Which would you prefer?

Which one would you prefer?

  • A bunch of racists with freedom to say anything

  • People can only say what the govt or other institution has predetermined is OK

Results are only viewable after voting.
I prefer that the first amendment be enforced.... and that includes the decisions on libel/slander laws.

if you're talking about people being able to spew whatever they want and have no repercussions (e.g, post racist rants on FB and then cry because they lost their job), then I'm going to have to say you can say that's a different issue. do you also think that "free speech" means every loon has to be given every forum they want in which to speak?

which do you mean?
I agree. The "free" in free speech is not the same "free" as it is in "free beer." It means unobstructed or unrestrained. It's most definitely not "free" in terms of being costly.

Nobody should stop an idiot from telling the whole world that his neighbor is an illiterate, bankrupt, homosexual, communist (per se defamation in Texas), when said idiot knows it is false.

But, said idiot should be ordered to pay damages for such a false statement.
You can't call liberals commies in Texas?! That seems so un-American. LOL
You have failed the truest test of commitment to free speech.

Only when you are faced with the most abhorrent content will your conviction be properly tested.

You should re-examine your convictions. Are you really a liberal?
I'm an Independent. As with all rights, I believe they come with responsibilities, and one of the responsibilities of the First Amendment right of free speech is to choose our public words wisely in such a way that they do not harm others. Racist speech does untold harm to minorities.
If you want to call me a fascist for that, I'm perfectly alright with it.
People let words hurt them. You are the reason our nation is turning into a big fuckin pussy.
Lil ol' me? I KNEW I should have gone with Queen of Sheba.
People like you, yes.
You let emotion dictate policy and now look at what we have..
Rome 2.0
Emotion is part of who we are. Even you have "emotion" as in getting all pissed off about climate change and such. Not being able to understand that words CAN and DO hurt is a lack of empathy typically reserved for psychopaths, and I know you aren't one, so stop talking like one.
Emotion has no place in policy making. Emotion is left to the INDIVIDUAL not the GOVT
I will ask AGAIN, would you like to discuss history or continue your regressive rhetoric? I can come up with all kinds of examples of how emotion and tyranny isnt the route we should take. Can you do the same for your beliefs?
this was about a student.
Ah, students don't have full 1st Amend protection. I had assumed this was about the students who were disciplined over some stupid post showing them in Klan robes or blackface, but no matter. This issue was more in the forefront back during civil rights and Vietnam, when students sought to protest.
So students cant express how they feel? WTF
Not if their expression has a negative effect on "the educational environment."
Lol, so students dont have first amendment rights at their homes.
Did you hear that guys?
Should a person that thinks fat people are gross be expelled? You know, if they said it on instagram at their own house.
I don't think a school, or an employer, can discipline anyone for what they say to another individual in their own home, so long as criminal behavior is not involved.

But once one posts on social media, or even puts up a yard sign, they cross a line. Govt or an employer can't take down the social media or yard sign, but if the message causes a negative effect on an educational setting, or a negative effect on how an employer is viewed, discipline can legally take place.

That's just the way it is. If you think it shouldn't be that way, I respect your view. I think the view is naïve and fails to allow for how other people are affected by speech
So if my son posts on twitter that fat people are gross, he should be expelled? LMAO what a joke man... a big fat JOKE
There are court rulings on this and they include things that involve the school. NOT personal beliefs about society.
Also, it is true i have no sympathy for people letting words hurt them. If they let words hurt them, they have more problems than someone disliking them.
No it's not.

you're just a coward so you twisted the choices around, you don't support free speech, just the speech the echoes your own thoughts.

Nonsense - the LAST thing I want is everyone speak in terms that echo my own speech & thoughts.
however you are unwilling to vote that racist have free speech, like you and everyone else.

No - I am unwilling to vote that they have a right to say ANYTHING
Because they don't - and neither do I.
I'm an Independent. As with all rights, I believe they come with responsibilities, and one of the responsibilities of the First Amendment right of free speech is to choose our public words wisely in such a way that they do not harm others. Racist speech does untold harm to minorities.
If you want to call me a fascist for that, I'm perfectly alright with it.
People let words hurt them. You are the reason our nation is turning into a big fuckin pussy.
Lil ol' me? I KNEW I should have gone with Queen of Sheba.
People like you, yes.
You let emotion dictate policy and now look at what we have..
Rome 2.0
Emotion is part of who we are. Even you have "emotion" as in getting all pissed off about climate change and such. Not being able to understand that words CAN and DO hurt is a lack of empathy typically reserved for psychopaths, and I know you aren't one, so stop talking like one.
Emotion has no place in policy making. Emotion is left to the INDIVIDUAL not the GOVT
I will ask AGAIN, would you like to discuss history or continue your regressive rhetoric? I can come up with all kinds of examples of how emotion and tyranny isnt the route we should take. Can you do the same for your beliefs?
TN, you were referring to a student's post to social media. You said words only hurt if you let them. I disagree that words have no impact, are not hurtful. We were NOT talking about policy here.
If you want to talk about emotion and tyranny, what do you call the swill the neo-Nazi's and KKK types are spewing? If I can't use it, why can they?
No it's not.

you're just a coward so you twisted the choices around, you don't support free speech, just the speech the echoes your own thoughts.

Nonsense - the LAST thing I want is everyone speak in terms that echo my own speech & thoughts.
however you are unwilling to vote that racist have free speech, like you and everyone else.
I recall I stopped giving money to the ACLU when they supported forcing a city to give the Klan a parade permit. I don't object to the Klan voicing their hate, but I objected to cops having to protect them and taxpayers paying for it.

And we revisited that issue when Trump's "good people" created riots in the city where my kid is in school.
Where you upset when antifa started riots and attacked people when they came our of buildings?
where you upset when hillary supporters attacked trump supporters?

where you cool with the cops being order to not stop the violence?

I'm basically calling you a fucking hypocrite, since the left openly supported these actions and not one thread came out otherwise.
No it's not.

you're just a coward so you twisted the choices around, you don't support free speech, just the speech the echoes your own thoughts.

Nonsense - the LAST thing I want is everyone speak in terms that echo my own speech & thoughts.
however you are unwilling to vote that racist have free speech, like you and everyone else.
I recall I stopped giving money to the ACLU when they supported forcing a city to give the Klan a parade permit. I don't object to the Klan voicing their hate, but I objected to cops having to protect them and taxpayers paying for it.

And we revisited that issue when Trump's "good people" created riots in the city where my kid is in school.
So you think only certain people should be defended by our govt?
You sir, are fucked up. And selfish as hell. A regressive, if you will.
Baloney. Free speech rights are the rights to speech and NOT be punished for it. You're talking nonsense.
You have the right to rent a billboard along a busy freeway with your picture on it with the message:

"Hi. I am NYCarbineer. I work for Toyota, but I hate those bastards. Those slant-eyed Japs build shitty cars. Don't buy Toyota autos."

Would Toyota be "punishing" you for your free speech if they fired you?

No. Toyota would be getting rid of an employee who is fucking up their business. HUGE difference.
People let words hurt them. You are the reason our nation is turning into a big fuckin pussy.
Lil ol' me? I KNEW I should have gone with Queen of Sheba.
People like you, yes.
You let emotion dictate policy and now look at what we have..
Rome 2.0
Emotion is part of who we are. Even you have "emotion" as in getting all pissed off about climate change and such. Not being able to understand that words CAN and DO hurt is a lack of empathy typically reserved for psychopaths, and I know you aren't one, so stop talking like one.
Emotion has no place in policy making. Emotion is left to the INDIVIDUAL not the GOVT
I will ask AGAIN, would you like to discuss history or continue your regressive rhetoric? I can come up with all kinds of examples of how emotion and tyranny isnt the route we should take. Can you do the same for your beliefs?
TN, you were referring to a student's post to social media. You said words only hurt if you let them. I disagree that words have no impact, are not hurtful. We were NOT talking about policy here.
If you want to talk about emotion and tyranny, what do you call the swill the neo-Nazi's and KKK types are spewing? If I can't use it, why can they?
No, words do hurt some people. But that is their own fault.
Use what? I dont follow the second part.
No it's not.

you're just a coward so you twisted the choices around, you don't support free speech, just the speech the echoes your own thoughts.

Nonsense - the LAST thing I want is everyone speak in terms that echo my own speech & thoughts.
however you are unwilling to vote that racist have free speech, like you and everyone else.
I recall I stopped giving money to the ACLU when they supported forcing a city to give the Klan a parade permit. I don't object to the Klan voicing their hate, but I objected to cops having to protect them and taxpayers paying for it.

And we revisited that issue when Trump's "good people" created riots in the city where my kid is in school.
Where you upset when antifa started riots and attacked people when they came our of buildings?
where you upset when hillary supporters attacked trump supporters?

where you cool with the cops being order to not stop the violence?

I'm basically calling you a fucking hypocrite, since the left openly supported these actions and not one thread came out otherwise.
I only recall ONE poster here supporting Antifa's violence--he was a self proclaimed anarchist and I don't think he's here anymore.
EVERYONE else disavowed the violence Antifa was using.
No it's not.

you're just a coward so you twisted the choices around, you don't support free speech, just the speech the echoes your own thoughts.

Nonsense - the LAST thing I want is everyone speak in terms that echo my own speech & thoughts.
however you are unwilling to vote that racist have free speech, like you and everyone else.
I recall I stopped giving money to the ACLU when they supported forcing a city to give the Klan a parade permit. I don't object to the Klan voicing their hate, but I objected to cops having to protect them and taxpayers paying for it.

And we revisited that issue when Trump's "good people" created riots in the city where my kid is in school.
Where you upset when antifa started riots and attacked people when they came our of buildings?
where you upset when hillary supporters attacked trump supporters?

where you cool with the cops being order to not stop the violence?

I'm basically calling you a fucking hypocrite, since the left openly supported these actions and not one thread came out otherwise.
I only recall ONE poster here supporting Antifa's violence--he was a self proclaimed anarchist and I don't think he's here anymore.
EVERYONE else disavowed the violence Antifa was using.
uhm, no.

all the leftists cheered and support antifa, if they didn't, antifa would be gone.
You can't call liberals commies in Texas?! That seems so un-American. LOL
You can....if it's true.

No, in a defamation lawsuit, a plaintiff is not required to prove that the word is defamatory. It is per se defamatory, or defamatory as a matter of law. In other words, you don't need to submit a question to the jury asking whether the jury finds the word "communist" to be defamatory. That's all it means.
Lil ol' me? I KNEW I should have gone with Queen of Sheba.
People like you, yes.
You let emotion dictate policy and now look at what we have..
Rome 2.0
Emotion is part of who we are. Even you have "emotion" as in getting all pissed off about climate change and such. Not being able to understand that words CAN and DO hurt is a lack of empathy typically reserved for psychopaths, and I know you aren't one, so stop talking like one.
Emotion has no place in policy making. Emotion is left to the INDIVIDUAL not the GOVT
I will ask AGAIN, would you like to discuss history or continue your regressive rhetoric? I can come up with all kinds of examples of how emotion and tyranny isnt the route we should take. Can you do the same for your beliefs?
TN, you were referring to a student's post to social media. You said words only hurt if you let them. I disagree that words have no impact, are not hurtful. We were NOT talking about policy here.
If you want to talk about emotion and tyranny, what do you call the swill the neo-Nazi's and KKK types are spewing? If I can't use it, why can they?
No, words do hurt some people. But that is their own fault.
Use what? I dont follow the second part.
You said emotion and tyranny has no place in policy making and called it regressive rhetoric. You said emotion and tyranny -- my stance -- isn't the route we should take.
So if it's not okay for me, why is it okay for them?
Nonsense - the LAST thing I want is everyone speak in terms that echo my own speech & thoughts.
however you are unwilling to vote that racist have free speech, like you and everyone else.
I recall I stopped giving money to the ACLU when they supported forcing a city to give the Klan a parade permit. I don't object to the Klan voicing their hate, but I objected to cops having to protect them and taxpayers paying for it.

And we revisited that issue when Trump's "good people" created riots in the city where my kid is in school.
Where you upset when antifa started riots and attacked people when they came our of buildings?
where you upset when hillary supporters attacked trump supporters?

where you cool with the cops being order to not stop the violence?

I'm basically calling you a fucking hypocrite, since the left openly supported these actions and not one thread came out otherwise.
I only recall ONE poster here supporting Antifa's violence--he was a self proclaimed anarchist and I don't think he's here anymore.
EVERYONE else disavowed the violence Antifa was using.
uhm, no.

all the leftists cheered and support antifa, if they didn't, antifa would be gone.
I knew you'd say that, but I put the truth up anyway, just for the record.
People like you, yes.
You let emotion dictate policy and now look at what we have..
Rome 2.0
Emotion is part of who we are. Even you have "emotion" as in getting all pissed off about climate change and such. Not being able to understand that words CAN and DO hurt is a lack of empathy typically reserved for psychopaths, and I know you aren't one, so stop talking like one.
Emotion has no place in policy making. Emotion is left to the INDIVIDUAL not the GOVT
I will ask AGAIN, would you like to discuss history or continue your regressive rhetoric? I can come up with all kinds of examples of how emotion and tyranny isnt the route we should take. Can you do the same for your beliefs?
TN, you were referring to a student's post to social media. You said words only hurt if you let them. I disagree that words have no impact, are not hurtful. We were NOT talking about policy here.
If you want to talk about emotion and tyranny, what do you call the swill the neo-Nazi's and KKK types are spewing? If I can't use it, why can they?
No, words do hurt some people. But that is their own fault.
Use what? I dont follow the second part.
You said emotion and tyranny has no place in policy making and called it regressive rhetoric. You said emotion and tyranny -- my stance -- isn't the route we should take.
So if it's not okay for me, why is it okay for them?
The KKK and NAZIs make policy?
Emotion is part of who we are. Even you have "emotion" as in getting all pissed off about climate change and such. Not being able to understand that words CAN and DO hurt is a lack of empathy typically reserved for psychopaths, and I know you aren't one, so stop talking like one.
Emotion has no place in policy making. Emotion is left to the INDIVIDUAL not the GOVT
I will ask AGAIN, would you like to discuss history or continue your regressive rhetoric? I can come up with all kinds of examples of how emotion and tyranny isnt the route we should take. Can you do the same for your beliefs?
TN, you were referring to a student's post to social media. You said words only hurt if you let them. I disagree that words have no impact, are not hurtful. We were NOT talking about policy here.
If you want to talk about emotion and tyranny, what do you call the swill the neo-Nazi's and KKK types are spewing? If I can't use it, why can they?
No, words do hurt some people. But that is their own fault.
Use what? I dont follow the second part.
You said emotion and tyranny has no place in policy making and called it regressive rhetoric. You said emotion and tyranny -- my stance -- isn't the route we should take.
So if it's not okay for me, why is it okay for them?
The KKK and NAZIs make policy?
They'd sure as hell like to; what do you think they're proposing?
Simple poll!

you should probably ask your president who tries to shut down everything that criticizes him. And I'll remind you that he has been whining about changing libel/slander laws (which have been tested Constitutionally) to make speech more restrictive.

just saying.
You mean like Obama's 'Truth Squad'?
Death Panel!
No, Truth Squad!!

Missouri Sheriffs' and Prosecutors' Obama 'Truth Squad' Getting Old Media Silence

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