Which State Would You Like to Kick Out of the US?

The federal government spent far more for hurricane relief in New Jersey than it ever spent on Mississippi.

New Jersey pays ten times the taxes Mississippi does

Yep. All those Mafia dudes going legit and the one percenters you all despise.
^^^ Class warfare. Fine when conservatives do it, right?

The wealthiest one percent have benefited more under dem rule than they ever did under con rule.
This is why the stupid vote republican.^^^^^

Seems to me the stupid ones keep voting Democrat. Under Democrat rule the one percenters have always done better than under repub rule. That's a simple fact. Dems have controlled this country far more than the repubs have.
It is **WARNING** a ... fact that the biggest parasite states are the red states, so from a strictly economic stand point they should be gone but one could make the humanitarian plea and say that these welfare states need a hand up and not a hand out. Also other states like Alaska have lots of natural resources while others don't and have to rely on smart people as their natural resources e.g. NY, CT, MA, NJ. The smart people are in the Northeast.


Some states need to go for moral reasons. Florida is a toilet, Texas has been whining about seceding for a long time and to those turds I say, "America, love it or leave it. Get the fuck out and see if Mexico will baby sit you." Alabama, Kentucky and Mississippi should go too.

America would be better off without corrupt states such as Florida and Texas and the other corrupt, immoral and parasitic red states.

Washington DC
D.C. got statehood?

Isn't that one of Obama's 57? Are you calling Obama an idiot?
California and New York by themselves are nearly 30% of the total GDP of the US, and thus the tax revenue. As a business man you never let your best people go.

Yes, California and New York have the highest income taxes in the country as well.

They produce nothing, they only steal the most from their citizens that do.

They produce nothing? LOL You need to research what 'GDP' is. And you can never watch another movie. Your hatred clouds your view of reality do a stunning degree.

What a dumb ass, liberals crack me up. Producing nothing refers to that government doesn't create economic growth. They don't make a profit. Everything they put into the economy, they took out of the economy. Companies on the other hand take inputs, add value, and sell the output for more than the value of the inputs. That increase is what grows the economy.

You're arguing if you take a bucket of water out of a pool and threw it back in, you're filling a pool. I'll tell you what, do that with your kiddie pool. Fill it half way with your hose. Then start the experiment. Keep taking buckets of water out of the pool and throw them back in. Let me know how long it takes you to fill it. Economics should be basic high school just like math and English. Of course that would destroy the Democratic party ...
New Jersey pays ten times the taxes Mississippi does

Yep. All those Mafia dudes going legit and the one percenters you all despise.
^^^ Class warfare. Fine when conservatives do it, right?

The wealthiest one percent have benefited more under dem rule than they ever did under con rule.
This is why the stupid vote republican.^^^^^

Seems to me the stupid ones keep voting Democrat. Under Democrat rule the one percenters have always done better than under repub rule. That's a simple fact. Dems have controlled this country far more than the repubs have.
Shrub 43 gave $3 trillion in tax cut welfare to millionaires. The GOP has always been about protecting the profits of corporations....military contractors...BIG OIL...Big Pharma...real estate...insurance companies...and Wall Street banks....Your really are as dumb as a bag of door knobs.
TexASS allowed the assassination of JFK, and got away with blaming a lefty for killing a leftist POTUS.

TexASS gave us the worst POTUS in the history of the U.S....Shrub 43

TexASS has given us one of the worst senators in history...Cruz

TexASS has tried to secede from the U.S. and should have been allowed to...along with all the other bigot states.
California and New York by themselves are nearly 30% of the total GDP of the US, and thus the tax revenue. As a business man you never let your best people go.

Yes, California and New York have the highest income taxes in the country as well.

They produce nothing, they only steal the most from their citizens that do.

They produce nothing? LOL You need to research what 'GDP' is. And you can never watch another movie. Your hatred clouds your view of reality do a stunning degree.

What a dumb ass, liberals crack me up. Producing nothing refers to that government doesn't create economic growth. They don't make a profit. Everything they put into the economy, they took out of the economy. Companies on the other hand take inputs, add value, and sell the output for more than the value of the inputs. That increase is what grows the economy.

You're arguing if you take a bucket of water out of a pool and threw it back in, you're filling a pool. I'll tell you what, do that with your kiddie pool. Fill it half way with your hose. Then start the experiment. Keep taking buckets of water out of the pool and throw them back in. Let me know how long it takes you to fill it. Economics should be basic high school just like math and English. Of course that would destroy the Democratic party ...
Government funded research has created some amazing economic growth.
Yep. All those Mafia dudes going legit and the one percenters you all despise.
^^^ Class warfare. Fine when conservatives do it, right?

The wealthiest one percent have benefited more under dem rule than they ever did under con rule.
This is why the stupid vote republican.^^^^^

Seems to me the stupid ones keep voting Democrat. Under Democrat rule the one percenters have always done better than under repub rule. That's a simple fact. Dems have controlled this country far more than the repubs have.
Shrub 43 gave $3 trillion in tax cut welfare to millionaires. The GOP has always been about protecting the profits of corporations....military contractors...BIG OIL...Big Pharma...real estate...insurance companies...and Wall Street banks....Your really are as dumb as a bag of door knobs.

Yes, comrade, all money is the people's money. Government not taking money from a citizen is giving them money.

The word Marxist bothers you why again?
California and New York by themselves are nearly 30% of the total GDP of the US, and thus the tax revenue. As a business man you never let your best people go.

Yes, California and New York have the highest income taxes in the country as well.

They produce nothing, they only steal the most from their citizens that do.

They produce nothing? LOL You need to research what 'GDP' is. And you can never watch another movie. Your hatred clouds your view of reality do a stunning degree.

What a dumb ass, liberals crack me up. Producing nothing refers to that government doesn't create economic growth. They don't make a profit. Everything they put into the economy, they took out of the economy. Companies on the other hand take inputs, add value, and sell the output for more than the value of the inputs. That increase is what grows the economy.

You're arguing if you take a bucket of water out of a pool and threw it back in, you're filling a pool. I'll tell you what, do that with your kiddie pool. Fill it half way with your hose. Then start the experiment. Keep taking buckets of water out of the pool and throw them back in. Let me know how long it takes you to fill it. Economics should be basic high school just like math and English. Of course that would destroy the Democratic party ...
Government funded research has created some amazing economic growth.

And it's killed some amazing economic growth to fund it.

You're arguing if you take a bucket of water out of a pool and threw it back in, you're filling a pool. I'll tell you what, do that with your kiddie pool. Fill it half way with your hose. Then start the experiment. Keep taking buckets of water out of the pool and throw them back in. Let me know how long it takes you to fill it
California and New York by themselves are nearly 30% of the total GDP of the US, and thus the tax revenue. As a business man you never let your best people go.

Yes, California and New York have the highest income taxes in the country as well.

They produce nothing, they only steal the most from their citizens that do.

They produce nothing? LOL You need to research what 'GDP' is. And you can never watch another movie. Your hatred clouds your view of reality do a stunning degree.

What a dumb ass, liberals crack me up. Producing nothing refers to that government doesn't create economic growth. They don't make a profit. Everything they put into the economy, they took out of the economy. Companies on the other hand take inputs, add value, and sell the output for more than the value of the inputs. That increase is what grows the economy.

You're arguing if you take a bucket of water out of a pool and threw it back in, you're filling a pool. I'll tell you what, do that with your kiddie pool. Fill it half way with your hose. Then start the experiment. Keep taking buckets of water out of the pool and throw them back in. Let me know how long it takes you to fill it. Economics should be basic high school just like math and English. Of course that would destroy the Democratic party ...

You live in your own steeped manure pile.

Again, read up on what GDP is for a state and a nation. Conservatives know about as much about economics as they do science. If it doesn't fit your dogma then in your mind it has to be wrong.
California and New York by themselves are nearly 30% of the total GDP of the US, and thus the tax revenue. As a business man you never let your best people go.

Yes, California and New York have the highest income taxes in the country as well.

They produce nothing, they only steal the most from their citizens that do.

They produce nothing? LOL You need to research what 'GDP' is. And you can never watch another movie. Your hatred clouds your view of reality do a stunning degree.

What a dumb ass, liberals crack me up. Producing nothing refers to that government doesn't create economic growth. They don't make a profit. Everything they put into the economy, they took out of the economy. Companies on the other hand take inputs, add value, and sell the output for more than the value of the inputs. That increase is what grows the economy.

You're arguing if you take a bucket of water out of a pool and threw it back in, you're filling a pool. I'll tell you what, do that with your kiddie pool. Fill it half way with your hose. Then start the experiment. Keep taking buckets of water out of the pool and throw them back in. Let me know how long it takes you to fill it. Economics should be basic high school just like math and English. Of course that would destroy the Democratic party ...
Government funded research has created some amazing economic growth.

And it's killed some amazing economic growth to fund it.

You're arguing if you take a bucket of water out of a pool and threw it back in, you're filling a pool. I'll tell you what, do that with your kiddie pool. Fill it half way with your hose. Then start the experiment. Keep taking buckets of water out of the pool and throw them back in. Let me know how long it takes you to fill it
LOL, how am I arguing that? Government funded projects don't have specific time limits or requirements to show a profit after x number of years (x=5 is typical). Therefore, they can create new technologies that would never have come from private industry. Take a look at some of the science fiction-y technologies that are being done in national laboratories or universities. Better yet, be thankful that DARPA (among others) created internet protocols and directed VLSI research that has given us desktop supercomputers and amazing handheld devices.
California and New York by themselves are nearly 30% of the total GDP of the US, and thus the tax revenue. As a business man you never let your best people go.

Yes, California and New York have the highest income taxes in the country as well.

They produce nothing, they only steal the most from their citizens that do.

They produce nothing? LOL You need to research what 'GDP' is. And you can never watch another movie. Your hatred clouds your view of reality do a stunning degree.

What a dumb ass, liberals crack me up. Producing nothing refers to that government doesn't create economic growth. They don't make a profit. Everything they put into the economy, they took out of the economy. Companies on the other hand take inputs, add value, and sell the output for more than the value of the inputs. That increase is what grows the economy.

You're arguing if you take a bucket of water out of a pool and threw it back in, you're filling a pool. I'll tell you what, do that with your kiddie pool. Fill it half way with your hose. Then start the experiment. Keep taking buckets of water out of the pool and throw them back in. Let me know how long it takes you to fill it. Economics should be basic high school just like math and English. Of course that would destroy the Democratic party ...

You live in your own steeped manure pile.

Again, read up on what GDP is for a state and a nation. Conservatives know about as much about economics as they do science. If it doesn't fit your dogma then in your mind it has to be wrong.

Government spending is part of the GDP is the point you are making. What you don't grasp because you're a simpleton is that doesn't address the argument I made.

Money is taken from the economy and spent. That means the same money that would have been spent by taxpayers in the economy is taken spent by the government. Best case (assuming zero government waste), that is a net zero. You're still stuck trying to explain how taking water out of a pool and throwing it back in increases the amount of water in the pool
California and New York by themselves are nearly 30% of the total GDP of the US, and thus the tax revenue. As a business man you never let your best people go.

Yes, California and New York have the highest income taxes in the country as well.

They produce nothing, they only steal the most from their citizens that do.

They produce nothing? LOL You need to research what 'GDP' is. And you can never watch another movie. Your hatred clouds your view of reality do a stunning degree.

What a dumb ass, liberals crack me up. Producing nothing refers to that government doesn't create economic growth. They don't make a profit. Everything they put into the economy, they took out of the economy. Companies on the other hand take inputs, add value, and sell the output for more than the value of the inputs. That increase is what grows the economy.

You're arguing if you take a bucket of water out of a pool and threw it back in, you're filling a pool. I'll tell you what, do that with your kiddie pool. Fill it half way with your hose. Then start the experiment. Keep taking buckets of water out of the pool and throw them back in. Let me know how long it takes you to fill it. Economics should be basic high school just like math and English. Of course that would destroy the Democratic party ...

You live in your own steeped manure pile.

Again, read up on what GDP is for a state and a nation. Conservatives know about as much about economics as they do science. If it doesn't fit your dogma then in your mind it has to be wrong.

Government spending is part of the GDP is the point you are making. What you don't grasp because you're a simpleton is that doesn't address the argument I made.

Money is taken from the economy and spent. That means the same money that would have been spent by taxpayers in the economy is taken spent by the government. Best case (assuming zero government waste), that is a net zero. You're still stuck trying to explain how taking water out of a pool and throwing it back in increases the amount of water in the pool

One of the more foolish posts I've seen here and I've only been here a short time.

ASSUMING ZERO GOVERNMENT WASTE! Well...good luck with that! You do know what happens when you ASSUME something do you not?
One of the losers here posted an insult an deleted it. He called me a fat ass. The fact is, most fat assses are in the red states.

It seems that the Republican Jesus is OK with sloth and gluttony.


You are such an idiot.

Southern states get more dollars because the military has more bases there, and our people are more muscular than twig limbed yankees or sprout eating Kalipornicans.

And the BMI does not distinguish between muscle and fat being based entirely on a ratio of weight to height, so Tom Cruise is obese and all body builders are, by that flaky measure.
Yes, California and New York have the highest income taxes in the country as well.

They produce nothing, they only steal the most from their citizens that do.

They produce nothing? LOL You need to research what 'GDP' is. And you can never watch another movie. Your hatred clouds your view of reality do a stunning degree.

What a dumb ass, liberals crack me up. Producing nothing refers to that government doesn't create economic growth. They don't make a profit. Everything they put into the economy, they took out of the economy. Companies on the other hand take inputs, add value, and sell the output for more than the value of the inputs. That increase is what grows the economy.

You're arguing if you take a bucket of water out of a pool and threw it back in, you're filling a pool. I'll tell you what, do that with your kiddie pool. Fill it half way with your hose. Then start the experiment. Keep taking buckets of water out of the pool and throw them back in. Let me know how long it takes you to fill it. Economics should be basic high school just like math and English. Of course that would destroy the Democratic party ...

You live in your own steeped manure pile.

Again, read up on what GDP is for a state and a nation. Conservatives know about as much about economics as they do science. If it doesn't fit your dogma then in your mind it has to be wrong.

Government spending is part of the GDP is the point you are making. What you don't grasp because you're a simpleton is that doesn't address the argument I made.

Money is taken from the economy and spent. That means the same money that would have been spent by taxpayers in the economy is taken spent by the government. Best case (assuming zero government waste), that is a net zero. You're still stuck trying to explain how taking water out of a pool and throwing it back in increases the amount of water in the pool

One of the more foolish posts I've seen here and I've only been here a short time.

ASSUMING ZERO GOVERNMENT WASTE! Well...good luck with that! You do know what happens when you ASSUME something do you not?

So you're being a dick and agreeing with me? That's odd
It is simple, California, if there is another choice, Washington State, then Oregon.
California, Washington State and Oregon are giver states. Most blue states are giver states and most red states are parasite states.

Just what are you using to determine who is red and who is blue? BTW: That chart is from 11 years ago.

Red state are still parasite states. Find something that says otherwise.

Republican moochers make me sick!



Yep. All those Mafia dudes going legit and the one percenters you all despise.
^^^ Class warfare. Fine when conservatives do it, right?

The wealthiest one percent have benefited more under dem rule than they ever did under con rule.
This is why the stupid vote republican.^^^^^

Seems to me the stupid ones keep voting Democrat. Under Democrat rule the one percenters have always done better than under repub rule. That's a simple fact. Dems have controlled this country far more than the repubs have.
Shrub 43 gave $3 trillion in tax cut welfare to millionaires. The GOP has always been about protecting the profits of corporations....military contractors...BIG OIL...Big Pharma...real estate...insurance companies...and Wall Street banks....Your really are as dumb as a bag of door knobs.

And under obama the middle class has seen their net worth drop for the first time in over 30 years. ALL of the middle class has been hurt by obama's policies.
It is simple, California, if there is another choice, Washington State, then Oregon.
California, Washington State and Oregon are giver states. Most blue states are giver states and most red states are parasite states.

Just what are you using to determine who is red and who is blue? BTW: That chart is from 11 years ago.

Red state are still parasite states. Find something that says otherwise.

Republican moochers make me sick!




Stop lying and show disprove my links liar. Lucky for you we aren't in the same room liar.

You can't lie your way out of this liar.
Red State Socialism Worse in 2012





It is simple, California, if there is another choice, Washington State, then Oregon.
California, Washington State and Oregon are giver states. Most blue states are giver states and most red states are parasite states.

Just what are you using to determine who is red and who is blue? BTW: That chart is from 11 years ago.

Red state are still parasite states. Find something that says otherwise.

Republican moochers make me sick!




Stop lying and show disprove my links liar. Lucky for you we aren't in the same room liar.

You can't lie your way out of this liar.
Red State Socialism Worse in 2012





Yes, socialism is why this country is a failed experiment... Red or blue state it makes no matter. Socialism destroys all colors of states and people all the same... Lol

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