which web browser do you use?

Which browser do you use most frequently?

  • Firefox

    Votes: 31 53.4%
  • Internet Explorer

    Votes: 12 20.7%
  • Netscape Navigator

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 15 25.9%

  • Total voters
Oh one more thing I don't like so far with Firefox...when I minimize the screen, my quote button isn't there even a scroll bar isn't there (just showed up when I refreshed) . What's up with that?
Do I have to do the same for Java?
I believe so.

FF maintains its integrity and security partly by not sharing anything with IE or other browsers.
Ok thanks MM, I'm having a few issues now with Firefox but not too worried about it now. I want to feel more comfortable with it first. Problem so far is sometimes THIS BOX to type in doesn't show up and when I copy a photobucket image link and then try to paste it here...it's not the same link but I think that could be with photobucket for I have to work with it a few more times to really figure it out.

1) Fix the other image
2)What box?
3)What addons are installed?
I believe so.

FF maintains its integrity and security partly by not sharing anything with IE or other browsers.
Ok thanks MM, I'm having a few issues now with Firefox but not too worried about it now. I want to feel more comfortable with it first. Problem so far is sometimes THIS BOX to type in doesn't show up and when I copy a photobucket image link and then try to paste it here...it's not the same link but I think that could be with photobucket for I have to work with it a few more times to really figure it out.

1) Fix the other image
2)What box?
3)What addons are installed?
1-I deleted it
2-The box at the bottom of the this page in the forum where you would type a message. Sometimes it isn't there I have to click on advance or quote button to place my message
3-Adblock Plus, CoolPreviews, DownloadHelper, ImTranslator, Java Console, spellbound, TV-Fox, and Microsoft.NET Framework Assistant
Oh one more thing I don't like so far with Firefox...when I minimize the screen, my quote button isn't there even a scroll bar isn't there (just showed up when I refreshed) . What's up with that?

What quote and scroll? If it's minimized, you shouldn't see it at all

take a screenshot
It does not happen all the time. It's like it has a mind of it's own. I have no idea what induces it in order to repeat it to take a screenshot. That is why I stated I have to work with it more. Just some hiccups.
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I use Firefox. It is much faster than IE and more secure than IE. Since I switched to Linux, I don't have to worry about IE, or any of the other typical Windoze malware crap etc. Life is good. :cool:
Firefox is quick, but it also is a space hog due to the duplications that are stored. Ever notice your software slowing down even through you have screened it with the latest advances in hunting viruses? That's because of the use of Firefox as it continues to collect data and store it in your system.

I scanned my system for duplicate files and found over 15000 sets of duplicate files stored. When I removed the duplicate files that served no purpose in the vital operation of my daily tasks my HP advanced by 40% in the speed of prompting and downloads. It was a time consuming process as each set of files had to be checked individually....until I purchased a program that allowed removal by the simple process of checking each line item in the file, and moving them into the recycle bin to make sure that nothing which was removed was of any vital importance. After a few days of use and no hic-ups becomes apparent......the bin can be emptied. I later found the best way to preform the task was to remove all the junk........and REBOOT the entire system. Its takes about an hour and 1/2.....but the junk is removed and you begin all over.....just like the day you purchased your system. It actually takes more time prompting the reboot program that came with the original window's package that you have told NORTON Security (which came with the system) to kiss your proverbial tail while you are removing this virus collecting Trojan horse from your system and replacing it with a real time virus protection system such a NOD or one of the superior programs that do not steal information from you and then attempt to sell you more products to protect you from the "OTHER" supposed thieves on the net.

I swear by Firefox....after I have learned to manage it properly. I clean the entire system about once a month.
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Which web browser is the most popular here. Which one do you use most frequently and why?

I've first Safari, second Firefox. It would have been reversed if for some reason months ago Firefox got a bug on my mac. Then I went Safari. No problems per se, but to see real estate listings had to have either Firefox or IE, so uploaded most recent Firefox.
I mostly use Firefox, but I'm finding I like Google Chrome better in some ways and have been using it more lately.
For here and grunt work I like IE. The 64 bit really messed up on PayPal big time so, I retired it.
Firefox is good. Google chrome is good, though both had issues with my web site maintenance.
Opera is OK.

How about search?
I mostly use Firefox, but I'm finding I like Google Chrome better in some ways and have been using it more lately.

I haven't been keeping up with Chrome's development like I should, been too busy with my newer hobby to deal with it. I have wanted to test it, but when I looked at the features, they're oddly the same FF has in Gnome desktop for Linux so I just lost interest.
For here and grunt work I like IE. The 64 bit really messed up on PayPal big time so, I retired it.
Firefox is good. Google chrome is good, though both had issues with my web site maintenance.
Opera is OK.

How about search?

I won't touch MS products now except to test, and Bing failed the test. It's too much too late, like everything else they have released since Win95. Google is streamlined, uses basic HTML so is faster and resource lite, also has many options, while Google's algorithm does filter your results a little, Bing over does it. I don't need a computer to make my decisions for me, I just need a search engine.
HP as in, Hewlett Packard?

The rest of your post is just garbage, technogarble, by the way. So is your computer, if it's a Hewlett Packard.

How LIBERAL and POMPOUS of you to inform me of such.....Mr. MOTO (master of the obvious) Typical CHILD. If not in body..in mind. Of course, one must be in vogue, and have a 5 thousand dollar MAC, the correct color, with all the whistles and bells ..., all paid for by MOMMY and DADDY?
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HP as in, Hewlett Packard?

The rest of your post is just garbage, technogarble, by the way. So is your computer, if it's a Hewlett Packard.

How LIBERAL and POMPOUS of you to inform me of such.....Mr. MOTO (master of the obvious) Typical CHILD. If not in body..in mind. Of course, one must be in vogue, and have a 5 thousand dollar MAC, the correct color, with all the whistles and bells ..., all paid for by MOMMY and DADDY?
Actually? Built my own computer, always have, with these same two hands that are slapping you around right now. Never, EVER bought one retail. And never have had nor ever will have a Mac.

If you have a HP it's garbage. Nothing personal you understand, it just is what it is.
HP as in, Hewlett Packard?

The rest of your post is just garbage, technogarble, by the way. So is your computer, if it's a Hewlett Packard.

How LIBERAL and POMPOUS of you to inform me of such.....Mr. MOTO (master of the obvious) Typical CHILD. If not in body..in mind. Of course, one must be in vogue, and have a 5 thousand dollar MAC, the correct color, with all the whistles and bells ..., all paid for by MOMMY and DADDY?

Mine was a 50 dollar junker I fixed up ... but even I agree with Midnight Marauder.

BTW, I am also a techie geek by trade because I couldn't work in my favorite job anymore due to a disability. ;)

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