Which Trump POLICIES do you oppose?

Inviting the press into that meeting today was an exceptionally smart decision. :)
We finally have a president focused on doing what’s best for Americans! :2up:
t's going to be okay son, but I would advise you to seek mental help before you swallow a bullet.

You may then add "psychology" to all the other many things you have no fucking idea about....LOL
Enough of the emotional tantrums. Either explain WHICH of Trump's POLICIES you oppose and WHY, or STFU.

Thank you for your cooperation.
Redistribution of the wealth of the nation to the top 1% when the top 1% already has more money than they know what to do with.

Leaving millions without healthcare (Republicans can't possibly figure out why this is cruel)

Using 4th century technology (a wall) to solve immigration (beyond GOP understanding)

Cuts to education. (Republicans don't understand)

Cuts to job training. (Republicans don't understand)

Cutting corporate taxes when corporations are looking for ways to spend the trillions they already have so they will bring back jobs that were automated. (Hint: Automated jobs never went overseas. They just went "away".)

Get rid of educated kids of illegal immigrants. (I've heard Republicans say that will open up jobs for their kids. Only there are 6.2 million jobs open now. The kids of the GOP don't have the skills, the training or the education for the 6.2 million jobs open now. What makes them think more jobs they can't do is better?)

Stop destroying the EPA. (Unlike the GOP, I like clean air and clean water)

Don't end safety regulations that were put in place after the BP oil spill. (Because, unlike Gommert, I personally believe oil spills are bad. Nature can't really clean them up.)

Don't get rid of the fund that pays for cleaning up oil spills. (Passing the disasters of oil companies to the middle class is bad. At least to everyone not Republican.)

That's my start. I have lots, lots more.
You think Rump actually has "policies"?? :lmao:

I've never seen any policy other than "dig me". "Policies"??? He's a damn whore who will say or do or gyrate anything he thinks will promote Numero Uno, even if it directly contradicts what he said, did or gyrated two minutes ago, at which point they become Unevents that never happened, were never said, and was not mocking a disability when so gyrated.

Poster please. "Policies" my ass. The only policy he's ever had in his life is NPD, and I've always opposed that. Why? Because it's obnoxious bullshit. Fair enough?
now you're just being a biased ass.

deal with ILLEGAL immigration
allow states to legalize weed if they choose to do so
defend the 2nd amendment
bring back programs to deal with gang warfare and problems
add $20 billion to our educational system
work with colleges in good faith to reduce the cost of education
make america energy independant
have employers provide child care at the workplace
end chinas illegal export subsidies
adopt zero tolerance for intellectual theft.
increase cooperation between US and Russia (before going off, remember obama was doing his own backdoor policy here and you likely didn't care then)
seriously reduce government waste
end regulations that force jobs out of inner cities
cancel over-reaching executive orders

and the list goes on and on and on if you care to look. only you hate him so he's worthless and only you matter it would seem

PolitiPlatform - Donald Trump's Policies

you've not seen it cause you either don't look or when someone talks about it you dismiss it cause TRUMP which is asinine to the nth degree.
Deal with this?
Cancel over reaching orders?

Those aren't policies. They are a "wish list".
I wish stuff were better isn't a policy.
Make America Great again is a slogan. Not a policy. Besides, to racist Republicans, that could mean make it white only. Didn't work out so well in Germany.
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t's going to be okay son, but I would advise you to seek mental help before you swallow a bullet.

You may then add "psychology" to all the other many things you have no fucking idea about....LOL
So says the obsessive crazed triggered moron who lives 24/7 posting on a tirade of hate Trump.:uhoh3:

As to actually replying to topic...
I would like to see Trump keep a leash on Session's regarding states that legalized marijuana.
Republicans say they care about states rights, live up to it.
Enough of the emotional tantrums. Either explain WHICH of Trump's POLICIES you oppose and WHY, or STFU.

Thank you for your cooperation.
Redistribution of the wealth of the nation to the top 1% when the top 1% already has more money than they know what to do with.

Leaving millions without healthcare (Republicans can't possibly figure out why this is cruel)

Using 4th century technology (a wall) to solve immigration (beyond GOP understanding)

Cuts to education. (Republicans don't understand)

Cuts to job training. (Republicans don't understand)

Cutting corporate taxes when corporations are looking for ways to spend the trillions they already have so they will bring back jobs that were automated. (Hint: Automated jobs never went overseas. They just went "away".)

Get rid of educated kids of illegal immigrants. (I've heard Republicans say that will open up jobs for their kids. Only there are 6.2 million jobs open now. The kids of the GOP don't have the skills, the training or the education for the 6.2 million jobs open now. What makes them think more jobs they can't do is better?)

Stop destroying the EPA. (Unlike the GOP, I like clean air and clean water)

Don't end safety regulations that were put in place after the BP oil spill. (Because, unlike Gommert, I personally believe oil spills are bad. Nature can't really clean them up.)

Don't get rid of the fund that pays for cleaning up oil spills. (Passing the disasters of oil companies to the middle class is bad. At least to everyone not Republican.)

That's my start. I have lots, lots more.
Are you trying to blame republicans for your ignorance?
Enough of the emotional tantrums. Either explain WHICH of Trump's POLICIES you oppose and WHY, or STFU.

Thank you for your cooperation.

1. The Trump Wall. I oppose the wall as I feel it is not needed and a waste of money that we do not have to be wasting. That does not mean I am for an open border. Border crossing are down 78% according to Trump and that is with little added to the border. Also, if you wish to keep people from coming here illegally, take away their reason to come here. I would punish firms that hire illegals harshly and use that money to pay for more security. I would also pull 50% of the troops we have in Germany out of Germany and station them along the southern border, saves money on both ends. I know that people like to claim that guarding the border is not the job of the military, but that is just bullshit.

2. I oppose more funding for the military at this time. Our military is not underfunded, it is misused and mismanaged. The amount of money unaccounted and wasted for by our military is staggering. And this is coming from a Retired Marine. Get their house in order first, and then see if they really need more money.

3. I oppose sending more troops, or even keeping any troops, in Afghanistan. Afghanistan is and always will be a place that foreign troops go to die without changing a thing. No matter how long we stay, when we leave the outcome will be the same. I also disagreed with wasting 100 million dollars worth of cruise missiles to send a message that is none of our business to send.

4. I oppose his economic isolationist policies. While I think that the TPP was a bad deal, Trump is supposed to be the king of dealmakers. Instead of walking away from it, renegotiate it and make it better. Every time we pull back from such a thing causing a vacuum, it is filled by China. China was already our biggest rival on the planet, and now we are helping to make them even stronger economically. We are going to run into the same problem when he fucks up NAFTA. Already customers for our grains and other agricultural products are starting to look elsewhere as they do not know what to expect from Trump. If you think the housing market crash was bad, what do you think will happen when a large part of our agricultural sector crashes?

5. I disagree with any tax cuts that add to the deficit. If he wishes to cut taxes, cut spending by the same amount. It is pretty much that simple.

6. I disagree with his putting unqualified people into important post based upon their loyalty to him during the election. The most egregious example was him trying to put a radio talk show host with no science background into the post of Chief Scientist of the USDA. That was followed closely by him wanting to put a paranormal blogger on the Fed Court bench. Thank goodness his own Senate was smart enough to squash both of those attempts. And yes, I know every president does it, and I oppose it every time.

There are more, but that is a good start.
Enough of the emotional tantrums. Either explain WHICH of Trump's POLICIES you oppose and WHY, or STFU.

Thank you for your cooperation.

1. The Trump Wall. I oppose the wall as I feel it is not needed and a waste of money that we do not have to be wasting. That does not mean I am for an open border. Border crossing are down 78% according to Trump and that is with little added to the border. Also, if you wish to keep people from coming here illegally, take away their reason to come here. I would punish firms that hire illegals harshly and use that money to pay for more security. I would also pull 50% of the troops we have in Germany out of Germany and station them along the southern border, saves money on both ends. I know that people like to claim that guarding the border is not the job of the military, but that is just bullshit.

2. I oppose more funding for the military at this time. Our military is not underfunded, it is misused and mismanaged. The amount of money unaccounted and wasted for by our military is staggering. And this is coming from a Retired Marine. Get their house in order first, and then see if they really need more money.

3. I oppose sending more troops, or even keeping any troops, in Afghanistan. Afghanistan is and always will be a place that foreign troops go to die without changing a thing. No matter how long we stay, when we leave the outcome will be the same. I also disagreed with wasting 100 million dollars worth of cruise missiles to send a message that is none of our business to send.

4. I oppose his economic isolationist policies. While I think that the TPP was a bad deal, Trump is supposed to be the king of dealmakers. Instead of walking away from it, renegotiate it and make it better. Every time we pull back from such a thing causing a vacuum, it is filled by China. China was already our biggest rival on the planet, and now we are helping to make them even stronger economically. We are going to run into the same problem when he fucks up NAFTA. Already customers for our grains and other agricultural products are starting to look elsewhere as they do not know what to expect from Trump. If you think the housing market crash was bad, what do you think will happen when a large part of our agricultural sector crashes?

5. I disagree with any tax cuts that add to the deficit. If he wishes to cut taxes, cut spending by the same amount. It is pretty much that simple.

6. I disagree with his putting unqualified people into important post based upon their loyalty to him during the election. The most egregious example was him trying to put a radio talk show host with no science background into the post of Chief Scientist of the USDA. That was followed closely by him wanting to put a paranormal blogger on the Fed Court bench. Thank goodness his own Senate was smart enough to squash both of those attempts. And yes, I know every president does it, and I oppose it every time.

There are more, but that is a good start.
I doubt anyone bothered to read that because it was from you. Just saying. :)
Enough of the emotional tantrums. Either explain WHICH of Trump's POLICIES you oppose and WHY, or STFU.

Thank you for your cooperation.
Redistribution of the wealth of the nation to the top 1% when the top 1% already has more money than they know what to do with.

Leaving millions without healthcare (Republicans can't possibly figure out why this is cruel)

Using 4th century technology (a wall) to solve immigration (beyond GOP understanding)

Cuts to education. (Republicans don't understand)

Cuts to job training. (Republicans don't understand)

Cutting corporate taxes when corporations are looking for ways to spend the trillions they already have so they will bring back jobs that were automated. (Hint: Automated jobs never went overseas. They just went "away".)

Get rid of educated kids of illegal immigrants. (I've heard Republicans say that will open up jobs for their kids. Only there are 6.2 million jobs open now. The kids of the GOP don't have the skills, the training or the education for the 6.2 million jobs open now. What makes them think more jobs they can't do is better?)

Stop destroying the EPA. (Unlike the GOP, I like clean air and clean water)

Don't end safety regulations that were put in place after the BP oil spill. (Because, unlike Gommert, I personally believe oil spills are bad. Nature can't really clean them up.)

Don't get rid of the fund that pays for cleaning up oil spills. (Passing the disasters of oil companies to the middle class is bad. At least to everyone not Republican.)

That's my start. I have lots, lots more.
Are you trying to blame republicans for your ignorance?
No, I'm blaming Republicans for their fuk ups. Of which there are many. By "many", I mean millions.
Enough of the emotional tantrums. Either explain WHICH of Trump's POLICIES you oppose and WHY, or STFU.

Thank you for your cooperation.

1. The Trump Wall. I oppose the wall as I feel it is not needed and a waste of money that we do not have to be wasting. That does not mean I am for an open border. Border crossing are down 78% according to Trump and that is with little added to the border. Also, if you wish to keep people from coming here illegally, take away their reason to come here. I would punish firms that hire illegals harshly and use that money to pay for more security. I would also pull 50% of the troops we have in Germany out of Germany and station them along the southern border, saves money on both ends. I know that people like to claim that guarding the border is not the job of the military, but that is just bullshit.

2. I oppose more funding for the military at this time. Our military is not underfunded, it is misused and mismanaged. The amount of money unaccounted and wasted for by our military is staggering. And this is coming from a Retired Marine. Get their house in order first, and then see if they really need more money.

3. I oppose sending more troops, or even keeping any troops, in Afghanistan. Afghanistan is and always will be a place that foreign troops go to die without changing a thing. No matter how long we stay, when we leave the outcome will be the same. I also disagreed with wasting 100 million dollars worth of cruise missiles to send a message that is none of our business to send.

4. I oppose his economic isolationist policies. While I think that the TPP was a bad deal, Trump is supposed to be the king of dealmakers. Instead of walking away from it, renegotiate it and make it better. Every time we pull back from such a thing causing a vacuum, it is filled by China. China was already our biggest rival on the planet, and now we are helping to make them even stronger economically. We are going to run into the same problem when he fucks up NAFTA. Already customers for our grains and other agricultural products are starting to look elsewhere as they do not know what to expect from Trump. If you think the housing market crash was bad, what do you think will happen when a large part of our agricultural sector crashes?

5. I disagree with any tax cuts that add to the deficit. If he wishes to cut taxes, cut spending by the same amount. It is pretty much that simple.

6. I disagree with his putting unqualified people into important post based upon their loyalty to him during the election. The most egregious example was him trying to put a radio talk show host with no science background into the post of Chief Scientist of the USDA. That was followed closely by him wanting to put a paranormal blogger on the Fed Court bench. Thank goodness his own Senate was smart enough to squash both of those attempts. And yes, I know every president does it, and I oppose it every time.

There are more, but that is a good start.
I doubt anyone bothered to read that because it was from you. Just saying. :)

Nobody will bother to read it because it was more than 280 characters and the Trump zealots have no answer for my reasons.
Enough of the emotional tantrums. Either explain WHICH of Trump's POLICIES you oppose and WHY, or STFU.

Thank you for your cooperation.
Redistribution of the wealth of the nation to the top 1% when the top 1% already has more money than they know what to do with.

Leaving millions without healthcare (Republicans can't possibly figure out why this is cruel)

Using 4th century technology (a wall) to solve immigration (beyond GOP understanding)

Cuts to education. (Republicans don't understand)

Cuts to job training. (Republicans don't understand)

Cutting corporate taxes when corporations are looking for ways to spend the trillions they already have so they will bring back jobs that were automated. (Hint: Automated jobs never went overseas. They just went "away".)

Get rid of educated kids of illegal immigrants. (I've heard Republicans say that will open up jobs for their kids. Only there are 6.2 million jobs open now. The kids of the GOP don't have the skills, the training or the education for the 6.2 million jobs open now. What makes them think more jobs they can't do is better?)

Stop destroying the EPA. (Unlike the GOP, I like clean air and clean water)

Don't end safety regulations that were put in place after the BP oil spill. (Because, unlike Gommert, I personally believe oil spills are bad. Nature can't really clean them up.)

Don't get rid of the fund that pays for cleaning up oil spills. (Passing the disasters of oil companies to the middle class is bad. At least to everyone not Republican.)

That's my start. I have lots, lots more.
Are you trying to blame republicans for your ignorance?
No, I'm blaming Republicans for their fuk ups. Of which there are many. By "many", I mean millions.
We’re finally moving away from the BS democrats have been promoting. It’s why the markets have been at record highs and unemployment rates are at record lows.
I’m good with you crying about that. :)
Last edited:
Enough of the emotional tantrums. Either explain WHICH of Trump's POLICIES you oppose and WHY, or STFU.

Thank you for your cooperation.

1. The Trump Wall. I oppose the wall as I feel it is not needed and a waste of money that we do not have to be wasting. That does not mean I am for an open border. Border crossing are down 78% according to Trump and that is with little added to the border. Also, if you wish to keep people from coming here illegally, take away their reason to come here. I would punish firms that hire illegals harshly and use that money to pay for more security. I would also pull 50% of the troops we have in Germany out of Germany and station them along the southern border, saves money on both ends. I know that people like to claim that guarding the border is not the job of the military, but that is just bullshit.

2. I oppose more funding for the military at this time. Our military is not underfunded, it is misused and mismanaged. The amount of money unaccounted and wasted for by our military is staggering. And this is coming from a Retired Marine. Get their house in order first, and then see if they really need more money.

3. I oppose sending more troops, or even keeping any troops, in Afghanistan. Afghanistan is and always will be a place that foreign troops go to die without changing a thing. No matter how long we stay, when we leave the outcome will be the same. I also disagreed with wasting 100 million dollars worth of cruise missiles to send a message that is none of our business to send.

4. I oppose his economic isolationist policies. While I think that the TPP was a bad deal, Trump is supposed to be the king of dealmakers. Instead of walking away from it, renegotiate it and make it better. Every time we pull back from such a thing causing a vacuum, it is filled by China. China was already our biggest rival on the planet, and now we are helping to make them even stronger economically. We are going to run into the same problem when he fucks up NAFTA. Already customers for our grains and other agricultural products are starting to look elsewhere as they do not know what to expect from Trump. If you think the housing market crash was bad, what do you think will happen when a large part of our agricultural sector crashes?

5. I disagree with any tax cuts that add to the deficit. If he wishes to cut taxes, cut spending by the same amount. It is pretty much that simple.

6. I disagree with his putting unqualified people into important post based upon their loyalty to him during the election. The most egregious example was him trying to put a radio talk show host with no science background into the post of Chief Scientist of the USDA. That was followed closely by him wanting to put a paranormal blogger on the Fed Court bench. Thank goodness his own Senate was smart enough to squash both of those attempts. And yes, I know every president does it, and I oppose it every time.

There are more, but that is a good start.
I doubt anyone bothered to read that because it was from you. Just saying. :)

Nobody will bother to read it because it was more than 280 characters and the Trump zealots have no answer for my reasons.
I didn’t bother because you’ve already shown yourself to be an idiot.
Enough of the emotional tantrums. Either explain WHICH of Trump's POLICIES you oppose and WHY, or STFU.

Thank you for your cooperation.

1. The Trump Wall. I oppose the wall as I feel it is not needed and a waste of money that we do not have to be wasting. That does not mean I am for an open border. Border crossing are down 78% according to Trump and that is with little added to the border. Also, if you wish to keep people from coming here illegally, take away their reason to come here. I would punish firms that hire illegals harshly and use that money to pay for more security. I would also pull 50% of the troops we have in Germany out of Germany and station them along the southern border, saves money on both ends. I know that people like to claim that guarding the border is not the job of the military, but that is just bullshit.

2. I oppose more funding for the military at this time. Our military is not underfunded, it is misused and mismanaged. The amount of money unaccounted and wasted for by our military is staggering. And this is coming from a Retired Marine. Get their house in order first, and then see if they really need more money.

3. I oppose sending more troops, or even keeping any troops, in Afghanistan. Afghanistan is and always will be a place that foreign troops go to die without changing a thing. No matter how long we stay, when we leave the outcome will be the same. I also disagreed with wasting 100 million dollars worth of cruise missiles to send a message that is none of our business to send.

4. I oppose his economic isolationist policies. While I think that the TPP was a bad deal, Trump is supposed to be the king of dealmakers. Instead of walking away from it, renegotiate it and make it better. Every time we pull back from such a thing causing a vacuum, it is filled by China. China was already our biggest rival on the planet, and now we are helping to make them even stronger economically. We are going to run into the same problem when he fucks up NAFTA. Already customers for our grains and other agricultural products are starting to look elsewhere as they do not know what to expect from Trump. If you think the housing market crash was bad, what do you think will happen when a large part of our agricultural sector crashes?

5. I disagree with any tax cuts that add to the deficit. If he wishes to cut taxes, cut spending by the same amount. It is pretty much that simple.

6. I disagree with his putting unqualified people into important post based upon their loyalty to him during the election. The most egregious example was him trying to put a radio talk show host with no science background into the post of Chief Scientist of the USDA. That was followed closely by him wanting to put a paranormal blogger on the Fed Court bench. Thank goodness his own Senate was smart enough to squash both of those attempts. And yes, I know every president does it, and I oppose it every time.

There are more, but that is a good start.
I doubt anyone bothered to read that because it was from you. Just saying. :)

Nobody will bother to read it because it was more than 280 characters and the Trump zealots have no answer for my reasons.
I didn’t bother because you’ve already shown yourself to be an idiot.

I know, too many words for you. that is ok, I am sure Trump will send a tweet soon, just hang in there.
So says the obsessive crazed triggered moron who lives 24/7 posting on a tirade of hate Trump

Thank you........That was a well thought of response.....You are a real "credit" to your fellow morons.,,,,,LOL
Enough of the emotional tantrums. Either explain WHICH of Trump's POLICIES you oppose and WHY, or STFU.

Thank you for your cooperation.
Oh ionno...list some of them and I'll let you know.

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