Which Trump POLICIES do you oppose?

The left oppose tax cuts, its obvious from their sour puss face bitter anger over the bill passing. Meanwhile in my liberal stupid shit run state Dem's are proposing the first carbon punishment tax in the nation. Naturally this hits the poor the hardest with an expected 50 cent a gallon tax on gas and a big tax increase on natural gas they use to heat their homes, shocker.
"Policies" my ass.

What don't you like about your ass?

The policies of my ass are at base similar to Rump's policies, except it doesn't believe in lying, self-delusion, making shit up, whining, staying up all night having electronic hissyfits, raging against women, raging against nationalities, raging against religions, raging against the First Amendment, mocking the disabled, believing Nazis are "very fine people", dividing or bullshitting Other than that they perform about the same function.
so you have no ass. that or if you do, your ass is a "whore".

you said:
I've never seen any policy other than "dig me". "Policies"??? He's a damn whore who will say or do or gyrate anything he thinks will promote Numero Uno, even if it directly contradicts what he said, did or gyrated two minutes ago, at which point they become Unevents that never happened, were never said, and was not mocking a disability when so gyrated.

Poster please. "Policies" my ass. The only policy he's ever had in his life is NPD, and I've always opposed that. Why? Because it's obnoxious bullshit. Fair enough?

so since his policies are similar to your ass, you have no ass because YOU are the one who said you know of no policies for him.

you really need to think through your insults better than this. as it stands you're a raving loon who just is pissed he didn't get his way so you say anything at all on the top of your mind to get attention.

much like trump.

My ass would never run for President. It doesn't need that kind of attention whoring.
i would never have guessed that the way you demand attention in here.

again - i'm just going by what you said. don't blame me it's contradictory and makes no sense.

Feel free to go ahead and quote where I declared myself "the greatest poster that god ever created". Feel free to link where I came on here and whined that "three million illegals" trashed my thread. Feel free to quote where I declared "I'm humble in ways you wouldn't even understand". And do include where I posted that the Nazis and Stürmfronters and Klanners and racists on this board are "very fine people". Don't forget to cut-and-paste the one where I claim that more readers viewed my thread than any thread since Reagan.

That oughta be hilarious for a start.

Then surely you can post that image where I put my name on a fake Time Magazine cover crowing that "Pogo is hitting in all forums --- even Sports!"
Enough of the emotional tantrums. Either explain WHICH of Trump's POLICIES you oppose and WHY, or STFU.

Thank you for your cooperation.
I oppose his policy of eliminating a tax on oil transporters that created a fund to pay for oil spills. Then he opened up off-shore drilling field while eliminating inspections of drilling operations.

I oppose his policy of prosecuting the burgeoning marijuana industry in spite of legalization efforts among the states.

I oppose his policy of throwing millions of Americans off healthcare without offering alternatives.

I oppose his Mu slim travel ban as targeting a religion smacks of a new Master Race ideology.

I oppose his policy of pulling America away from leadership positions around the world creating a power vacuum that will be filled by our adversaries.
I don't like his plan to deal on DACA. The Democrats are notorious for reneging on agreements. It's not Trump's fault, or America's fault that these people came here illegally. Deport their asses now.
What don't you like about your ass?

The policies of my ass are at base similar to Rump's policies, except it doesn't believe in lying, self-delusion, making shit up, whining, staying up all night having electronic hissyfits, raging against women, raging against nationalities, raging against religions, raging against the First Amendment, mocking the disabled, believing Nazis are "very fine people", dividing or bullshitting Other than that they perform about the same function.
so you have no ass. that or if you do, your ass is a "whore".

you said:
I've never seen any policy other than "dig me". "Policies"??? He's a damn whore who will say or do or gyrate anything he thinks will promote Numero Uno, even if it directly contradicts what he said, did or gyrated two minutes ago, at which point they become Unevents that never happened, were never said, and was not mocking a disability when so gyrated.

Poster please. "Policies" my ass. The only policy he's ever had in his life is NPD, and I've always opposed that. Why? Because it's obnoxious bullshit. Fair enough?

so since his policies are similar to your ass, you have no ass because YOU are the one who said you know of no policies for him.

you really need to think through your insults better than this. as it stands you're a raving loon who just is pissed he didn't get his way so you say anything at all on the top of your mind to get attention.

much like trump.

My ass would never run for President. It doesn't need that kind of attention whoring.
i would never have guessed that the way you demand attention in here.

again - i'm just going by what you said. don't blame me it's contradictory and makes no sense.

Feel free to go ahead and quote where I declared myself "the greatest poster that god ever created". Feel free to link where I came on here and whined that "three million illegals" trashed my thread. Feel free to quote where I declared "I'm humble in ways you wouldn't even understand". And do include where I posted that the Nazis and Stürmfronters and Klanners and racists on this board are "very fine people". Don't forget to cut-and-paste the one where I claim that more readers viewed my thread than any thread since Reagan.

That oughta be hilarious for a start.

Then surely you can post that image where I put my name on a fake Time Magazine cover crowing that "Pogo is hitting in all forums --- even Sports!"
feel free to quote where i said you said that.

i quit reading after that. you see, i don't play these hunt n chase games of distraction. first you said trump doesn't have any policies. then i show them to you, list many, provide a link to the entire article and then you go whoring your ass instead of trying to prove what you stated to begin with.

not my fault you come off looking the jilted fool most of the time.
I don't like his plan to deal on DACA. The Democrats are notorious for reneging on agreements. It's not Trump's fault, or America's fault that these people came here illegally. Deport their asses now.

You must also blame the traitors in the GOP, establishment douchebags who have been trying to give amnesty to illegals for decades and who have done jack shit to stop them pouring over our borders.
I don't like his plan to deal on DACA. The Democrats are notorious for reneging on agreements. It's not Trump's fault, or America's fault that these people came here illegally. Deport their asses now.

You must also blame the traitors in the GOP, establishment douchebags who have been trying to give amnesty to illegals for decades and who have done jack shit to stop them pouring over our borders.
well the last admin tried giving them lots of guns to see if that would stop 'em.

The policies of my ass are at base similar to Rump's policies, except it doesn't believe in lying, self-delusion, making shit up, whining, staying up all night having electronic hissyfits, raging against women, raging against nationalities, raging against religions, raging against the First Amendment, mocking the disabled, believing Nazis are "very fine people", dividing or bullshitting Other than that they perform about the same function.
so you have no ass. that or if you do, your ass is a "whore".

you said:
I've never seen any policy other than "dig me". "Policies"??? He's a damn whore who will say or do or gyrate anything he thinks will promote Numero Uno, even if it directly contradicts what he said, did or gyrated two minutes ago, at which point they become Unevents that never happened, were never said, and was not mocking a disability when so gyrated.

Poster please. "Policies" my ass. The only policy he's ever had in his life is NPD, and I've always opposed that. Why? Because it's obnoxious bullshit. Fair enough?

so since his policies are similar to your ass, you have no ass because YOU are the one who said you know of no policies for him.

you really need to think through your insults better than this. as it stands you're a raving loon who just is pissed he didn't get his way so you say anything at all on the top of your mind to get attention.

much like trump.

My ass would never run for President. It doesn't need that kind of attention whoring.
i would never have guessed that the way you demand attention in here.

again - i'm just going by what you said. don't blame me it's contradictory and makes no sense.

Feel free to go ahead and quote where I declared myself "the greatest poster that god ever created". Feel free to link where I came on here and whined that "three million illegals" trashed my thread. Feel free to quote where I declared "I'm humble in ways you wouldn't even understand". And do include where I posted that the Nazis and Stürmfronters and Klanners and racists on this board are "very fine people". Don't forget to cut-and-paste the one where I claim that more readers viewed my thread than any thread since Reagan.

That oughta be hilarious for a start.

Then surely you can post that image where I put my name on a fake Time Magazine cover crowing that "Pogo is hitting in all forums --- even Sports!"

feel free to quote where i said you said that.


i would never have guessed that the way you demand attention in here.

i quit reading after that. you see, i don't play these hunt n chase games of distraction. first you said trump doesn't have any policies. then i show them to you, list many, provide a link to the entire article and then you go whoring your ass instead of trying to prove what you stated to begin with.

not my fault you come off looking the jilted fool most of the time.

Of course you quit. Those posts don't exist. Which puts the lie to your posit.

We're done here. Time to eat.
I don't like his plan to deal on DACA. The Democrats are notorious for reneging on agreements. It's not Trump's fault, or America's fault that these people came here illegally. Deport their asses now.

You must also blame the traitors in the GOP, establishment douchebags who have been trying to give amnesty to illegals for decades and who have done jack shit to stop them pouring over our borders.
well the last admin tried giving them lots of guns to see if that would stop 'em.


The establishment in BOTH parties are desperate to give millions of illegals the vote, why? Because they loath being accountable to voters, so if they can rig the elections with millions of illegals on the public dole they no longer have to fear losing elections that's why.
so you have no ass. that or if you do, your ass is a "whore".

you said:
I've never seen any policy other than "dig me". "Policies"??? He's a damn whore who will say or do or gyrate anything he thinks will promote Numero Uno, even if it directly contradicts what he said, did or gyrated two minutes ago, at which point they become Unevents that never happened, were never said, and was not mocking a disability when so gyrated.

Poster please. "Policies" my ass. The only policy he's ever had in his life is NPD, and I've always opposed that. Why? Because it's obnoxious bullshit. Fair enough?

so since his policies are similar to your ass, you have no ass because YOU are the one who said you know of no policies for him.

you really need to think through your insults better than this. as it stands you're a raving loon who just is pissed he didn't get his way so you say anything at all on the top of your mind to get attention.

much like trump.

My ass would never run for President. It doesn't need that kind of attention whoring.
i would never have guessed that the way you demand attention in here.

again - i'm just going by what you said. don't blame me it's contradictory and makes no sense.

Feel free to go ahead and quote where I declared myself "the greatest poster that god ever created". Feel free to link where I came on here and whined that "three million illegals" trashed my thread. Feel free to quote where I declared "I'm humble in ways you wouldn't even understand". And do include where I posted that the Nazis and Stürmfronters and Klanners and racists on this board are "very fine people". Don't forget to cut-and-paste the one where I claim that more readers viewed my thread than any thread since Reagan.

That oughta be hilarious for a start.

Then surely you can post that image where I put my name on a fake Time Magazine cover crowing that "Pogo is hitting in all forums --- even Sports!"

feel free to quote where i said you said that.


i would never have guessed that the way you demand attention in here.

i quit reading after that. you see, i don't play these hunt n chase games of distraction. first you said trump doesn't have any policies. then i show them to you, list many, provide a link to the entire article and then you go whoring your ass instead of trying to prove what you stated to begin with.

not my fault you come off looking the jilted fool most of the time.

Of course you quit. Those posts don't exist. Which puts the lie to your posit.

We're done here. Time to eat.
not even sure what you're getting at here. to me what has happened is:

1) someone asked to list what policies of trump do you not like
3) i provide several of his policies AND a link to the page where i got them
4) you demand links and more attention
5) you never address the actual issue or his policies, you just scream more incoherent shit out of your whore ass.

it went downhill from there but that's what happens when you drive.

and i am going to stop responding to you when you go off topic cause you can't win the one you're on.
For starters:
  • TPP - taking us out just left the door open to China
  • Taxes - nothing about his(?) tax plan appeals to me
  • The Wall - waste of money, time, and prestige

Nice try:

TPP - So you favor staying in bad trade deals? Otherwise, pure conjecture.

Taxes - Nonspecific. Pure emotion.

The Wall - Bumper sticker slogans. Complete lack of intellectual content.

Any others?
TPP - Is the TPP a bad trade deal or is that just your conjecture?

Taxes - Specifically, everything about the tax plan goes against what I like.

The Wall - A physical wall, as Trump insists upon, is the most expensive option, will take the longest to complete, and will make us look weak and stupid
Which Trump POLICIES do you oppose?
Adding $1,500,000,000,000 to the national debt, thus making our debt the highest it has been in the history of the Universe.

Sabotaging ObamaCare instead of repealing and replacing as promised, and thus making the cost of health care the highest it has been in the history of the Universe.
The Left since it is made up of Felons, Lazy people, sexual deviants, who never wore a pair of work boots, & globalists who want cradle to grave socialism, and who thinks Government is God will be against anything that preserves or defends American Freedoms and Sovereignty and will be against anything that requires a person to be responsible for their own happiness and success.
Which Trump POLICIES do you oppose?
Adding $1,500,000,000,000 to the national debt, thus making our debt the highest it has been in the history of the Universe.

Sabotaging ObamaCare instead of repealing and replacing as promised, and thus making the cost of health care the highest it has been in the history of the Universe.
How Much Did Obama Add to the Nation's Debt?
"B-b-b-b-b-but Obaaaaaamaaaaaa!"

It's Okay When Trump Does It!™
Before: "Obama's trillion dollar stimulus debt busting package - BAD for the economy!"

After: "Trump's trillion and a half dollar stimulus debt-busting package - GOOD for the economy!"
Which Trump POLICIES do you oppose?
Adding $1,500,000,000,000 to the national debt, thus making our debt the highest it has been in the history of the Universe.

Sabotaging ObamaCare instead of repealing and replacing as promised, and thus making the cost of health care the highest it has been in the history of the Universe.
How Much Did Obama Add to the Nation's Debt?
"B-b-b-b-b-but Obaaaaaamaaaaaa!"

It's Okay When Trump Does It!™
where have i ever said that? :) i don't play that game - you know that.

if we're to say one president is driven up the debt too much it's only fair to look back at all and try to see who did it more. if we don't compare who did what, then saying someone did it "too much" is pointless because we have zero baseline.

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