Which Trump POLICIES do you oppose?

Enough of the emotional tantrums. Either explain WHICH of Trump's POLICIES you oppose and WHY, or STFU.

Thank you for your cooperation.
For starters:
  • TPP - taking us out just left the door open to China
  • Taxes - nothing about his(?) tax plan appeals to me
  • The Wall - waste of money, time, and prestige

so you're a leftwing democrat......got it
Enough of the emotional tantrums. Either explain WHICH of Trump's POLICIES you oppose and WHY, or STFU.

Thank you for your cooperation.
Redistribution of the wealth of the nation to the top 1% when the top 1% already has more money than they know what to do with.

Leaving millions without healthcare (Republicans can't possibly figure out why this is cruel)

Using 4th century technology (a wall) to solve immigration (beyond GOP understanding)

Cuts to education. (Republicans don't understand)

Cuts to job training. (Republicans don't understand)

Cutting corporate taxes when corporations are looking for ways to spend the trillions they already have so they will bring back jobs that were automated. (Hint: Automated jobs never went overseas. They just went "away".)

Get rid of educated kids of illegal immigrants. (I've heard Republicans say that will open up jobs for their kids. Only there are 6.2 million jobs open now. The kids of the GOP don't have the skills, the training or the education for the 6.2 million jobs open now. What makes them think more jobs they can't do is better?)

Stop destroying the EPA. (Unlike the GOP, I like clean air and clean water)

Don't end safety regulations that were put in place after the BP oil spill. (Because, unlike Gommert, I personally believe oil spills are bad. Nature can't really clean them up.)

Don't get rid of the fund that pays for cleaning up oil spills. (Passing the disasters of oil companies to the middle class is bad. At least to everyone not Republican.)

That's my start. I have lots, lots more.
Are you trying to blame republicans for your ignorance?
No, I'm blaming Republicans for their fuk ups. Of which there are many. By "many", I mean millions.

Rdean is still waiting on Trump to fire Mueller, MSNBC said it was imminent
Enough of the emotional tantrums. Either explain WHICH of Trump's POLICIES you oppose and WHY, or STFU.

Thank you for your cooperation.
Redistribution of the wealth of the nation to the top 1% when the top 1% already has more money than they know what to do with.

Leaving millions without healthcare (Republicans can't possibly figure out why this is cruel)

Using 4th century technology (a wall) to solve immigration (beyond GOP understanding)

Cuts to education. (Republicans don't understand)

Cuts to job training. (Republicans don't understand)

Cutting corporate taxes when corporations are looking for ways to spend the trillions they already have so they will bring back jobs that were automated. (Hint: Automated jobs never went overseas. They just went "away".)

Get rid of educated kids of illegal immigrants. (I've heard Republicans say that will open up jobs for their kids. Only there are 6.2 million jobs open now. The kids of the GOP don't have the skills, the training or the education for the 6.2 million jobs open now. What makes them think more jobs they can't do is better?)

Stop destroying the EPA. (Unlike the GOP, I like clean air and clean water)

Don't end safety regulations that were put in place after the BP oil spill. (Because, unlike Gommert, I personally believe oil spills are bad. Nature can't really clean them up.)

Don't get rid of the fund that pays for cleaning up oil spills. (Passing the disasters of oil companies to the middle class is bad. At least to everyone not Republican.)

That's my start. I have lots, lots more.
Are you trying to blame republicans for your ignorance?
No, I'm blaming Republicans for their fuk ups. Of which there are many. By "many", I mean millions.

Rdean is still waiting on Trump to fire Mueller, MSNBC said it was imminent
That dumbass will always be our village idiot.
Enough of the emotional tantrums. Either explain WHICH of Trump's POLICIES you oppose and WHY, or STFU.

Thank you for your cooperation.
Redistribution of the wealth of the nation to the top 1% when the top 1% already has more money than they know what to do with.

Leaving millions without healthcare (Republicans can't possibly figure out why this is cruel)

Using 4th century technology (a wall) to solve immigration (beyond GOP understanding)

Cuts to education. (Republicans don't understand)

Cuts to job training. (Republicans don't understand)

Cutting corporate taxes when corporations are looking for ways to spend the trillions they already have so they will bring back jobs that were automated. (Hint: Automated jobs never went overseas. They just went "away".)

Get rid of educated kids of illegal immigrants. (I've heard Republicans say that will open up jobs for their kids. Only there are 6.2 million jobs open now. The kids of the GOP don't have the skills, the training or the education for the 6.2 million jobs open now. What makes them think more jobs they can't do is better?)

Stop destroying the EPA. (Unlike the GOP, I like clean air and clean water)

Don't end safety regulations that were put in place after the BP oil spill. (Because, unlike Gommert, I personally believe oil spills are bad. Nature can't really clean them up.)

Don't get rid of the fund that pays for cleaning up oil spills. (Passing the disasters of oil companies to the middle class is bad. At least to everyone not Republican.)

That's my start. I have lots, lots more.
Are you trying to blame republicans for your ignorance?
No, I'm blaming Republicans for their fuk ups. Of which there are many. By "many", I mean millions.
We’re finally moving away from the BS democrats have been promoting. It’s why the markets have been at record highs and unemployment rates are at record lows.
I’m good with you crying about that. :)
Thank you Obama.

We miss you.

Too bad Trump is fuking things up.
Enough of the emotional tantrums. Either explain WHICH of Trump's POLICIES you oppose and WHY, or STFU.

Thank you for your cooperation.
For starters:
  • TPP - taking us out just left the door open to China
  • Taxes - nothing about his(?) tax plan appeals to me
  • The Wall - waste of money, time, and prestige
so you're a leftwing democrat......got it
So that means I'm stupid, uninformed, or evil and you can ignore me? I hope you never criticize the left for dismissing Trump supporters as uneducated, trailer trash or heartless corporate todies or anti-immigrant racists since that is exactly what you're doing.
Trump is just a cog in the wheel, people who are in charge of the economy if they are very rich will largely support the policies that benefit them self's & people like them.
A working person is going to be inclined towards policies that benefit working people.
Why are all the people in charge of policy super rich?

thats funny - hell, he doesnt remember what his policies are ... they change from day to day.
Enough of the emotional tantrums. Either explain WHICH of Trump's POLICIES you oppose and WHY, or STFU.

Thank you for your cooperation.

1. The Trump Wall. I oppose the wall as I feel it is not needed and a waste of money that we do not have to be wasting. That does not mean I am for an open border. Border crossing are down 78% according to Trump and that is with little added to the border. Also, if you wish to keep people from coming here illegally, take away their reason to come here. I would punish firms that hire illegals harshly and use that money to pay for more security. I would also pull 50% of the troops we have in Germany out of Germany and station them along the southern border, saves money on both ends. I know that people like to claim that guarding the border is not the job of the military, but that is just bullshit.

2. I oppose more funding for the military at this time. Our military is not underfunded, it is misused and mismanaged. The amount of money unaccounted and wasted for by our military is staggering. And this is coming from a Retired Marine. Get their house in order first, and then see if they really need more money.

3. I oppose sending more troops, or even keeping any troops, in Afghanistan. Afghanistan is and always will be a place that foreign troops go to die without changing a thing. No matter how long we stay, when we leave the outcome will be the same. I also disagreed with wasting 100 million dollars worth of cruise missiles to send a message that is none of our business to send.

4. I oppose his economic isolationist policies. While I think that the TPP was a bad deal, Trump is supposed to be the king of dealmakers. Instead of walking away from it, renegotiate it and make it better. Every time we pull back from such a thing causing a vacuum, it is filled by China. China was already our biggest rival on the planet, and now we are helping to make them even stronger economically. We are going to run into the same problem when he fucks up NAFTA. Already customers for our grains and other agricultural products are starting to look elsewhere as they do not know what to expect from Trump. If you think the housing market crash was bad, what do you think will happen when a large part of our agricultural sector crashes?

5. I disagree with any tax cuts that add to the deficit. If he wishes to cut taxes, cut spending by the same amount. It is pretty much that simple.

6. I disagree with his putting unqualified people into important post based upon their loyalty to him during the election. The most egregious example was him trying to put a radio talk show host with no science background into the post of Chief Scientist of the USDA. That was followed closely by him wanting to put a paranormal blogger on the Fed Court bench. Thank goodness his own Senate was smart enough to squash both of those attempts. And yes, I know every president does it, and I oppose it every time.

There are more, but that is a good start.

Thanks for the thoughtful response. However, I do have the following questions/observations:

1. Is your opposition to the "wall" purely financial, or do you oppose any physical barrier on our southern border?

2. Would you freeze military spending until "we get our house in order?" How long would that take?

3. Do you favor immediate withdrawal of all U.S. troops from Afghanistan? Do you favor an "isolationist" foreign policy?

4. How else to renegotiate a bad trade agreement other than to repudiate it? How has this hurt the American economy?

5. Do you disagree that the tax cuts often increase tax revenue? Also, what spending cuts would you favor?

6. This is why state Governors often make the best Presidents.
Here's the Trump Policy I oppose...
Give in to Liberals and allow everyone on earth to swamp the US.
Grant amnesty to all of those new found citizens.
Kiss The US Goodbye!
Enough of the emotional tantrums. Either explain WHICH of Trump's POLICIES you oppose and WHY, or STFU.

Asset forfeiture and heavy handed enforcement of minor drug laws

Outside of that, here is a message to the sky screamers
You think Rump actually has "policies"?? :lmao:

I've never seen any policy other than "dig me". "Policies"??? He's a damn whore who will say or do or gyrate anything he thinks will promote Numero Uno, even if it directly contradicts what he said, did or gyrated two minutes ago, at which point they become Unevents that never happened, were never said, and was not mocking a disability when so gyrated.

Poster please. "Policies" my ass. The only policy he's ever had in his life is NPD, and I've always opposed that. Why? Because it's obnoxious bullshit. Fair enough?
And he will throw any of his associates and anyone from the GOP under the bus if they give him any kind of hard time about it, or get caught for their illegal doings.
Enough of the emotional tantrums. Either explain WHICH of Trump's POLICIES you oppose and WHY, or STFU.

Asset forfeiture and heavy handed enforcement of minor drug laws

Outside of that, here is a message to the sky screamers

Dating by their costumes I'd say Gerald Ford is their President.

That's Riff Raff, Frank N. Furter and perhaps Magenta, Riff Raff's most beautiful sister left to right although she really didn't do the hair.
Enough of the emotional tantrums. Either explain WHICH of Trump's POLICIES you oppose and WHY, or STFU.

Asset forfeiture and heavy handed enforcement of minor drug laws

Outside of that, here is a message to the sky screamers

Dating by their costumes I'd say Gerald Ford is their President.

That's Riff Raff, Frank N. Furter and perhaps Magenta, Riff Raff's most beautiful sister left to right although she really didn't do the hair.

yep. and why i hate memes. you can take any snapshot and make it sound stupid. these are just people who love the movie and get into it. A LOT. nothing wrong with it at all but hey - a meme.
Thanks for the thoughtful response. However, I do have the following questions/observations:

1. Is your opposition to the "wall" purely financial, or do you oppose any physical barrier on our southern border?

Both. I think it is a waste of money and a waste that will keep on growing as the wall ages and needs more and more upkeep. Walls are what people built in the dark ages, we have moved past such things. Want to cut down on illegal immigration slam the companies that hire them about 100 times harder than we do now and then make a workable guest worker program so that those just wanting work can come and be hired legally.

2. Would you freeze military spending until "we get our house in order?" How long would that take?

I think the quickest would be 5 years.

3. Do you favor immediate withdrawal of all U.S. troops from Afghanistan? Do you favor an "isolationist" foreign policy?

Yes, I do. And no, I do not favor isolationism, but I do favor an end to our imperialism. Use our military for defense of our country, not for political reasons.

4. How else to renegotiate a bad trade agreement other than to repudiate it? How has this hurt the American economy?

By sitting down at the table and negotiating. Our POTUS claims to be the king of deal making. So far it probably has not hurt it too much as he has not done that much damage yet. But if countries and foreign investors come to view trade deals as only valid till the next election, they will look elsewhere. There is a big, wide world out there. Right now China is expanding the reach of it trade and economy and filling the void in the far east that was left by the US. The more China finds other trade partners the less they need us. China is looking to control the grain market in Brazil, once they do that you will see an entire section of the US agriculture sector fail, which will have wide felt consequences.

5. Do you disagree that the tax cuts often increase tax revenue? Also, what spending cuts would you favor?

Revenue goes up every year pretty much without fail except during a recession. I have never seen any evidence that tax cuts make it go up faster. I would start with a 10% across the board budget cut for every single section of the US Federal Govt. Once that was accomplished then we could look to trim fat where needed. What a 10% across the board cut would do is make agencies look for waste and fraud a bit harder so they could still accomplish their missions.

6. This is why state Governors often make the best Presidents.

Seems there were a couple of them running this past election and they did not seem to garner much support
For starters:
  • TPP - taking us out just left the door open to China
  • Taxes - nothing about his(?) tax plan appeals to me
  • The Wall - waste of money, time, and prestige

Nice try:

TPP - So you favor staying in bad trade deals? Otherwise, pure conjecture.

Taxes - Nonspecific. Pure emotion.

The Wall - Bumper sticker slogans. Complete lack of intellectual content.

Any others?

TPP - Since you don't know that a true conservative would favour TPP and it would actually create jobs... But the Trump said No and without even knowing what it is ye piled on... China wins...
TPP was US big answer to cheap Chinese imports but you will never fucking know.

Taxes - Even the GOP guys said it was to pay off its donors... Trump told a New Year bash of uber rich that he made them all richer...

The Wall - Who's paying for it?

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