While Trump fumes, Joe goes to work

Oh I get it, Sleepy Joe doing a few Zoom meetings is going to have miraculous results for WuFlu.
No, it is the work he will put in later that will Work to solve the problem. He will listen to the Health Experts do what they say needs to be done instead of belittling them every time they say someting that disagrees with his fevered imagination.
While Donald Trump, furious over his humiliating loss to Joe Biden threatens to sue and fire - almost everybody - his Democratic counterpart President elect Joe Biden spent today in virtual meetings with his panel of medical advisors, with the aim of curbing the deadly COVID 19 pandemic that killed nearly a quarter million Americans this year.

Yes, Joe is desperately begging Americans to move on and to forget about the election especially the evidence of mass election fraud, consisting of video evidence, sworn affidavits of election fraud by Whistleblower election workers, and widespread electronic 'glitches' that changed thousands of Trump votes for Biden.

Leave it to snowflakes to describe the legal process of contesting election fraud / results to ensure the integrity of the democratic election process before the results are certified as Trump being furious and somehow doing something not legal.

It is especially funny to see Democrats and snowflakes - who literally wept after Hillary lost, ran out into the streets and screamed at the sky, and who for 4 years engaged in obstruction, sedition, conspiracy, illegal collusion with our enemies, FISA Court crimes, illegal spying on of US citizens, and non-stop coup attempts & the 1sy ever in US history admitted politically partisan Impeachment based on zero crime, zero evidence, and zero witnesses - talk about anyone else making a spectacle of themselves by legally calling for the investigation of obvious election fraud and a recount of ballots.

Joe Biden won all of the swing states (so far, as ballots are ridiculously still being counted a week after election day) by a total of just over 23,000 votes, winning several states by .2% and .3% of the vote....with several districts reporting OVER 100% of registered voters casting ballots, with 89% and 92% voter participation when historically there has never been over 73% voter participation rate, and with hundreds of thousands of ballots being dumped in swing states 'at the last minute' with every single ballot being for Biden - both the last 2 being mathematically impossible.

It's understandable Joe wants to RUN to begin acting like the 'President Elect' when DEAD people voted for him - the oldest being born in the 1890s - and voters who no longer lived in the state, both being examples of why Democrats fight so hard against annual / pre-election voter registration rolls being reviewed and ineligible voters being purged.

Leave it to the OP to describe attempts to protect the INTEGRITY of the Constitutionally and legally protected democratic process of voting as some unjustified stunt - when they win - but defends 4 years of sedition, treason, FISA Court crimes, and never-defending criminal coup attempts when Democrats lose....
While Donald Trump, furious over his humiliating loss to Joe Biden threatens to sue and fire - almost everybody - his Democratic counterpart President elect Joe Biden spent today in virtual meetings with his panel of medical advisors, with the aim of curbing the deadly COVID 19 pandemic that killed nearly a quarter million Americans this year. None these top medical experts include family members, personal friends, or media figures. When Joe takes office in January the full weight of our government will be brought to forward to fight this virus and the economic damage it has done, rather than dismissing it as a "hoax" and telling everyone it will "just disappear"

Thankfully America has elected a work horse, not a show horse - :bye1:

No worries. The hard work is already done. Were working on a vaccine, PPE production has been ramped up and everyone understands social distancing. What exactly is Biden going to do for you?
No the Medical companies are working on a vaccine. Pfizer shot Pence down big time when he tried to take credit. They are NOT working with the Government.
While Donald Trump, furious over his humiliating loss to Joe Biden threatens to sue and fire - almost everybody - his Democratic counterpart President elect Joe Biden spent today in virtual meetings with his panel of medical advisors, with the aim of curbing the deadly COVID 19 pandemic that killed nearly a quarter million Americans this year. None these top medical experts include family members, personal friends, or media figures. When Joe takes office in January the full weight of our government will be brought to forward to fight this virus and the economic damage it has done, rather than dismissing it as a "hoax" and telling everyone it will "just disappear"

Thankfully America has elected a work horse, not a show horse - :bye1:

Yep...as soon as Joe finishes his oatmeal and has a nap he'll get right on it. :D

Trump is the one that needs all the 'executive time'...

Joe is coming in and treating it as a job... He needs to get the right people in place for day one... He has a sizeable team to pick but he has a incredibly talent pool to pick from...
Think of the embarrassment that was DeVos at Education, her mess will have to be cleaned up. Personally I would take the loans program away from Education and give it to Warren in Treasury. I would take Jill Biden's counsel on picking DeVos replacement.
Show Pony..not Show Horse. Using the word horse to describe Trump is only appropriate when the word ASS comes after it.
Gee, Jack, I see you're able to read and post again! Apparently you've recovered from the sunstroke of being out in the sun all day long with no shelter or garage for cover. Good for you.

Just be sure you keep applying the petroleum jelly to your nose.

In 72 hours, Biden has shown more leadership, planning, and direction on combating the virus than the Show Pony has done in 10 months.
That's right, Jack. Joe has gotten on TV with full cooperation of the MSM and blathered on a lot of empty talk and promises his handlers knew idiots like you suck up like gravy, meantime, none of it will make a difference if Joe gets in except plunge the country into a fascist police state of economic collapse as Trump's vaccine will be mere weeks from being released at that point anyway.

But I know how much you tards NEED Big Brother telling you they are here to protect and save you.
It was enacted in a shoddy way. And still is. We are now in worse shape than we were. If Rump care for the public he would start clamping down on things AND we wouldn't have the shortage of ICU Isolation Beds in many of the newly affected areas. In fact, we wouldn't have any new infected areas.

Just keep drinking that ORange Koolaid. There's a surprise in each glass.
New covid flare ups in Germany and France, among other nations, are hitting hard again.
So should we blame Donald Trump for that? If you believe Germany is doing the right thing
why is covid flaring up there? By your claims this shouldn't be happening in Germany.

But, oh, I forgot...you will blame Trump for everything whether appropriate or not.

And is it possible that Trump has done what the experts recommended and still the virus strikes people at times. No mention of the vaccine that Trump pushed against the bureaucratic monster for that will be here
very soon.
Why not? Can't bring yourself to it, I guess.
Show Pony..not Show Horse. Using the word horse to describe Trump is only appropriate when the word ASS comes after it.
Gee, Jack, I see you're able to read and post again! Apparently you've recovered from the sunstroke of being out in the sun all day long with no shelter or garage for cover. Good for you.

Just be sure you keep applying the petroleum jelly to your nose.

In 72 hours, Biden has shown more leadership, planning, and direction on combating the virus than the Show Pony has done in 10 months.
That's right, Jack. Joe has gotten on TV with full cooperation of the MSM and blathered on a lot of empty talk and promises his handlers knew idiots like you suck up like gravy, meantime, none of it will make a difference if Joe gets in except plunge the country into a fascist police state of economic collapse as Trump's vaccine will be mere weeks from being released at that point anyway.

But I know how much you tards NEED Big Brother telling you they are here to protect and save you.

Wow. A lot of sound and fury but nothing of substance. You usually give me something to work with.
I guess you were in your garage drunk or passed out this summer when Trump wanted to use the military to crack
down in cities. Or had police teargas a peaceful protest to he could walk to a church and hold a bible upside down.
But that's not fascist?...right?? :)

And stop repeating the whole Trump vaccine thing. He had nothing to do with it. Again, this man wouldn't know a policy
position if it stole his Quarter Pounder with Cheese.
Thankfully America has elected a work horse, not a show horse

It was widely predicted that Americans would elect Joe Biden President of the United States, and that Trump would whine and lash out with crackpot conspiratorial delusions. He's far too insecure to accept inauspicious reality.

The multiple instances of pissing and moaning over election results, and commensurate baseless indictments of a plethora of governors, secretaries-of-state, and other election officials of both political parties, is fizzling in the courts, but decent Americans will just have to endure the ordeal.

Perchance, in the course of the farcical ritual, someone will explain how mysterious forces contrived to pervert ballots to insure McConnell's control of the Senate, and greater GOP representation in the House.

Dastardly hijinks , indeed!
I got the world's smallest violin queued up.

After the last four years of your whining about Trump I thought you'd have worn it out by now

Well, I've only been posting for a year. And before the pandemic, I just laughed at Trump for being the corrupt, incompetent clown he is.
But after 250K dead, over 10 million infections and rising, and absolutely no direction from Trump or his administration (still), I'm thinking it
isn't funny anymore. Time to flush the turd in the Oval Office. It's stunk up the joint long enough.
A lot of sound and fury but nothing of substance. You usually give me something to work with.

Here, let me pinch you off a loaf. You can work with that.

I guess you were in your garage drunk or passed out this summer when Trump wanted to use the military to crack
down in cities.
Wow, on another bender, Jack? Trump was offering to send in the National Guard and federal troops, not the fucking ARMY. And that was to quell out of control RIOTS and federal properties that the cities could not contain.

Trump's vaccine is coming right on schedule thanks to his Warp Speed program, just as he said it would be before the end of the year, right around the corner. Thank You Donald, for saving us.

Funny now how all the states are waiting for Joe to get in to "save" them when they are not only free to do anything they think necessary, but when TRUMP TRIED TO INSTITUTE a national policy last Spring, all the Democrats REFUSED HIS HELP saying it was a state matter. Now they need Joe to save them. :auiqs.jpg:

Oh what flaming Tards you all are.
While Donald Trump, furious over his humiliating loss to Joe Biden threatens to sue and fire - almost everybody - his Democratic counterpart President elect Joe Biden spent today in virtual meetings with his panel of medical advisors, with the aim of curbing the deadly COVID 19 pandemic that killed nearly a quarter million Americans this year. None these top medical experts include family members, personal friends, or media figures. When Joe takes office in January the full weight of our government will be brought to forward to fight this virus and the economic damage it has done, rather than dismissing it as a "hoax" and telling everyone it will "just disappear"

Thankfully America has elected a work horse, not a show horse - :bye1:

No worries. The hard work is already done. Were working on a vaccine, PPE production has been ramped up and everyone understands social distancing. What exactly is Biden going to do for you?
No the Medical companies are working on a vaccine. Pfizer shot Pence down big time when he tried to take credit. They are NOT working with the Government.

So phisher didnt take Trumps big check.
How dumb can you be?
I got the world's smallest violin queued up.

After the last four years of your whining about Trump I thought you'd have worn it out by now

Well, I've only been posting for a year. And before the pandemic, I just laughed at Trump for being the corrupt, incompetent clown he is.
But after 250K dead, over 10 million infections and rising, and absolutely no direction from Trump or his administration (still), I'm thinking it
isn't funny anymore. Time to flush the turd in the Oval Office. It's stunk up the joint long enough.

Blaming Trump for a virus is as butt stupid as it sounds. Grow the fuck up
I got the world's smallest violin queued up.

After the last four years of your whining about Trump I thought you'd have worn it out by now

Well, I've only been posting for a year. And before the pandemic, I just laughed at Trump for being the corrupt, incompetent clown he is.
But after 250K dead, over 10 million infections and rising, and absolutely no direction from Trump or his administration (still), I'm thinking it
isn't funny anymore. Time to flush the turd in the Oval Office. It's stunk up the joint long enough.

Blaming Trump for a virus is as butt stupid as it sounds. Grow the fuck up

Of course. No one is blaming him for the virus. Not unless he suddenly became a mensa.
But he does get the blame for the absolutely awful response to the virus. Since he is President...isn't he? (Well, at least for another 70 days or so).
I would think that you supporters would get that nuance. But I don't have any faith his supporters could tie their own shoes, let alone deductive reasoning.
The full weight of the government will be brought to destroy the lives of ordinary Americans. That's what you meant right?
240,000 dead and your life is ruined because you should be wearing a mask to slow the spread. Pathetic people like you just love to be the victim while others graves are being dug.
Appeal to emotion....Not an argument.
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While Donald Trump, furious over his humiliating loss to Joe Biden threatens to sue and fire - almost everybody - his Democratic counterpart President elect Joe Biden spent today in virtual meetings with his panel of medical advisors, with the aim of curbing the deadly COVID 19 pandemic that killed nearly a quarter million Americans this year. None these top medical experts include family members, personal friends, or media figures. When Joe takes office in January the full weight of our government will be brought to forward to fight this virus and the economic damage it has done, rather than dismissing it as a "hoax" and telling everyone it will "just disappear"

Thankfully America has elected a work horse, not a show horse - :bye1:

You mean Biden didn't have a plan before the election? What do you imagine Biden will do that Trump hasn't don't, develop a vaccine?

You're such an unbelievable moron..
I got the world's smallest violin queued up.

After the last four years of your whining about Trump I thought you'd have worn it out by now

Well, I've only been posting for a year. And before the pandemic, I just laughed at Trump for being the corrupt, incompetent clown he is.
But after 250K dead, over 10 million infections and rising, and absolutely no direction from Trump or his administration (still), I'm thinking it
isn't funny anymore. Time to flush the turd in the Oval Office. It's stunk up the joint long enough.

Blaming Trump for a virus is as butt stupid as it sounds. Grow the fuck up

Of course. No one is blaming him for the virus. Not unless he suddenly became a mensa.
But he does get the blame for the absolutely awful response to the virus. Since he is President...isn't he? (Well, at least for another 70 days or so).
I would think that you supporters would get that nuance. But I don't have any faith his supporters could tie their own shoes, let alone deductive reasoning.

Of course you're blaming Trump for the virus, liar. Europe is shut down again, the deaths happened in blue States where Democrat governors were in charge of the virus response and Democrats had no solutions ever, in fact all they did was undercut Trump.

Blaming Trump for a virus is as butt stupid as it sounds. Grow the fuck up
A lot of sound and fury but nothing of substance. You usually give me something to work with.

Here, let me pinch you off a loaf. You can work with that.
View attachment 414220

I guess you were in your garage drunk or passed out this summer when Trump wanted to use the military to crack
down in cities.
Wow, on another bender, Jack? Trump was offering to send in the National Guard and federal troops, not the fucking ARMY. And that was to quell out of control RIOTS and federal properties that the cities could not contain.

Trump's vaccine is coming right on schedule thanks to his Warp Speed program, just as he said it would be before the end of the year, right around the corner. Thank You Donald, for saving us.

Funny now how all the states are waiting for Joe to get in to "save" them when they are not only free to do anything they think necessary, but when TRUMP TRIED TO INSTITUTE a national policy last Spring, all the Democrats REFUSED HIS HELP saying it was a state matter. Now they need Joe to save them. :auiqs.jpg:

Oh what flaming Tards you all are.

Well, you continue your worship. Don't forget to send him some cash too. He's gonna need it keep his sorry ass out of prison.

You do get that combatting a virus is a partnership between federal and state? The President has the power to mobilize federal agencies and authorizations with the stroke of his pen. Those agencies then coordinate with the states to help them execute their response plans and see that they secure the necessary resources. That's how government works..or should I say how it is supposed to work. If only we had a President who was interested in the job. :)
Good luck selling that Trump vaccine. He had nothing to do with it. Pfizer even said so.

And no, there was no national policy in the spring. Unless you count tweeting and golfing. You need to turn the car off when you are in your garage. The fumes are making you stupid.
Wow. A lot of sound and fury but nothing of substance. You usually give me something to work with.
I guess you were in your garage drunk or passed out this summer when Trump wanted to use the military to crack
down in cities. Or had police teargas a peaceful protest to he could walk to a church and hold a bible upside down.
But that's not fascist?...right??
That tiresome lie about the "peaceful" protests at the Methodist church next to the White House is such
bullshit. I guess the church set itself on fire that evening "peaceful" protestors descended on it.
It's just sickening the blatant lies that become leftist urban legends.

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