Which Trump POLICIES do you oppose?

Which Trump POLICIES do you oppose?
Adding $1,500,000,000,000 to the national debt, thus making our debt the highest it has been in the history of the Universe.

Sabotaging ObamaCare instead of repealing and replacing as promised, and thus making the cost of health care the highest it has been in the history of the Universe.
How Much Did Obama Add to the Nation's Debt?
"B-b-b-b-b-but Obaaaaaamaaaaaa!"

It's Okay When Trump Does It!™
where have i ever said that?
You just did.
Which Trump POLICIES do you oppose?
Adding $1,500,000,000,000 to the national debt, thus making our debt the highest it has been in the history of the Universe.

Sabotaging ObamaCare instead of repealing and replacing as promised, and thus making the cost of health care the highest it has been in the history of the Universe.
How Much Did Obama Add to the Nation's Debt?
"B-b-b-b-b-but Obaaaaaamaaaaaa!"

It's Okay When Trump Does It!™
where have i ever said that?
You just did.
actually i looked for a baseline to compare it to, as i said i would in my reply.

you say trump did XYZ and it's horrible, i will look to see what others have done in this regard and get a "baseline" for horrible. the game i don't play is we dog on someone and simply don't check stats or facts, just let emo guide the way.
Enough of the emotional tantrums. Either explain WHICH of Trump's POLICIES you oppose and WHY, or STFU.

Thank you for your cooperation.
I oppose his policy of eliminating a tax on oil transporters that created a fund to pay for oil spills. Then he opened up off-shore drilling field while eliminating inspections of drilling operations.

I oppose his policy of prosecuting the burgeoning marijuana industry in spite of legalization efforts among the states.

I oppose his policy of throwing millions of Americans off healthcare without offering alternatives.

I oppose his Mu slim travel ban as targeting a religion smacks of a new Master Race ideology.

I oppose his policy of pulling America away from leadership positions around the world creating a power vacuum that will be filled by our adversaries.
3 and 4 are complete bullshit. And you wonder why people ask why regressives lie all the time?
I oppose his policy of not having Clinton prosecuted for her criminal activity.
The Left since it is made up of Felons, Lazy people, sexual deviants, who never wore a pair of work boots, & globalists who want cradle to grave socialism, and who thinks Government is God will be against anything that preserves or defends American Freedoms and Sovereignty and will be against anything that requires a person to be responsible for their own happiness and success.
What a simple world you live in. Say hello to the hobbits.
The Left since it is made up of Felons, Lazy people, sexual deviants, who never wore a pair of work boots, & globalists who want cradle to grave socialism, and who thinks Government is God will be against anything that preserves or defends American Freedoms and Sovereignty and will be against anything that requires a person to be responsible for their own happiness and success.
What a simple world you live in. Say hello to the hobbits.
In other words:


Truth Hurts Doesn't It?
Enough of the emotional tantrums. Either explain WHICH of Trump's POLICIES you oppose and WHY, or STFU.

Thank you for your cooperation.
All of them. Every single antienvironment racist bullshit policy of his.


Trump doesn’t start work til 11AM & takes “executive time” breaks all day. Thank god he’s lazy & not devoted to fucking things up

7:47 PM - Jan 7, 2018
You are the epitome of one who has lost his mind.

No, no.....I am positive that dimwits like you READILY "admire' anyone who tells you that he or she is "really smart" and very "stable geniuses"....I mean, otherwise you'd be a hypocrite, don't you think?
not sequestering sanctuary cities and states as promised.

and also a contrary opinion to my prediction of GDP hitting 4.5% prior to the mid-terms and breaking 5% by the end of the year. Jamie Dimon, who led JPM without a stutter through the meltdown, puts the top of the range range at 4% and 3+% throughout the year.
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You are the epitome of one who has lost his mind.

No, no.....I am positive that dimwits like you READILY "admire' anyone who tells you that he or she is "really smart" and very "stable geniuses"....I mean, otherwise you'd be a hypocrite, don't you think?
would it be better to follow you around and watch you act like a hyper clown on crack after someone shoved a quarter up your ass and told you to dance?
would it be better to follow you around and watch you act like a hyper clown on crack after someone shoved a quarter up your ass and told you to dance?

LAME retort......(but you already knew that, didn't you?........LOL)
You are the epitome of one who has lost his mind.

No, no.....I am positive that dimwits like you READILY "admire' anyone who tells you that he or she is "really smart" and very "stable geniuses"....I mean, otherwise you'd be a hypocrite, don't you think?
I don’t care what he says. I care what he does, like an intelligent adult.

Sorry son.
Adding $1,500,000,000,000 to the national debt, thus making our debt the highest it has been in the history of the Universe.

Sabotaging ObamaCare instead of repealing and replacing as promised, and thus making the cost of health care the highest it has been in the history of the Universe.
How Much Did Obama Add to the Nation's Debt?
"B-b-b-b-b-but Obaaaaaamaaaaaa!"

It's Okay When Trump Does It!™
where have i ever said that?
You just did.
actually i looked for a baseline to compare it to, as i said i would in my reply.

you say trump did XYZ and it's horrible, i will look to see what others have done in this regard and get a "baseline" for horrible. the game i don't play is we dog on someone and simply don't check stats or facts, just let emo guide the way.
The baseline is years of whining about deficit spending, and then deficit spending.

Rank hypocrisy.

The worst kind of hypocrisy.

And then defending that hypocrisy with "B-b-b-b-b-but Obama!"

"B-b-b-b-b-but Obaaaaaamaaaaaa!"

It's Okay When Trump Does It!™
where have i ever said that?
You just did.
actually i looked for a baseline to compare it to, as i said i would in my reply.

you say trump did XYZ and it's horrible, i will look to see what others have done in this regard and get a "baseline" for horrible. the game i don't play is we dog on someone and simply don't check stats or facts, just let emo guide the way.
The baseline is years of whining about deficit spending, and then deficit spending.

Rank hypocrisy.

The worst kind of hypocrisy.

And then defending that hypocrisy with "B-b-b-b-b-but Obama!"

except obama was just a starting point because he's the most recent / relevant into this conversation. if you want to put things into perspective then we look at all presidents. that one link i provided showed 3 different ways to show the same thing and went through each one.

i will NOT bag on trump for xyz if i have NO FUCKING IDEA if xyz is normal or not. if you hate trump you won't care, bag on him. i don't hate him or like him - i'm trump neutral believe it or not. but regardless even if this were hillary - i'd want to see what baseline we have to go by on whether or not she's committed crimes. if you want to say trumps numbers are horrible, what the hell are you comparing them to if not previous presidents?

and i would have thought you and i were beyond this type of witty repartee, but i guess not.
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So, I right wing blogger is telling morons like you that he heard it from another dimwit and the this fellow moron to you "concluded" that Obama might have thought that he was a better briefer???

Di you even READ the fucking blog???....God you're a waste of cyber space. LOL
It's going to be okay son, but I would advise you to seek mental help before you swallow a bullet.

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