which web browser do you use?

Which browser do you use most frequently?

  • Firefox

    Votes: 31 53.4%
  • Internet Explorer

    Votes: 12 20.7%
  • Netscape Navigator

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 15 25.9%

  • Total voters
I'm currently using the Nintendo DSi Browser powered by Opera.

Seriously? How well does it work?

I was thinking of buying a DS again, I like the game Nintendogs and it would be nice to have a pocket sized browser.

When I'm using the Nintendo DSi! Actually, the browser isn't too bad. It's much better than the browser provided by the Sony PSP. The only thing that bothers me about the DSi is that the Game Boy Advance card slot is no more. :(
I'm currently using the Nintendo DSi Browser powered by Opera.

Seriously? How well does it work?

I was thinking of buying a DS again, I like the game Nintendogs and it would be nice to have a pocket sized browser.

When I'm using the Nintendo DSi! Actually, the browser isn't too bad. It's much better than the browser provided by the Sony PSP. The only thing that bothers me about the DSi is that the Game Boy Advance card slot is no more. :(

That does kind of suck. They were chatting about making it fully wi-fi capable without the need of a base system, did they actually do that?

Sheesh, now I wish I had kept up with video game systems more.
HP as in, Hewlett Packard?

The rest of your post is just garbage, technogarble, by the way. So is your computer, if it's a Hewlett Packard.

How LIBERAL and POMPOUS of you to inform me of such.....Mr. MOTO (master of the obvious) Typical CHILD. If not in body..in mind. Of course, one must be in vogue, and have a 5 thousand dollar MAC, the correct color, with all the whistles and bells ..., all paid for by MOMMY and DADDY?

$5,000 dollar MAC? Where do you find one of those, at a Windoze store?
Seriously? How well does it work?

I was thinking of buying a DS again, I like the game Nintendogs and it would be nice to have a pocket sized browser.

When I'm using the Nintendo DSi! Actually, the browser isn't too bad. It's much better than the browser provided by the Sony PSP. The only thing that bothers me about the DSi is that the Game Boy Advance card slot is no more. :(

That does kind of suck. They were chatting about making it fully wi-fi capable without the need of a base system, did they actually do that?

Sheesh, now I wish I had kept up with video game systems more.

Yes. The DSi is awesome.
HP as in, Hewlett Packard?

The rest of your post is just garbage, technogarble, by the way. So is your computer, if it's a Hewlett Packard.

How LIBERAL and POMPOUS of you to inform me of such.....Mr. MOTO (master of the obvious) Typical CHILD. If not in body..in mind. Of course, one must be in vogue, and have a 5 thousand dollar MAC, the correct color, with all the whistles and bells ..., all paid for by MOMMY and DADDY?

$5,000 dollar MAC? Where do you find one of those, at a Windoze store?
:rofl: Nice catch, I'd missed that one!

Those are the kinds of terms you get from someone who really does know nothing about computers....
How LIBERAL and POMPOUS of you to inform me of such.....Mr. MOTO (master of the obvious) Typical CHILD. If not in body..in mind. Of course, one must be in vogue, and have a 5 thousand dollar MAC, the correct color, with all the whistles and bells ..., all paid for by MOMMY and DADDY?

$5,000 dollar MAC? Where do you find one of those, at a Windoze store?
:rofl: Nice catch, I'd missed that one!

Those are the kinds of terms you get from someone who really does know nothing about computers....

Which is what most Microsucks faithfulls are. ;)
Firefox on Ubuntu - Gnome WM.

Gnome is so much better than the Windoze API ... so many things you can do with it as a programmer, and Firefox uses all the capabilities. Ubuntu just rocks, bringing the best of Linux with the ease of use old Windoze use to have before they went psycho with it and the power of Gnome and KDE combined flawlessly.
Firefox on Ubuntu - Gnome WM.

Gnome is so much better than the Windoze API ... so many things you can do with it as a programmer, and Firefox uses all the capabilities. Ubuntu just rocks, bringing the best of Linux with the ease of use old Windoze use to have before they went psycho with it and the power of Gnome and KDE combined flawlessly.

Totally agree! I just got a laptop for my daughter, who is joining us in our technology practice. I put Ubuntu 9.04 on it. She loves it! She spent yesterday learning Inkscape (vector graphics) GIMP (Image manipulation) and Joomla! CMS framework. There is so much support for learning these tools out there and the tools themselves just rock!
Firefox on Ubuntu - Gnome WM.

Gnome is so much better than the Windoze API ... so many things you can do with it as a programmer, and Firefox uses all the capabilities. Ubuntu just rocks, bringing the best of Linux with the ease of use old Windoze use to have before they went psycho with it and the power of Gnome and KDE combined flawlessly.

Totally agree! I just got a laptop for my daughter, who is joining us in our technology practice. I put Ubuntu 9.04 on it. She loves it! She spent yesterday learning Inkscape (vector graphics) GIMP (Image manipulation) and Joomla! CMS framework. There is so much support for learning these tools out there and the tools themselves just rock!

Gimp just rules ... as for vector graphics I like Synfig, though it takes a bit to get the hang of. For 3D I use Blender. I will be upgrading to 9.04 soon I think, after I check the configuration, my monitor is weird and rejected the 8.11 upgrade's Xorg and XServer auto config.
I have some proprietary business software only works on IE (7), I removed IE 8 on all my systems immediately after installing 8, YUCK. FF doesn't show much (if any) more speed for me but I use it once in a while. I too build my own systems so that plays enormously into speed...
I have some proprietary business software only works on IE (7), I removed IE 8 on all my systems immediately after installing 8, YUCK. FF doesn't show much (if any) more speed for me but I use it once in a while. I too build my own systems so that plays enormously into speed...

Really the speed isn't the biggest issue between the two. When IE slowed (7 and 8) it kept clearing my keyboard buffer, so I wound up having to type really slow (I was using an old laptop at the time) ... that's why I made the original switch. FF doesn't clear the buffer, so I can type fast then just wait a minute for it to catch up when I am done.

There is a way to trick any software into thinking FF is IE, I don't remember how to do it off hand, but I can look it up again.Anything that IE can render as a webpage, so can FF. But if the software you are using is integrated directly into IE I don't think it will work.
I have some proprietary business software only works on IE (7), I removed IE 8 on all my systems immediately after installing 8, YUCK. FF doesn't show much (if any) more speed for me but I use it once in a while. I too build my own systems so that plays enormously into speed...

Really the speed isn't the biggest issue between the two. When IE slowed (7 and 8) it kept clearing my keyboard buffer, so I wound up having to type really slow (I was using an old laptop at the time) ... that's why I made the original switch. FF doesn't clear the buffer, so I can type fast then just wait a minute for it to catch up when I am done.

There is a way to trick any software into thinking FF is IE, I don't remember how to do it off hand, but I can look it up again.Anything that IE can render as a webpage, so can FF. But if the software you are using is integrated directly into IE I don't think it will work.

There is an M$ addin for FF that does it.
What sucks about FF is the massive amounts of RAM it hogs up. But I've yet to find another browser (Flock aside) that does what I want.

Are you using FF on Windoze or Linux?

What's your idea of a "massive" amount of RAM these days?

It's currently using ~194,955. When i have more than one tab open (I average 3-4 if I'm browsing and 20+ when looking stuff up).

Windoze XP Pro [well... it's supposed to be 'Media Center', but I removed that bullshit...], 32-bit.
What sucks about FF is the massive amounts of RAM it hogs up. But I've yet to find another browser (Flock aside) that does what I want.

Are you using FF on Windoze or Linux?

What's your idea of a "massive" amount of RAM these days?

It's currently using ~194,955. When i have more than one tab open (I average 3-4 if I'm browsing and 20+ when looking stuff up).

Windoze XP Pro [well... it's supposed to be 'Media Center', but I removed that bullshit...], 32-bit.

I'm using Ubuntu 9.04, Gnome WM and FF.

With 3 tabs open I'm using 112 MB.

I recommend dropping the Windoze and switching to Open Source :)

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