Which State Would You Like to Kick Out of the US?

Washington and Oregon need to go, go, go! Too many half dead hippies and tree huggers! Jeeze those people are chipmunk nuts. Get rid of the whole shebang.

These people are simply not fit to be US Citzens!!


(Not to mention $15 minimum wage--OMG!)

Those kale loving hippies with their healthy foods.....smh! :p
If the south was cold , NO ONE would ever move there .
That's dumb, and you say it like you actually believe it. Sad.

Because it is . That's the big draw of the south . The whole no snow thing .
Nonsense. The big draw of the South is the laid back, tolerant atmosphere, traffic jams that disappear before you get to them, and a lot less angst about what everybody else is doing. Then of course there's the anger that northerners feel simply because the South exists. That's a big draw too.
Tolerant? LOL
None. Every state has something to offer.
What does Mississippi offer?
They are one of the top producers of cotton and catfish. The river makes pretty good soil for a variety of crops that you probably buy at the grocery store. There is also the whole shrimping thing off the coast. Mississippi also gave us William Faulkner, Shelby Foote, Thomas Harris, Eudora Welty, and Tennessee Williams. Lets not forget about the Blues legends either. Southern states as a whole provide a much higher percentage of the individuals serving in the armed forces than their northern counterparts.

Forgot about the Redneck Riviera.

And don't forget, because of Mississippi we have wonderful movies, like Mississippi Burning, Ghosts of Mississippi, and Freedom on My Mind. ;)
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Most of the people you are calling "fat" are African-Americans. On average, blacks are heavier than whites. So what you revealed is that you're a big fat racist, and you also hate people who are overweight. That's not a pretty picture of you.

I am always amazed at the knee jerk reaction of some people to cry racism when simple facts are cited.
Most of the people you are calling "fat" are African-Americans. On average, blacks are heavier than whites. So what you revealed is that you're a big fat racist, and you also hate people who are overweight. That's not a pretty picture of you.

I am always amazed at the knee jerk reaction of some people to cry racism when simple facts are cited.
I am always amazed at how apt you all are at choosing user names. LOL
Most of the people you are calling "fat" are African-Americans. On average, blacks are heavier than whites. So what you revealed is that you're a big fat racist, and you also hate people who are overweight. That's not a pretty picture of you.

I am always amazed at the knee jerk reaction of some people to cry racism when simple facts are cited.
I am always amazed at how apt you all are at choosing screen names. LOL

Have you had the displeasure of posting with a poster who calls himself Meathead? lol
Most of the people you are calling "fat" are African-Americans. On average, blacks are heavier than whites. So what you revealed is that you're a big fat racist, and you also hate people who are overweight. That's not a pretty picture of you.

I am always amazed at the knee jerk reaction of some people to cry racism when simple facts are cited.
I am always amazed at how apt you all are at choosing screen names. LOL

Have you had the displeasure of posting with a poster who calls himself Meathead? lol
If the south was cold , NO ONE would ever move there .
That's dumb, and you say it like you actually believe it. Sad.

Because it is . That's the big draw of the south . The whole no snow thing .
Nonsense. The big draw of the South is the laid back, tolerant atmosphere, traffic jams that disappear before you get to them, and a lot less angst about what everybody else is doing. Then of course there's the anger that northerners feel simply because the South exists. That's a big draw too.
Tolerant? LOL
Apparently, you do not live in the South but are relying on a stereotype.
Really . What does Miss give the county ? Nothing but grief and hurricane relief requests .

The federal government spent far more for hurricane relief in New Jersey than it ever spent on Mississippi.

New Jersey pays ten times the taxes Mississippi does

Yep. All those Mafia dudes going legit and the one percenters you all despise.
^^^ Class warfare. Fine when conservatives do it, right?
If the south was cold , NO ONE would ever move there .
That's dumb, and you say it like you actually believe it. Sad.

Because it is . That's the big draw of the south . The whole no snow thing .
Nonsense. The big draw of the South is the laid back, tolerant atmosphere, traffic jams that disappear before you get to them, and a lot less angst about what everybody else is doing. Then of course there's the anger that northerners feel simply because the South exists. That's a big draw too.
Tolerant? LOL
Apparently, you do not live in the South but are relying on a stereotype.

Yes, bigotry is OK when leftists do it
It is **WARNING** a ... fact that the biggest parasite states are the red states, so from a strictly economic stand point they should be gone but one could make the humanitarian plea and say that these welfare states need a hand up and not a hand out. Also other states like Alaska have lots of natural resources while others don't and have to rely on smart people as their natural resources e.g. NY, CT, MA, NJ. The smart people are in the Northeast.


Some states need to go for moral reasons. Florida is a toilet, Texas has been whining about seceding for a long time and to those turds I say, "America, love it or leave it. Get the fuck out and see if Mexico will baby sit you." Alabama, Kentucky and Mississippi should go too.

America would be better off without corrupt states such as Florida and Texas and the other corrupt, immoral and parasitic red states.

Washington DC
Why can't you cons stay on topic. Do you all have ADD?

So posting up a bunch of movie pics is your type of reality?

Once again, everything's big in Texas especially the assholes.


If it sucks so bad why do you yankees keep moving here?

Well, because you can just about roll out of bed and make money that the yanks can tax for their food stamp and AFDC and shit. Your welcome america.

You red state freeloaders take and take and take.


Ain't THAT the truth. We have it pretty good here. Honestly I looked in to being a free loader, but found I make more dollas working. But yeah, carpet baggers like Sheila Jackson Lee do encourage a dependant slave class to keep them in oraface. She is from New York.
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California and New York by themselves are nearly 30% of the total GDP of the US, and thus the tax revenue. As a business man you never let your best people go.

Yes, California and New York have the highest income taxes in the country as well.

They produce nothing, they only steal the most from their citizens that do.

They produce nothing? LOL You need to research what 'GDP' is. And you can never watch another movie. Your hatred clouds your view of reality do a stunning degree.
It is **WARNING** a ... fact that the biggest parasite states are the red states, so from a strictly economic stand point they should be gone but one could make the humanitarian plea and say that these welfare states need a hand up and not a hand out. Also other states like Alaska have lots of natural resources while others don't and have to rely on smart people as their natural resources e.g. NY, CT, MA, NJ. The smart people are in the Northeast.


Some states need to go for moral reasons. Florida is a toilet, Texas has been whining about seceding for a long time and to those turds I say, "America, love it or leave it. Get the fuck out and see if Mexico will baby sit you." Alabama, Kentucky and Mississippi should go too.

America would be better off without corrupt states such as Florida and Texas and the other corrupt, immoral and parasitic red states.


Do not attempt to educate me on the "greatness" of the blue states.

I LIVE in the state that is the dream model of liberals throughout this country.

It is bankrupt, both financially and morally.

Let me guess, you live in one of those red states you refer to as the problem?

By the way, ALL of these states are "Jesus States" my friend, we are still "One Nation Under God".

If you don't like that, take your own advice and LEAVE IT!

Yes leave. No one will notice.

Odd that the people that claim to be Christian are the most immoral relativistic of the population. Moral? Conservatives have the morality of a car salesman.
Really . What does Miss give the county ? Nothing but grief and hurricane relief requests .

The federal government spent far more for hurricane relief in New Jersey than it ever spent on Mississippi.

New Jersey pays ten times the taxes Mississippi does

Yep. All those Mafia dudes going legit and the one percenters you all despise.
^^^ Class warfare. Fine when conservatives do it, right?

The wealthiest one percent have benefited more under dem rule than they ever did under con rule.
It is **WARNING** a ... fact that the biggest parasite states are the red states, so from a strictly economic stand point they should be gone but one could make the humanitarian plea and say that these welfare states need a hand up and not a hand out. Also other states like Alaska have lots of natural resources while others don't and have to rely on smart people as their natural resources e.g. NY, CT, MA, NJ. The smart people are in the Northeast.


Some states need to go for moral reasons. Florida is a toilet, Texas has been whining about seceding for a long time and to those turds I say, "America, love it or leave it. Get the fuck out and see if Mexico will baby sit you." Alabama, Kentucky and Mississippi should go too.

America would be better off without corrupt states such as Florida and Texas and the other corrupt, immoral and parasitic red states.

Washington DC
D.C. got statehood?
Really . What does Miss give the county ? Nothing but grief and hurricane relief requests .

The federal government spent far more for hurricane relief in New Jersey than it ever spent on Mississippi.

New Jersey pays ten times the taxes Mississippi does

Yep. All those Mafia dudes going legit and the one percenters you all despise.
^^^ Class warfare. Fine when conservatives do it, right?

The wealthiest one percent have benefited more under dem rule than they ever did under con rule.
This is why the stupid vote republican.^^^^^

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