which web browser do you use?

Which browser do you use most frequently?

  • Firefox

    Votes: 31 53.4%
  • Internet Explorer

    Votes: 12 20.7%
  • Netscape Navigator

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 15 25.9%

  • Total voters
What sucks about FF is the massive amounts of RAM it hogs up. But I've yet to find another browser (Flock aside) that does what I want.

Are you using FF on Windoze or Linux?

What's your idea of a "massive" amount of RAM these days?

It's currently using ~194,955. When i have more than one tab open (I average 3-4 if I'm browsing and 20+ when looking stuff up).

Windoze XP Pro [well... it's supposed to be 'Media Center', but I removed that bullshit...], 32-bit.
You could try this...I haven't, I'm waiting for KK to weigh in. :lol:

Fix Firefox Memory Leak & Lower RAM Usage | Firefox Browser
Are you using FF on Windoze or Linux?

What's your idea of a "massive" amount of RAM these days?

It's currently using ~194,955. When i have more than one tab open (I average 3-4 if I'm browsing and 20+ when looking stuff up).

Windoze XP Pro [well... it's supposed to be 'Media Center', but I removed that bullshit...], 32-bit.
You could try this...I haven't, I'm waiting for KK to weigh in. :lol:

Fix Firefox Memory Leak & Lower RAM Usage | Firefox Browser

I've applied several changes already ;) The default settings suck
Best thing I ever did was wipe the hard drive, and install Ubuntu. It works like it should. And if I ever need to run a Windoze program, I still have that ability, although I don't plan on it. Firefox runs faster in Linux than in Windoze. In my opinion, Linux is more secure than Windoze. I don't have to worry about all the malware and spyware crap etc. I don't have to worry about defragging my hard drive. My system is lean and mean. I am free to customize it any way I want. You can't do that with Windoze, without it being a big deal.

Ubuntu is free. If I ever have a need to get another laptop, I will get a laptop from System 76. I won't be paying for the OS and all the bloatware salaries built into it.

Windows is akin to our government. They don't actually fix problems they create. They just put pretty bows on the problem, repackage it, and sell as new and improved. And people stare at the screen and say, "look at how pretty the new Windoze is mah."
Are you using FF on Windoze or Linux?

What's your idea of a "massive" amount of RAM these days?

It's currently using ~194,955. When i have more than one tab open (I average 3-4 if I'm browsing and 20+ when looking stuff up).

Windoze XP Pro [well... it's supposed to be 'Media Center', but I removed that bullshit...], 32-bit.

I'm using Ubuntu 9.04, Gnome WM and FF.

With 3 tabs open I'm using 112 MB.

I recommend dropping the Windoze and switching to Open Source :)

Windoze uses more, since their widgets are extremely primitive they require more RAM just for the standard buttons, while Gnome desktops are better at memory and widget management so they use a lot less. I have my Firefox maxed out in Linux (all the perks and several tools) and only using 87 meg with one tab. Mostly some users just don't know how to maximize memory usage, or they never clear their cookies.
Best thing I ever did was wipe the hard drive, and install Ubuntu. It works like it should. And if I ever need to run a Windoze program, I still have that ability, although I don't plan on it. Firefox runs faster in Linux than in Windoze. In my opinion, Linux is more secure than Windoze. I don't have to worry about all the malware and spyware crap etc. I don't have to worry about defragging my hard drive. My system is lean and mean. I am free to customize it any way I want. You can't do that with Windoze, without it being a big deal.

Ubuntu is free. If I ever have a need to get another laptop, I will get a laptop from System 76. I won't be paying for the OS and all the bloatware salaries built into it.

Windows is akin to our government. They don't actually fix problems they create. They just put pretty bows on the problem, repackage it, and sell as new and improved. And people stare at the screen and say, "look at how pretty the new Windoze is mah."

I'll be upgrading to 9.04 soon ... putting it off really and still using 8.04 with updates. One huge benefit to Linux, aside from the fact that it is far more secure than Windoze (even with the best software), the updates actually overwrite their out of date ones instead of just installing new ones, so each update uses a lot less HD space. As for "how pretty the new Windoze is" ... they are trying to mimic things Gnome desktop has been doing for years already. ;)
Does 'IETab' work on linux? Some retarded, cocksucking, motherfucking, ***** of programmers' pages don't display properly in firefox...
Does 'IETab' work on linux? Some retarded, cocksucking, motherfucking, ***** of programmers' pages don't display properly in firefox...

WTF are you babbling about. I have not had any problem with any pages on any of the major programming sites. Anything IE 8 can render, Firefox 3 can as well ... but not everything that Firefox 2 can render will even show correctly in IE 8.
Chrome except on several sites that freeze it Samsclub credit and EDU.

Chrome is experimental really, Google is just toying with the idea still. They are trying to bring the functionality of Firefox on Gnome to Windoze ... but as I said, the widgets for Windoze are sloppy and not nearly as versatile as Gnome or KDE. Gnome is still top of the line. One problem is that Microsucks doesn't like open source, and everything Google touches is open source ... eventually (typically starts off as just GNU then moves to open source once they get it working). Microsucks charges a fortune for full access to their API, since XP, and even with full access you can't do nearly as much as you can with Gnome.

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