While Trump fumes, Joe goes to work

While Donald Trump, furious over his humiliating loss to Joe Biden threatens to sue and fire - almost everybody - his Democratic counterpart President elect Joe Biden spent today in virtual meetings with his panel of medical advisors, with the aim of curbing the deadly COVID 19 pandemic that killed nearly a quarter million Americans this year. None these top medical experts include family members, personal friends, or media figures. When Joe takes office in January the full weight of our government will be brought to forward to fight this virus and the economic damage it has done, rather than dismissing it as a "hoax" and telling everyone it will "just disappear"

Thankfully America has elected a work horse, not a show horse - :bye1:

Goes to work? Lol...Doing what? He isn’t President.

Do you still follow "sleepy Donald"? Good girl: Biden is the winner - Trump the loser. Remember what Donald Trump said about loser. No one listens to the ideas of Donald Trump any longer, everyone is listening now to Joe Biden. The exchanges for example started an economic firework because of the positive message that Mr. Joe Biden wan the elections. It needs only a phone call and Mr. president elected Joe Biden is able to speak with everyone in the USA and all over the world.

lol...enjoy your fantasy...it ain’t over until the legal questions are done.

If you try to install a kind of anti-president Donald Trump as a tyrant over the USA with the power of corrupt judges then you will land in a dictatorship. Take Lukashenko in Belarus as a warning example - or the beloved friend of Trump: Kim Jong-Un, who is in the third generation of criminals torturing his country. Trump is a nightmare - Mr. Biden gives the USA back the light of the American dream.

How’s he do that exactly? By raising taxes?

If you never noticed this: Tariffs are taxes.

Shutting down America again? Compiling lists of enemies? Oh, the dream, amirite?

List of enemies? ... Let me see: ... Aha - here is an interesting name: "Donald Trump". Good grief: How came the name of an US-American president on the list of the enemies of Germany? Is it because Donald Trump declared war on Germany? Since when drive us such things nervous? And why is written there with a pencil in little letters "also an enemy of the US-army" and who noticed "a danger for the just distribution of the covid vaccine in the USA."?

Politics of Mr. president elected Biden? I guess he will inform Mrs. chancellor Angela Merkel and speak with her, if we have a common problem, which they hopefully will be able to solve within some minutes, days, weeks, months, years, decades or centuries - depending on the quality of the problem. Mr. Joe Biden is always welcome in Germany.
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While Donald Trump, furious over his humiliating loss to Joe Biden threatens to sue and fire - almost everybody - his Democratic counterpart President elect Joe Biden spent today in virtual meetings with his panel of medical advisors, with the aim of curbing the deadly COVID 19 pandemic that killed nearly a quarter million Americans this year. None these top medical experts include family members, personal friends, or media figures. When Joe takes office in January the full weight of our government will be brought to forward to fight this virus and the economic damage it has done, rather than dismissing it as a "hoax" and telling everyone it will "just disappear"

Thankfully America has elected a work horse, not a show horse - :bye1:

Really? Hun, the vaccine is already coming thanks to TRUMP but Lying Joe wants to pretend he is responsible? This is just sad.

Sorry: But the vaccine of Pfizer is a German invention and product and has absolutelly nothing to do with Donald Trump. The approval processes started. Everything looks very well, so we crossed this time the bridge before we reached it and started the production. This year it will be 50 million doses - next year we calculate to produce about 1.5 billion doses. The vaccine needs a cold chain and because of this centers for the vaccination are necessary (ask the US-army how to organize this). It protects in 90% of all cases and up to now we found no strong negative side effects. People from the risk groups should be the first, who get the vaccine - and everyone who needs it should get it in general. But this needs still a long time!!! Thoughts are always faster than deeds. So don't forget to fight by keeping distance, using masks, washing hands and breathing fresh air. But looks like we will win - together - not against each other.
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Joe is still NOT President elect, nor will he be.

Learn to accept facts. The world is not in your brain. The world is in front of your eyes all around you. And god is by the way also always directly in front of your eyes. But you have to see him with your heart.
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While Donald Trump, furious over his humiliating loss to Joe Biden threatens to sue and fire - almost everybody - his Democratic counterpart President elect Joe Biden spent today in virtual meetings with his panel of medical advisors, with the aim of curbing the deadly COVID 19 pandemic that killed nearly a quarter million Americans this year. None these top medical experts include family members, personal friends, or media figures. When Joe takes office in January the full weight of our government will be brought to forward to fight this virus and the economic damage it has done, rather than dismissing it as a "hoax" and telling everyone it will "just disappear"

Thankfully America has elected a work horse, not a show horse - :bye1:

Biden lost and the Dems have been caught is a mass voting fraud scandal
While Donald Trump, furious over his humiliating loss to Joe Biden threatens to sue and fire - almost everybody - his Democratic counterpart President elect Joe Biden spent today in virtual meetings with his panel of medical advisors, with the aim of curbing the deadly COVID 19 pandemic that killed nearly a quarter million Americans this year. None these top medical experts include family members, personal friends, or media figures. When Joe takes office in January the full weight of our government will be brought to forward to fight this virus and the economic damage it has done, rather than dismissing it as a "hoax" and telling everyone it will "just disappear"

Thankfully America has elected a work horse, not a show horse - :bye1:

Goes to work? Lol...Doing what? He isn’t President.

Do you still follow "sleepy Donald"? Good girl: Biden is the winner - Trump the loser. Remember what Donald Trump said about loser. No one listens to the ideas of Donald Trump any longer, everyone is listening now to Joe Biden. The exchanges for example started an economic firework because of the positive message that Mr. Joe Biden wan the elections. It needs only a phone call and Mr. president elected Joe Biden is able to speak with everyone in the USA and all over the world.

lol...enjoy your fantasy...it ain’t over until the legal questions are done.

If you try to install a kind of anti-president Donald Trump as a tyrant over the USA with the power of corrupt judges then you will land in a dictatorship. Take Lukashenko in Belarus as a warning example - or the beloved friend of Trump: Kim Jong-Un, who is in the third generation of criminals torturing his country. Trump is a nightmare - Mr. Biden gives the USA back the light of the American dream.

How’s he do that exactly? By raising taxes?

If you never noticed this: Tariffs are taxes.

Shutting down America again? Compiling lists of enemies? Oh, the dream, amirite?

List of enemies? ... Let me see: ... Aha - here is an interesting name: "Donald Trump". Good grief: How came the name of an US-American president on the list of the enemies of Germany? Is it because Donald Trump declared war on Germany? Since when drive us such things nervous? And why is written there with a pencil in little letters "also an enemy of the US-army" and who noticed "a danger for the just distribution of the covid vaccine in the USA."?

Politics of Mr. president elected Biden? I guess he will inform Mrs. chancellor Angela Merkel and speak with her, if we have a common problem, which they hopefully will be able to solve within some minutes, days, weeks, months, years, decades or centuries - depending on the quality of the problem. Mr. Joe Biden is always welcome in Germany.

Good grief, are you even following the conversation
Thankfully America has elected a work horse, not a show horse

Yeah right Bill, the most productive president in 100 years was just a SHOW HORSE. Well, at least he HAD something to brag about.

Joe Biden will be out there now a whirling dervish right? For the first time in his 50 years history of being in government doing nothing, NOW he's gonna BUST OUT! :omg:

It isn't being a work horse that matters, unfortunately for America, it'll be WHAT he works on.
While Donald Trump, furious over his humiliating loss to Joe Biden threatens to sue and fire - almost everybody - his Democratic counterpart President elect Joe Biden spent today in virtual meetings with his panel of medical advisors, with the aim of curbing the deadly COVID 19 pandemic that killed nearly a quarter million Americans this year. None these top medical experts include family members, personal friends, or media figures. When Joe takes office in January the full weight of our government will be brought to forward to fight this virus and the economic damage it has done, rather than dismissing it as a "hoax" and telling everyone it will "just disappear"

Thankfully America has elected a work horse, not a show horse - :bye1:

Goes to work? Lol...Doing what? He isn’t President.

Do you still follow "sleepy Donald"? Good girl: Biden is the winner - Trump the loser. Remember what Donald Trump said about loser. No one listens to the ideas of Donald Trump any longer, everyone is listening now to Joe Biden. The exchanges for example started an economic firework because of the positive message that Mr. Joe Biden wan the elections. It needs only a phone call and Mr. president elected Joe Biden is able to speak with everyone in the USA and all over the world.

lol...enjoy your fantasy...it ain’t over until the legal questions are done.

If you try to install a kind of anti-president Donald Trump as a tyrant over the USA with the power of corrupt judges then you will land in a dictatorship. Take Lukashenko in Belarus as a warning example - or the beloved friend of Trump: Kim Jong-Un, who is in the third generation of criminals torturing his country. Trump is a nightmare - Mr. Biden gives the USA back the light of the American dream.

How’s he do that exactly? By raising taxes?

If you never noticed this: Tariffs are taxes.

Shutting down America again? Compiling lists of enemies? Oh, the dream, amirite?

List of enemies? ... Let me see: ... Aha - here is an interesting name: "Donald Trump". Good grief: How came the name of an US-American president on the list of the enemies of Germany? Is it because Donald Trump declared war on Germany? Since when drive us such things nervous? And why is written there with a pencil in little letters "also an enemy of the US-army" and who noticed "a danger for the just distribution of the covid vaccine in the USA."?

Politics of Mr. president elected Biden? I guess he will inform Mrs. chancellor Angela Merkel and speak with her, if we have a common problem, which they hopefully will be able to solve within some minutes, days, weeks, months, years, decades or centuries - depending on the quality of the problem. Mr. Joe Biden is always welcome in Germany.

Good grief, are you even following the conversation

Trump? Conversation? Are you mad? Since when speaks this narcissist with anyone, who not lives in his mirror? And in his mirrror world Trump is not able to lose. And nowhere a therapeut who is able to help him to see the reality all around him, because he lives alone in his mirror.
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While Donald Trump, furious over his humiliating loss to Joe Biden threatens to sue and fire - almost everybody - his Democratic counterpart President elect Joe Biden spent today in virtual meetings with his panel of medical advisors, with the aim of curbing the deadly COVID 19 pandemic that killed nearly a quarter million Americans this year. None these top medical experts include family members, personal friends, or media figures. When Joe takes office in January the full weight of our government will be brought to forward to fight this virus and the economic damage it has done, rather than dismissing it as a "hoax" and telling everyone it will "just disappear"

Thankfully America has elected a work horse, not a show horse - :bye1:

Goes to work? Lol...Doing what? He isn’t President.

Do you still follow "sleepy Donald"? Good girl: Biden is the winner - Trump the loser. Remember what Donald Trump said about loser. No one listens to the ideas of Donald Trump any longer, everyone is listening now to Joe Biden. The exchanges for example started an economic firework because of the positive message that Mr. Joe Biden wan the elections. It needs only a phone call and Mr. president elected Joe Biden is able to speak with everyone in the USA and all over the world.

lol...enjoy your fantasy...it ain’t over until the legal questions are done.

If you try to install a kind of anti-president Donald Trump as a tyrant over the USA with the power of corrupt judges then you will land in a dictatorship. Take Lukashenko in Belarus as a warning example - or the beloved friend of Trump: Kim Jong-Un, who is in the third generation of criminals torturing his country. Trump is a nightmare - Mr. Biden gives the USA back the light of the American dream.

How’s he do that exactly? By raising taxes?

If you never noticed this: Tariffs are taxes.

Shutting down America again? Compiling lists of enemies? Oh, the dream, amirite?

List of enemies? ... Let me see: ... Aha - here is an interesting name: "Donald Trump". Good grief: How came the name of an US-American president on the list of the enemies of Germany? Is it because Donald Trump declared war on Germany? Since when drive us such things nervous? And why is written there with a pencil in little letters "also an enemy of the US-army" and who noticed "a danger for the just distribution of the covid vaccine in the USA."?

Politics of Mr. president elected Biden? I guess he will inform Mrs. chancellor Angela Merkel and speak with her, if we have a common problem, which they hopefully will be able to solve within some minutes, days, weeks, months, years, decades or centuries - depending on the quality of the problem. Mr. Joe Biden is always welcome in Germany.

Good grief, are you even following the conversation

Trump? Conversation? Are you mad? Since when speaks this narcissist with anyone, who lives not in his mirror?

Ok, either you're a foreigner, or a product of public education. Either way, can't follow your syntax.
Thankfully America has elected a work horse, not a show horse

Yeah right Bill, the most productive president in 100 years was just a SHOW HORSE. Well, at least he HAD something to brag about.

Joe Biden will be out there now a whirling dervish right? For the first time in his 50 years history of being in government doing nothing, NOW he's gonna BUST OUT! :omg:

It isn't being a work horse that matters, unfortunately for America, it'll be WHAT he works on.

I guess the next government of the USA will be astonished to see that Trump did do nearly nothing during the last years when he was president. Trump is anything else than a team worker.
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While Donald Trump, furious over his humiliating loss to Joe Biden threatens to sue and fire - almost everybody - his Democratic counterpart President elect Joe Biden spent today in virtual meetings with his panel of medical advisors, with the aim of curbing the deadly COVID 19 pandemic that killed nearly a quarter million Americans this year. None these top medical experts include family members, personal friends, or media figures. When Joe takes office in January the full weight of our government will be brought to forward to fight this virus and the economic damage it has done, rather than dismissing it as a "hoax" and telling everyone it will "just disappear"

Thankfully America has elected a work horse, not a show horse - :bye1:

Goes to work? Lol...Doing what? He isn’t President.

Do you still follow "sleepy Donald"? Good girl: Biden is the winner - Trump the loser. Remember what Donald Trump said about loser. No one listens to the ideas of Donald Trump any longer, everyone is listening now to Joe Biden. The exchanges for example started an economic firework because of the positive message that Mr. Joe Biden wan the elections. It needs only a phone call and Mr. president elected Joe Biden is able to speak with everyone in the USA and all over the world.

lol...enjoy your fantasy...it ain’t over until the legal questions are done.

If you try to install a kind of anti-president Donald Trump as a tyrant over the USA with the power of corrupt judges then you will land in a dictatorship. Take Lukashenko in Belarus as a warning example - or the beloved friend of Trump: Kim Jong-Un, who is in the third generation of criminals torturing his country. Trump is a nightmare - Mr. Biden gives the USA back the light of the American dream.

How’s he do that exactly? By raising taxes?

If you never noticed this: Tariffs are taxes.

Shutting down America again? Compiling lists of enemies? Oh, the dream, amirite?

List of enemies? ... Let me see: ... Aha - here is an interesting name: "Donald Trump". Good grief: How came the name of an US-American president on the list of the enemies of Germany? Is it because Donald Trump declared war on Germany? Since when drive us such things nervous? And why is written there with a pencil in little letters "also an enemy of the US-army" and who noticed "a danger for the just distribution of the covid vaccine in the USA."?

Politics of Mr. president elected Biden? I guess he will inform Mrs. chancellor Angela Merkel and speak with her, if we have a common problem, which they hopefully will be able to solve within some minutes, days, weeks, months, years, decades or centuries - depending on the quality of the problem. Mr. Joe Biden is always welcome in Germany.

Good grief, are you even following the conversation

Trump? Conversation? Are you mad? Since when speaks this narcissist with anyone, who lives not in his mirror?

Ok, either you're a foreigner, or a product of public education. Either way, can't follow your syntax.

I am a German. Trump is an enemy of Germany. Comprende?

While Donald Trump, furious over his humiliating loss to Joe Biden threatens to sue and fire - almost everybody - his Democratic counterpart President elect Joe Biden spent today in virtual meetings with his panel of medical advisors, with the aim of curbing the deadly COVID 19 pandemic that killed nearly a quarter million Americans this year. None these top medical experts include family members, personal friends, or media figures. When Joe takes office in January the full weight of our government will be brought to forward to fight this virus and the economic damage it has done, rather than dismissing it as a "hoax" and telling everyone it will "just disappear"

Thankfully America has elected a work horse, not a show horse - :bye1:

Goes to work? Lol...Doing what? He isn’t President.

Do you still follow "sleepy Donald"? Good girl: Biden is the winner - Trump the loser. Remember what Donald Trump said about loser. No one listens to the ideas of Donald Trump any longer, everyone is listening now to Joe Biden. The exchanges for example started an economic firework because of the positive message that Mr. Joe Biden wan the elections. It needs only a phone call and Mr. president elected Joe Biden is able to speak with everyone in the USA and all over the world.

lol...enjoy your fantasy...it ain’t over until the legal questions are done.

If you try to install a kind of anti-president Donald Trump as a tyrant over the USA with the power of corrupt judges then you will land in a dictatorship. Take Lukashenko in Belarus as a warning example - or the beloved friend of Trump: Kim Jong-Un, who is in the third generation of criminals torturing his country. Trump is a nightmare - Mr. Biden gives the USA back the light of the American dream.

How’s he do that exactly? By raising taxes?

If you never noticed this: Tariffs are taxes.

Shutting down America again? Compiling lists of enemies? Oh, the dream, amirite?

List of enemies? ... Let me see: ... Aha - here is an interesting name: "Donald Trump". Good grief: How came the name of an US-American president on the list of the enemies of Germany? Is it because Donald Trump declared war on Germany? Since when drive us such things nervous? And why is written there with a pencil in little letters "also an enemy of the US-army" and who noticed "a danger for the just distribution of the covid vaccine in the USA."?

Politics of Mr. president elected Biden? I guess he will inform Mrs. chancellor Angela Merkel and speak with her, if we have a common problem, which they hopefully will be able to solve within some minutes, days, weeks, months, years, decades or centuries - depending on the quality of the problem. Mr. Joe Biden is always welcome in Germany.

Good grief, are you even following the conversation

Trump? Conversation? Are you mad? Since when speaks this narcissist with anyone, who lives not in his mirror?

Ok, either you're a foreigner, or a product of public education. Either way, can't follow your syntax.

I am a German. Trump is an enemy of Germany. Comprende?

I spent three years there. So, like I said a foreigner, so you have no say...thanks
While Donald Trump, furious over his humiliating loss to Joe Biden threatens to sue and fire - almost everybody - his Democratic counterpart President elect Joe Biden spent today in virtual meetings with his panel of medical advisors, with the aim of curbing the deadly COVID 19 pandemic that killed nearly a quarter million Americans this year. None these top medical experts include family members, personal friends, or media figures. When Joe takes office in January the full weight of our government will be brought to forward to fight this virus and the economic damage it has done, rather than dismissing it as a "hoax" and telling everyone it will "just disappear"

Thankfully America has elected a work horse, not a show horse - :bye1:

Goes to work? Lol...Doing what? He isn’t President.

Do you still follow "sleepy Donald"? Good girl: Biden is the winner - Trump the loser. Remember what Donald Trump said about loser. No one listens to the ideas of Donald Trump any longer, everyone is listening now to Joe Biden. The exchanges for example started an economic firework because of the positive message that Mr. Joe Biden wan the elections. It needs only a phone call and Mr. president elected Joe Biden is able to speak with everyone in the USA and all over the world.

lol...enjoy your fantasy...it ain’t over until the legal questions are done.

If you try to install a kind of anti-president Donald Trump as a tyrant over the USA with the power of corrupt judges then you will land in a dictatorship. Take Lukashenko in Belarus as a warning example - or the beloved friend of Trump: Kim Jong-Un, who is in the third generation of criminals torturing his country. Trump is a nightmare - Mr. Biden gives the USA back the light of the American dream.

How’s he do that exactly? By raising taxes?

If you never noticed this: Tariffs are taxes.

Shutting down America again? Compiling lists of enemies? Oh, the dream, amirite?

List of enemies? ... Let me see: ... Aha - here is an interesting name: "Donald Trump". Good grief: How came the name of an US-American president on the list of the enemies of Germany? Is it because Donald Trump declared war on Germany? Since when drive us such things nervous? And why is written there with a pencil in little letters "also an enemy of the US-army" and who noticed "a danger for the just distribution of the covid vaccine in the USA."?

Politics of Mr. president elected Biden? I guess he will inform Mrs. chancellor Angela Merkel and speak with her, if we have a common problem, which they hopefully will be able to solve within some minutes, days, weeks, months, years, decades or centuries - depending on the quality of the problem. Mr. Joe Biden is always welcome in Germany.

Good grief, are you even following the conversation

Trump? Conversation? Are you mad? Since when speaks this narcissist with anyone, who lives not in his mirror?

Ok, either you're a foreigner, or a product of public education. Either way, can't follow your syntax.

I am a German. Trump is an enemy of Germany. Comprende?

I spent three years there. So, like I said a foreigner, so you have no say...thanks

I don't have any idea why so many US-Americans prefer to make themselve intentionally to idiots. You lived three years in Germany and you learned less than nothing during this three years? It's really senseless that the USA sends any longer soldiers to Germany. Take all of your soldiers and leave Germany.

Oh by the way: Do you remember Johnny Cash? He bought his first guitar in Germany.

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While Donald Trump, furious over his humiliating loss to Joe Biden threatens to sue and fire - almost everybody - his Democratic counterpart President elect Joe Biden spent today in virtual meetings with his panel of medical advisors, with the aim of curbing the deadly COVID 19 pandemic that killed nearly a quarter million Americans this year. None these top medical experts include family members, personal friends, or media figures. When Joe takes office in January the full weight of our government will be brought to forward to fight this virus and the economic damage it has done, rather than dismissing it as a "hoax" and telling everyone it will "just disappear"

Thankfully America has elected a work horse, not a show horse - :bye1:


Poor guy. You can calm down now. you won
While Donald Trump, furious over his humiliating loss to Joe Biden threatens to sue and fire - almost everybody - his Democratic counterpart President elect Joe Biden spent today in virtual meetings with his panel of medical advisors, with the aim of curbing the deadly COVID 19 pandemic that killed nearly a quarter million Americans this year. None these top medical experts include family members, personal friends, or media figures. When Joe takes office in January the full weight of our government will be brought to forward to fight this virus and the economic damage it has done, rather than dismissing it as a "hoax" and telling everyone it will "just disappear"

Thankfully America has elected a work horse, not a show horse - :bye1:

Goes to work? Lol...Doing what? He isn’t President.

Do you still follow "sleepy Donald"? Good girl: Biden is the winner - Trump the loser. Remember what Donald Trump said about loser. No one listens to the ideas of Donald Trump any longer, everyone is listening now to Joe Biden. The exchanges for example started an economic firework because of the positive message that Mr. Joe Biden wan the elections. It needs only a phone call and Mr. president elected Joe Biden is able to speak with everyone in the USA and all over the world.

lol...enjoy your fantasy...it ain’t over until the legal questions are done.

If you try to install a kind of anti-president Donald Trump as a tyrant over the USA with the power of corrupt judges then you will land in a dictatorship. Take Lukashenko in Belarus as a warning example - or the beloved friend of Trump: Kim Jong-Un, who is in the third generation of criminals torturing his country. Trump is a nightmare - Mr. Biden gives the USA back the light of the American dream.

How’s he do that exactly? By raising taxes?

If you never noticed this: Tariffs are taxes.

Shutting down America again? Compiling lists of enemies? Oh, the dream, amirite?

List of enemies? ... Let me see: ... Aha - here is an interesting name: "Donald Trump". Good grief: How came the name of an US-American president on the list of the enemies of Germany? Is it because Donald Trump declared war on Germany? Since when drive us such things nervous? And why is written there with a pencil in little letters "also an enemy of the US-army" and who noticed "a danger for the just distribution of the covid vaccine in the USA."?

Politics of Mr. president elected Biden? I guess he will inform Mrs. chancellor Angela Merkel and speak with her, if we have a common problem, which they hopefully will be able to solve within some minutes, days, weeks, months, years, decades or centuries - depending on the quality of the problem. Mr. Joe Biden is always welcome in Germany.

Good grief, are you even following the conversation

Trump? Conversation? Are you mad? Since when speaks this narcissist with anyone, who lives not in his mirror?

Ok, either you're a foreigner, or a product of public education. Either way, can't follow your syntax.

I am a German. Trump is an enemy of Germany. Comprende?

I spent three years there. So, like I said a foreigner, so you have no say...thanks

I don't have any idea why so many US-Americans prefer to make themselve intentionally to idiots. You lived three years in Germany and you learned less than nothing in this three years?

I learned that most German guys are huge pussys thats why we fucked all your best women.
While Donald Trump, furious over his humiliating loss to Joe Biden threatens to sue and fire - almost everybody - his Democratic counterpart President elect Joe Biden spent today in virtual meetings with his panel of medical advisors, with the aim of curbing the deadly COVID 19 pandemic that killed nearly a quarter million Americans this year. None these top medical experts include family members, personal friends, or media figures. When Joe takes office in January the full weight of our government will be brought to forward to fight this virus and the economic damage it has done, rather than dismissing it as a "hoax" and telling everyone it will "just disappear"

Thankfully America has elected a work horse, not a show horse - :bye1:

Goes to work? Lol...Doing what? He isn’t President.

Do you still follow "sleepy Donald"? Good girl: Biden is the winner - Trump the loser. Remember what Donald Trump said about loser. No one listens to the ideas of Donald Trump any longer, everyone is listening now to Joe Biden. The exchanges for example started an economic firework because of the positive message that Mr. Joe Biden wan the elections. It needs only a phone call and Mr. president elected Joe Biden is able to speak with everyone in the USA and all over the world.

lol...enjoy your fantasy...it ain’t over until the legal questions are done.

If you try to install a kind of anti-president Donald Trump as a tyrant over the USA with the power of corrupt judges then you will land in a dictatorship. Take Lukashenko in Belarus as a warning example - or the beloved friend of Trump: Kim Jong-Un, who is in the third generation of criminals torturing his country. Trump is a nightmare - Mr. Biden gives the USA back the light of the American dream.

How’s he do that exactly? By raising taxes?

If you never noticed this: Tariffs are taxes.

Shutting down America again? Compiling lists of enemies? Oh, the dream, amirite?

List of enemies? ... Let me see: ... Aha - here is an interesting name: "Donald Trump". Good grief: How came the name of an US-American president on the list of the enemies of Germany? Is it because Donald Trump declared war on Germany? Since when drive us such things nervous? And why is written there with a pencil in little letters "also an enemy of the US-army" and who noticed "a danger for the just distribution of the covid vaccine in the USA."?

Politics of Mr. president elected Biden? I guess he will inform Mrs. chancellor Angela Merkel and speak with her, if we have a common problem, which they hopefully will be able to solve within some minutes, days, weeks, months, years, decades or centuries - depending on the quality of the problem. Mr. Joe Biden is always welcome in Germany.

Good grief, are you even following the conversation

Trump? Conversation? Are you mad? Since when speaks this narcissist with anyone, who lives not in his mirror?

Ok, either you're a foreigner, or a product of public education. Either way, can't follow your syntax.

I am a German. Trump is an enemy of Germany. Comprende?

Alrighty then, guess that explains why you have that socialist BS attitude.
I keep saying the Joe Biden Covid death watch starts January 20th. How much blood will be on Joe's hands?
There won’t be a single death to the Kung Flu after Jan 19. It will miraculously go away.
I hope this is one of the jokes which I do not understand, because of my cultural distance to the USA. We call such a statement normally only "Verarschung". "To try to fool others" is unfortunately a more harmless translation.
It’s the democrat party and the media. You really think they are going to let a flu with a 99.5% survival rate hinder a Biden presidency like they did to Trump? No fucking way. And when their failed economy comes about who do you think they will blame?

The leftists, along with their media allies, will blame Trump just like Obozo blamed Bush for eight years. Their lemming voters will still chant in unison...Orange Man Bad.....Orange Man Bad....
The covid vaccine will be called the Biden vaccine even though he had nothing to do with it. That's how dumb his sheeple are.

Now, let's introduce Rump's and you Party of the Rumpers new Campaign Theme Song.

oh, so now you dream of turning the military inward on Americans?

You sir are vile, and evil.

S'Matter snowflake? I didn't hear claiming sick, vile, and evil when Trump wanted to deploy the military this summer to pound some "law and order" into mostly peaceful protests. One of the main reasons Esper is out. He wouldn't buy on to that. Smart man.
Turnabout not fair play? I got the world's smallest violin queued up.
Thankfully America has elected a work horse, not a show horse

Yeah right Bill, the most productive president in 100 years was just a SHOW HORSE. Well, at least he HAD something to brag about.

Joe Biden will be out there now a whirling dervish right? For the first time in his 50 years history of being in government doing nothing, NOW he's gonna BUST OUT! :omg:

It isn't being a work horse that matters, unfortunately for America, it'll be WHAT he works on.

Show Pony..not Show Horse. Using the word horse to describe Trump is only appropriate when the word ASS comes after it. In 72 hours, Biden has shown more leadership, planning, and direction on combatting the virus than the Show Pony has done in 10 months. And Biden has the power to do effectively nothing (besides talk) right now. Your hero has worked on nothing. He's gotten a lot of people killed and is determined to shit his rage and incompetence all over the house on his way out the door..probably because he's scared shitless that he's going to spend the rest of his life trying to stay out of prison.

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