Whistle Blower Outted -- It is a Brennen era operative....

Pure speculation and subjectivism.
Suuure, uh-huh. Words actually do have meaning, even if you don't know what that meaning is...

though means but, however, nevertheless or in spite of.

yeah, the Ukrainians were definitely made to understand that cooperation with the US was held back until the 'corruption cases' (read Trump's baseless Crowdstrike and Biden conspiracies) investigations were complete.

Here's the Ukraine's summary of the call with Trump BEFORE the whistleblower complaint was publicly known.

"Donald Trump expressed his conviction that the new Ukrainian government will be able to quickly improve Ukraine’s image and complete the investigation of corruption cases that have held back cooperation between the Ukraine and the United States."

But US cooperation being held back until the 'corruption' investigations were complete was completely subjective, huh? Odd then that the Ukrainians got that exact message.

I mean, think of the odds! Apparently, 1 in 1.
You're inferring a conclusion. Your inferences are worthless in a court of law. Meanwhile you imagine Biden didn't do anything.

You are clearly suffering from brain damage.

You just argued that ONLY foreign donations are restricted in the solicitation prohibitions.

That's not what the FEC says.
The FEC has never limited 'things of value' to donations. Nor does the FEC in its latest statement.

That would be you insisting that only donations are 'things of value'.

And as we've established, you know jack shit about the law.
I didn't argue anything of the sort, you moron homosexual. The FEC has always limited "a thing of value" to something tangible. Information has never been considered a thing of value. Even volunteering your services is not considered a thing of value. Should Komrade Schiff go to prison because leftwing lawyers helped this so-called "whistleblower?" According to you, that's a campaign contribution.

The problem with boneheads like you is that you never consider the implications of your daft legal theories in the real world.
"The FEC has always limited "a thing of value" to something tangible."

Fucking moron, a service is a thing of value.
Suuure, uh-huh. Words actually do have meaning, even if you don't know what that meaning is...

though means but, however, nevertheless or in spite of.

yeah, the Ukrainians were definitely made to understand that cooperation with the US was held back until the 'corruption cases' (read Trump's baseless Crowdstrike and Biden conspiracies) investigations were complete.

Here's the Ukraine's summary of the call with Trump BEFORE the whistleblower complaint was publicly known.

"Donald Trump expressed his conviction that the new Ukrainian government will be able to quickly improve Ukraine’s image and complete the investigation of corruption cases that have held back cooperation between the Ukraine and the United States."

But US cooperation being held back until the 'corruption' investigations were complete was completely subjective, huh? Odd then that the Ukrainians got that exact message.

I mean, think of the odds! Apparently, 1 in 1.
You're inferring a conclusion. Your inferences are worthless in a court of law. Meanwhile you imagine Biden didn't do anything.

You are clearly suffering from brain damage.

You just argued that ONLY foreign donations are restricted in the solicitation prohibitions.

That's not what the FEC says.
The FEC has never limited 'things of value' to donations. Nor does the FEC in its latest statement.

That would be you insisting that only donations are 'things of value'.

And as we've established, you know jack shit about the law.
I didn't argue anything of the sort, you moron homosexual.

Oh, I believe you. But this Bripat9643 guy? He says you're a fucking liar:

Whistle Blower Outted -- It is a Brennen era operative....

Where you explicitly argued that 'damaging information' isn't something of value. And then quoting a college lawyer insisting that ONLY donations from foreign nationals are prohibited.

The FEC never says this.

The FEC has always limited "a thing of value" to something tangible. Information has never been considered a thing of value. Even volunteering your services is not considered a thing of value. Should Komrade Schiff go to prison because leftwing lawyers helped this so-called "whistleblower?" According to you, that's a campaign contribution.

Says you, citing you. Here's the FEC statement: Show us where limits 'things of value to something tangible.


You can't. As she never said this. Nor did the FEC. You did. Citing yourself.

And you know jack shit about the law.

The problem with boneheads like you is that you never consider the implications of your daft legal theories in the real world.

Says the poor, confused soul that insisted that Flynn's constitutional protections against self incrimination were violated because investigators asked him a few questions in his office.

How'd the 'real world implications' of that one work out for you again?

Remember, you don't actually know a thing about the law. Which tends to limit the utility of your 'legal theories'.
You're talking to those who don't know the meaning of the word ethics I call them repub low lifes
Suuure, uh-huh. Words actually do have meaning, even if you don't know what that meaning is...

though means but, however, nevertheless or in spite of.

yeah, the Ukrainians were definitely made to understand that cooperation with the US was held back until the 'corruption cases' (read Trump's baseless Crowdstrike and Biden conspiracies) investigations were complete.

Here's the Ukraine's summary of the call with Trump BEFORE the whistleblower complaint was publicly known.

"Donald Trump expressed his conviction that the new Ukrainian government will be able to quickly improve Ukraine’s image and complete the investigation of corruption cases that have held back cooperation between the Ukraine and the United States."

But US cooperation being held back until the 'corruption' investigations were complete was completely subjective, huh? Odd then that the Ukrainians got that exact message.

I mean, think of the odds! Apparently, 1 in 1.
You're inferring a conclusion. Your inferences are worthless in a court of law. Meanwhile you imagine Biden didn't do anything.

You are clearly suffering from brain damage.

You just argued that ONLY foreign donations are restricted in the solicitation prohibitions.

That's not what the FEC says.
The FEC has never limited 'things of value' to donations. Nor does the FEC in its latest statement.

That would be you insisting that only donations are 'things of value'.

And as we've established, you know jack shit about the law.
I didn't argue anything of the sort, you moron homosexual. The FEC has always limited "a thing of value" to something tangible. Information has never been considered a thing of value. Even volunteering your services is not considered a thing of value. Should Komrade Schiff go to prison because leftwing lawyers helped this so-called "whistleblower?" According to you, that's a campaign contribution.

The problem with boneheads like you is that you never consider the implications of your daft legal theories in the real world.
"The FEC has always limited "a thing of value" to something tangible."

Fucking moron, a service is a thing of value.

So volunteers who work for candidates without getting paid are breaking the law?

You really are a fucking moron.
yeah, the Ukrainians were definitely made to understand that cooperation with the US was held back until the 'corruption cases' (read Trump's baseless Crowdstrike and Biden conspiracies) investigations were complete.

Here's the Ukraine's summary of the call with Trump BEFORE the whistleblower complaint was publicly known.

"Donald Trump expressed his conviction that the new Ukrainian government will be able to quickly improve Ukraine’s image and complete the investigation of corruption cases that have held back cooperation between the Ukraine and the United States."

But US cooperation being held back until the 'corruption' investigations were complete was completely subjective, huh? Odd then that the Ukrainians got that exact message.

I mean, think of the odds! Apparently, 1 in 1.
You're inferring a conclusion. Your inferences are worthless in a court of law. Meanwhile you imagine Biden didn't do anything.

You are clearly suffering from brain damage.

You just argued that ONLY foreign donations are restricted in the solicitation prohibitions.

That's not what the FEC says.
The FEC has never limited 'things of value' to donations. Nor does the FEC in its latest statement.

That would be you insisting that only donations are 'things of value'.

And as we've established, you know jack shit about the law.
I didn't argue anything of the sort, you moron homosexual.

Oh, I believe you. But this Bripat9643 guy? He says you're a fucking liar:

Whistle Blower Outted -- It is a Brennen era operative....

Where you explicitly argued that 'damaging information' isn't something of value. And then quoting a college lawyer insisting that ONLY donations from foreign nationals are prohibited.

The FEC never says this.

The FEC has always limited "a thing of value" to something tangible. Information has never been considered a thing of value. Even volunteering your services is not considered a thing of value. Should Komrade Schiff go to prison because leftwing lawyers helped this so-called "whistleblower?" According to you, that's a campaign contribution.

Says you, citing you. Here's the FEC statement: Show us where limits 'things of value to something tangible.


You can't. As she never said this. Nor did the FEC. You did. Citing yourself.

And you know jack shit about the law.

The problem with boneheads like you is that you never consider the implications of your daft legal theories in the real world.

Says the poor, confused soul that insisted that Flynn's constitutional protections against self incrimination were violated because investigators asked him a few questions in his office.

How'd the 'real world implications' of that one work out for you again?

Remember, you don't actually know a thing about the law. Which tends to limit the utility of your 'legal theories'.
You're talking to those who don't know the meaning of the word ethics I call them repub low lifes
ROFL! Yeah, right, Schiff for Brains is your idea of an ethical politician.

What a fucking douchebag.
You just look dumber by the day. There was NO first hand information since the LEAKER, not whistleblower was NOT present. There has been NO corroboration of any of your lies. You just look completely desperate as this whole thing is blowing up in your face. Again.
Aww, it's so adorable watching rightards run with talking points.

Aww, it's just pathetic watching a little yellow coward have to eat his own crap. You and your idiot fellow cowards must be the only people on the planet who think getting a lot of money through quid pro quo like Biden and his cokehead son did does not enrich you. Then again you are a laughingstock......


You utterly failed to demonstrate quid pro quo.


Spoken by a true moron. Quid pro qup proven and settled. Just like the fact that you are an uneducated little yellow coward who has AGAIN moved the goal posts. One would think you'd be embarrassed to be so stupid, yet you keep lowering the bar.
"Quid pro qup proven and settled."


It's as if you think the forum really needed more evidence that you're batshit insane. :lmao:

As if we needed more evidence of your partisan stupidity. Of course this idiot thinks getting a lot of money does not enrich a person. Insecurity making you project again. Pathetic.
worth repeating....

the form was printed in May of 2018, a year and 3 months before the whistleblower reported it in Aug of 2019

:lol: yeah, one heck of crystal ball....!!!!!

You'd think these right wingers would know better by now to not believe their sources without checking them....

plus the IG weighed in with a tweet, saying the whistle blower gave them BOTH first hand and second hand info, and his investigators corroborated the second hand info.

You just look dumber by the day. There was NO first hand information since the LEAKER, not whistleblower was NOT present. There has been NO corroboration of any of your lies. You just look completely desperate as this whole thing is blowing up in your face. Again.
Aww, it's so adorable watching rightards run with talking points.

Aww, it's just pathetic watching a little yellow coward have to eat his own crap. You and your idiot fellow cowards must be the only people on the planet who think getting a lot of money through quid pro quo like Biden and his cokehead son did does not enrich you. Then again you are a laughingstock......


You utterly failed to demonstrate quid pro quo.


Spoken by a true moron. Quid pro qup proven and settled. Just like the fact that you are an uneducated little yellow coward who has AGAIN moved the goal posts. One would think you'd be embarrassed to be so stupid, yet you keep lowering the bar.
Why are you such a nasty prick all the time? What is wrong with you? Seriously?
yeah, the Ukrainians were definitely made to understand that cooperation with the US was held back until the 'corruption cases' (read Trump's baseless Crowdstrike and Biden conspiracies) investigations were complete.

Here's the Ukraine's summary of the call with Trump BEFORE the whistleblower complaint was publicly known.

"Donald Trump expressed his conviction that the new Ukrainian government will be able to quickly improve Ukraine’s image and complete the investigation of corruption cases that have held back cooperation between the Ukraine and the United States."

But US cooperation being held back until the 'corruption' investigations were complete was completely subjective, huh? Odd then that the Ukrainians got that exact message.

I mean, think of the odds! Apparently, 1 in 1.
You're inferring a conclusion. Your inferences are worthless in a court of law. Meanwhile you imagine Biden didn't do anything.

You are clearly suffering from brain damage.

You just argued that ONLY foreign donations are restricted in the solicitation prohibitions.

That's not what the FEC says.
The FEC has never limited 'things of value' to donations. Nor does the FEC in its latest statement.

That would be you insisting that only donations are 'things of value'.

And as we've established, you know jack shit about the law.
I didn't argue anything of the sort, you moron homosexual. The FEC has always limited "a thing of value" to something tangible. Information has never been considered a thing of value. Even volunteering your services is not considered a thing of value. Should Komrade Schiff go to prison because leftwing lawyers helped this so-called "whistleblower?" According to you, that's a campaign contribution.

The problem with boneheads like you is that you never consider the implications of your daft legal theories in the real world.
"The FEC has always limited "a thing of value" to something tangible."

Fucking moron, a service is a thing of value.

So volunteers who work for candidates without getting paid are breaking the law?

You really are a fucking moron.

And where did the FEC say that 'a thing of value' had to be something tangible?

Here's the statement again:


Show us, don't tell us.
A CIA analyst just stopped short of naming the whistle-blower who he described as a LEAKER not a protected whistle-blower. He also went on to explain that the form and requirement for first hand knowledge were removed specifically for this leaker in an attempt to give him/her cover and make it so they can not be investigated. He went on to state that this individual was a deep state operative with direct connections to John Brennen and Obama. Laura Ingraham stopped him short of naming the individual that he clearly had the name of...

The Attempted Coup De'Taut is ongoing. The deep state is trying every trick in the book to get Trump! This is blatant treason and it needs to be taken out...

These people are brazen and criminals!

And by 'Coup', you mean an impeachment, explicitly laid out in the constitution as within the power of the House of Representatives?

I don't think 'coup' means what you think it means.
Every House Impeachment, except this one, has been kicked off by a Full House Vote. This one is a farce. A coup attempt is apt. The Left has been threatening to impeach Trump since before he was even sworn in. You have nothing. You have not accepted the results of the 2016 election. You fool no one!

Here's the constitution. Just quote the relevant passage calling for a full house vote to open an impeachment inquiry.

Constitution of the United States - We the People

......no, go ahead. I'll wait.




What? There is no such requirement....in law, the rules of the House, or most importantly, the Constitution?

So much for the hysteric 'coup' narrative. The House has every authority to impeach, every authority to open an impeachment inquiry.
Way to go retard... Obviously you dont know how to read...
Says the chief of the federal election commission.

Fucking moron....

Are you ever not a fucking moron, fucking moron?

He didn't seek foreign political help, as Hillary and a bunch of other Dims did. He's prosecuting a crook. Since when do crooks get a "get out of jail free" card just because they are running for office?
This from the folks that spied on Trump while he ran for President?
You're inferring a conclusion. Your inferences are worthless in a court of law. Meanwhile you imagine Biden didn't do anything.

You are clearly suffering from brain damage.

You just argued that ONLY foreign donations are restricted in the solicitation prohibitions.

That's not what the FEC says.
The FEC has never limited 'things of value' to donations. Nor does the FEC in its latest statement.

That would be you insisting that only donations are 'things of value'.

And as we've established, you know jack shit about the law.
I didn't argue anything of the sort, you moron homosexual.

Oh, I believe you. But this Bripat9643 guy? He says you're a fucking liar:

Whistle Blower Outted -- It is a Brennen era operative....

Where you explicitly argued that 'damaging information' isn't something of value. And then quoting a college lawyer insisting that ONLY donations from foreign nationals are prohibited.

The FEC never says this.

The FEC has always limited "a thing of value" to something tangible. Information has never been considered a thing of value. Even volunteering your services is not considered a thing of value. Should Komrade Schiff go to prison because leftwing lawyers helped this so-called "whistleblower?" According to you, that's a campaign contribution.

Says you, citing you. Here's the FEC statement: Show us where limits 'things of value to something tangible.


You can't. As she never said this. Nor did the FEC. You did. Citing yourself.

And you know jack shit about the law.

The problem with boneheads like you is that you never consider the implications of your daft legal theories in the real world.

Says the poor, confused soul that insisted that Flynn's constitutional protections against self incrimination were violated because investigators asked him a few questions in his office.

How'd the 'real world implications' of that one work out for you again?

Remember, you don't actually know a thing about the law. Which tends to limit the utility of your 'legal theories'.
You're talking to those who don't know the meaning of the word ethics I call them repub low lifes
ROFL! Yeah, right, Schiff for Brains is your idea of an ethical politician.

What a fucking douchebag.
You support the most unethical president of all time And you should look in the mirror calling anyone a douche Russia Ukraine China can you help me??? Impeachment is too good for the scumbag You're just an unwitting sap and I forgive you
Why the obsession with the whistle blower

He was correct with what he reported
As I posted a couple of days ago everyone in Washington knows who the WB is.

By Monday everyone in the country will know who he is and where he lives.
He's already scrubbed all his SM accounts.
I hope he enjoys eating boiled chicken feet for the rest of his life, There's no extradition treaty with VN.
Shit's lawyers wrote the complaint. That fact will come out. Shit has already been shown to be a fucking liar.
From the transcript...

Zelensky: ...we are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the United States for defense purposes.

President: I would like you to do us a favor though...

Oh, Trump's BEST case scenario is that he used the power of the presidency to try and solicit interference from a foreign government in the 2020 election by having a foreign government investigate his chief political rival.

The part of this I find most astonishing isn't Trump. He just makes shit up regularly, backed by nothing. Its the cultists who ape him, word for word, when the story they're repeating has absolutely nothing backing it up.
We have a transcript to back it up, and all you have is sleazy lying Schiff for Brains. The idea that it's illegal for the federal government to prosecute corrupt politicians just because they happen to be running for office doesn't pass the laugh test.

You have a transcript where Trump solicits the Urkainian president to open an investigation into Trumps chief political rival. Where Trump explicitly connects additional US aid.....to doing this favor for Trump.

Zelensky: ...we are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the United States for defense purposes.

President: I would like you to do us a favor though...
Yup. First line on page 3.

What line and what page is Biden brought up?

Trump's Ukraine call transcript: Read the document
a debunked crowdstrike conspiracy investigation is also for his own personal political gain.

our president should not be asking a foreign country to investigate an American citizen...while holding back aid... the Doj should do it, if they find probable cause to do it.... the president should NOT be involved.... or put his thumb on the scale, EVER!

justice is suppose to be blind


We can't investigate crimes that may have happened in a foreign country without that countries approval and cooperation. The DOJ can't go to Ukraine and investigate stuff. They have NO jurisdiction.
You just look dumber by the day. There was NO first hand information since the LEAKER, not whistleblower was NOT present. There has been NO corroboration of any of your lies. You just look completely desperate as this whole thing is blowing up in your face. Again.
Aww, it's so adorable watching rightards run with talking points.

Aww, it's just pathetic watching a little yellow coward have to eat his own crap. You and your idiot fellow cowards must be the only people on the planet who think getting a lot of money through quid pro quo like Biden and his cokehead son did does not enrich you. Then again you are a laughingstock......


You utterly failed to demonstrate quid pro quo.


Spoken by a true moron. Quid pro qup proven and settled. Just like the fact that you are an uneducated little yellow coward who has AGAIN moved the goal posts. One would think you'd be embarrassed to be so stupid, yet you keep lowering the bar.
Why are you such a nasty prick all the time? What is wrong with you? Seriously?
Because all you Trump haters are a bunch of sleazy lying douchebags. If the party told you to say the sky was green, you would say the sky is green.
Oh, Trump's BEST case scenario is that he used the power of the presidency to try and solicit interference from a foreign government in the 2020 election by having a foreign government investigate his chief political rival.

The part of this I find most astonishing isn't Trump. He just makes shit up regularly, backed by nothing. Its the cultists who ape him, word for word, when the story they're repeating has absolutely nothing backing it up.
We have a transcript to back it up, and all you have is sleazy lying Schiff for Brains. The idea that it's illegal for the federal government to prosecute corrupt politicians just because they happen to be running for office doesn't pass the laugh test.

You have a transcript where Trump solicits the Urkainian president to open an investigation into Trumps chief political rival. Where Trump explicitly connects additional US aid.....to doing this favor for Trump.

Zelensky: ...we are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the United States for defense purposes.

President: I would like you to do us a favor though...
Yup. First line on page 3.

What line and what page is Biden brought up?

Trump's Ukraine call transcript: Read the document
a debunked crowdstrike conspiracy investigation is also for his own personal political gain.

our president should not be asking a foreign country to investigate an American citizen...while holding back aid... the Doj should do it, if they find probable cause to do it.... the president should NOT be involved.... or put his thumb on the scale, EVER!

justice is suppose to be blind


We can't investigate crimes that may have happened in a foreign country without that countries approval and cooperation. The DOJ can't go to Ukraine and investigate stuff. They have NO jurisdiction.
Trump has business dealing all around the globe. Let's get every one of those nations to open up investigations into him. That would be reasonable, right?
We have a transcript to back it up, and all you have is sleazy lying Schiff for Brains. The idea that it's illegal for the federal government to prosecute corrupt politicians just because they happen to be running for office doesn't pass the laugh test.

You have a transcript where Trump solicits the Urkainian president to open an investigation into Trumps chief political rival. Where Trump explicitly connects additional US aid.....to doing this favor for Trump.

Zelensky: ...we are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the United States for defense purposes.

President: I would like you to do us a favor though...
Yup. First line on page 3.

What line and what page is Biden brought up?

Trump's Ukraine call transcript: Read the document
a debunked crowdstrike conspiracy investigation is also for his own personal political gain.

our president should not be asking a foreign country to investigate an American citizen...while holding back aid... the Doj should do it, if they find probable cause to do it.... the president should NOT be involved.... or put his thumb on the scale, EVER!

justice is suppose to be blind


We can't investigate crimes that may have happened in a foreign country without that countries approval and cooperation. The DOJ can't go to Ukraine and investigate stuff. They have NO jurisdiction.
Trump has business dealing all around the globe. Let's get every one of those nations to open up investigations into him. That would be reasonable, right?
For what crime, moron? Biden committed a crime on video.
You have a transcript where Trump solicits the Urkainian president to open an investigation into Trumps chief political rival. Where Trump explicitly connects additional US aid.....to doing this favor for Trump.

Zelensky: ...we are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the United States for defense purposes.

President: I would like you to do us a favor though...
Yup. First line on page 3.

What line and what page is Biden brought up?

Trump's Ukraine call transcript: Read the document
a debunked crowdstrike conspiracy investigation is also for his own personal political gain.

our president should not be asking a foreign country to investigate an American citizen...while holding back aid... the Doj should do it, if they find probable cause to do it.... the president should NOT be involved.... or put his thumb on the scale, EVER!

justice is suppose to be blind


We can't investigate crimes that may have happened in a foreign country without that countries approval and cooperation. The DOJ can't go to Ukraine and investigate stuff. They have NO jurisdiction.
Trump has business dealing all around the globe. Let's get every one of those nations to open up investigations into him. That would be reasonable, right?
For what crime, moron? Biden committed a crime on video.
You've already been shown Biden committed no crime. You called it bribery but couldn't show what Biden got out of it.
Yup. First line on page 3.

What line and what page is Biden brought up?

Trump's Ukraine call transcript: Read the document
a debunked crowdstrike conspiracy investigation is also for his own personal political gain.

our president should not be asking a foreign country to investigate an American citizen...while holding back aid... the Doj should do it, if they find probable cause to do it.... the president should NOT be involved.... or put his thumb on the scale, EVER!

justice is suppose to be blind


We can't investigate crimes that may have happened in a foreign country without that countries approval and cooperation. The DOJ can't go to Ukraine and investigate stuff. They have NO jurisdiction.
Trump has business dealing all around the globe. Let's get every one of those nations to open up investigations into him. That would be reasonable, right?
For what crime, moron? Biden committed a crime on video.
You've already been shown Biden committed no crime. You called it bribery but couldn't show what Biden got out of it.
ROFL! You must be doing LSD. I did no such thing. His crime is on video.

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