Which Trump POLICIES do you oppose?

You are asking people who have lost their minds, to think logically. It is not possible.
You think Rump actually has "policies"?? :lmao:

I've never seen any policy other than "dig me". "Policies"??? He's a damn whore who will say or do or gyrate anything he thinks will promote Numero Uno, even if it directly contradicts what he said, did or gyrated two minutes ago, at which point they become Unevents that never happened, were never said, and was not mocking a disability when so gyrated.

Poster please. "Policies" my ass. The only policy he's ever had in his life is NPD, and I've always opposed that. Why? Because it's obnoxious bullshit. Fair enough?
I think he has been far too slow in starting the ball rolling on China's violations of North Korean sanctions.
Enough of the emotional tantrums. Either explain WHICH of Trump's POLICIES you oppose and WHY, or STFU.

Thank you for your cooperation.
For starters:
  • TPP - taking us out just left the door open to China
  • Taxes - nothing about his(?) tax plan appeals to me
  • The Wall - waste of money, time, and prestige
For me, its who he is as a person. A lying egomaniac with the maturity of a child.
I support most of his policies.
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Enough of the emotional tantrums. Either explain WHICH of Trump's POLICIES you oppose and WHY, or STFU.

Thank you for your cooperation.
For starters:
  • TPP - taking us out just left the door open to China
  • Taxes - nothing about his(?) tax plan appeals to me
  • The Wall - waste of money, time, and prestige
Enough of the emotional tantrums. Either explain WHICH of Trump's POLICIES you oppose and WHY, or STFU.

Having lived in VA I sympathize with your position on the tax bill. VA has always been CA writ small.
You think Rump actually has "policies"?? :lmao:

I've never seen any policy other than "dig me". "Policies"??? He's a damn whore who will say or do or gyrate anything he thinks will promote Numero Uno, even if it directly contradicts what he said, did or gyrated two minutes ago, at which point they become Unevents that never happened, were never said, and was not mocking a disability when so gyrated.

Poster please. "Policies" my ass. The only policy he's ever had in his life is NPD, and I've always opposed that. Why? Because it's obnoxious bullshit. Fair enough?
now you're just being a biased ass.

deal with ILLEGAL immigration
allow states to legalize weed if they choose to do so
defend the 2nd amendment
bring back programs to deal with gang warfare and problems
add $20 billion to our educational system
work with colleges in good faith to reduce the cost of education
make america energy independant
have employers provide child care at the workplace
end chinas illegal export subsidies
adopt zero tolerance for intellectual theft.
increase cooperation between US and Russia (before going off, remember obama was doing his own backdoor policy here and you likely didn't care then)
seriously reduce government waste
end regulations that force jobs out of inner cities
cancel over-reaching executive orders

and the list goes on and on and on if you care to look. only you hate him so he's worthless and only you matter it would seem

PolitiPlatform - Donald Trump's Policies

you've not seen it cause you either don't look or when someone talks about it you dismiss it cause TRUMP which is asinine to the nth degree.
For starters:
  • TPP - taking us out just left the door open to China
  • Taxes - nothing about his(?) tax plan appeals to me
  • The Wall - waste of money, time, and prestige

Nice try:

TPP - So you favor staying in bad trade deals? Otherwise, pure conjecture.

Taxes - Nonspecific. Pure emotion.

The Wall - Bumper sticker slogans. Complete lack of intellectual content.

Any others?
For starters:
  • TPP - taking us out just left the door open to China
  • Taxes - nothing about his(?) tax plan appeals to me
  • The Wall - waste of money, time, and prestige

Nice try:

TPP - So you favor staying in bad trade deals? Otherwise, pure conjecture.

Taxes - Nonspecific. Pure emotion.

The Wall - Bumper sticker slogans. Complete lack of intellectual content.
really? in most anti-trump stuff, it's about *all* PURE EMOTION.

or do you need videos of liberals screaming in the streets?
You think Rump actually has "policies"?? :lmao:

I've never seen any policy other than "dig me". "Policies"??? He's a damn whore who will say or do or gyrate anything he thinks will promote Numero Uno, even if it directly contradicts what he said, did or gyrated two minutes ago, at which point they become Unevents that never happened, were never said, and was not mocking a disability when so gyrated.

Poster please. "Policies" my ass. The only policy he's ever had in his life is NPD, and I've always opposed that. Why? Because it's obnoxious bullshit. Fair enough?
now you're just being a biased ass.

and the list goes on and on and on if you care to look. only you hate him so he's worthless and only you matter it would seem

PolitiPlatform - Donald Trump's Policies

you've not seen it cause you either don't look or when someone talks about it you dismiss it cause TRUMP which is asinine to the nth degree.

That's not even a sentence.

Back to the list.

deal with ILLEGAL immigration --
by yammering on and on about "walls" as emotional bait for a border that isn't even a main illegal entry point
allow states to legalize weed if they choose to do so -- link? Becaue apparently not -- see Sessions, Jeff
defend the 2nd amendment -- against what? And what about the First? And Fourth? And Eighth? Didn't he take an oath to defend the whole shebang?
bring back programs to deal with gang warfare and problems - again .... link?
add $20 billion to our educational system..... ditto....
work with colleges in good faith to reduce the cost of education - "good faith" :rofl: Link link link?
make america energy independant --- :rofl: Why is Rumpgas more expensive? :eusa_think:
have employers provide child care at the workplace - link?
end chinas illegal export subsidies - link?
adopt zero tolerance for intellectual theft. -- ya mean the way he retweets and quotes urban myths like that black crime Googly Image meme, like that Pershing fable, like that fake Time Magazine cover? Like trying to get the Wolff book squashed?
increase cooperation between US and Russia (before going off, remember obama was doing his own backdoor policy here and you likely didn't care then) - yeah I think we know about that "cooperation"
seriously reduce government waste - link?
end regulations that force jobs out of inner cities - link?
cancel over-reaching executive orders - oh the courts do that for him

That was fun. Point stands.
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You think Rump actually has "policies"?? :lmao:

I've never seen any policy other than "dig me". "Policies"??? He's a damn whore who will say or do or gyrate anything he thinks will promote Numero Uno, even if it directly contradicts what he said, did or gyrated two minutes ago, at which point they become Unevents that never happened, were never said, and was not mocking a disability when so gyrated.

Poster please. "Policies" my ass. The only policy he's ever had in his life is NPD, and I've always opposed that. Why? Because it's obnoxious bullshit. Fair enough?
now you're just being a biased ass.

and the list goes on and on and on if you care to look. only you hate him so he's worthless and only you matter it would seem

PolitiPlatform - Donald Trump's Policies

you've not seen it cause you either don't look or when someone talks about it you dismiss it cause TRUMP which is asinine to the nth degree.

That's not even a sentence.

Back to the list.

deal with ILLEGAL immigration --
by yammering on and on about "walls" as emotional bait for a border that isn't even a main illegal entry point
allow states to legalize weed if they choose to do so -- link? Becaue apparently not -- see Sessions, Jeff
defend the 2nd amendment -- against what? And what about the First? And Fourth? And Eighth? Didn't he take an oath to defend the whole shebang?
bring back programs to deal with gang warfare and problems - again .... link?
add $20 billion to our educational system..... ditto....
work with colleges in good faith to reduce the cost of education - "good faith" :rofl: Link link link?
make america energy independant --- :rofl: Why is Rumpgas more expensive? :eusa_think:
have employers provide child care at the workplace - link?
end chinas illegal export subsidies - link?
adopt zero tolerance for intellectual theft. -- ya mean the way he retweets and quotes urban myths like that black crime Googly Image meme, like that Pershing fable, like that fake Time Magazine cover? Like trying to get the Wolff book squashed?
increase cooperation between US and Russia (before going off, remember obama was doing his own backdoor policy here and you likely didn't care then) - yeah I think we know about that "cooperation"
seriously reduce government waste - link?
end regulations that force jobs out of inner cities - link?
cancel over-reaching executive orders - oh the courts do that for him

That was fun. Point stands.
except for up until now you said he had no policy at all. and the link i provided had ALL OF HIS POLICIES there. if you can't figure out that 1 link is given to all of his policies then that isn't my fault or trumps.

it's you being a single minded ass.
"Policies" my ass.

What don't you like about your ass?

The policies of my ass are at base similar to Rump's policies, except it doesn't believe in lying, self-delusion, making shit up, whining, staying up all night having electronic hissyfits, raging against women, raging against nationalities, raging against religions, raging against veterans, raging aganst the people of Iowa, raging against anybody who stands in opposition, raging against the First Amendment, mocking the disabled, believing Nazis are "very fine people", dividing or bullshitting

Other than that they perform about the same function, but those are a few of the policies I oppose.

Oh and counterfeit magazine covers. I oppose that too except when it's a joke. I've dabbled in it myself, but it was plainly obviously self-effacing hilarity, as opposed to a neurotic desperate ploy for attention by an immature emotional basket case.
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His signature plan: the Great Wall.

1- Mexico to pay for it = a bullshit lie .
2- waste of time and money compared to its effect on immigration. Money better spent on immigration enforcement and courts .
3. The wall is dog whistle politics aimed at a racists voting block .
"Policies" my ass.

What don't you like about your ass?

The policies of my ass are at base similar to Rump's policies, except it doesn't believe in lying, self-delusion, making shit up, whining, staying up all night having electronic hissyfits, raging against women, raging against nationalities, raging against religions, raging against the First Amendment, mocking the disabled, believing Nazis are "very fine people", dividing or bullshitting Other than that they perform about the same function.
so you have no ass. that or if you do, your ass is a "whore".

you said:
I've never seen any policy other than "dig me". "Policies"??? He's a damn whore who will say or do or gyrate anything he thinks will promote Numero Uno, even if it directly contradicts what he said, did or gyrated two minutes ago, at which point they become Unevents that never happened, were never said, and was not mocking a disability when so gyrated.

Poster please. "Policies" my ass. The only policy he's ever had in his life is NPD, and I've always opposed that. Why? Because it's obnoxious bullshit. Fair enough?

so since his policies are similar to your ass, you have no ass because YOU are the one who said you know of no policies for him.

you really need to think through your insults better than this. as it stands you're a raving loon who just is pissed he didn't get his way so you say anything at all on the top of your mind to get attention.

much like trump.
"Policies" my ass.

What don't you like about your ass?

The policies of my ass are at base similar to Rump's policies, except it doesn't believe in lying, self-delusion, making shit up, whining, staying up all night having electronic hissyfits, raging against women, raging against nationalities, raging against religions, raging against the First Amendment, mocking the disabled, believing Nazis are "very fine people", dividing or bullshitting Other than that they perform about the same function.
so you have no ass. that or if you do, your ass is a "whore".

you said:
I've never seen any policy other than "dig me". "Policies"??? He's a damn whore who will say or do or gyrate anything he thinks will promote Numero Uno, even if it directly contradicts what he said, did or gyrated two minutes ago, at which point they become Unevents that never happened, were never said, and was not mocking a disability when so gyrated.

Poster please. "Policies" my ass. The only policy he's ever had in his life is NPD, and I've always opposed that. Why? Because it's obnoxious bullshit. Fair enough?

so since his policies are similar to your ass, you have no ass because YOU are the one who said you know of no policies for him.

you really need to think through your insults better than this. as it stands you're a raving loon who just is pissed he didn't get his way so you say anything at all on the top of your mind to get attention.

much like trump.

My ass would never run for President. It doesn't need that kind of attention whoring.

But if it did it would be a vast improvement over the shitstorm we're all sitting under right now.
"Policies" my ass.

What don't you like about your ass?

The policies of my ass are at base similar to Rump's policies, except it doesn't believe in lying, self-delusion, making shit up, whining, staying up all night having electronic hissyfits, raging against women, raging against nationalities, raging against religions, raging against the First Amendment, mocking the disabled, believing Nazis are "very fine people", dividing or bullshitting Other than that they perform about the same function.
so you have no ass. that or if you do, your ass is a "whore".

you said:
I've never seen any policy other than "dig me". "Policies"??? He's a damn whore who will say or do or gyrate anything he thinks will promote Numero Uno, even if it directly contradicts what he said, did or gyrated two minutes ago, at which point they become Unevents that never happened, were never said, and was not mocking a disability when so gyrated.

Poster please. "Policies" my ass. The only policy he's ever had in his life is NPD, and I've always opposed that. Why? Because it's obnoxious bullshit. Fair enough?

so since his policies are similar to your ass, you have no ass because YOU are the one who said you know of no policies for him.

you really need to think through your insults better than this. as it stands you're a raving loon who just is pissed he didn't get his way so you say anything at all on the top of your mind to get attention.

much like trump.

My ass would never run for President. It doesn't need that kind of attention whoring.
i would never have guessed that the way you demand attention in here.

again - i'm just going by what you said. don't blame me it's contradictory and makes no sense.

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