While Trump fumes, Joe goes to work

While Donald Trump, furious over his humiliating loss to Joe Biden threatens to sue and fire - almost everybody - his Democratic counterpart President elect Joe Biden spent today in virtual meetings with his panel of medical advisors, with the aim of curbing the deadly COVID 19 pandemic that killed nearly a quarter million Americans this year. None these top medical experts include family members, personal friends, or media figures. When Joe takes office in January the full weight of our government will be brought to forward to fight this virus and the economic damage it has done, rather than dismissing it as a "hoax" and telling everyone it will "just disappear"

Thankfully America has elected a work horse, not a show horse - :bye1:

No worries. The hard work is already done. Were working on a vaccine, PPE production has been ramped up and everyone understands social distancing. What exactly is Biden going to do for you?
I keep saying the Joe Biden Covid death watch starts January 20th. How much blood will be on Joe's hands?
There won’t be a single death to the Kung Flu after Jan 19. It will miraculously go away.
I hope this is one of the jokes which I do not understand, because of my cultural distance to the USA. We call such a statement normally only "Verarschung". "To try to fool others" is unfortunately a more harmless translation.
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I keep saying the Joe Biden Covid death watch starts January 20th. How much blood will be on Joe's hands?
There won’t be a single death to the Kung Flu after Jan 19. It will miraculously go away.
I hope this is one of the jokes which I do not understand, because of my cultural distance to the USA. We call such a statement normally only "Verarschung". "To try to fool others" is unfortunately a more harmless translation.
It’s the democrat party and the media. You really think they are going to let a flu with a 99.5% survival rate hinder a Biden presidency like they did to Trump? No fucking way. And when their failed economy comes about who do you think they will blame?
While Donald Trump, furious over his humiliating loss to Joe Biden threatens to sue and fire - almost everybody - his Democratic counterpart President elect Joe Biden spent today in virtual meetings with his panel of medical advisors, with the aim of curbing the deadly COVID 19 pandemic that killed nearly a quarter million Americans this year. None these top medical experts include family members, personal friends, or media figures. When Joe takes office in January the full weight of our government will be brought to forward to fight this virus and the economic damage it has done, rather than dismissing it as a "hoax" and telling everyone it will "just disappear"

Thankfully America has elected a work horse, not a show horse - :bye1:

Sure.. Your Joe "i'm gonna shut down the virus" Biden NEVER HAD A PLAN.. He stole everything Trump had already done as HIS ideas during the campaign.. It was painful to watch him call for stuff that was ALREADY in play..

And NOW -- he does what ANY CAREER POLITICIAN does. He forms another committee.. Cutting out ALL THE FOLKS that actually fought in combat with this plague for the past 10 months.. He has no plan.

You have Cuomo WHINING that HE wont be in charge who gets the 1st 25Million vaccines from Pfizer. And Slow Joe tossing out the planning of the MILITARY to be the principle distribution network.. ONLY the military has the command structure and resources to DO THIS JOB effectively..

He's already on track for "murdering people" between Jan 20Th and March..

So my question to you is -- are ya cool when JOE gets accused of "murdering people"???

And what part of what you typed is remotely connected with reality? Damn, you are desperate. With posts like that, you are definitely a Party of the Rumper and are still in the first stage.

Pretty much all of it. If your head wasn't so far up Xidens ass you could see it.
I keep saying the Joe Biden Covid death watch starts January 20th. How much blood will be on Joe's hands?
There won’t be a single death to the Kung Flu after Jan 19. It will miraculously go away.
I hope this is one of the jokes which I do not understand, because of my cultural distance to the USA. We call such a statement normally only "Verarschung". "To try to fool others" is unfortunately a more harmless translation.
It’s the democrat party and the media. You really think they are going to let a flu

The Sars-CoV-2 virus has not any similarity with an influenca virus nor is it a flu or a cold. We see in the moment 7 different progressive forms of heavy covid-19 infections.

with a 99.5% survival rate

Such a number depends on the number of infections and the quality of a health care system and it doesn't show the long term effects nor gives it any information about future mutations of this virus. And I guess the way how someone found this number was "I think so, so it has to be true". 0.5% are by the way more then 1.6 million people. You lost in all years of world war 2 together about 400,000 people. Now you lost in not one year 250,000. That's a catastrophe. (Date: 2020/11/10)

Oh: not to forget. This virus works systemic over different entrance ports. So people are able to die on other diseases, which break though because of an infection with Sars-CoV-2 in the background. On the other side minimizes the fight against covid-19 also other infections and so people don't die on this infections.

hinder a Biden presidency like they did to Trump? No fucking way.

¿fuck?ing way? Could be interesting to make a film about US-Americans and their ways. We normally use our feet and go step by step. Boring - but works in most cases.

And when their failed economy comes about who do you think they will blame?

The automatism to say "to care about a pandemic destroys economy" is idiotic. I'm by the way a German. Germany was flat after you bombed it down. Economy was totally dead. Then we took an air pump and inflated Germany again. And now you can see the sun rise over the Alps, because we pumped much too enthusiastic.

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While Donald Trump, furious over his humiliating loss to Joe Biden threatens to sue and fire - almost everybody - his Democratic counterpart President elect Joe Biden spent today in virtual meetings with his panel of medical advisors, with the aim of curbing the deadly COVID 19 pandemic that killed nearly a quarter million Americans this year. None these top medical experts include family members, personal friends, or media figures. When Joe takes office in January the full weight of our government will be brought to forward to fight this virus and the economic damage it has done, rather than dismissing it as a "hoax" and telling everyone it will "just disappear"

Thankfully America has elected a work horse, not a show horse - :bye1:

Goes to work? Lol...Doing what? He isn’t President.
While Donald Trump, furious over his humiliating loss to Joe Biden threatens to sue and fire - almost everybody - his Democratic counterpart President elect Joe Biden spent today in virtual meetings with his panel of medical advisors, with the aim of curbing the deadly COVID 19 pandemic that killed nearly a quarter million Americans this year. None these top medical experts include family members, personal friends, or media figures. When Joe takes office in January the full weight of our government will be brought to forward to fight this virus and the economic damage it has done, rather than dismissing it as a "hoax" and telling everyone it will "just disappear"

Thankfully America has elected a work horse, not a show horse - :bye1:

Goes to work? Lol...Doing what? He isn’t President.

Do you still follow "sleepy Donald"? Good girl: Biden is the winner - Trump the loser. Remember what Donald Trump said about loser.

No one listens to the ideas of Donald Trump any longer, everyone is listening now to Joe Biden. The exchanges for example started an economic firework because of the positive message that Mr. Joe Biden wan the elections. It needs only a phone call and Mr. president elected Joe Biden is able to speak with everyone in the USA and all over the world.
While Donald Trump, furious over his humiliating loss to Joe Biden threatens to sue and fire - almost everybody - his Democratic counterpart President elect Joe Biden spent today in virtual meetings with his panel of medical advisors, with the aim of curbing the deadly COVID 19 pandemic that killed nearly a quarter million Americans this year. None these top medical experts include family members, personal friends, or media figures. When Joe takes office in January the full weight of our government will be brought to forward to fight this virus and the economic damage it has done, rather than dismissing it as a "hoax" and telling everyone it will "just disappear"

Thankfully America has elected a work horse, not a show horse - :bye1:

Goes to work? Lol...Doing what? He isn’t President.

Do you still follow "sleepy Donald"? Good girl: Biden is the winner - Trump the loser. Remember what Donald Trump said about loser. No one listens to the ideas of Donald Trump any longer, everyone is listening now to Joe Biden. The exchanges for example started an economic firework because of the positive message that Mr. Joe Biden wan the elections. It needs only a phone call and Mr. president elected Joe Biden is able to speak with everyone in the USA and all over the world.

lol...enjoy your fantasy...it ain’t over until the legal questions are done.
While Donald Trump, furious over his humiliating loss to Joe Biden threatens to sue and fire - almost everybody - his Democratic counterpart President elect Joe Biden spent today in virtual meetings with his panel of medical advisors, with the aim of curbing the deadly COVID 19 pandemic that killed nearly a quarter million Americans this year. None these top medical experts include family members, personal friends, or media figures. When Joe takes office in January the full weight of our government will be brought to forward to fight this virus and the economic damage it has done, rather than dismissing it as a "hoax" and telling everyone it will "just disappear"

Thankfully America has elected a work horse, not a show horse - :bye1:

Goes to work? Lol...Doing what? He isn’t President.

Do you still follow "sleepy Donald"? Good girl: Biden is the winner - Trump the loser. Remember what Donald Trump said about loser. No one listens to the ideas of Donald Trump any longer, everyone is listening now to Joe Biden. The exchanges for example started an economic firework because of the positive message that Mr. Joe Biden wan the elections. It needs only a phone call and Mr. president elected Joe Biden is able to speak with everyone in the USA and all over the world.

lol...enjoy your fantasy...it ain’t over until the legal questions are done.

If you try to install a kind of anti-president Donald Trump as a tyrant over the USA with the power of corrupt judges then you will land in a dictatorship. Take Lukashenko in Belarus as a warning example - or the beloved friend of Trump: Kim Jong-Un, who is in the third generation of criminals torturing his country. Trump is a nightmare - Mr. Biden gives the USA back the light of the American dream.

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While Donald Trump, furious over his humiliating loss to Joe Biden threatens to sue and fire - almost everybody - his Democratic counterpart President elect Joe Biden spent today in virtual meetings with his panel of medical advisors, with the aim of curbing the deadly COVID 19 pandemic that killed nearly a quarter million Americans this year. None these top medical experts include family members, personal friends, or media figures. When Joe takes office in January the full weight of our government will be brought to forward to fight this virus and the economic damage it has done, rather than dismissing it as a "hoax" and telling everyone it will "just disappear"

Thankfully America has elected a work horse, not a show horse - :bye1:

Sure.. Your Joe "i'm gonna shut down the virus" Biden NEVER HAD A PLAN.. He stole everything Trump had already done as HIS ideas during the campaign.. It was painful to watch him call for stuff that was ALREADY in play..

And NOW -- he does what ANY CAREER POLITICIAN does. He forms another committee.. Cutting out ALL THE FOLKS that actually fought in combat with this plague for the past 10 months.. He has no plan.

You have Cuomo WHINING that HE wont be in charge who gets the 1st 25Million vaccines from Pfizer. And Slow Joe tossing out the planning of the MILITARY to be the principle distribution network.. ONLY the military has the command structure and resources to DO THIS JOB effectively..

He's already on track for "murdering people" between Jan 20Th and March..

So my question to you is -- are ya cool when JOE gets accused of "murdering people"???

And what part of what you typed is remotely connected with reality? Damn, you are desperate. With posts like that, you are definitely a Party of the Rumper and are still in the first stage.

You didn't hear your candidate DEMAND that the Defense Production Act be enacted IMMEDIATELY about 3 weeks AFTER it had been invoked? Be specific -- I'll educate your belligerent ass..

It was enacted in a shoddy way. And still is. We are now in worse shape than we were. If Rump care for the public he would start clamping down on things AND we wouldn't have the shortage of ICU Isolation Beds in many of the newly affected areas. In fact, we wouldn't have any new infected areas.

Just keep drinking that ORange Koolaid. There's a surprise in each glass.

We ALWAYS have "a shortage of ICU beds in many areas".. THat's why there is Life Flight and emergency plans for redistributing patients after natural disasters.. And Trump BUILT Cuomo HUNDREDS of covid capable beds that that MURDERER never even used.. Should have put his nursing home/senior living patients there..

WTFuck you gonna do now to keep you act going without Trump?? Seems to me all your bridges are bombed the hell out.. You got no place to go now and nothing to talk about..

Those beds were done AFTER it became so widespread. Nothing like closing the gate after the Horses all got out.

Wow, covering for YOUR Mass Murderer by trying to draw attention to someone else is rich. But you Party of the Rumpers are infamous for that action.

Now, back to the subject, Loser. Rump Lost and needs to get the hell out of the way and let Biden get busy and do what Presidents do since Rump refuses to do it himself. Win, lose or draw, Rump should be at the WH doing what a President should be doing. Instead, he's cheating at Golf in Florida.
I keep saying the Joe Biden Covid death watch starts January 20th. How much blood will be on Joe's hands?
There won’t be a single death to the Kung Flu after Jan 19. It will miraculously go away.
I hope this is one of the jokes which I do not understand, because of my cultural distance to the USA. We call such a statement normally only "Verarschung". "To try to fool others" is unfortunately a more harmless translation.
It’s the democrat party and the media. You really think they are going to let a flu with a 99.5% survival rate hinder a Biden presidency like they did to Trump? No fucking way. And when their failed economy comes about who do you think they will blame?

The leftists, along with their media allies, will blame Trump just like Obozo blamed Bush for eight years. Their lemming voters will still chant in unison...Orange Man Bad.....Orange Man Bad....
The covid vaccine will be called the Biden vaccine even though he had nothing to do with it. That's how dumb his sheeple are.
While Donald Trump, furious over his humiliating loss to Joe Biden threatens to sue and fire - almost everybody - his Democratic counterpart President elect Joe Biden spent today in virtual meetings with his panel of medical advisors, with the aim of curbing the deadly COVID 19 pandemic that killed nearly a quarter million Americans this year. None these top medical experts include family members, personal friends, or media figures. When Joe takes office in January the full weight of our government will be brought to forward to fight this virus and the economic damage it has done, rather than dismissing it as a "hoax" and telling everyone it will "just disappear"

Thankfully America has elected a work horse, not a show horse - :bye1:

Goes to work? Lol...Doing what? He isn’t President.

Do you still follow "sleepy Donald"? Good girl: Biden is the winner - Trump the loser. Remember what Donald Trump said about loser. No one listens to the ideas of Donald Trump any longer, everyone is listening now to Joe Biden. The exchanges for example started an economic firework because of the positive message that Mr. Joe Biden wan the elections. It needs only a phone call and Mr. president elected Joe Biden is able to speak with everyone in the USA and all over the world.

lol...enjoy your fantasy...it ain’t over until the legal questions are done.

If you try to install a kind of anti-president Donald Trump as a tyrant over the USA with the power of corrupt judges then you will land in a dictatorship. Take Lukashenko in Belarus as a warning example - or the beloved friend of Trump: Kim Jong-Un, who is in the third generation of criminals torturing his country. Trump is a nightmare - Mr. Biden gives the USA back the light of the American dream.

How’s he do that exactly? By raising taxes? Shutting down America again? Compiling lists of enemies? Oh, the dream, amirite?
While Donald Trump, furious over his humiliating loss to Joe Biden threatens to sue and fire - almost everybody - his Democratic counterpart President elect Joe Biden spent today in virtual meetings with his panel of medical advisors, with the aim of curbing the deadly COVID 19 pandemic that killed nearly a quarter million Americans this year. None these top medical experts include family members, personal friends, or media figures. When Joe takes office in January the full weight of our government will be brought to forward to fight this virus and the economic damage it has done, rather than dismissing it as a "hoax" and telling everyone it will "just disappear"

Thankfully America has elected a work horse, not a show horse - :bye1:

Really? Hun, the vaccine is already coming thanks to TRUMP but Lying Joe wants to pretend he is responsible? This is just sad.
I keep saying the Joe Biden Covid death watch starts January 20th. How much blood will be on Joe's hands?
There won’t be a single death to the Kung Flu after Jan 19. It will miraculously go away.
I hope this is one of the jokes which I do not understand, because of my cultural distance to the USA. We call such a statement normally only "Verarschung". "To try to fool others" is unfortunately a more harmless translation.
It’s the democrat party and the media. You really think they are going to let a flu with a 99.5% survival rate hinder a Biden presidency like they did to Trump? No fucking way. And when their failed economy comes about who do you think they will blame?

The leftists, along with their media allies, will blame Trump just like Obozo blamed Bush for eight years. Their lemming voters will still chant in unison...Orange Man Bad.....Orange Man Bad....
The covid vaccine will be called the Biden vaccine even though he had nothing to do with it. That's how dumb his sheeple are.

Now, let's introduce Rump's and you Party of the Rumpers new Campaign Theme Song.
While Donald Trump, furious over his humiliating loss to Joe Biden threatens to sue and fire - almost everybody - his Democratic counterpart President elect Joe Biden spent today in virtual meetings with his panel of medical advisors, with the aim of curbing the deadly COVID 19 pandemic that killed nearly a quarter million Americans this year. None these top medical experts include family members, personal friends, or media figures. When Joe takes office in January the full weight of our government will be brought to forward to fight this virus and the economic damage it has done, rather than dismissing it as a "hoax" and telling everyone it will "just disappear"

Thankfully America has elected a work horse, not a show horse - :bye1:

to sleep*
I keep saying the Joe Biden Covid death watch starts January 20th. How much blood will be on Joe's hands?
There won’t be a single death to the Kung Flu after Jan 19. It will miraculously go away.
I hope this is one of the jokes which I do not understand, because of my cultural distance to the USA. We call such a statement normally only "Verarschung". "To try to fool others" is unfortunately a more harmless translation.
It’s the democrat party and the media. You really think they are going to let a flu with a 99.5% survival rate hinder a Biden presidency like they did to Trump? No fucking way. And when their failed economy comes about who do you think they will blame?

The leftists, along with their media allies, will blame Trump just like Obozo blamed Bush for eight years. Their lemming voters will still chant in unison...Orange Man Bad.....Orange Man Bad....
The covid vaccine will be called the Biden vaccine even though he had nothing to do with it. That's how dumb his sheeple are.

Now, let's introduce Rump's and you Party of the Rumpers new Campaign Theme Song.

oh, so now you dream of turning the military inward on Americans?

You sir are vile, and evil.
While Donald Trump, furious over his humiliating loss to Joe Biden threatens to sue and fire - almost everybody - his Democratic counterpart President elect Joe Biden spent today in virtual meetings with his panel of medical advisors, with the aim of curbing the deadly COVID 19 pandemic that killed nearly a quarter million Americans this year. None these top medical experts include family members, personal friends, or media figures. When Joe takes office in January the full weight of our government will be brought to forward to fight this virus and the economic damage it has done, rather than dismissing it as a "hoax" and telling everyone it will "just disappear"

Thankfully America has elected a work horse, not a show horse - :bye1:

Sure he's going to work. He will do away with the tax cuts. Don't think voters will like that one. He will undo every business friendly EO Trump wrote.

He will try to pave the way for 22 million illegal aliens to become citizens. He sure doesn't know they don't want to be citizens. They just want to work here and send that money back to Mexico.

He will try to institute green shit that will push small business right out of business.

Oh yeah. He's some work horse for sure.

I think those that voted for his stupid ass will regret it before long.

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