Which Republican is giving up Medicare & SS on retirement?

The people that got coverage for $100.00 or less are those who are floor sweepers and french fry makers. The people that subsidized their policies are middle-class people like myself who could never afford Commie Care or are struggling to do so.

In other words, Commie Care was designed to take care of likely Democrat voters at the expense of likely Republican voters. And this is why we could never have government healthcare in this country; because the Democrats will always politicize this just like Commie Care did.

The Middle class don't foot the tab like the rich do.

The middle- class benefit from Medicare & SS.

Actually a lot of people getting Obamacare are Middle class.

I don't believe that for a minute. As a middle-class person, I could never afford those plans. I don't know how other middle-class people can.
75% on the exchanges pay $100 or less. are you counting subsidies?

Middle-class people don't get subsidies or very little subsidy. I think they said my subsidy was $24.00 a month. Big deal. that's about a third of the price of a carton of cigarettes, and that 24 bucks certainly didn't change my plight any.
The problem is the cost which is going to come down in the long run because of ACA. Democrats want to raise the subsidies by the way. And raise taxes on the rich 2 pay for it, like every other developed country. And bring down costs in every way possible!

You are so FOS. Democrats don't want to bring down anything. Democrats only desire is to create more government dependents. They could care less if you dropped dead.

Commie Care was designed to repay likely Democrat voters: people who sweep floors for a living. People who make french fires or stock shelves at Walmart. It was never designed to give everybody reasonable and affordable access to quality insurance. In order to do that, they had to take healthcare away from other people; people such as myself.

And this is the problem with having government anything. Democrats will always turn it into politics in some way or form. Want to lower the cost of healthcare? Have mandatory Medical Savings Accounts. Have a national Tort Reform. Have Medicare and Medicaid start paying the entire bill for their patients instead of just 2/3. Repeal Commie Care so insurance companies don't have to use 80% of their premium collections strictly on paying claims alone. That's how you lower healthcare costs.
The Middle class don't foot the tab like the rich do.

The middle- class benefit from Medicare & SS.

Actually a lot of people getting Obamacare are Middle class.

I don't believe that for a minute. As a middle-class person, I could never afford those plans. I don't know how other middle-class people can.
75% on the exchanges pay $100 or less. are you counting subsidies?

Middle-class people don't get subsidies or very little subsidy. I think they said my subsidy was $24.00 a month. Big deal. that's about a third of the price of a carton of cigarettes, and that 24 bucks certainly didn't change my plight any.
The problem is the cost which is going to come down in the long run because of ACA. Democrats want to raise the subsidies by the way. And raise taxes on the rich 2 pay for it, like every other developed country. And bring down costs in every way possible!

You are so FOS. Democrats don't want to bring down anything. Democrats only desire is to create more government dependents. They could care less if you dropped dead.

Commie Care was designed to repay likely Democrat voters: people who sweep floors for a living. People who make french fires or stock shelves at Walmart. It was never designed to give everybody reasonable and affordable access to quality insurance. In order to do that, they had to take healthcare away from other people; people such as myself.

And this is the problem with having government anything. Democrats will always turn it into politics in some way or form. Want to lower the cost of healthcare? Have mandatory Medical Savings Accounts. Have a national Tort Reform. Have Medicare and Medicaid start paying the entire bill for their patients instead of just 2/3. Repeal Commie Care so insurance companies don't have to use 80% of their premium collections strictly on paying claims alone. That's how you lower healthcare costs.
Medicare pays 80%, Medicaid pays everything. That's the way it goes... You have to help the unfortunate.and you have to regulate costs all those things you mentioned go ahead add them to ACA that's the whole idea...
The Middle class don't foot the tab like the rich do.

The middle- class benefit from Medicare & SS.

Actually a lot of people getting Obamacare are Middle class.

I don't believe that for a minute. As a middle-class person, I could never afford those plans. I don't know how other middle-class people can.
75% on the exchanges pay $100 or less. are you counting subsidies?

Middle-class people don't get subsidies or very little subsidy. I think they said my subsidy was $24.00 a month. Big deal. that's about a third of the price of a carton of cigarettes, and that 24 bucks certainly didn't change my plight any.
The problem is the cost which is going to come down in the long run because of ACA. Democrats want to raise the subsidies by the way. And raise taxes on the rich 2 pay for it, like every other developed country. And bring down costs in every way possible!

You are so FOS. Democrats don't want to bring down anything. Democrats only desire is to create more government dependents. They could care less if you dropped dead.

Commie Care was designed to repay likely Democrat voters: people who sweep floors for a living. People who make french fires or stock shelves at Walmart. It was never designed to give everybody reasonable and affordable access to quality insurance. In order to do that, they had to take healthcare away from other people; people such as myself.

And this is the problem with having government anything. Democrats will always turn it into politics in some way or form. Want to lower the cost of healthcare? Have mandatory Medical Savings Accounts. Have a national Tort Reform. Have Medicare and Medicaid start paying the entire bill for their patients instead of just 2/3. Repeal Commie Care so insurance companies don't have to use 80% of their premium collections strictly on paying claims alone. That's how you lower healthcare costs.
Why would they want more dependents? And another really silly conspiracy theory. Democrats want to tax the rich their fair share and bring back cheap college and training, a living wage and add cheap daycare paid parental leave good infrastructure maybe vacations what a concept eh, super duper?
I don't believe that for a minute. As a middle-class person, I could never afford those plans. I don't know how other middle-class people can.
75% on the exchanges pay $100 or less. are you counting subsidies?

Middle-class people don't get subsidies or very little subsidy. I think they said my subsidy was $24.00 a month. Big deal. that's about a third of the price of a carton of cigarettes, and that 24 bucks certainly didn't change my plight any.
The problem is the cost which is going to come down in the long run because of ACA. Democrats want to raise the subsidies by the way. And raise taxes on the rich 2 pay for it, like every other developed country. And bring down costs in every way possible!

You are so FOS. Democrats don't want to bring down anything. Democrats only desire is to create more government dependents. They could care less if you dropped dead.

Commie Care was designed to repay likely Democrat voters: people who sweep floors for a living. People who make french fires or stock shelves at Walmart. It was never designed to give everybody reasonable and affordable access to quality insurance. In order to do that, they had to take healthcare away from other people; people such as myself.

And this is the problem with having government anything. Democrats will always turn it into politics in some way or form. Want to lower the cost of healthcare? Have mandatory Medical Savings Accounts. Have a national Tort Reform. Have Medicare and Medicaid start paying the entire bill for their patients instead of just 2/3. Repeal Commie Care so insurance companies don't have to use 80% of their premium collections strictly on paying claims alone. That's how you lower healthcare costs.
Medicare pays 80%, Medicaid pays everything. That's the way it goes... You have to help the unfortunate.and you have to regulate costs all those things you mentioned go ahead add them to ACA that's the whole idea...

So what's 80% of a 500K surgery? Medicaid? Like Medicare, some facilities and doctors are not accepting patients because the reimbursement is so little.

Facilities have to recoup all their losses, so they increase price. When that happens, private insurance is the people who pay those increases. That's why when you see facilities close down, it's in lower income areas where most of the patients are on Medicaid or Medicare. There is not enough private pay/ insurance patients to recoup those costs.

So increase costs because of government is what sends premium prices soaring. The only reason it dropped last year is because Trump got rid of the taxes on Medical equipment and supplies that DumBama plagued them with.
The Middle class don't foot the tab like the rich do.

The middle- class benefit from Medicare & SS.

Actually a lot of people getting Obamacare are Middle class.

I don't believe that for a minute. As a middle-class person, I could never afford those plans. I don't know how other middle-class people can.
75% on the exchanges pay $100 or less. are you counting subsidies?

Middle-class people don't get subsidies or very little subsidy. I think they said my subsidy was $24.00 a month. Big deal. that's about a third of the price of a carton of cigarettes, and that 24 bucks certainly didn't change my plight any.
The problem is the cost which is going to come down in the long run because of ACA. Democrats want to raise the subsidies by the way. And raise taxes on the rich 2 pay for it, like every other developed country. And bring down costs in every way possible!

You are so FOS. Democrats don't want to bring down anything. Democrats only desire is to create more government dependents. They could care less if you dropped dead.

Commie Care was designed to repay likely Democrat voters: people who sweep floors for a living. People who make french fires or stock shelves at Walmart. It was never designed to give everybody reasonable and affordable access to quality insurance. In order to do that, they had to take healthcare away from other people; people such as myself.

And this is the problem with having government anything. Democrats will always turn it into politics in some way or form. Want to lower the cost of healthcare? Have mandatory Medical Savings Accounts. Have a national Tort Reform. Have Medicare and Medicaid start paying the entire bill for their patients instead of just 2/3. Repeal Commie Care so insurance companies don't have to use 80% of their premium collections strictly on paying claims alone. That's how you lower healthcare costs.
The 80% is the limit they have to spend on actual medical care LOL, super duper. Was 73%. And we need more regulation like that to cut costs d u h, super duper.
75% on the exchanges pay $100 or less. are you counting subsidies?

Middle-class people don't get subsidies or very little subsidy. I think they said my subsidy was $24.00 a month. Big deal. that's about a third of the price of a carton of cigarettes, and that 24 bucks certainly didn't change my plight any.
The problem is the cost which is going to come down in the long run because of ACA. Democrats want to raise the subsidies by the way. And raise taxes on the rich 2 pay for it, like every other developed country. And bring down costs in every way possible!

You are so FOS. Democrats don't want to bring down anything. Democrats only desire is to create more government dependents. They could care less if you dropped dead.

Commie Care was designed to repay likely Democrat voters: people who sweep floors for a living. People who make french fires or stock shelves at Walmart. It was never designed to give everybody reasonable and affordable access to quality insurance. In order to do that, they had to take healthcare away from other people; people such as myself.

And this is the problem with having government anything. Democrats will always turn it into politics in some way or form. Want to lower the cost of healthcare? Have mandatory Medical Savings Accounts. Have a national Tort Reform. Have Medicare and Medicaid start paying the entire bill for their patients instead of just 2/3. Repeal Commie Care so insurance companies don't have to use 80% of their premium collections strictly on paying claims alone. That's how you lower healthcare costs.
Medicare pays 80%, Medicaid pays everything. That's the way it goes... You have to help the unfortunate.and you have to regulate costs all those things you mentioned go ahead add them to ACA that's the whole idea...

So what's 80% of a 500K surgery? Medicaid? Like Medicare, some facilities and doctors are not accepting patients because the reimbursement is so little.

Facilities have to recoup all their losses, so they increase price. When that happens, private insurance is the people who pay those increases. That's why when you see facilities close down, it's in lower income areas where most of the patients are on Medicaid or Medicare. There is not enough private pay/ insurance patients to recoup those costs.

So increase costs because of government is what sends premium prices soaring. The only reason it dropped last year is because Trump got rid of the taxes on Medical equipment and supplies that DumBama plagued them with.
Whatever. ACA is the framework we have to build on. Thank God we finally have it.the GOP wouldn't pass anything to cut down on profits for big health and big Pharma, the scumbags, Super Dupe.
75% on the exchanges pay $100 or less. are you counting subsidies?

Middle-class people don't get subsidies or very little subsidy. I think they said my subsidy was $24.00 a month. Big deal. that's about a third of the price of a carton of cigarettes, and that 24 bucks certainly didn't change my plight any.
The problem is the cost which is going to come down in the long run because of ACA. Democrats want to raise the subsidies by the way. And raise taxes on the rich 2 pay for it, like every other developed country. And bring down costs in every way possible!

You are so FOS. Democrats don't want to bring down anything. Democrats only desire is to create more government dependents. They could care less if you dropped dead.

Commie Care was designed to repay likely Democrat voters: people who sweep floors for a living. People who make french fires or stock shelves at Walmart. It was never designed to give everybody reasonable and affordable access to quality insurance. In order to do that, they had to take healthcare away from other people; people such as myself.

And this is the problem with having government anything. Democrats will always turn it into politics in some way or form. Want to lower the cost of healthcare? Have mandatory Medical Savings Accounts. Have a national Tort Reform. Have Medicare and Medicaid start paying the entire bill for their patients instead of just 2/3. Repeal Commie Care so insurance companies don't have to use 80% of their premium collections strictly on paying claims alone. That's how you lower healthcare costs.
Medicare pays 80%, Medicaid pays everything. That's the way it goes... You have to help the unfortunate.and you have to regulate costs all those things you mentioned go ahead add them to ACA that's the whole idea...

So what's 80% of a 500K surgery? Medicaid? Like Medicare, some facilities and doctors are not accepting patients because the reimbursement is so little.

Facilities have to recoup all their losses, so they increase price. When that happens, private insurance is the people who pay those increases. That's why when you see facilities close down, it's in lower income areas where most of the patients are on Medicaid or Medicare. There is not enough private pay/ insurance patients to recoup those costs.

So increase costs because of government is what sends premium prices soaring. The only reason it dropped last year is because Trump got rid of the taxes on Medical equipment and supplies that DumBama plagued them with.
You really have no idea what you're talking about. Medicare has a upper limit on out-of-pocket costs. 3000 to 6500 is the annual limit. Thanks to Democrats, super duper.https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&sou...FjABegQICxAE&usg=AOvVaw1S7cZgUPZTUO9DPL4tVER7
75% on the exchanges pay $100 or less. are you counting subsidies?

Middle-class people don't get subsidies or very little subsidy. I think they said my subsidy was $24.00 a month. Big deal. that's about a third of the price of a carton of cigarettes, and that 24 bucks certainly didn't change my plight any.
The problem is the cost which is going to come down in the long run because of ACA. Democrats want to raise the subsidies by the way. And raise taxes on the rich 2 pay for it, like every other developed country. And bring down costs in every way possible!

You are so FOS. Democrats don't want to bring down anything. Democrats only desire is to create more government dependents. They could care less if you dropped dead.

Commie Care was designed to repay likely Democrat voters: people who sweep floors for a living. People who make french fires or stock shelves at Walmart. It was never designed to give everybody reasonable and affordable access to quality insurance. In order to do that, they had to take healthcare away from other people; people such as myself.

And this is the problem with having government anything. Democrats will always turn it into politics in some way or form. Want to lower the cost of healthcare? Have mandatory Medical Savings Accounts. Have a national Tort Reform. Have Medicare and Medicaid start paying the entire bill for their patients instead of just 2/3. Repeal Commie Care so insurance companies don't have to use 80% of their premium collections strictly on paying claims alone. That's how you lower healthcare costs.
Medicare pays 80%, Medicaid pays everything. That's the way it goes... You have to help the unfortunate.and you have to regulate costs all those things you mentioned go ahead add them to ACA that's the whole idea...

So what's 80% of a 500K surgery? Medicaid? Like Medicare, some facilities and doctors are not accepting patients because the reimbursement is so little.

Facilities have to recoup all their losses, so they increase price. When that happens, private insurance is the people who pay those increases. That's why when you see facilities close down, it's in lower income areas where most of the patients are on Medicaid or Medicare. There is not enough private pay/ insurance patients to recoup those costs.

So increase costs because of government is what sends premium prices soaring. The only reason it dropped last year is because Trump got rid of the taxes on Medical equipment and supplies that DumBama plagued them with.
That was congress, not Obama, brainwashed functional moron. He also wanted the whole thing to be optional.
Middle-class people don't get subsidies or very little subsidy. I think they said my subsidy was $24.00 a month. Big deal. that's about a third of the price of a carton of cigarettes, and that 24 bucks certainly didn't change my plight any.
The problem is the cost which is going to come down in the long run because of ACA. Democrats want to raise the subsidies by the way. And raise taxes on the rich 2 pay for it, like every other developed country. And bring down costs in every way possible!

You are so FOS. Democrats don't want to bring down anything. Democrats only desire is to create more government dependents. They could care less if you dropped dead.

Commie Care was designed to repay likely Democrat voters: people who sweep floors for a living. People who make french fires or stock shelves at Walmart. It was never designed to give everybody reasonable and affordable access to quality insurance. In order to do that, they had to take healthcare away from other people; people such as myself.

And this is the problem with having government anything. Democrats will always turn it into politics in some way or form. Want to lower the cost of healthcare? Have mandatory Medical Savings Accounts. Have a national Tort Reform. Have Medicare and Medicaid start paying the entire bill for their patients instead of just 2/3. Repeal Commie Care so insurance companies don't have to use 80% of their premium collections strictly on paying claims alone. That's how you lower healthcare costs.
Medicare pays 80%, Medicaid pays everything. That's the way it goes... You have to help the unfortunate.and you have to regulate costs all those things you mentioned go ahead add them to ACA that's the whole idea...

So what's 80% of a 500K surgery? Medicaid? Like Medicare, some facilities and doctors are not accepting patients because the reimbursement is so little.

Facilities have to recoup all their losses, so they increase price. When that happens, private insurance is the people who pay those increases. That's why when you see facilities close down, it's in lower income areas where most of the patients are on Medicaid or Medicare. There is not enough private pay/ insurance patients to recoup those costs.

So increase costs because of government is what sends premium prices soaring. The only reason it dropped last year is because Trump got rid of the taxes on Medical equipment and supplies that DumBama plagued them with.
You really have no idea what you're talking about. Medicare has a upper limit on out-of-pocket costs. 3000 to 6500 is the annual limit. Thanks to Democrats, super duper.https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&sou...FjABegQICxAE&usg=AOvVaw1S7cZgUPZTUO9DPL4tVER7

Trust me, my father is 87 years old and has a lot of medical problems. He's still very smart at his age and laughs at what Medicare pays on his behalf. Plus the fact I worked in medical for ten years. This has been going on for quite a long time.
Middle-class people don't get subsidies or very little subsidy. I think they said my subsidy was $24.00 a month. Big deal. that's about a third of the price of a carton of cigarettes, and that 24 bucks certainly didn't change my plight any.
The problem is the cost which is going to come down in the long run because of ACA. Democrats want to raise the subsidies by the way. And raise taxes on the rich 2 pay for it, like every other developed country. And bring down costs in every way possible!

You are so FOS. Democrats don't want to bring down anything. Democrats only desire is to create more government dependents. They could care less if you dropped dead.

Commie Care was designed to repay likely Democrat voters: people who sweep floors for a living. People who make french fires or stock shelves at Walmart. It was never designed to give everybody reasonable and affordable access to quality insurance. In order to do that, they had to take healthcare away from other people; people such as myself.

And this is the problem with having government anything. Democrats will always turn it into politics in some way or form. Want to lower the cost of healthcare? Have mandatory Medical Savings Accounts. Have a national Tort Reform. Have Medicare and Medicaid start paying the entire bill for their patients instead of just 2/3. Repeal Commie Care so insurance companies don't have to use 80% of their premium collections strictly on paying claims alone. That's how you lower healthcare costs.
Medicare pays 80%, Medicaid pays everything. That's the way it goes... You have to help the unfortunate.and you have to regulate costs all those things you mentioned go ahead add them to ACA that's the whole idea...

So what's 80% of a 500K surgery? Medicaid? Like Medicare, some facilities and doctors are not accepting patients because the reimbursement is so little.

Facilities have to recoup all their losses, so they increase price. When that happens, private insurance is the people who pay those increases. That's why when you see facilities close down, it's in lower income areas where most of the patients are on Medicaid or Medicare. There is not enough private pay/ insurance patients to recoup those costs.

So increase costs because of government is what sends premium prices soaring. The only reason it dropped last year is because Trump got rid of the taxes on Medical equipment and supplies that DumBama plagued them with.
That was congress, not Obama, brainwashed functional moron. He also wanted the whole thing to be optional.

He wanted what to be optional? The Medical Tax is partly what supported his stupid program. In other words, he collected taxes for Commie Care while at the same time, increased costs for healthcare.
The problem is the cost which is going to come down in the long run because of ACA. Democrats want to raise the subsidies by the way. And raise taxes on the rich 2 pay for it, like every other developed country. And bring down costs in every way possible!

You are so FOS. Democrats don't want to bring down anything. Democrats only desire is to create more government dependents. They could care less if you dropped dead.

Commie Care was designed to repay likely Democrat voters: people who sweep floors for a living. People who make french fires or stock shelves at Walmart. It was never designed to give everybody reasonable and affordable access to quality insurance. In order to do that, they had to take healthcare away from other people; people such as myself.

And this is the problem with having government anything. Democrats will always turn it into politics in some way or form. Want to lower the cost of healthcare? Have mandatory Medical Savings Accounts. Have a national Tort Reform. Have Medicare and Medicaid start paying the entire bill for their patients instead of just 2/3. Repeal Commie Care so insurance companies don't have to use 80% of their premium collections strictly on paying claims alone. That's how you lower healthcare costs.
Medicare pays 80%, Medicaid pays everything. That's the way it goes... You have to help the unfortunate.and you have to regulate costs all those things you mentioned go ahead add them to ACA that's the whole idea...

So what's 80% of a 500K surgery? Medicaid? Like Medicare, some facilities and doctors are not accepting patients because the reimbursement is so little.

Facilities have to recoup all their losses, so they increase price. When that happens, private insurance is the people who pay those increases. That's why when you see facilities close down, it's in lower income areas where most of the patients are on Medicaid or Medicare. There is not enough private pay/ insurance patients to recoup those costs.

So increase costs because of government is what sends premium prices soaring. The only reason it dropped last year is because Trump got rid of the taxes on Medical equipment and supplies that DumBama plagued them with.
You really have no idea what you're talking about. Medicare has a upper limit on out-of-pocket costs. 3000 to 6500 is the annual limit. Thanks to Democrats, super duper.https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&sou...FjABegQICxAE&usg=AOvVaw1S7cZgUPZTUO9DPL4tVER7

Trust me, my father is 87 years old and has a lot of medical problems. He's still very smart at his age and laughs at what Medicare pays on his behalf. Plus the fact I worked in medical for ten years. This has been going on for quite a long time.
Well vote Democratic and they will make it better... Or vote Republican and they will make it worse.
The problem is the cost which is going to come down in the long run because of ACA. Democrats want to raise the subsidies by the way. And raise taxes on the rich 2 pay for it, like every other developed country. And bring down costs in every way possible!

You are so FOS. Democrats don't want to bring down anything. Democrats only desire is to create more government dependents. They could care less if you dropped dead.

Commie Care was designed to repay likely Democrat voters: people who sweep floors for a living. People who make french fires or stock shelves at Walmart. It was never designed to give everybody reasonable and affordable access to quality insurance. In order to do that, they had to take healthcare away from other people; people such as myself.

And this is the problem with having government anything. Democrats will always turn it into politics in some way or form. Want to lower the cost of healthcare? Have mandatory Medical Savings Accounts. Have a national Tort Reform. Have Medicare and Medicaid start paying the entire bill for their patients instead of just 2/3. Repeal Commie Care so insurance companies don't have to use 80% of their premium collections strictly on paying claims alone. That's how you lower healthcare costs.
Medicare pays 80%, Medicaid pays everything. That's the way it goes... You have to help the unfortunate.and you have to regulate costs all those things you mentioned go ahead add them to ACA that's the whole idea...

So what's 80% of a 500K surgery? Medicaid? Like Medicare, some facilities and doctors are not accepting patients because the reimbursement is so little.

Facilities have to recoup all their losses, so they increase price. When that happens, private insurance is the people who pay those increases. That's why when you see facilities close down, it's in lower income areas where most of the patients are on Medicaid or Medicare. There is not enough private pay/ insurance patients to recoup those costs.

So increase costs because of government is what sends premium prices soaring. The only reason it dropped last year is because Trump got rid of the taxes on Medical equipment and supplies that DumBama plagued them with.
That was congress, not Obama, brainwashed functional moron. He also wanted the whole thing to be optional.

He wanted what to be optional? The Medical Tax is partly what supported his stupid program. In other words, he collected taxes for Commie Care while at the same time, increased costs for healthcare.
He did away with GOP scam policies and charge what it actually costs if you make enough money. It is a framework to fix our Healthcare System, and barely passed as it is. Thanks to your scumbag party who's plan it supposedly was lol the lying s*** heads.
I don't believe that for a minute. As a middle-class person, I could never afford those plans. I don't know how other middle-class people can.
75% on the exchanges pay $100 or less. are you counting subsidies?

Middle-class people don't get subsidies or very little subsidy. I think they said my subsidy was $24.00 a month. Big deal. that's about a third of the price of a carton of cigarettes, and that 24 bucks certainly didn't change my plight any.
The problem is the cost which is going to come down in the long run because of ACA. Democrats want to raise the subsidies by the way. And raise taxes on the rich 2 pay for it, like every other developed country. And bring down costs in every way possible!

You are so FOS. Democrats don't want to bring down anything. Democrats only desire is to create more government dependents. They could care less if you dropped dead.

Commie Care was designed to repay likely Democrat voters: people who sweep floors for a living. People who make french fires or stock shelves at Walmart. It was never designed to give everybody reasonable and affordable access to quality insurance. In order to do that, they had to take healthcare away from other people; people such as myself.

And this is the problem with having government anything. Democrats will always turn it into politics in some way or form. Want to lower the cost of healthcare? Have mandatory Medical Savings Accounts. Have a national Tort Reform. Have Medicare and Medicaid start paying the entire bill for their patients instead of just 2/3. Repeal Commie Care so insurance companies don't have to use 80% of their premium collections strictly on paying claims alone. That's how you lower healthcare costs.
The 80% is the limit they have to spend on actual medical care LOL, super duper. Was 73%. And we need more regulation like that to cut costs d u h, super duper.

You are such a dope. Do you really believe that some politician who never so much as ran a hotdog stand can tell insurance companies what's more profitable for them?

Insurance companies collect premiums. They invest that money so the profits of those investments can offset the medical claims they pay. Not only that, but unlike government, insurance companies have fraud investigators to help keep criminals from ripping them off.

You can't do that by spending 80% of your collections on medical claims. If that was the best way to do things, the insurance companies would have been doing it a long time ago.
The problem is the cost which is going to come down in the long run because of ACA. Democrats want to raise the subsidies by the way. And raise taxes on the rich 2 pay for it, like every other developed country. And bring down costs in every way possible!

You are so FOS. Democrats don't want to bring down anything. Democrats only desire is to create more government dependents. They could care less if you dropped dead.

Commie Care was designed to repay likely Democrat voters: people who sweep floors for a living. People who make french fires or stock shelves at Walmart. It was never designed to give everybody reasonable and affordable access to quality insurance. In order to do that, they had to take healthcare away from other people; people such as myself.

And this is the problem with having government anything. Democrats will always turn it into politics in some way or form. Want to lower the cost of healthcare? Have mandatory Medical Savings Accounts. Have a national Tort Reform. Have Medicare and Medicaid start paying the entire bill for their patients instead of just 2/3. Repeal Commie Care so insurance companies don't have to use 80% of their premium collections strictly on paying claims alone. That's how you lower healthcare costs.
Medicare pays 80%, Medicaid pays everything. That's the way it goes... You have to help the unfortunate.and you have to regulate costs all those things you mentioned go ahead add them to ACA that's the whole idea...

So what's 80% of a 500K surgery? Medicaid? Like Medicare, some facilities and doctors are not accepting patients because the reimbursement is so little.

Facilities have to recoup all their losses, so they increase price. When that happens, private insurance is the people who pay those increases. That's why when you see facilities close down, it's in lower income areas where most of the patients are on Medicaid or Medicare. There is not enough private pay/ insurance patients to recoup those costs.

So increase costs because of government is what sends premium prices soaring. The only reason it dropped last year is because Trump got rid of the taxes on Medical equipment and supplies that DumBama plagued them with.
That was congress, not Obama, brainwashed functional moron. He also wanted the whole thing to be optional.

He wanted what to be optional? The Medical Tax is partly what supported his stupid program. In other words, he collected taxes for Commie Care while at the same time, increased costs for healthcare.
Congress made ACA mandatory, not Obama.
You are so FOS. Democrats don't want to bring down anything. Democrats only desire is to create more government dependents. They could care less if you dropped dead.

Commie Care was designed to repay likely Democrat voters: people who sweep floors for a living. People who make french fires or stock shelves at Walmart. It was never designed to give everybody reasonable and affordable access to quality insurance. In order to do that, they had to take healthcare away from other people; people such as myself.

And this is the problem with having government anything. Democrats will always turn it into politics in some way or form. Want to lower the cost of healthcare? Have mandatory Medical Savings Accounts. Have a national Tort Reform. Have Medicare and Medicaid start paying the entire bill for their patients instead of just 2/3. Repeal Commie Care so insurance companies don't have to use 80% of their premium collections strictly on paying claims alone. That's how you lower healthcare costs.
Medicare pays 80%, Medicaid pays everything. That's the way it goes... You have to help the unfortunate.and you have to regulate costs all those things you mentioned go ahead add them to ACA that's the whole idea...

So what's 80% of a 500K surgery? Medicaid? Like Medicare, some facilities and doctors are not accepting patients because the reimbursement is so little.

Facilities have to recoup all their losses, so they increase price. When that happens, private insurance is the people who pay those increases. That's why when you see facilities close down, it's in lower income areas where most of the patients are on Medicaid or Medicare. There is not enough private pay/ insurance patients to recoup those costs.

So increase costs because of government is what sends premium prices soaring. The only reason it dropped last year is because Trump got rid of the taxes on Medical equipment and supplies that DumBama plagued them with.
You really have no idea what you're talking about. Medicare has a upper limit on out-of-pocket costs. 3000 to 6500 is the annual limit. Thanks to Democrats, super duper.https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&sou...FjABegQICxAE&usg=AOvVaw1S7cZgUPZTUO9DPL4tVER7

Trust me, my father is 87 years old and has a lot of medical problems. He's still very smart at his age and laughs at what Medicare pays on his behalf. Plus the fact I worked in medical for ten years. This has been going on for quite a long time.
Well vote Democratic and they will make it better... Or vote Republican and they will make it worse.

Democrats never make anything better. Commie Care is just one example.
I've yet to meet a Republican who didn't take Social Security & Medicare after retirenent?

I have seen a lot complain about such programs none the less.

Seems a bit hypocritical, no?
Republicans want to give them up on the vast majority of Americans.

We have to pay for those tax cuts for billionaires somehow.
You are so FOS. Democrats don't want to bring down anything. Democrats only desire is to create more government dependents. They could care less if you dropped dead.

Commie Care was designed to repay likely Democrat voters: people who sweep floors for a living. People who make french fires or stock shelves at Walmart. It was never designed to give everybody reasonable and affordable access to quality insurance. In order to do that, they had to take healthcare away from other people; people such as myself.

And this is the problem with having government anything. Democrats will always turn it into politics in some way or form. Want to lower the cost of healthcare? Have mandatory Medical Savings Accounts. Have a national Tort Reform. Have Medicare and Medicaid start paying the entire bill for their patients instead of just 2/3. Repeal Commie Care so insurance companies don't have to use 80% of their premium collections strictly on paying claims alone. That's how you lower healthcare costs.
Medicare pays 80%, Medicaid pays everything. That's the way it goes... You have to help the unfortunate.and you have to regulate costs all those things you mentioned go ahead add them to ACA that's the whole idea...

So what's 80% of a 500K surgery? Medicaid? Like Medicare, some facilities and doctors are not accepting patients because the reimbursement is so little.

Facilities have to recoup all their losses, so they increase price. When that happens, private insurance is the people who pay those increases. That's why when you see facilities close down, it's in lower income areas where most of the patients are on Medicaid or Medicare. There is not enough private pay/ insurance patients to recoup those costs.

So increase costs because of government is what sends premium prices soaring. The only reason it dropped last year is because Trump got rid of the taxes on Medical equipment and supplies that DumBama plagued them with.
That was congress, not Obama, brainwashed functional moron. He also wanted the whole thing to be optional.

He wanted what to be optional? The Medical Tax is partly what supported his stupid program. In other words, he collected taxes for Commie Care while at the same time, increased costs for healthcare.
Congress made ACA mandatory, not Obama.

Yes, a Democrat led Congress.
75% on the exchanges pay $100 or less. are you counting subsidies?

Middle-class people don't get subsidies or very little subsidy. I think they said my subsidy was $24.00 a month. Big deal. that's about a third of the price of a carton of cigarettes, and that 24 bucks certainly didn't change my plight any.
The problem is the cost which is going to come down in the long run because of ACA. Democrats want to raise the subsidies by the way. And raise taxes on the rich 2 pay for it, like every other developed country. And bring down costs in every way possible!

You are so FOS. Democrats don't want to bring down anything. Democrats only desire is to create more government dependents. They could care less if you dropped dead.

Commie Care was designed to repay likely Democrat voters: people who sweep floors for a living. People who make french fires or stock shelves at Walmart. It was never designed to give everybody reasonable and affordable access to quality insurance. In order to do that, they had to take healthcare away from other people; people such as myself.

And this is the problem with having government anything. Democrats will always turn it into politics in some way or form. Want to lower the cost of healthcare? Have mandatory Medical Savings Accounts. Have a national Tort Reform. Have Medicare and Medicaid start paying the entire bill for their patients instead of just 2/3. Repeal Commie Care so insurance companies don't have to use 80% of their premium collections strictly on paying claims alone. That's how you lower healthcare costs.
The 80% is the limit they have to spend on actual medical care LOL, super duper. Was 73%. And we need more regulation like that to cut costs d u h, super duper.

You are such a dope. Do you really believe that some politician who never so much as ran a hotdog stand can tell insurance companies what's more profitable for them?

Insurance companies collect premiums. They invest that money so the profits of those investments can offset the medical claims they pay. Not only that, but unlike government, insurance companies have fraud investigators to help keep criminals from ripping them off.

You can't do that by spending 80% of your collections on medical claims. If that was the best way to do things, the insurance companies would have been doing it a long time ago.
BS. Every single part of our medical system has been gouging the people and made scam policies normal. Now it is guaranteed Healthcare and has Solutions and is allowed to be tinkered with. So get to it LOL your party is a disgrace. We're the richest country in the world and the only developed country without Healthcare. Thanks to you and your stupid party.
Medicare pays 80%, Medicaid pays everything. That's the way it goes... You have to help the unfortunate.and you have to regulate costs all those things you mentioned go ahead add them to ACA that's the whole idea...

So what's 80% of a 500K surgery? Medicaid? Like Medicare, some facilities and doctors are not accepting patients because the reimbursement is so little.

Facilities have to recoup all their losses, so they increase price. When that happens, private insurance is the people who pay those increases. That's why when you see facilities close down, it's in lower income areas where most of the patients are on Medicaid or Medicare. There is not enough private pay/ insurance patients to recoup those costs.

So increase costs because of government is what sends premium prices soaring. The only reason it dropped last year is because Trump got rid of the taxes on Medical equipment and supplies that DumBama plagued them with.
That was congress, not Obama, brainwashed functional moron. He also wanted the whole thing to be optional.

He wanted what to be optional? The Medical Tax is partly what supported his stupid program. In other words, he collected taxes for Commie Care while at the same time, increased costs for healthcare.
Congress made ACA mandatory, not Obama.

Yes, a Democrat led Congress.
Can you believe they made some mistakes? LOL. Also there was the problem with total mindless GOP obstruction.
So what's 80% of a 500K surgery? Medicaid? Like Medicare, some facilities and doctors are not accepting patients because the reimbursement is so little.

Facilities have to recoup all their losses, so they increase price. When that happens, private insurance is the people who pay those increases. That's why when you see facilities close down, it's in lower income areas where most of the patients are on Medicaid or Medicare. There is not enough private pay/ insurance patients to recoup those costs.

So increase costs because of government is what sends premium prices soaring. The only reason it dropped last year is because Trump got rid of the taxes on Medical equipment and supplies that DumBama plagued them with.
That was congress, not Obama, brainwashed functional moron. He also wanted the whole thing to be optional.

He wanted what to be optional? The Medical Tax is partly what supported his stupid program. In other words, he collected taxes for Commie Care while at the same time, increased costs for healthcare.
Congress made ACA mandatory, not Obama.

Yes, a Democrat led Congress.
Can you believe they made some mistakes? LOL. Also there was the problem with total mindless GOP obstruction.

Yet not enough obstruction to stop Commie Care which every Republican voted against.

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