Whistleblower Protection Act Does Not Apply to Ukraine Phone Call

You must have “reliable FIRST HAND KNOWLEDGE” of wrong doing. This asshole heard it second hand. He does not qualify for protection under the law. Oh, that’s right, Democrats don’t care about the law. Republicans in Senate need to step-up hold hearings and get this traitors name.
Whistleblower Protection Act: An Overview - FindLaw


ASSUMING that the whistleblower exists
, and that he works for the CIA then he can only whistleblow about events at the CIA - in the Whitehouse he is a SPY and the CIA has no authority to spy on Americans

Look, we have the transcripts from the phone call. So trying to make up something because you can't deal with the fact your boy is caught up just isn't going to work.
Impeach first, look for evidence later. Hasn't that been the Democrat strategy for the entire Presidency?

Same with Kavanaugh.
Another example of Democrats breaking the law. This prick needs to be exposed and prosecuted. He is a tool of the Democrats using second hand knowledge to stir shit. You can’t use “rumors” to try to impeach a President.

There is a new whistleblower act : Read and weep.

Actually it's not, it was revised again in 2012, your reference is the 2007 edition. The link in the OP references the 2012 act.

You must have “reliable FIRST HAND KNOWLEDGE” of wrong doing. This asshole heard it second hand. He does not qualify for protection under the law. Oh, that’s right, Democrats don’t care about the law. Republicans in Senate need to step-up hold hearings and get this traitors name.
Whistleblower Protection Act: An Overview - FindLaw


ASSUMING that the whistleblower exists
, and that he works for the CIA then he can only whistleblow about events at the CIA - in the Whitehouse he is a SPY and the CIA has no authority to spy on Americans

Look, we have the transcripts from the phone call. So trying to make up something because you can't deal with the fact your boy is caught up just isn't going to work.


Well, I have not seen sworn corroborated testimony from an individual showing that he had personal knowledge of the events narrated in the "transcript"

So , you are referring to a fictionalized novel

Tramp strong armed a foreign country with a history of corruption to investigate Joe Biden, his political rival.

The only political rivals Biden has are other dems, or was he anointed the commie nominee and no one was told?

What was illegal about the change?
They did it this August specifically to overthrow the elected President of the United States. Citizens will not stand for Democrats trying to overturn an election because they lost.
You have any evidence to support that?
How in the hell, with good conscious support the bullshit the Democrats are pulling?

The whistle blowers complaint is serious. The IG took it seriously. He is a Trump appointee. No one knows who he is but you have already put him through the shredder.
Serious about what? Doing much, much, much, less than Biden did? Show me in the transcript where Trump extorted the Ukrainians? Where? This is just more bullshit by the Democrats who have been after Trump since day one. I voted for the man and now Democrats want to steal my vote. There will be blood if this coup d’tat happens. People who believe in liberty won’t stand for it.
Biden didn't do anything.

I voted for the real winner of this election and I along with the majority of Americans who voted have been forced to live with a person we did not elect. The extortion in this case is easy to see. And no one wants to explain anything to liars that can declare how people have murdered others based on nothing but here we have a president who withheld funds from a country then asked the president of that country to investigate only his political opponent as a favor in return for the money. You don't believe in liberty, if you did, you'd be angry because the peoples pick for president was denied.
You must have “reliable FIRST HAND KNOWLEDGE” of wrong doing. This asshole heard it second hand. He does not qualify for protection under the law. Oh, that’s right, Democrats don’t care about the law. Republicans in Senate need to step-up hold hearings and get this traitors name.
Whistleblower Protection Act: An Overview - FindLaw


ASSUMING that the whistleblower exists
, and that he works for the CIA then he can only whistleblow about events at the CIA - in the Whitehouse he is a SPY and the CIA has no authority to spy on Americans

Look, we have the transcripts from the phone call. So trying to make up something because you can't deal with the fact your boy is caught up just isn't going to work.


Well, I have not seen sworn corroborated testimony from an individual showing that he had personal knowledge of the events narrated in the "transcript"

So , you are referring to a fictionalized novel


That's just not how it is. The time for Trump has come. Live with it.
You must have “reliable FIRST HAND KNOWLEDGE” of wrong doing. This asshole heard it second hand. He does not qualify for protection under the law. Oh, that’s right, Democrats don’t care about the law. Republicans in Senate need to step-up hold hearings and get this traitors name.
Whistleblower Protection Act: An Overview - FindLaw

^The only traitors that I see are trump, supporters like you and the Republican Party. It turns out from the transcripts, the information was right6.
There was a lot more wrong with that whistleblower's complaint than just that it was second hand information.
1. the complaint was written by lawyers paid for by Soros, it was a polished legal document, but with factual errors
2. Soros has billboards around Langley saying that they will pay for leakers and whistleblowers, i.e. make money, get Trump a two-fer.
3. Komrad Brennan likely setup the CIA whistleblower in the Whitehouse to spy on Trump
4. Rudy said that there are many errors in the Complaint, so how is it "credible"?
5. McGuire needs to stop the leaks and punish the leakers
Yes...this is some pretty shady stuff. Funny though...outside of Fox I never hear any news about this? :auiqs.jpg:

Because it is not news. It is crazy co0nspiracy theories and only Fox is crazy enough to air it.
Tramp strong armed a foreign country with a history of corruption to investigate Joe Biden, his political rival.

He can strong arm a foreign country to investigate illegal actions all he wants. Whether or not it’s a political opponent is irrelevant. Running for office does not make one immune from past crimes.

Are you joking. You must be. The republicans had 2 years of being maj in both chambers and never did this come up. (actually they were maj for 4 years) but not with tramp)

you cult members crack me up.
Extortion is a crime and an abuse of power...especially when done for personal gain.

Even more so if it concerns trying to get a foreign power to help one get elected
Biden extorted the Ukraine and bragged about it. Trump never extorted them. Where does he say that in the transcript?

Sure he did, he knew they needed weapons, they have a war on their soil.
On what charges? Doing a great job for the American people? If the Democrats try to go through with their coup d’tat against a free and fairly elected President...there will be blood.

You gonna kill folks to protect your Orange Criminal?
On what charges? Doing a great job for the American people? If the Democrats try to go through with their coup d’tat against a free and fairly elected President...there will be blood.

You gonna kill folks to protect your Orange Criminal?

Some of them unfortunately will. It will give the rest of the country even more power though to deal with them more harshly.
Impeach first, look for evidence later. Hasn't that been the Democrat strategy for the entire Presidency?

Same with Kavanaugh.
Another example of Democrats breaking the law. This prick needs to be exposed and prosecuted. He is a tool of the Democrats using second hand knowledge to stir shit. You can’t use “rumors” to try to impeach a President.

There is a new whistleblower act : Read and weep.

It was changed illegally. Too bad. Just saw it on TV. The new law allows contractors without first hand knowledge to make up wrongdoing. Its ridiculous.

What was illegal about the change?
They did it this August specifically to overthrow the elected President of the United States. Citizens will not stand for Democrats trying to overturn an election because they lost.
The Intelligence Community Secretly Removed The First-Hand Knowledge Of Wrongdoing Requirement For Whistleblower Reports

Who is the " intelligence community"?

The IC is headed by the Director of National Intelligence (DNI), whose statutory leadership is exercised through the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI). The other 16 members of the IC are:[9]United States Intelligence Community - Wikipedia

I have to give you trampers credit, you sure do try hard to spread false info.

so lets see it, I want to see the previous version of the whistleblower complaint? (in your link)

A previous version of the whistleblower complaint document, which the ICIG and DNI until recently provided to potential whistleblowers, declared that any complaint must contain only first-hand knowledge of alleged wrongdoing and that complaints that provide only hearsay, rumor, or gossip would be rejected.
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You must have “reliable FIRST HAND KNOWLEDGE” of wrong doing. This asshole heard it second hand. He does not qualify for protection under the law. Oh, that’s right, Democrats don’t care about the law. Republicans in Senate need to step-up hold hearings and get this traitors name.
Whistleblower Protection Act: An Overview - FindLaw
Have you bothered to read the complaint?
Which claims contained in that document has Trump contested?

Fuck the complaint. It’s second hand hearsay.
Fuck the complaint. It’s second hand hearsay.
Have you bothered to read the complaint?


"In the course of my of?cial duties, I have received information from multiple U.S.

"Government of?cials that the President of the United States is using the power of his of?ce to
solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 U.S. election."

Those multiple sources can be called before congress to either confirm or deny the accuracy of the complaint. Are you worried about how that will turn out for a pathological liar who's told over twelve thousand untruths since taking office?
Extortion is a crime and an abuse of power...especially when done for personal gain.

Even more so if it concerns trying to get a foreign power to help one get elected
Biden extorted the Ukraine and bragged about it. Trump never extorted them. Where does he say that in the transcript?
Biden helped get rid of a corrupt Prosecutor.'

Trump strong armed Ukraine to get manufactured dirt on his political opponent
Biden ran block for his dope head son. He extorted them. Trump did nothing of the sort.
Biden ran block for his dope head son. He extorted them. Trump did nothing of the sort.
Biden, along with the EU, IMF, and UN called on Ukraine to replace a corrupt prosecutor general who was slow-walking a complaint against Burisma with a more aggressive attorney.

Trump withheld military aid that had already been approved by congress in exchange for dirt on Joe Biden, which is textbook extortion.
You must have “reliable FIRST HAND KNOWLEDGE” of wrong doing. This asshole heard it second hand. He does not qualify for protection under the law. Oh, that’s right, Democrats don’t care about the law. Republicans in Senate need to step-up hold hearings and get this traitors name.
Whistleblower Protection Act: An Overview - FindLaw
Have you bothered to read the complaint?
Which claims contained in that document has Trump contested?

Fuck the complaint. It’s second hand hearsay.
Not credible at all. Second hand hearsay.
Not credible at all. Second hand hearsay.
Read the complaint, Clown


"Over the past four months, more than half a dozen U.S. of?cials have informed me of
various facts related to this effort. The information provided herein was relayed to me in
the course of of?cial interagency business. It is routine for U.S. officials with
responsibility for a particular regional or functional portfolio to share such information
with one another in order to inform policymaking and analysis."
You must have “reliable FIRST HAND KNOWLEDGE” of wrong doing. This asshole heard it second hand. He does not qualify for protection under the law. Oh, that’s right, Democrats don’t care about the law. Republicans in Senate need to step-up hold hearings and get this traitors name.
Whistleblower Protection Act: An Overview - FindLaw
You are allowed to report information you have heard
IG performed an investigation and found it credible
Is Hillary after him?
No but when a man like Trump desperately needs you to disappear you had better grow eyes in the back of your head.
Funny how nobody crossing him is dead. But the Clintons have a long line of bodies.

I’d feel better about crossing Trump.
Your right wing conspiracy theories are worth less than used toilet paper to me. <sound of crap being flushed>
<listens to Occupied circling the drain>
<flushes again to make sure that turd goes down>
LOL your clumsy attempt to emulate my wit amuses me.
And me
You must have “reliable FIRST HAND KNOWLEDGE” of wrong doing. This asshole heard it second hand. He does not qualify for protection under the law. Oh, that’s right, Democrats don’t care about the law. Republicans in Senate need to step-up hold hearings and get this traitors name.
Whistleblower Protection Act: An Overview - FindLaw
Have you bothered to read the complaint?
Which claims contained in that document has Trump contested?

Fuck the complaint. It’s second hand hearsay.
Not credible at all. Second hand hearsay.
Not credible at all. Second hand hearsay.
Read the complaint, Clown


"Over the past four months, more than half a dozen U.S. of?cials have informed me of
various facts related to this effort. The information provided herein was relayed to me in
the course of of?cial interagency business. It is routine for U.S. officials with
responsibility for a particular regional or functional portfolio to share such information
with one another in order to inform policymaking and analysis."
Spying on a sitting president! Wow

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