. Change the channel read a newspaper . And go after cost, the real problem.

The people that got coverage for $100.00 or less are those who are floor sweepers and french fry makers. The people that subsidized their policies are middle-class people like myself who could never afford Commie Care or are struggling to do so.

In other words, Commie Care was designed to take care of likely Democrat voters at the expense of likely Republican voters. And this is why we could never have government healthcare in this country; because the Democrats will always politicize this just like Commie Care did.
You're wrong also. I never said anything about taxes being used for appropriate measures including first responders. I do have issue with the federal govt taking my money and offering a pittance of what I could do with my own money.
Democrats want to raise taxes on the bloated rich and cut your taxes, dimwit dupe.unfortunately for some reason we need 60 votes to do that while you GOP scumbags only need 51 to do the opposite.

Democrats want to raise taxes on the bloated rich and cut your taxes, dimwit dupe.unfortunately for some reason we need 60 votes to do that

When Clinton hiked taxes on the middle class, he only needed 51 votes in the Senate.
He only raised taxes on the top 2/5 and I don't understand why Obama needed 60 votes to do anything. Unless it's that damn 1974 reconciliation law that seems to only work for republicans when they cut taxes on the rich and services for the rest. A disaster for the country and the middle class.

I don't understand why Obama needed 60 votes to do anything.

Maybe he thought half of 100 was 60? He wasn't very bright.

Unless it's that damn 1974 reconciliation law that seems to only work for republicans when they cut taxes on the rich and services for the rest.

Well, since the same law was in effect when Clinton raised taxes on the middle class in 1993, with 51 votes,
Obama must have been a moron.
Since he only raised taxes on the top 40%, not much of a middle-class tax hike, and I would believe Obama was not a moron and he was also a constitutional scholar duh. I think reconciliation is the GOP scam...

Since he only raised taxes on the top 40%

Yeah, because only the top 40% used gasoline and collected Social Security.

I would believe Obama was not a moron and he was also a constitutional scholar

The fact that you believed he was a scholar is proof that you're even dumber than he was.
You're wrong also. I never said anything about taxes being used for appropriate measures including first responders. I do have issue with the federal govt taking my money and offering a pittance of what I could do with my own money.
Democrats want to raise taxes on the bloated rich and cut your taxes, dimwit dupe.unfortunately for some reason we need 60 votes to do that while you GOP scumbags only need 51 to do the opposite.

Democrats want to raise taxes on the bloated rich and cut your taxes, dimwit dupe.unfortunately for some reason we need 60 votes to do that

When Clinton hiked taxes on the middle class, he only needed 51 votes in the Senate.

Sometimes they don't even need that. One of the first things Ears did when he invaded the White House was institute a huge sin tax. Tobacco users are statistically poor to middle-class people. So much for "Nobody making less than 250K a year will see a new tax of ANY KIND."

Afterwards the Commie Care fines set in. Of course, they had to be considered a tax according to the Supreme Court. So who doesn't have healthcare insurance? Typically people who can't afford it like the poorer or middle-class.

Anybody that thinks DumBama didn't target the middle-class with taxes and fines are as dumb as a rock.
Under ACA, poor people get Medicaid. ACA is a solution that will take time. 75% of those on the exchanges get coverage for $100 or less... And premiums actually went down this year despite GOP sabotage. Change the channel read a newspaper . And go after cost, the real problem.

The people that got coverage for $100.00 or less are those who are floor sweepers and french fry makers. The people that subsidized their policies are middle-class people like myself who could never afford Commie Care or are struggling to do so.

In other words, Commie Care was designed to take care of likely Democrat voters at the expense of likely Republican voters. And this is why we could never have government healthcare in this country; because the Democrats will always politicize this just like Commie Care did.
I happen to know that your boss is another GOP dupe who did away with your Healthcare, so all you know is propaganda. GOP policy has not made 75% of our workers into minimum wagers... Yet....
Democrats want to raise taxes on the bloated rich and cut your taxes, dimwit dupe.unfortunately for some reason we need 60 votes to do that while you GOP scumbags only need 51 to do the opposite.

Democrats want to raise taxes on the bloated rich and cut your taxes, dimwit dupe.unfortunately for some reason we need 60 votes to do that

When Clinton hiked taxes on the middle class, he only needed 51 votes in the Senate.
He only raised taxes on the top 2/5 and I don't understand why Obama needed 60 votes to do anything. Unless it's that damn 1974 reconciliation law that seems to only work for republicans when they cut taxes on the rich and services for the rest. A disaster for the country and the middle class.

I don't understand why Obama needed 60 votes to do anything.

Maybe he thought half of 100 was 60? He wasn't very bright.

Unless it's that damn 1974 reconciliation law that seems to only work for republicans when they cut taxes on the rich and services for the rest.

Well, since the same law was in effect when Clinton raised taxes on the middle class in 1993, with 51 votes,
Obama must have been a moron.
Since he only raised taxes on the top 40%, not much of a middle-class tax hike, and I would believe Obama was not a moron and he was also a constitutional scholar duh. I think reconciliation is the GOP scam...

Since he only raised taxes on the top 40%

Yeah, because only the top 40% used gasoline and collected Social Security.

I would believe Obama was not a moron and he was also a constitutional scholar

The fact that you believed he was a scholar is proof that you're even dumber than he was.
We were talking about the 1993 reconciliation bill d u h, and of course Obama is a constitutional scholar, idiot.
So, the average Swede pays 60 cents on healthcare to our 100 cents & somehow they live longer in Sweden than the USA by several years.

Now do explain what makes sense about that??

More like 70 cents to our dollar.
If we were a small, mostly white nation with healthcare rationing and no new drugs or innovation, we'd have similar numbers.
If we taxed ourRich their fair share and invested in America and regulated Healthcare we could do that well. Our non system is a giveaway to big health and big Pharma. Thanks GOP and silly dupes...

The top 1% paid about 40% of all income taxes paid.
How much would satisfy you bloodsucking libs?
They don't pay enough in taxes. All taxes. Only in federal income taxes, which you are brainwashed about.

Interesting that the same people who want "the rich" to pay more complain when wealthy states pay more than poorer states. They want "the poor" to be helped, just not the poor in red states.
Actually we don't mind, we just sick of you right-wing dupes telling us how our Rich blue States are a mess in reality. Horse patoot!

Is Seattle’s homeless crisis the worst in the country?
Democrats want to raise taxes on the bloated rich and cut your taxes, dimwit dupe.unfortunately for some reason we need 60 votes to do that

When Clinton hiked taxes on the middle class, he only needed 51 votes in the Senate.
He only raised taxes on the top 2/5 and I don't understand why Obama needed 60 votes to do anything. Unless it's that damn 1974 reconciliation law that seems to only work for republicans when they cut taxes on the rich and services for the rest. A disaster for the country and the middle class.

I don't understand why Obama needed 60 votes to do anything.

Maybe he thought half of 100 was 60? He wasn't very bright.

Unless it's that damn 1974 reconciliation law that seems to only work for republicans when they cut taxes on the rich and services for the rest.

Well, since the same law was in effect when Clinton raised taxes on the middle class in 1993, with 51 votes,
Obama must have been a moron.
Since he only raised taxes on the top 40%, not much of a middle-class tax hike, and I would believe Obama was not a moron and he was also a constitutional scholar duh. I think reconciliation is the GOP scam...

Since he only raised taxes on the top 40%

Yeah, because only the top 40% used gasoline and collected Social Security.

I would believe Obama was not a moron and he was also a constitutional scholar

The fact that you believed he was a scholar is proof that you're even dumber than he was.
We were talking about the 1993 reconciliation bill d u h, and of course Obama is a constitutional scholar, idiot.

We were talking about the 1993 reconciliation bill d u h

You mean we're talking about the bill where Clinton raised middle class taxes with 51 Senate votes and poor moron Obama couldn't do the same with less than 60?

and of course Obama is a constitutional scholar


Are you basing that claim on one of his rambling nonsensical college lectures?
Or on his reading off a teleprompter?
If we taxed ourRich their fair share and invested in America and regulated Healthcare we could do that well. Our non system is a giveaway to big health and big Pharma. Thanks GOP and silly dupes...

The top 1% paid about 40% of all income taxes paid.
How much would satisfy you bloodsucking libs?
They don't pay enough in taxes. All taxes. Only in federal income taxes, which you are brainwashed about.

Interesting that the same people who want "the rich" to pay more complain when wealthy states pay more than poorer states. They want "the poor" to be helped, just not the poor in red states.
Actually we don't mind, we just sick of you right-wing dupes telling us how our Rich blue States are a mess in reality. Horse patoot!

Is Seattle’s homeless crisis the worst in the country?

California is not a mess.
Rich San Francisco, with its streets covered in dirty needles and human shit is just fine.
And L.A., with their typhus outbreak, not a problem.
And Hepatitis A, not crisis in San Diego and across the state.
Millions of sick illegal aliens are actually a big benefit for the Golden State.

Diversity of pathogens is their strength!!!

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