which treasonous democrat will flip on his comrades 1st .

which dem will flip and testify against his or her cohorts in the Flynn frame job and attempted coup

  • Comey

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • Page

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Strzok

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • Brennan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Clapper

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • they will all point fingers at each other

    Votes: 5 62.5%

  • Total voters
my money is on Strzok or Page though Comey seems like a guy that would flip easily to save his own ass .
I'd say it's a pretty even toss up as half of the above are all known as being worse balless c*@ntlappers that they would turn on their party to save tail faster than Jeff Flake, McCain and Romney combined!
my money is on Strzok or Page though Comey seems like a guy that would flip easily to save his own ass .
I'd say it's a pretty even toss up as half of the above are all known as being worse balless c*@ntlappers that they would turn on their party to save tail faster than Jeff Flake, McCain and Romney combined!
i agree its a difficult choice ... but what i find funny is that dem voters and the msm are so lacking in common sense that they havent pondered the inevitable backstabbing that is about to occur among their hero's.
James Baker the former FBI General Counsel has also flipped and is cooperating with Durham.

Better to cooperate than face criminal charges don't you think? :muahaha:
You RWI's have been promising this "Durham" investigation will bring Doom.

When's it gonna happen?
Another Benghazi?
There is a little known pussy in the FBI who altered documents---intentionally--one little turd named Kevin Clinesmith---to make the documents say exactly the opposite of what they really said---so they could obtain a renewal of the Carter Page FISA Warrant---and keep spying on Trump.

He is a SURE THING for an indictment or outright guilty plea, and being a cowardly pussy, is no doubt already cooperating to try to lessen his time as Big Bubba's Wife in the penitentiary. He is likely helping get the next level up---real scumbags like Strzok, Pientka and then they will likely give up McCabe, Comey---though Comey has almost given up himself with his disgusting sanctimonious pontifications.

Bill Barr: "One of the worst travesties in American History" and an attempt to "sabotage" Trump's Presidency.

How much do you think Barr already knows to make that kind of statement?

The Deep State is very protective of their own. Barr's best bet is to get someone like Rice to flip on Obama for his illegal spying on Trump.
Comey is a crook. i could prove it to you in 30 minutes, unless you're a sick liberal!

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